Reincarnated as a Duck: A beast progression litrpg isekai-Chapter 214: Ultium's adventure - Part 1

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Bagus was clear and open.

Murai appreciated him and figured he could use his wings for flying too, but even when Bagus offered him lessons, he plainly refused. What use did they have for his priorities or other problems? He was too busy with other worries to care for his laughable flying capabilities.

His life was on the damned line! Lisa was flying right beside Murai, eying the surroundings and shifting her eyes dozens of times a second. Little lines curled around her head and eyes, making her eyes pop off in a mix of azure whiteness. David and Itrosh were both unknown under her eyes, but that was what communication was about.

Each of them knew their direction, so there was no need to mention a thing. She could sit on top of Bagus as well, but she kept glancing around for potential dangers.

“Aren't you tired?” Murai asked her. “I don't recall you took a speck of rest in recent days. You hardly went back to my soul space either since the last Gate. In fact, the whole Encounter is like that. Do you want to be helpful this much? Against the strength and your luck, but with a wild strategy. Do we stand a chance?” Murai said, leaving nothing but a small flattering surprise on Lisa's face.

She didn't expect to hear his worries, or could it be another taunt? Was he making fun of her?

“Y-you? Do you have time to worry about that? Me, in fact? I thought you didn't care for whatever issues there were about me. No worries. I can keep going until the end of this mess, Gate, or temple as a whole. We have plans. We ought to finish it. So don't give me any bad ideas, nor do you need it. Focus on yourself.” She said to him without giving him much face, or glances.

She flew onwards, face sharp like her eyes. Murai clutched the feather with his beak as he spoke to her mind. The wind swayed his feathers and face, turning this travel into an aching mess.

He could only do what he must do, which wasn't much. He can't train in this sort of position whatsoever. Maybe some magic training will work. But if anything terrible happened, he should be safe, right? Safety had many faces, so Murai shook his head, almost falling off when he lost the grip of grayish feathers.

He caught the feathers in time and adjusted his position

before going over his inner thoughts.

Let's calm down about this, damned duck. Patience is a virtue. Rocky would say the same thing. Even in the form of revenge and getting power, things make sense when the hunt is full of hunters, and the hunter is hunted. How long will it last? Days... weeks? Now, what do I have? What do Limiters, or Walls mean? Nothing.

Major Thresholds are peculiar, however, Murai considered. Smaller too, if one knows their shit. I do, so what is there for me? Core? Not enough. Shaping? Good enough, but it requires time and stronger force, and... hasn't my Mana Pool increased alongside those Boosts? Wasn't a core's progression fitted into Mana Pool as well? It never changed, but Pool did. It increased like affinities, so how much does my individuality matter, and how much does this world clutch my life? Abilities are one thing, but... couldn't I change my evolution on my own? What was that choice when I turned into Level 1? Couldn't I handle some aspects of Peniscula even as a Panacea?

How about using their abilities because of our common physicality? There are also those... choices. Peak Layering is good, but Explosion sounded great as well. Couldn't I reach out for it in time and learn it by myself? Well... that seems excessive if this power is etched into the rules of this world or option because Boosts grands knowledge and ideas, which means help and reliance. It's cheap too,... so this might be one of the reasons why Gods are so lofty in this world. They clutch their subjects by making complications simpler, or this issue is more or less not that hard to grasp. Maybe to do it would require quite some balls and Influence Items alone. Experiments too, perhaps? Those might be terrible if things would go wrong, so yes. I believe this is the correct assessment. I shouldn't be too greedy since I have a lot on my plate.

What about the power level? A joke like many other things this world provides. What about me? A questionable Anatidae that has no instincts, family, or backing behind it. Isn't everything one big joke? Murai went through a series of involuntary questions that he answered with his reasons.

His past days gave him an unlikely face of clarity that was different than in Gate 2. There, he battled and found his footing among the Islands, beasts, Lisa, and his own findings and stress. Here, he found calmness before the storm and those who knew about Anatidaes left some mark.

