Reborn with Steve Stand-Chapter 373 - 370: Are looking down on us... Women?

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Chapter 373: Chapter 370: Are looking down on us... Women?

"What... what are you guys doing!?"

After the initial shock, everyone quickly gathered around, especially those on Hayakawa Aki's side, who seemed utterly dumbfounded: "Power, have you lost your mind?"

"This has nothing to do with me."

Power immediately explained after getting out of the car: "It was the boss who told me to hit him. If someone gets killed, go find him. And the car isn't mine, so even if you want to blame it on Kobeni-chan, you can't blame me, right?"

"You guys... this..."

Hayakawa Aki didn't know what to say, expressing with an immense headache: "Kurose-senpai... Can he still be saved if we send him to the hospital now?"

"I think there's probably no need to send him to the hospital."

At this moment, Yoshida Hirofumi suddenly spoke up: "Hayakawa-senpai, look at Kurose-senpai's face."


Upon hearing this, everyone unconsciously looked down and noticed indeed a change in Kurose's face.

He had just been hit by a car, and then the tire had rolled over his face, resulting in a deathly appearance with blood flowing from all orifices. Yet, he was still recognizable as Kurose.

However, under everyone's gaze, his face... or rather his entire head, was slowly changing, as if removing a disguise, gradually transforming into another person's appearance. Tamaoki, who was not far away, immediately changed his expression and exclaimed: "This face... looks like one of the Undying Trio, doesn't it?"

"Exactly! It seems I have uncovered the enemy's true identity!"

Power, seeing this, immediately said: "Quick, praise me, foolish humans. This is my achievement!"

"The Undying Trio?"

However, Hayakawa Aki paid him no heed and turned to Tamaoki: "Who is that?"

"A Devil hunter from the USA." Tamaki explained: "Though called Devil hunters, they basically never kill Devils; instead, they engage in assassin-like activities. They are three brothers who have made a pact with a skin Devil, allowing them to take on someone else's appearance just by touching their corpse."

"So, Kurose-senpai has already..."

Upon hearing this, Hayakawa Aki let out a deep sigh.

"Most likely, he was murdered." Kusakabe said: "The Undying Trio is known for their ruthlessness in the USA. It's likely not just Mr. Kurose who was killed, but Aldo-sepain and also Ms. Tendo."

"The contract is held by the three brothers, so there are two more people, right?"

Yoshida Hirofumi spoke up from the side, "Perhaps others have already disguised themselves and infiltrated our ranks. We should first find a way to confirm each other's identities."

"In that case, let's each reveal our contracted Devils."

Kusakabe thought for a moment and suggested, "But we should go somewhere with no people around, this place is too crowded... And although Kurose here is an impostor, the Chainsaw Boy must be real, right? He was hit by a car, is he alright?"

"Don't worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Mo slowly emerged from the car: "The injuries he usually sustains are much more severe than this. Being chopped into stuffing is considered a minor injury for him; pulling a tab can revive him to full health instantly."

"How did you realize that someone was impersonating Kurose-senpai?"

Hayakawa Aki looked up and asked Fang Mo, even though Power kept claiming the credit, it was clearly Fang Mo who had instructed her to do so.

"Do you even need to ask?"

Fang Mo pointed directly at a corpse on the ground and said, "This beast, I could tell at a glance it wasn't human..."

To be honest, Fang Mo initially couldn't distinguish the true from the false, having followed Chainsaw Man for a long time, it was impossible to remember every detail so clearly. However, the issue was that he had just glanced at the minimap, and the chibi avatar of the person wasn't Kurose but someone he had never seen before.

At such a time, disguising oneself as another identity to approach the protagonist group, that must mean the person is a villain.

"There are three people in the 'Undying Brothers'."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Tamaoki also reacted and directly asked Fang Mo, "There should still be two people hiding, can Consultant Fang Mo find them?"

"Hmm... Let me see."

Fang Mo looked at the minimap through Steve's perspective: "From what I see, the opponent hasn't mixed in with us, they must be hiding in the crowd around us, right?"

"What should we do, should we control the crowd?"

Hayakawa Aki asked.

"Wouldn't that be making too much of a scene?" Kusakabe couldn't help but say, "And if it causes panic among the public, it would be easier for other enemies to attack us in the chaos."

"Alright, I've found them."

As they were speaking, Fang Mo raised his hand and pointed to a spot not far away.

Due to the recent car accident, a crowd had already gathered around, as humans are indeed a species that enjoys a spectacle. Following the direction Fang Mo pointed, they saw a pair that looked like father and son, one older and one younger, staring at the corpse on the ground with disbelief.

To be honest, both of their appearances were utterly ordinary, the kind that couldn't be singled out in a crowd, but their expressions were indeed strange.

