Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 160: Steve

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Chapter 160: Steve Chapter 159


Surtur stood in a pose as if to fire at the brazier, and looked down coldly at Fang Mo. "You just want to mock me, right?"

"Uh... listen to me, Surtur... No, I mean let me explain."

Fang Mo wiped his face in despair. "It's really not what you think. You might not believe it, but the Eternal Flame initiated this. I initially refused, but as you can see, it just suddenly entered my ring. Can you blame me?"


Surtur remained silent, just quietly looking at Fang Mo.

"Hey, hey, don't look at me like that."

Fang Mo said, holding his forehead. "I came here to fight you, not to perform In Front of you. I love God of War. The Eternal Flame was an accident."

"You want to fight me?"

Surtur immediately said, "Then give me the Eternal Flame. As long as I absorb it, I'll fight you."


Fang Mo looked a bit troubled. He glanced at the ring on his hand, which was now in Fiery Mode, with its scorching red gem clearly enhanced by the Eternal Flame.

He then produced a flame in his palm. "Do you see this as the Eternal Flame?"

Fang Mo extended his palm towards Surtur.

"If you're here to mock me, you've succeeded," Surtur said coldly. "I'll never forget your annoying face. When Ragnar?k comes, I'll search the nine worlds to incinerate you first, then destroy Asgard."

"I wish I could give you the Eternal Flame."

Fang Mo helplessly shook his Ring of Arcana. "The problem is it doesn't have a setting to release it; it's consumed."

Surtur spoke, "Odin took the source of my power. I have been weakened for hundreds of thousands of years. Beating me now is pointless. Unless I can merge with the Eternal Flame to regain my true form."

"No, listen, the Eternal Flame is really gone."

Fang Mo, really at a loss for words, lifted a refined firestone. "Can I compensate you with this?"

"What's this?"

Surtur looked at the refined firestone.

"A refined firestone," Fang Mo explained. "I think it's useless, but you're an elemental being. Maybe it could replace the Eternal Flame?"


Surtur remained silent, slowly extending his hand towards Fang Mo, who quickly handed over the refined firestone.

Upon inspecting it, Surtur sensed astonishing energy. Then, without a second thought, swallowed it.

Instantly, Surtur's dim body lit up, growing rapidly, turning into a skyscraper-sized monster.

"See, it works, doesn't it?" Fang Mo said excitedly.

"Asgard, I'm coming for you!"

After regaining his strength, Surtur immediately let out an excited roar towards the sky.

Accompanying his roar, it seemed as if the entire Muspelheim started to shake. The earth's veins began to tremble, countless active volcanoes erupted simultaneously, and magma began to boil as if it had a consciousness, rapidly converging in Surtr's direction.

Surtur stood in place with his arms wide open, his body absorbing the numerous streams of magma, making him grow increasingly larger. In the end, his body even surpassed the surrounding mountain peaks.

The entire world appeared incredibly small in his eyes.

"Are you sure you can handle him?" Thor asked.

"Don't worry, he's not as strong as you think," Fang Mo reassured, patting Thor's shoulder. "To me, he's just a good material."

"Material? What does that mean?"

"You'll see," Fang Mo said, taking out several potions to consume. "Let me buff up first."

"Are you sure you don't need my help?"

Thor still seemed a bit unsure. Surtur's presence was truly immense after all, and compared to Malekith, it's like they're on completely different levels. "How about I go back and inform the Father, so he can come and assist you?"

"Underestimate me at your peril," Fang Mo said, drawing his sword. "Surtur is a disaster for Asgard, but a true cataclysm like me... he won't last a minute."

"Start your fight then." Thor finally replied, seeming resigned.

Fang Mo leaped high into the air, swinging his sword down with immense force. The blade made contact with Surtur's chest, causing a loud sound and a huge wound. But the wound healed nearly instantly.

"It's you..." Surtur said, recovering quickly. "I almost forgot. I said I would turn you into ashes..."

Speaking of this, Surtur immediately raised the Twilight Sword in his hand.

However, looking back at Fang Mo, he was not flustered at all, and a disappointed expression appeared on his face at this moment: "A body made of blazing flames and molten lava, huh? Tsk... the touch is really bad."