Bagus was a great addition to it, right behind Itrosh who wouldn't back down from any benefits that would get her closer to him. Answers were worth like words, so Murai didn't hesitate in any choices. Be it with Lisa in the picture or not, she begrudgingly accepted that his new Helpers gave him this clarity that she could've solved long ago.

She believed in proper timing. It was one of her many bad habits, Murai believed even when his foundation and knowledge reached a new peak.

His training wasn't as powerful. He felt his spells and Shaping would improve only so much in a couple of days without his core eating or altering in its ways. The best work was the Heavenly Shaping Manual. Training inside of it was great because of extended and altered time, while anything learned inside had massive validity in reality.

As he calculated, depending on time and mana flooding in the Manual, time dilution and his overall time limit worked wonders. The ten-times lowered flow was insane, but it wasn't as if he could remain there for a day in real-time. He calculated that two hours, in reality, was the limit when training because his mana was what fueled his Manual.

Pillage also explained that some laughable little cretins wouldn't even last a dozen minutes inside, so that made him special in some way, or it was simply how Anatidaes were. Pillage made no other comments about it.

Any special work or attention put into the Heavenly Shaping internal space lowered the expected time. Pillage mentioned that to him numerous times, while the first visit was briefest because of the overall legacy exchange.

In his later visits, Murai reached a brand new understanding and appreciation of that old dog. He didn't learn some unhindered secrets from him, but having a private place was great and training was even better under his notable guidance and experiences with wilderness.

Murai spent more than a hundred hours inside of that manual in the last few days, and he felt he could've doubled it.

It didn't give clarity on his first. It was more like honorary confusion mixed with curiosity. Murai wasn't questioning that time all that much. He was spent after reaching yet another Overdraft that was nothing but requirements for accessing his Manual.

As Murai contemplated and had numerous internal worries, before wanting to do them more, Lisa grabbed his beak. It wasn't to give him trouble but to gain some footing and show him her resolute face.

“Listen. I can hear you all the damned time. I can't shake your inner voice. Like ever!” She reasoned. “I get your worries. Have a better plan besides the flight? Is the bait too high for you? Bagus is sharp too. I am watching over you. We can do this, or do you think of yourself as mighty or weak? Do as you wish, but as a less than a year-old Blessed and Child, you are nothing but a beginner.”

Murai watched her in shock because she was holding him while he barely stayed on Bagus's back. “I didn't ask to be heard, or clutched,” he argued.

“Same or not, I am connected to you. Think of this as my last mention that plans and power follow us all the same. Have some courage, even though you don't need one. Considering the circumstance and your lofty soul, I doubt you know the lengths of what hopes can be.”

“No idea, huh... Perhaps you are the same.”

“Possibly. All you know is dreadful dreams and variants of hope. You are pinned between forces that step close and out of your little life, close, yet far from you, and they are waiting and hoping. It is nothing extreme, so I don't blame your soul, but I see your acts. Perhaps it wouldn't be wrong to hide far away if I were in your position, but unfortunately, it doesn't work like that. All Blessed freaks are similar. In an even freakier world, it is quite a good mess, isn't it?” She smiled at the end of her message.

Murai thought of a reply, but she slapped his beak back to the feathers, giving him her tries and lacking ideas. Perhaps this changed something, but she didn't seem to care if it did or not.

Murai took this with rare silence, oblivious to Bagus who was glancing around and didn't know what was happening between those lofty souls behind his neck. Murai didn't even utter a word back at her. Lisa flew ahead and left him alone.

He wondered if this was her way to cheer him up, or if it was the same thing as always. A reminder that his overlooking was too dense and his mind was shallow. It wouldn't be the first time his New Beginning was like that.

Perhaps his mind and outlook should change. He hardly did it in this life.

Perhaps it was overdue, or too quick? He wasn't sure.

For now, he had to bear with his mind like his travel.


