Reich Marshal of the Belkan Reich-Chapter 243: RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – -10: Stockholm Conference (Part 10)

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Chapter 243: RM Vol 3: For a World without Boundary – Chapter 54-10: Stockholm Conference (Part 10)

Author notes:

I'm back! As promised, the newest Chapter (on Pa-treon) will be some R&R Chapter without much action involve. The scene in that Chapter reflects that with me having needed to do some research about food kek. Not much else to say though, unless you want me to harp on about health again :D

As such, do enjoy your Chapter and the pictures that accompanied it in the album! Peace, and thank you for your support!

Read 𝓁at𝙚st chapters at ƒrē Only.


A week has gone by since the start of the Stockholm Conference, with many positive benefits to the majority of those involved. Of course, some are sullied in the process, either due to their insatiable greed or petty rivalry with one another. To that kind of people, nothing can seem to satisfy them, hence they're better off ignored so that the important talks can proceed. I am looking at you, Udina.

Anyway, in that span of a week, the conference has managed to produce the joint statement that has been much needed. As expected, before the release of the joint statement, the information about the follies of the Sardegnian Papacy had been leaked to the masses. While the Protestant populace in Sweden has faced little to no disruption, in fact, they even celebrate the falling of the Catholic Church while performing a period of mourning for the victims involved... The same cannot be said for anywhere else. Erusea and Ustio are put under religious turmoil. The United States has its populace going around hunting for priests and bishops, understandable considering the extent of their damage. Even the Long Dynasty also face a surprising number of public disorder due to the presence of a small but not insignificant community of Catholic followers.

Suffice to say, that only a rare few countries can proudly boast that they have escaped the revelation unruffled. Still, with the joint statement made and the promise, hollow as it may be, that the perpetrators have been rightfully punished, the world leaders are hoping that the situation won't deteriorate any further than protests and riots. Nonetheless, it's still better for them to return to their home nation soon in case of any unforeseen development. Fortunately, the Stockholm Conference is scheduled to come to an end in three days' time. A time period that is best used to tie up any loose end and secure any deal possible since it's a rare opportunity for many notable individuals to be gathered in one place.


"In the spirit of cooperation, fairness, and upholding our prior commitment, the Belkan Reich will be pulling out its Armed Forces from the port city of Taranto, formerly the territory of the Sardegnian Papacy." Lu announced, confirming the suspicion that many had kept it to themselves. "Nonetheless, the need to maintain a neutral but safe humanitarian corridor for Sardegnian citizens is a must. As such, we hereby propose the ceding of the control of Taranto to the Spanish Inquisition. What say you all?"

As proper politicians and strategic thinkers, the people in the room can see that the move was made to spare Belka the trouble of having to manage an overseas territory that's in chaos. Other than that, it's also a public-winning move as Belka will be staying true to their promise of not grabbing the lands of the now-collapsed Sardegna. It's a move that one can not raise any objection to for obvious reasons, even though it will no doubt result in the polishing of Belka's name.

Well, one person can certainly object here, and that's the Spanish Lord Inquisitor himself. But as a follower of good Christianity, the man won't refuse the proposal. On the off chance that he did though, another bout of discussion will arise, and nobody wants to extend the conference needlessly with an issue that's rightfully isn't theirs. To maintain a secured corridor in Taranto, Sardegna, is to pour money with little to no return other than the possible promise of manpower. For countries that are so far off away from Sardegna, it's not a good sink to dump their precious tax money in.

As expected, Lord Inquisitor Camati voices his approval. "Aye to the proposal." The man nodded to the Empress of Belka.

To maintain the facade of unity, King Gustaf V speaks up after the Lord Inquisitor's acceptance. "Raise your hands if aye is your answer."

Hands belonging to anyone important in the room are raised. While the show of support is ultimately unneeded since the Spanish already decided to take in the problem themselves, it's mostly for propaganda purposes as the reporters will be noting down everything in the room. Nonetheless, there are obvious questions about how Belka will be handling the transfer, or how the Spanish Inquisition is expected to facilitate its operation on overseas territories.

