Reincarnated As The Villainess's Son-Chapter 126 [Club House Competition] [14]

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Chapter 126 [Club House Competition] [14]

"This isn't fun," he mumbled. "Mikhail, show it to him!"

"Huff... Arghh!!"

Grabbing my hand, he jerked my body up, making me sit on my knees.

My entire body screamed in pain, my eyes blurry as I glared at him.

"Hmm..." He looked at my left hand, a smile slowly creeping on his face. "..We don't need it, do we?"



Applying pressure on my wrist, he twisted it, breaking it at the joints.

I held my breath, feeling intense pain surging through my hand.

It felt like it was burning, waves of pain assaulting my mind.

"...Can you see him?" Grabbing my hair, he asked, making me look at the other man.

"A-Alan?" My lips quivered, a sense of relief washing over me.

He was still alive, though grabbed by his neck, he was still breathing.

"How was my prank?" He asked, tightening his grip on my hair, "Do you like it?"

Without my reply, he continued, "...Of course, you would....But it wasn't for you."

"Ask me then, who was it for?" He questioned, forcing me to look at him.

I didn't reply but just glared at him, his smile slowly fading away as he looked down at me.

"Mikhail." He called, looking at him, "Break his arm."

"Wait, n-no, n-no, who was it for?" My heartbeat dropped as I forced myself to speak, but he didn't bat an eye towards me.

"Break it, Mikhail."


The sound of bone breaking echoed throughout the area, making me slowly turn my head.

... Alan's hand.

...It was mangled, twisted at a weird angle, broken completely.

His face contorted with pain, but he remained unconscious with no signs of waking up.


...How did I forget what kind of man he is?

...He likes to torment me, and that hasn't changed one bit.

"So, where was I?" His smile returned as he happily exclaimed, "...Right! The prank wasn't for you but for that boy's father or sister."

He then looked at Alan as he continued, "...I thought it might be a good idea to show them despair before giving them hope of saving him."

His smile never faltered as he looked at me, "...In return, I would have asked you...Man, the look of betrayal on your face would have been priceless."

"...But you spoiled all that fun for me." He grumbled, "...Don't you think you need to pay for that?"

"Mikhail." Bradyn called him as he looked at me, his face still plastered with that fake smile, "Twist his neck."

"Wait!! Wait!! No." I desperately pleaded, grabbing his hand with my hand, "...Please don't, please."

"Hmm?" He gestured for that man to stop as he observed me, "..Why care for him? It's known to everyone that you like to torment those around you, right?"

"...Don't kill him, please." I whispered weakly as I felt my consciousness slipping away.

"Well, if you are so persistent, I won't do it." He replied, his smile widening, "...Just do one thing for me." freewēbnoveℓ.com

"What?" I asked quickly, not repeating the same mistake.

"Before we meet our mother....We will go somewhere...but you will not tell mother about it, deal?" He asked, loosening his grip on my hair.

"Sir, what are you talking about?" That man asked, walking close, still holding Alan.

"I want to take out the Ring of Andarnaur from him." He replied, making me weakly look at him. freёwebnoѵ

"But sir, his body is already merged with it!!" Mikhail protested, "He will die if you try that."

"Don't worry." Bradyn waved his hand nonchalantly, "I have a way to remove it...he just has to go through a little pain."

"But sir—"

"You seem interested in it." Smiling, he said, looking at me, "Do you know who Andarnaur was?"

"No." I replied, my voice barely coming out as a whisper.

"..Andarnaur was a mythical beast...the last of his kind...he lived a total of six hundred years."

He stated, his eyes flickering with desire, "...He killed and ate other mythical beasts...For hundreds of years...He terrified every race...until he settled down in the Mizraim empire in his last few years."

A look of anger flicked on his face as he clicked his tongue, "...But that Ragnar had to kill him...had he let him die a natural death, we could have obtained a normal ring instead of a defective one."

"Sir, we should move." Mikhail urged him.

"Yeah, I just like to share my knowledge." Shaking his head, Bradyn replied, taking out an injection, "... Now it's time for you to sleep."


He thrust the needle into my neck, emptying its contents.


I struggled for breath as my eyelids started to feel heavy.

"Throw him." Bradyn waved his hand, gesturing towards Alan.

Mikhail did as he was told, throwing him like garbage.