Down in the mountain ranges filled with rough terrain and many cliffs. The dull greyness of stones stretched for long distances until some forests revealed at least some greenery. Those trees were tough and old, as most places in this Gate held historical and meaningful elements since not everything was meant for destruction or business. A lot of things in this temple were aged and kept on going like forgotten books on top of the highest shelves.

It wasn't a farm, per se, but many things in this place had that sort of purpose, while others were like rocks and mountains on the Surface. Every Gate had something unique to offer. In Hellscape, mines and acquisition of minerals, certain gems, essences, and other mana materials operated like a business as far as this Gate existed.

Levandis created it for a reason, and there was a good way to see it as a good source of interest for her potential subjects. It wasn't for fools to carry their Hunts here, nor a place for fools to live. That idea was just a secondary issue that came from Lordis and business between Gods and this world.

Ultium walked alone, eyes shifting around, half probing for Bagus in the sky a few kilometers away. Around the perimeter of many kilometers wide, there should be some enemies. So far, barely a dozen minutes into this run, he hadn't met a soul, so he wondered how right Itrosh was, or if they already fled.

Occasionally, he glanced behind his back, looking for David. He didn't see him...well, David was somewhere close, yet far, and he wouldn't see him all the time.

Serious and ready for his own Hunt, Ultium grinned and his fingers itched. Not like a grim reaper, but his fun was just starting. His suit was bloodstained in some parts, dropping blood like paint soaking through cloth. Even when he hadn't fought anyone since their departure, he took things easier from the start, hoping to discover those points that Itrosh showed.

Was it there, or further left? He wasn't sure where Itrosh pointed with her fingers. Was he even going in the right direction? He bet he was. Bagus was there in the sky and flying onwards. It was easy to get it going with the notable side walls of this cave as well.

Hellscape wasn't complicated even for someone like him. With most of it being ten kilometers wide, directions were simple to follow even in a complicated terrain.

For Ultium, complications were like words with simple acts and fixes. He didn't become upset over his choices, problems, or time at all. For him, adventure was about blissful and nice direction. This one was about freedom clasped between one thing alone. This Gate! At last, David gave it to him, so he planned to go all the way.

It wasn't a preference, however. David said to him many times that his heart needed changes that went according to the circumstances and hopes. Thus, he liked the senseless nature of this time, while his heart was itching, and loved this situation way too much. Other times, he hated the unkempt nature of cowardice and holding back with a passion. Not more. Those sides were akin to the same coin. There was no denying it, much to David's rough ideas about most devils.

Facts were a reason. Ultium had certain rules that he adhered to because David was always there for him. He was his boss, always reminding him to work in clean clothes, clear heart, and a sharp mind. These principles often intersected, and cleanness was subjective when blood came to his side. His uniform was a gift; a unique set of equipment that David gifted him a long time ago when he reached the adolescent age for devils.

Right. He was yet to be considered an adult, but he wasn't that far away from that point. He was young, but not someone like a teenager with a dumb or vivid heart. That wouldn't be appropriate, even if he was often hard to tame and stop. There was some trick about it.

However, was this work? Ultium turned this Hunt into an adventure, so it was no longer a work and he was no longer some manager. David voiced it that way too. He was a slayer right now. That was his new title that weirdly mended his heart, giving Lisa a new image in his heart.

Killings were like meals, sex, and blissful times for most devils and those close to the weird aspects of Chaos.

Ultium was lucky that Lisa came over. He followed the suit of his Path onwards exactly to the good side. Itrosh would be happy, for she was not wrong.

The first group of demons that she found had long gone out of their hiding, approaching and taking Bagus for bait as Lisa predicted.

The ground team for their first target.

They all realized they had been found out by Itrosh and that Carmilla failed. Another disadvantage of the Wind Sound Wave was its nature which would be notable by some mages. Sound, wind, and mana arrived like a storm, and some could take it for a natural storm if they were dumb or unfamiliar with such a concept. Most experienced demons would realize what that spell was about, even if it was rare. There was no point in hiding anymore, so they went all out.