The expressions on everyone else's faces were those of shock, fear, or disgust.

But only the two of them had expressions of disbelief, sadness, and hatred on their faces. It was clear to anyone with eyes that the person lying on the ground had a connection to them.

"Just these two losers."

Fang Mo simply waved his hand and said, "Anyway, get someone to finish them off first."

"I'll go." Yoshida Hirofumi volunteered, then walked towards the two with a smile. Although it was a smile, he already emitted a killing aura, causing the bystanders to instinctively step back, making way for the two.

"Damn, we've been discovered!"

Seeing that their disguise had failed, the two no longer pretended and immediately thought of retreating. The one disguised as a young man immediately pulled out a handgun, retreating while firing.

"This...a gun! It's a gun!"

The bystanders panicked upon seeing the gun, realizing this was beyond mere spectating, and hurriedly turned to flee.


Yoshida Hirofumi raised his hand, and immediately a blast of black mist exploded behind him, with giant octopus tentacles acting like a wall in front of him, blocking the bullets.

Seeing that shooting was ineffective, the attackers immediately turned to run, but Yoshida Hirofumi pulled out a small knife from nowhere and threw it forward, hitting one in the back. The person spat blood and fell to the ground with a look of disbelief and despair.

"Second brother!"

Seeing his companion fall, the remaining old man seemed panicked and shouted, then his face showed anger as he instinctively reached for his waist, seemingly trying to draw a gun.

However, before he could draw his gun, a fireball flew over and engulfed him completely.

With a scream, the man fell to the ground, lifeless, engulfed in flames.

With this, the indestructible trio was completely wiped out.

After dealing with these assassins from the USA, the guard team felt a slight relief. Yoshida Hirofumi slowly walked back, curiously looking at Hayakawa Aki. "Your contracted Devil is quite special. Fire has a significant lethality to many Devils. My octopus says it dislikes you a bit. Which Devil did you make a contract with?"

"It's not a contr..."

"Oh, he made a contract with Agni."

Before Hayakawa Aki could finish, Fang Mo interrupted him: "The Devil of the primal flame, fear of fire is an instinct ingrained in the genes, and it was born from it."

"Sounds like a powerful Devil."

Yoshida Hirofumi said.

"This world was originally enveloped in endless darkness. It was only after the first flame rose that light dispersed the darkness. This is the primal fire Agni that supports all life," Fang Mo explained with a smile. "But now, as the fire dims and no king is seen, Hayakawa Aki, the ember without fire, stepped forward in this critical moment, willingly becoming the fuel king..."

"Although I don't understand, it seems very impressive."

Yoshida Hirofumi chuckled and said, "It must be related to the contract conditions with the Fire Devil, but given the crowd here, using a subtle way of expression is indeed reasonable."

"So, what should we do with the corpses on the ground?"

Hayakawa Aki did not join in, rather, it seemed he had already gotten used to Fang Mo's nonsense, "These are humans, not Devils. It's not good to just leave them here, is it?"

"The Special Division should have arranged for logistics personnel specifically for this."

Tamaki explained, "All we need to do is protect the Chainsaw Boy. The rest can be left to the logistics team. If not, your colleagues can handle it, like that Devil over there."

"Eh? Me?"

The Violence Devil was a bit surprised, "But I've never dealt with this kind of thing."

"What's the big deal? Kobeni-chan has a car, doesn't she?"

Fang Mo directly said, "Just load the bodies of these three people into the car and take them to the police station, and that's it. Or, if you find it troublesome, just throw them into an oil drum, seal it with cement, and sink it in Tokyo Bay..."

"Kobeni is going to cry, isn't she?"

After hearing this, the Violent Devil subconsciously touched his head, "Her car just ran someone over, and now it has to carry these dead bodies away. Isn't this too ominous?"

"What's the big deal? The Iveco and the Golden Cup vans can carry dead bodies and ashes, why can't her car do it?"

Fang Mo immediately retorted, "Are you looking down on us women?"


This series of punches left the Violence Devil completely dumbfounded.

"Can you stop causing trouble?" Seeing this, Hayakawa Aki couldn't help but interject, directly making a comment, "Aren't you a man too? Stop making things difficult for Gal..."

However, before he could finish his sentence.

Fang Mo had already transformed into a young girl with white hair and red eyes.

"Come on, keep talking." The young girl, standing with her hands on her hips, boldly said, "You actually assumed my gender... What do you want to know? My Age? I'm going to put this pathetic Devil hunter in jail."

"If you're guilty, let the law punish you."

Seeing Fang Mo like this, Hayakawa Aki also covered his face with an immense headache, "Letting this Devil torment me by turning into a little girl... sigh~"

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