Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 35 - 34

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Chapter 35: Chapter 34

"Where did he go?" Coulson asked Fang Mo, confused by Loki's sudden disappearance. "Did he turn invisible again?"

"No," Fang Mo shook his head. "This time he actually left."

"Where? To Asgard?" Coulson was surprised.

Before he could get clarification, several technicians rushed over, holding a stack of data, eager to report the situation to him.

After listening for a while, Fang Mo understood that their instruments had detected an extraordinary energy fluctuation. The analysis indicated the creation of a temporary channel through pure energy, similar to Einstein's proposed Rosen Bridge theory. It seemed to connect two distinct spaces using powerful energy.

In simpler terms, the technicians suspected the presence of a nearby temporal-spatial tunnel.

Hearing the report and considering Loki's previous behavior, Coulson began to believe in the existence of Asgard.

However, this belief also raised concerns within him.

He had just encountered extraterrestrials, and mishandling the situation could pose a crisis to Earth. He realized the need to report this matter immediately to the director.

"Now that Loki has left, I guess there's nothing for me to do here, right?" Fang Mo said, preparing to leave the interrogation room. "You guys can handle this mess on your own. I'll take my leave..."

"Wait!" Thor, sitting in the interrogation chair, suddenly interjected.

Fang Mo stopped and turned back, curious. "What's up?"

Thor hesitated for a moment before speaking earnestly, "Who are you exactly? I apologize if I offended you earlier, but I'm incredibly curious about your identity because... in Midgard, ordinary humans can't possibly possess such extensive knowledge about Asgard."

"Mr. Fang Mo is a Technical Advisor for our S.H.I.E.L.D. agency," Coulson explained. "He is a powerful sorcerer from an ancient Eastern country, and together, we are dedicated to protecting this world from harm."

Fang Mo silently glanced at Coulson, surprised by his explanation. Coulson met his gaze, silently pleading for understanding.

"Very well," Fang Mo shrugged. Titles didn't matter much to him, and Coulson was an amiable person. Whether in the original work or in this situation, it wouldn't hurt to show some respect.

"So, you're a sorcerer?" Thor recalled something upon hearing this. "My father once told me that while the mortals of Midgard are weak, a few have mastered mysterious magic. They have safeguarded Earth from threats of other dimensions for generations, and the most powerful among them is known as the Sorcerer Supreme, possessing the power to foresee the future... So, are you the Sorcerer Supreme?"

Thor's curiosity prompted him to ask.

Coulson and Fang Mo exchanged glances at Thor's question.

Coulson hadn't expected Fang Mo to be so formidable that even the gods of Norse mythology held him in high regard.

But before Coulson could fully comprehend the situation, Fang Mo's next words left him perplexed once again.

"Sorcerer Supreme?" Fang Mo shrugged and calmly responded, "Isn't the Sorcerer Supreme the Ancient One? It's not me, and it has nothing to do with me."

Both Coulson and Thor were surprised by this revelation.

Thor was surprised because he had assumed Fang Mo was the Sorcerer Supreme due to his extensive knowledge of Asgard. Even without his godly powers, Thor sensed a hint of fear from Loki towards Fang Mo, indicating the mage's formidable strength. He might even surpass the Sorcerer Supreme, the mightiest protector among mortals.

Coulson, on the other hand, was genuinely perplexed. Coulson hadn't anticipated the existence of such a powerful magician hiding on Earth.

According to Thor, the Sorcerer Supreme was not only powerful but also benevolent, safeguarding the world. However, this raised concerns. If the Sorcerer Supreme could remain concealed, what would prevent malevolent entities from doing the same? SHIELD had no knowledge of the extradimensional creatures the Sorcerer Supreme fought against. What if the Sorcerer Supreme made an inadvertent mistake?

These thoughts cast doubt on the safety of Earth, defying their previously held assumptions.

In contrast to Coulson's profound reflections, Thor focused on the immediate matter. He addressed Fang Mo directly, acknowledging his extraordinary abilities. "Even if you're not the Sorcerer Supreme, you must be a powerful mage."

Fang Mo couldn't help but chuckle at Thor's observation. "It seems your temperament has greatly improved," he remarked. "Becoming mortal seems to have its benefits. At least you have learned the value of courtesy."

Regret filled Thor's voice as he replied, "Unfortunately, I realized it too late. I have failed to live up to my father's expectations. Perhaps I am unworthy of being the rightful ruler of Asgard after all."

Fang Mo pondered for a moment, then offered his perspective. "Well, in reality, there are various types of kings," he mused. "Some are valiant warriors who conquer lands and wealth for their people, while others pursue peace, fostering harmony and joy in their kingdoms. The role of a king is not confined to a single mold. Each person possesses their unique character and ideals."

"In my view, as long as you are loved and respected by your subjects, deserving of their admiration, you can already be deemed a righteous ruler."

Thor nodded, contemplating Fang Mo's words. "I have pondered this matter. When war erupts, Asgard's warriors will inevitably suffer heavy losses. They have loved ones and friends, just as I do. But Asgard's warriors are willing to die defending their homeland, unafraid of sacrifice because they deem it honorable."

"However, as the one instigating a war... I'm ashamed... My people would perish needlessly due to my personal desires. Their loved ones would be devastated because I have acted selfishly."

Fang Mo's surprise was evident as he responded to Thor's newfound self. Later, he even doubted whether Thor could still wield Mjolnir, given Loki's influence. Loki's deceit had only aimed to rub salt in Thor's wounds, yet unexpectedly, Thor began introspecting his own mistakes... It wouldn't be long before he reclaimed his divine power.

"But it is too late for me," Thor sighed, his head hung low in dejection. "My father is already dead, and I have no opportunity to demonstrate my new self..."

Fang Mo offered a glimmer of hope with a smile. "At the very least, you can uncover the truth."

"The truth?" Thor raised his head in astonishment. "What do you mean?"

Fang Mo posed a thought-provoking question. "Do you truly believe that Odin, the King of the Gods, could perish so easily? Or, to put it differently, don't you find Odin's death suspicious?"

Thor's response would reveal his comprehension. "Well..." If he failed to grasp the implication of Fang Mo's words at this point, he would appear foolish. "Are you suggesting that Father's death was not as it seemed? But I have already been exiled. What should I do?"

Fang Mo's smile persisted as he advised Thor, "That question should be answered by you... And also imagine if your friend had committed the same mistake and was exiled here, what would you do?"

Thor blurted out almost instinctively, revealing his true character. "Having erred, one should make amends... and I would visit my friend in secret." Realization struck him suddenly, his eyes widening incredulously as he gazed at Fang Mo.

However, Fang Mo had already turned and departed, leaving Thor behind.

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