The first such group arrived at one particular hill, reaching a flat surface of rocks, gravel, and dirt. Stomping the ground like thunder hitting the mountains, this group wasn't weak. Carrying quite a few sturdy and massive weapons, there were only about a dozen enemies that Ultium met with an obvious grin.

Itrosh couldn't be very specific in numbers, species, or power. She could barely note who was fodder, one with Laws, or Extreme, and it could be possible that one would Veil oneself so she wouldn't notice them that well. Within the first few kilometers, it was easier. After a certain point, clarity ceased to exist, but not their existence.

At the front of this group, five Orcuns shook the ground with their thick legs. They were evolutions of the orcs, a race that specialized in many fleshly and physical prowess, weight, martial arts, and wars. It was a race specifically set on the road of evolution, but they were no beasts or beastfolk. Their Paths were kind of complicated for them, and their nature wasn't as bright. They were still considered a humanoid race, so their privileges and Godhood were still possible.

Evolution was often easier to follow for them thanks to this world, and they could hold similar power and prowess as having a complicated Path or greater mind.

Duality was a powerful tool that those predisposed to greatness never lacked. Having a Mana Core and strong Physique were great to have. Evolution and Path meant a bigger potential, but also more things to be worried about.

Thus, some specialized races and species held various levels of talent, strengths, and potential.

Orcuns were defense experts. Each held either a huge hammer, axe, or great swords that weren't all that sharp, but it wasn't that bad for them, as each was big and tall. Similar to Zao, whom Razmund killed in Gate 2, they held mass as a tool, but not speed or deadly momentum like Goldsteel Titans. They weren't that wise like those with Titan Bloodline.

Orcs were a rather populated race anyway, similar to dwarfs and beastfolk. Even among all of them, there were differences. Locations, families, or traits all worked for a variety of lifeforms, while the Bloodlines were a major change. Orcs had many differences among their tribes. Dwarves were the same, while beastfolk had wider variants because of their inherited and broader beast bloodlines that mixed with humanoid races.

Orcuns were sturdier variants of orcs, with taller legs, tight balance, and flesh of substantial might. Their arms were thick like pillars, grasping the weapons that were enough to shatter their opponents.

Each was at least three and a half meters tall, with one reaching four meters. Behind them were groups of lesser demons, depicting races that often meddled with weird bloodlines, physicality, and aspects. Orcs were there as well, and some looked like beasts, or humanoid monsters wearing armor and carrying weapons.

Their names varied, as they held no specific clarity over their lives. But among them, there was one that Ultium noticed and met with his gaze. It was a devil, which Ultium preferred and enjoyed meeting. If it wasn't the case, he wouldn't mind that either.

He held almost no preferences for battles and fun, as long as it was right. Walking before this powerful group that must be some sort of gang, he was alone like a person walking into a storm.

Ultium was bad at names, so he didn't know where this group belonged, or who was their boss. Strength was often described with leadership, but he didn't see any leader if there was no strength.

He will slay them like a slayer. They weren't part of the military at least. Those held uniforms and set examples by having formations, clear style, and bits of Order at least in their attires.

If it meant to kill, it meant to succeed. Orcuns stomped forward, witnessing the incoming enemy that arrived right to their faces. It was in the way, clear in the bloodthirst, redness, and horns. Before their path had even a speck of chance of succeeding, they met the one they didn't want to see.

It was too late for any regrets. All Orcuns were above Level 50, and one of them was even Level 73. Most of them were savage beings with very little reason in their head, and it didn't matter what reason or words meant.

How stupid, was what Ultium would think if his sense of adventure wasn't tingling. He had the order to kill the troubles, so without stating his business, he was ready.

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Orcuns went up at arms, shouting orders for others to back down. It was up to them first to understand that a tough enemy had come.