Yes, this Surtur is indeed an elemental spirit. It looks like it has a physical body to attack, but when hit, it is all made of substances like molten lava. The opponent is not harmed at all. This was also demonstrated by Hela in the original story, who attacked Surtur with her Nightsword, forming giant spikes, but he was not harmed at all.

The reason Surtur was momentarily distracted was because Imperomite attacked his soul.

"Fang Mo, are you sure you don't need help?"

Seeing that Surtur was unharmed by a sword strike, Thor from below couldn't help but shout, "Should we call Father for help? Or let Loki manipulate the Bifrost? The beams of the Bifrost should be able to hurt it..."

"Do you trust me a little or not?" Fang Mo turned his head and asked to Thor upon hearing this.

"Twenty seconds of the one minute have already passed," Thor reminded him.

"Damn it!"

Fang Mo couldn't help but curse, then refocused his gaze on Surtur.

"Die, Fire Thief!"

Surtur roared and swung the Twilight Sword towards Fang Mo in mid-air.

However, Fang Mo didn't even dodge. With a slight thought, his Stand Steve instantly appeared, wielding a Battle Sign next to him.

The sword that was over a hundred meters long seemed as if it could both split the heavens and earth. It directly struck the Battle Sign in Steve's hand. The enormous sword collided with the tiny figure, yet Steve didn't take a single step back. Instead, Surtur's blade was repelled.

Upon seeing this, Surtur was stunned in place.

However, Fang Mo didn't give him time to react. He raised his hand, and the Evertide Amulet instantly shot towards the sky.

With the sound of thunder, raindrops the size of beans began to fall pitter-patter.


Surtur looked up incredulously at the sky.


It's raining.

A torrential downpour washed over the entire kingdom of fire.

Water droplets collided with molten lava, creating billows of steam. Hissing sounds filled the air as the scorched ground, hot enough to be hundreds of degrees, started to cool rapidly, becoming moist and cold.

"What have you done to this place, Fire Thief!"

Rain continued to pour on Surtur, evaporating instantly. Steam swirled around his body as he swung his Twilight Sword at Fang Mo, shouting, "I will kill you!"

This time, Fang Mo didn't attack head-on.

A black light flashed, and he teleported behind Surtur.

Fang Mo waved his hand, and his Ring of Arcana and Evertide Talisman activated simultaneously.

It was as if hundreds of waterfalls had been forcibly squeezed together, then sprayed out from the palm of his hand. Under extreme cold, the mist turned into frost, as if he were holding a giant ice sword.

With one slash, Surtur was instantly frozen in place.

Lava might be immune to physical attacks, but it couldn't resist the extreme cold of the endless winter.

Even though Surtur was the ruler of Muspelheim, the Casket of Ancient Winters was also a source of power in Jotunheim. The nine realms restrained each other; it was an unchanging truth.

Without waiting for Surtur to react, Fang Mo clapped his hands together.

Thorns shot out from his body, quickly multiplying and splitting, forming a net that rapidly enveloped Surtur. The more Surtur struggled, the higher his body temperature became, and the thorns multiplied crazily.

But the opponent was the ruler of the Fire Kingdom, and the entire world was aiding him.

Lava surged from deep underground, gathering at Surtur's feet, filling his body, providing him with endless energy.

Normally, this kind of monster would be unkillable.

Whether crushed by gravity, torn apart, temporarily frozen by the breath of the Casket of Ancient Winters, or even shattered into pieces by the power of the Space Gem, as long as there was energy around, lava would quickly reform, constituting a new body for Surtur to continue wreaking havoc.

But frankly, Fang Mo wasn't afraid of unkillable things.

Because he wasn't just powerful himself.

He also mastered the power of rules.

"It's all up to you now."

With a thought, Steve's stand immediately appeared behind him.

Steve quickly drank a few potions and then threw an Ender Pearl at Surtur's feet. The next second, he teleported and appeared in front of Surtur.

Then came a familiar leap attack.

Compared to Surtur's mountainous body, Steve might not even qualify as an ant.

Yet, this plain, unremarkable strike, which couldn't even break the skin on Surtur's foot, made Surtur emit a painful howl.

Suddenly, his body exploded violently.

Countless lava droplets spewed out like plasma from within.


— 30 Advance Chapters!

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