A short discussion takes place soon after. The Belkan representatives state that, while Belkan will be retreating its military presence in the region, they will be leaving behind precious infrastructure for the Spanish Inquisition to command. Things like the reconstructed port of Taranto, newly constructed buildings, bunkers, and even ships that they have seized from the Papal Navy at the port city. On the Spanish side, they are expecting to uphold the safety corridor by requesting the aid of the military contractors from Shadow Company. In exchange for the promise of benefits and riches in the African continent, they should be able to enlist the aid of the renowned Company in keeping Taranto safe. The bargain is made possible only because of the transferring of Sardegna's former African colonies over to the Spanish Inquisition a few days prior.

The answers are soon deemed acceptable by the gathering. Clearly, it doesn't take much effort since once again, people want to dust their hands off the Sardegnian situation as a whole.

Of course, some people are feeling a weird sentiment, as if someone has just pulled a rug over their eyes. Their instinct as long-time leaders and politicians has pinged them that something is seriously wrong, that they are losing out a potential benefits somehow. Yet, when they investigate this warning, the feeling disappears as if it's never there. They recheck the talks and agreements that have occurred thus far, only to find everything has been settled satisfactorily for the most part.

A trick of the mind then, maybe? Most settle for that answer, but not the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. This one has known firsthand just how scary Belka's reach is. She won't be surprised that the Reich will somehow find itself profiting the most from the Mediterranean situation if they aren't already.

Regardless of what she is feeling right now, however, Amaterasu must admit that Belka has made a foolproof choice, picking Spain as basically the overseeing power of the Meds. With so many hands involved in the backing of Spain, it will be hard for them to lean to one side in particular. Thus it will leave no choice for Spain to become a fully neutral party. Not to mention the fact that the country's military is now barely qualified as a self-defense force that volunteering divisions from elsewhere are being pulled back. This means that for the foreseeable future, the Mediterranean will be peaceful. Nations of Europe won't have to pay attention to a superpower down under rising any time soon. They can now refocus their effort on their squabble in continental Europe. This is doubly so for Belka, perhaps the biggest winner among all of them.

Amaterasu can feel her back shivering in fright when she attains the realization that Belka has seemingly planned everything from the start. While yes, there are some surprises here and there, no plans survive first contact after all, for the most part, Belka has been able to both clean their name and thrive on the world stage. It won't be a shock if the public starts praising the Reich as an actual beacon of hope now. The scariest part here is that Belka has achieved this in a short few years, and just by being the actual world police at that. Ironic, isn't it?

Jokes aside, it takes extreme planning and resources to do what they did, and it seems that Belka has it in spade thanks to a certain Marshal. It's moments like this that Amaterasu laments the current frozen political relationship between the two nations.

Things could have been way different in another history.


In a dark, non-descript boat warehouse that is situated by the wide shoreline of Stockholm, a group comprised of men and women from various age ranges unloaded crates and boxes of their small passenger ship. It's a weird choice of a harbor for a vessel that size nonetheless, being off the beaten lane and barely large enough to host a single walkway, there's not even a proper group of workers around. But it gives them secrecy, something that these seagoers turned unintended dock workers now value more than gold. Despite the overall ragged appearance of the group, with the clothes they wear having faded in any obvious color and marking, one can still make out that they're Sardegnians in origin due to the accent in the way they speak Erusean to the few locals that approach the harbor to see what the hubbub is. While no suspicion has been raised to the authority's ears, the leader of these Sardegnian sailors still advises the men stationed on the perimeter to always be on guard after sending the locals away. It has been a long journey for them all to get here, one that involved many bribes and favors being called by the leader of this Sardegnian expedition, he won't have their cover blown the moment they rest ashore.

On paper, they are allowed to dock for fifteen days to trade with the locals before setting sail to find a safe harbor accepting Sardegnian refugees. But the leader has a feeling that the cover won't fly for long since why would refugees from Sardegna sail this far North when there are better choices of destination down South? Nonetheless, he will take any breather he can get before getting his men and women square away in preparation for what's to come. It's also probably for the best that these brave people won't be able to learn of the news the local radio waves have been broadcasting. It would be damming to morale, one that they have been running on thus far, otherwise.

The passenger ship they had taken was running on radio silent for the most part, hence no one really knows what has been going on with the rest of the world. They do not need to know now. The leader has placed a gag order on the perimeter guards, men he can trust, so that no one would know of what has transpired in the Stockholm Conference.

Once again, they do not need to know. Sardegna must remain a spotless manifestation of the Lord. Only then will they bravely martyr themselves for the Papacy.

Deus Vult.