Ultium didn't know if they were enemies or fools. He still released his flexed fist, letting his right shoulder relax, and pulled his right arm from his pocket. He was still walking towards this group when mist and bloody aura traveled from his suit to envelop his right arm, and even his eyes seemed to turn to bloody color. There was no devious glow for the time being; just a little glint.

This bloody aura changed his fingers like cloth and mist, making them look shiny like metal stabs. All bloody in color, at least his black suit gave him some contrast.

Without stopping, he took a casual fighting stance with his left hand in his pocket, and his right arm aiming forward. Ultium pointed his crimson right fingers forward and didn't say a word when he arrived at the striking distance for the first approaching Orcun.

This one had a massive hammer for a weapon, so it swiped it right at his pretty face, meeting this devil with massive strength. Air shuddered, power convulsed like flesh and muscles, and its steps echoed.

This Orcun went all out with this strike, looking as if its arms exploded in muscles. There was no mana. Just an enormous strength and unwavering power of the flesh. Coincidently, this was their leader because it had to come first and greet this devious devil. It was the biggest obstacle out of the bunch, but Ultium wasn't even aware of that. He didn't need to know.

Small red fingers went against the hammer five times his weight. He didn't meet this force, let alone defend. He straight up obliterated this weapon with disdain and a cold glint in his eyes. Earth shuddered and cracked when the hammer hit Ultium, leaving cracks all over the ground for dozens of meters.

Ultium flexed his fingers and struck the metal. His fingers didn't bend even a little bit. They went deeper into the already monumental hammer, shattering it from within in less than a second. It almost exploded if it wouldn't be for Orcun's loosened grip that changed this fight a little bit. Ultium offered his fingers and swiped the red aura, causing the hammer to snap into six pieces.

Orcuns let go of the weapon, and with small yet tight momentum, Ultium stepped aside and forward, unleashing a simple swipe of his wide-open hand. He attacked the approaching fist first, deflecting it aside, before punching at the flesh close to the head. Orcun leader grunted when a bloody blast rang out, obliterating and cutting its leather protection, muscles, skin, and bones.

Ultium dug deep, swiping, gnawing with his fingers as if he had fangs. Orcun tried to resist by flexing and pulling his arms for protection, but they became mangled in cuts and his defense didn't last for long.

Ultium laughed when he kept flashing his fingers, and it happened too quickly when his heart skipped a beat. A loud thud echoed and his fist tightened. Orcun huffed when its chest bent inwards and flesh became tatters. Even its arms flew away and part of its head went missing, and blood splurged in its End.

Unsurprisingly, the whole arm alongside the shoulder flew through the air at some point. Their leader didn't even know what occurred. Perhaps Ultium didn't know it either as he swayed his right arm however he wanted.

In a simple step, Ultium obliterated the leader like a master playing with a hopeful and naive challenger. Another Orcun soon followed, unleashing a powerful vertical hit with a massive axe. It howled and stepped, hitting the leader because Ultium was in the way. It didn't help. Ultium caught the axe between his fingers, flexing his barely visible wrist, though his suit was hiding the rest.

Against this axe-wielding Orcun, he held no hopes either. He was the slayer! He was nothing different than a killing machine.

A bit more strength and bloody aura impacted his fingers until the axe cracked where his fingers were. Orcun stumbled onwards, forgetting the axe, and set its palms to catch Ultium, who tossed the axe away and jumped, arriving right where he wanted. His knees hit the left incoming fist, cracking knuckles apart alongside the fingers. Ultium wasn't over. He grabbed the hand with his right arm and tossed the Orcun over his shoulder before cutting into its neck with a quick stab of his straight palm. A loud bang echoed and blood splurged like a cutting pillar, leaving a huge hole in the neck and ground.

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Ultium smiled like a devil, huffed a red mist, and felt his satisfaction in a rising tide of beats and increasing breaths. Thick or dense like steel, weaknesses of blood were subject to any race or species. Well, for the most part. There were always exceptions to most rules.

Three Orcuns remained, and there was no ambush or war. It was a trial. They realized it too late. Fleeting was useless. The rest of the group tried to surround him, but Ultium didn't care.