[...Don't worry, everything is going to be fine.]


[...You are not alone.]

...A flash of lightning passed through me, hitting Bradyn straight in his chest.




{Few minutes earlier}

"What is happening?" A boy with jet black hair asked, his gaze on the burning stadium as he limped outside.

"Oliver, please, are you sure you are alright?"

A girl with red hair asked, his entire body weight on her as she helped him walk.

"Getting hugged by a beautiful girl like you, how could I not be fine?" He joked with a light chuckle.

"Oliver." Her stern voice made him flinch.

"Nah, that fucker did a little too much damage." He grumbled as they both stood outside the stadium.

A pained expression etched on Aaliyah's face, but she pressed her lips, not commenting on it.

From the place they walked, it was already emptied out with no one in sight, but they quickly found some familiar faces around the corner.

"Let's go." Oliver mumbled as they both walked towards them.

"Oliver!" Meily's concerned voice echoed as she rushed towards them, "Are you alright!?"

"No, idiot, I'm not," Oliver grumbled, glaring at her.

Meily moved to hit him, but Aaliyah's cold expression stopped her.

"Sit here," Aaliyah whispered, helping Oliver to a few benches away from the flames.

"What happened to her?" Oliver asked, glancing at the black-haired girl lying nearby with Ashlyn standing beside her.

Ashlyn snapped out of her daze. "She's fine. Az helped her."

"Where is Az?" Oliver asked, looking around.

A conflicted look crossed Meily's face. "He's not here."

Miley and Ethan were the only ones who heard what Azariah said before he walked towards the exit.

She knew he was looking for Alan, but looking at Oliver's condition, she thought it would be better not to tell him about it.

"Huh? Where is he?" Oliver probed further.

"I don't know, but he should be safe." Miley lied, shaking her head.

Still suspicious, Oliver just nodded as he looked around.

Those who were of nobility had already evacuated, and soon enough they should be rescued as well.

"Where is Aimar?" Oliver asked again, looking at Miley.

"He is inside." She replied honestly, making Oliver abruptly stand up.

"What is he doing inside?" He questioned, his voice filled with anger as he rushed inside without thinking.

"Oliver!!" Meily called him, but he didn't listen while Aaliyah walked behind him inside the burning stadium.

"Arghh!" He groaned in pain, touching his abdomen where Azariah attacked.

It was already healed by him, but he made sure he couldn't fight anymore.

...Making sure he is safe.

"Aimar!!" Oliver quickly found him as he rushed towards him.

"Oliver!?" Aimar grumbled before dodging a punch aimed at his face.

"The fuck are you doing here?" He asked, glaring at him, hiding his pain.

"Az said Alan's in danger. I'm trying to find David," Aimar replied, scanning the area.

"What? Where is he?"

"Eastern part, both of them," Aimar said, moving.

Oliver's gaze landed on Ethan, who was helping the citizens to move out.

"Are those crystals?" He mumbled, looking at the pillars made of crystal that supported the structure from collapsing.

A small spirit roamed around Ethan, reassuring the children there.

"I found him, Oliver!!" Aimar's shout forced him to look towards the man coming out of the debris.

His head was burst open, blood gushed from it, soaking his eyes as he limped out.

Oliver and Aimar quickly rushed towards him without a second thought.

"Oliver?" David grumbled, looking at them as he cleaned his eyes.

"Alan needs help, we need to move fast!!" Aimar shouted at him, making his face harden.

"What, where?" He asked as his gaze moved around the place.

But that abruptly stopped as he looked at the boy with brown hair.

Due to his rank, he could clearly see even from afar.

...His gaze on the spirit that moved around him.

"A-Ailsa?" His lips trembled, his voice full of disbelief.

"N-no, s-she is dead." He muttered, trying to reassure himself.

...But that face, he could never forget that face.

"We need to move!!!" Oliver shouted, grabbing his collar, making him come back to reality.

"You kids find a safe place!!" He ordered, his body engulfed by lightning as he rushed out.

"I am going too!!" Aimar shouted, rushing behind him.

"Oliver." Aaliyah whispered, grabbing his hand as he tried to rush as well.

"Don't worry." He smiled gently, removing her hand, "...I will be fine."

He turned around, his expression turning serious as he looked at his brother.

His eyes blinked softly, turning pure golden as his lips parted,

"Eye of Horus."