The rest of the Orcuns took this fight for a dreadful reality and attacked this single devil as a whole team.

It was after the fourth Orcun fell that change occurred, causing the whole group to scatter and flee. Dread went at their heads, right where it should be. Not a single one of them touched Ultium, who had only a single arm up in his bloody powers. That was it. Just an arm.

Fearful of the death and bloody sight, the ground was cracked and a glint of red was in many parts. A bloody smell pertained in the air. Soon, apart from the last Orcun, there lain four lone Orcuns in a pile of blood and gore. It was relatively clean apart from a few rough hits.

Mangled to bloody parts, Ultium didn't leave them be. He wasn't a clean slayer for sure, but he didn't mind being crazy in his fun.

He just felt to bathe the ground with more red. It was akin to good luck for devils, or so he heard. He wasn't sure. It wasn't what his heart followed.

But he would lie if the blood on the ground didn't ease his mind. Organs with meat and bones aside, it was quite a sight.

It was a nasty sight for the fleeting demons, but Ultium didn't kill everyone. Fleeting prey was kind of distasteful. It lowered his appetite, but he remembered what Lisa mentioned at some point. Fear was a weapon. Using it was part of mastery. Slayers should know all about it, or so she said.

For some reason, he recognized those words better than David's. He forgot that he had that communication device.

Around him was a smell of home, he thought as he cherished the blood all over his suit, face, and right arm. It was hard to recognize the glossy redness over his arm and blood.

Stepping towards the last Orcun, he wanted to finish everything, including the ones who were fleeing for their lives. At least they noticed the differences and their mistakes. None of them wanted to bear witness to the insanity of this forgotten devil.

Nobody wanted to be like an animal, cut, hunted, eaten, or have their bodies turned into an essence. They were cowards. Hypocrites. Among some races, unique or not so unique to this temple, some believed that turning to an essence was a poor End that would disallow their departure to Afterlife.

It was nothing but a guess, turned into a legendary fear, or just an excuse. It had no validations or answers unless some Gods would promise something else.

That wasn't right. Levandis held the key to this essence-gathering method and it was nothing but a mere gathering. It didn't work with souls, for they were much more precious than flesh or mana.

Some knew the truth. Unless the mana of a person was part of the soul, Afterlife will take them all.

It would be fitting to tell it to this fleeting group. Ultium didn't like the last Orcun for sure. It fled after he offered his palm and cut. Using others as a shield instead, the last Orcun fled as if its weight turned to speed instead. So Ultium went ahead, attacking that cowardly back, but Orcun dodged or used others as a shield.

With bloody hands from some unfortunate demons, Ultium stopped his pursuit. They won't go far into this barren plain.

He unhappily furrowed his brows, sighed, and pulled his arm up. His point finger aimed onward, while the rest of his fingers remained locked and bent.

He didn't wanna do it. They forced it.

Red and blood in the ground trembled when red light and blood thundered and pulled into his point finger.

Blood condensed, and a sharp penetrating Blood Shot flew out of his finger, penetrating each head of a poor demon who didn't manage to dodge or hide under the others. Orcun survived, so Ultium turned the blood up a notch, crouching and absorbing the surrounding blood to his benefit, unleashing a barrage of sharp red bullets until Orcun fell to pieces.

Ultium used the most simple and fundamental form of how devils fought. Blood was their tool in many layers, but it was just a part of what they were capable of using. Taking the blood of others was one thing. Taking their own blood onwards was another.

None was his, thanks to the suit that absorbed the blood of others into its internal fabric. That was an advantage of having perfect equipment that could absorb the blood of enemies. It was quite a fancy and special fitting uniform that most devils preferred.

Right. There was an enemy devil too, but he managed to live on with a missing arm, so this one wasn't so poor after all thanks to the use of blood-arts. Ultium didn't want to miss anyone. This one dodged so it got hurt instead. His prey.

How improper, something in his heart moaned.

Ultium walked fort, ignoring those who truly managed to flee for the Afterlife. Some fortunate ones hung onto their lives, grunting, or moaning, so he finished them off.

And when he arrived at the ashen-looking devil, he wondered if he should speak, ask questions, or act like a slayer or a devil.

He decided to greet him at least and worry about it later.

“Bloody monster...” the devil said, clutching his bloody wound. “You... You obliterated those Orcuns like kids... Ultium.. Name... You are part of that damned human race! Disgr...” Two fingers penetrated his throat, cutting, and snapping.

“Don't take his race to your throat. It hurts.” Ultium said coldly, swiping his fingers and ending this devil's life.

Gifts from David were endless, while ideas and help were what put Ultium aside from others, second to promises, oaths, and simple dreams. It wasn't improper or weird, albeit some of that was wrong for devils. Ultium grew how he did because he had David and a less chaotic influence around him. It sharpened him, giving him life a new direction in a nasty place.

The first gifts David gave him were acts of purpose. It was like a New Beginning, in a sense. Ultium believed it was right from time to time, but he wasn't sure how following a human was any different from being wild, homeless, or put into a cage and seen. He grew out of it, fortunately. Now, he lived with no regrets besides hoping for more dreams.

He will never have any other clothes. Even if someone shredded it to pieces, and forced him to be naked, he didn't want anything but this suit.

In a short amount of time, this relatively strong but simple demonic gang was all gone. All Orcuns died, even if the last one needed a couple more Shots. It was no wonder. His Blood Shot had some efficacy and handling akin to his Blood Shaping, so it made sense to carry it like flexible power that could be fast, strong like a cannon, or sharp like a fine arrow.

Because of their thick skin and back, it was a matter of the number of shots; not the skill.

Ultium gazed around, sniffing the air for blood or something else. His heartbeat was turning haggard, and his blood almost boiled. This fight wasn't satisfying. He needed something more. Anything. Savage, or sharper. His heart barely moved.

He was yet to restrict or retract his right arm. It still had its redness and blooming blood around the surroundings that churned and weakly moved toward his boots. These were also special, designed to eat the blood from the mere steps.

“Not yet... Not yet.” Ultium said as he almost took his ring out of his pocket.

He knew that waiting was one of many virtues in the Surface and that something else was coming.

This large plateau was very fitting and easy to fight. Surrounded by cliffs and mountains, it was a place that one should visit when traversing through this Sector.

He wasn't wrong to wait. Numerous groups were coming to this location, or already run around here, or out, even if most were outside of his views, senses, or hopes. Most were yet to see Bagus far above the ground.

Soon, the next group arrived. Ultium didn't smell or know when, how, or if they would even come. He trusted that Itrosh was right, and his previous bloodshed wasn't enough to change a thing.

He killed just a few Orcuns that were partially able to use the Laws of their evolutions and some martial arts Paths. They were significantly weaker than those who truly bonded with Mana Cores and held significant talents.

Powers of flesh were still incredible, but only so much could help against someone who was almost able to touch some weaker Extremes.

Itrosh could pinpoint the power of the foes she detected with naked sight and sound. Direction and accuracy weren't lacking in that case, while changes were always possible with further training and improvements. She could also be wrong. There was Veiling after all. That would trouble even some experts. In her presence, her accuracy was impeccable.

Which was why she didn't mention anything about the powers of any group she found. She didn't want to guess anything either because Wind Sound Waves weren't needed for strength detection.

The presence of a person always followed some mana, aura, and life. In this Gate, it was much more apparent and easy to discern. Aura moved the wind, and sound or wind carried their weight. It was roughly estimable, of course, and far from being overpowered.

She even bet numerous groups changed their strategies the moment they felt her spell. She was yet to use it again. It was too soon, and it usually took part of her voice, so she had to recharge to use it again.

Ultium will solve the incoming foes regardless, Lisa believed. She wasn't wrong. Ultium decided on a nice change of location, so Bagus leisurely took his flight for a stroll in a park. They didn't need to hurry.

Knowing them or not, the groups will have to adjust to them as well. That was the true nature of this Hunter Game. The way to discern enemies was a very important power. Strategies could change in a heartbeat afterward, giving changes to the entire battlefield.

In a way, good knowledge, spells, and clever minds were priceless, even if they were hard to master, or even acquire. Few should know that Itrosh had Wind Sound Waves, but if used, many will soon get it. She was clever about it in most cases, while this Hunt shall give her a much broader presence, reputation, and interest. There was no way her profile wasn't researched across dozens of famous brokers or groups. It almost flattered her to finally be more renowned and popular.

Most foes should know her by now, so she had no stops if that's the case.

Ultium paused as he stood, noticing the new arrivals that came in unlikely fashion. They jumped over some cliff, landing before him dozens of meters away.

They were much stronger than the gang from before. Orcuns was an evolution choice that happened between Level 70 and 60, while the rest of the group was around the upper echelon of fodder and Level 60. Most were comparative to surviving and meeting those full of Laws.

Which was nothing but a breeze before a Level 80 devil that had nothing to lose. He had more to gain, but perhaps not to the extent that he wished.

There were no Orcuns this time around, nor very large foes. This group had fewer members, barely reaching a dozen figures. Each wore draconian armor with Embody Scales, forged with styles of dragon scales to mimic their strength. Plates and their armor were fancy, filled with scales and a couple of tough plates bore the most important protections.

Each of them looked like a sturdy knight, so their speed and flexibility were apparent like their military origin. They jumped forward and made a gracious landing. If not impressive, what was it?

Ultium barely flinched upon their arrival. He still had his right arm out and his left arm in his pocket.

“HALT!” The leading knight said. He had horns protruding from his helmet that had flames around and between them.

“Oh, I think I know their names...” Ultium pointed at them and turned aside to see nobody. He sighed, figuring that no one was here to see his surprisingly good memory. “Members of the Inferno Legion, huh?” He smiled at the demons and devils that made up this military group and no gangs.

“What a cheeky brat we have here.” The leader said with a sneer, unwilling to take away his helmet yet. “You will be sorry to remain here alone. Where is the rest? Are you a diversion?”

“Yes,” Ultium replied without hesitation and got ready to battle. His fingers surged with bloodline powers and turned crispier red than before. “I won't kill you fast.” he pinched his fingers without any Shot in sight.

The leader of this red-armored Inferno Legion turned his head around. Flabbergasted, but not afraid, he observed the surroundings if what he heard was right. A quick scan of his surroundings revealed more questions.

“We have been ambushed. I don't feel... anyone, so... let's start to fix this shit that our boss wants.” He argued as he clutched the sword beside his hip. It was longer than an average sword and not hidden in a pouch. A scabbard hid it instead.

Beside him, a member with a long halberd walked forward and pointed his weapon at Ultium.

“You... are alone, aren't you? Your name is Ultium. 200, 000 Hell Points worth of mess is fitting for Level 80. Less than usual for this kind of problem, level, and stakes though.”

“I am that name for sure,” Ultium said and cracked his fingers. “Will you come at me or I shall do it instead? I am not in a hurry for this Hunt.”

“Hunt?” The leader asked. “Bloody merry, don't think you are the biggest gem of shit you are! You are just a dog to a human shit!”

Once more, Ultium heard others mocking his boss. That was not only a slap at his face, David's, and others, but it really turned his heart upside down. Ultium's aura skipped a beat, and so did his blood and face. His eyes turned cold and even his bloodline and redness thickened.

The leader of the Inferno Legion shouted for others to take the flanks. They were a team. They will all fight, but he shall be the first to start this charade. Grabbing his sword, he let go of the scabbard as he brandished his sword above. “You are a dead devil in our eyes. Before, or today.”

“Feels alive,” Ultium argued as he readied his heart. “Unlike you very soon.”