Restart:Untalented Man-Chapter 46 Barons’ Stance

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Baron Joseph of Csorvar was currently in his office. He is sorting a lot of documents that were laying on his desk. Just as he wants to start doing his work, his butler knocks on the door before asking permission to come in.

"Come in", said Baron Csorvar. He pretty much easily gets annoyed when someone disturbs him. The butler comes in with a man following behind him. He is a messenger sent by Richard from Bideford. The man had ridden for three days just to send Richard's letter to Csorvar.

The messenger handed the letter over to Baron Csorvar. He is sleepless and looks like he is going to collapse anytime soon. Given the dire situation, Ryntum is currently in, Baron Csorvar is not surprised at all.

"Get this man some food to eat and a place to rest", he ordered the butler.

The butler nodded and took the messenger away.

After they left, he opened the letter and read its contents thoroughly. His face gradually frowned as he continued to read it. In the letter, Richard requests additional soldiers from him to fight against the Noble Coalition.

Baron Csorvar sighed. When he heard about the Noble Coalition, he thought that his ears played tricks on him. He stares out the window while thinking about how he should respond to Richard's request.

Afterwards, the butler returned to the office and Baron Csorvar gave out an order again, "Tell Gerrin to come to my office now".

The butler bows slightly before exiting the office once again.

Baron Csorvar didn't wait for a long time as the door of his office was knocked again.

"Come in", said the baron.

"Milord, I have come. May I ask what you need me for?", said Gerrin. He is the head knight of the Csorvar.

"I want to ask you...Do you think Ryntum can win the war against the Noble Coalition?"

Gerrin stays silent for a moment. He shook his head. "Due to all my respect, I don't think they can win unless they have some trick under their sleeves...", replied Gerrin.

Baron stays silent. He is waiting for Gerrin to continue his explanation.

"In the Gyalcakes War, they had trebuchets that rendered the city wall useless. This is their surprise element. They are able to advance at lightning speed because of this. Now, the king's side has their own trebuchets as well which makes them lose their advantage. To my knowledge, I never received any news about the marquess renovating their city wall. This means even if they stay defensive, they will lose. If they go offensive, they will lose too. The sheer difference in the number of men alone shows the disadvantage they are currently in".

"We won't change the outcome even if we send our men, is that what you mean?".

"Yes, milord. Csorvar barony only has 1,000 trained men. Even if we send all of our men, the outcome would not change".

"Alright, you may leave now".

Gerrin bowed slightly and left the office.

Baron Csorvar thought of a way to refuse Richard politely. An idea struck him after he pondered for a while. He began to write a response letter to Richard.

He stated that he will send his men as long as Richard promises to make Russell his successor. He knows that Richard will refuse.

Baron Csorvar then wrote another letter to the king stating his surrender and non-involvement with the Ryntum family.

He outright cut his ties with his daughter, Marchioness Josephine Csorvar.


"I hope you made a wise decision, Baron. Nothing good comes out from siding with him". The man in his forties said before coming out from Baron Newbigle's office. He is Viscount Michael of Manfura, a noble who rules one of the towns in the Royal Territory. He worked directly under Nicholas I.

Baron Newbigle stays still in his chair, staring blankly at the closed door. He was really exhausted because the two hours meeting with the uninvited Michael was finally over.

He recalled the offer that Michael told him. The offer that he made is irresistible.

'A promise of the territory is not something that can be taken lightly'. The benefit he can get outweigh the benefit of staying with Richard.

The man's words keep lingering in his mind.

'Well, it's an easy job anyway. People often said you need to grab the opportunity when it comes'. This is probably the chance that he has. He didn't know when he will get this opportunity if he let it go.

He chuckled as he apologize to Richard, "I am sorry, Lord Marquess. It looks like you need to fight alone. Though I don't know if the other two are crazy enough to side with you". 𝘣𝘦𝘥𝘯𝑜𝘷𝘦𝘭.𝑐𝑜𝑚

The letter from Richard was left unopened on the wooden desk. He can guess the contents of the letter but he is not going to respond to it.

He called his head knight and ordered him to send the 200 most unskilled men to Bideford. He should show some respect to Richard.


"W-Wh-What should I do". Baron Coreton is walking back and forth in his room.

His wife just watches him moving around anxiously. She shrugs "Why don't we just surrender and go to the capital? It is not like we going to lose anything".

Baron Coreton couldn't help but to explain it his nonchalant wife, "What do you mean we not going to lose anything? Didn't you read the declaration of war that the king's messenger read? They guarantee our status and private wealth but there is nothing about our rule over the territory".

Their conversation was interrupted by their maid, "Milord, there is a guest for you".

"Who is it?", he didn't remember having any appointments today.

The maid replied, "He said his name is Michael and he has a really important thing to discuss with you".

"Michael?", he searches his memory, trying to find the owner of that name but he can't guess his identity.

Michael is still waiting for Baron Coreton's response in the anteroom. Baron Coreton most likely doesn't know anything about him. He is aware that he is perhaps the least-known noble in the kingdom. Usually, the low-ranked nobles will attend many banquets to increase their presence among the nobles. Nonetheless, Michael was different since he is not interested in all of that and prefer to mind his own business. Moreover, being a noble in the Royal Territory means that he will always be overshadowed by the royals.

Due to that fact, Nicholas I choose him as his messenger to meet the nobles in Ryntum March. Nobles are prideful creatures. The more they know about someone, the more haughty they become. They feel like they can play a trick on them or take revenge later on if things don't work in their favour.

However, it won't work on Michael. They know nothing about the Manfura family except for their name.

Baron Coreton sighs, "Lead me to him". He has nothing to do today so he might spend some time listening to what this Michael wants to say.

The maid leads Baron to the anteroom where Michael is waiting.

Seeing the Baron approaching, Michael stands up and greets the Baron, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Baron Coreton. I am sorry for an unannounced visit".

"It's okay, Mr Michael. I coincidentally have a lot of free time today". Baron Coreton replied politely. He continues, "Let's talk in my office, shall we?".

"As you wish", said Michael before following behind Baron to his office.

They sit down on a couch, sitting across from each other.

"Let's cut to the chase, who are you and what do you want?", said the Baron without wasting any time.

Michael smiles, "My name is Michael, Viscount of Manfura. I come here under the order from the king".

Baron Coreton's face turn pales when hearing Michael's introduction. The man in front of him is a rank higher. He quickly asked the maid to bring Michael a drink.

Michael inwardly sneers at the Baron's attempt to be polite. He doesn't mind carrying out orders for the king but he can't stand the fact that he needs to be polite to someone beneath him. Even so, a job is still a job.

"What order does the king has for me?"

"The king wants you to do one job during the war", said Michael.

The baron replied, "What is the job? What is in for me?"

Michael laughs at Baron's words, "Quite cheeky aren't you...?". He gave the Baron a cold-eyed stare "...for a mere Baron".

Baron Coreton shivered in fear. His mind completely forgot the status of the man in front of him.

"Please forgive my rudeness, milord"

Michael smiled again, "That's more like it. Now, listen carefully....". He begins to explain the job that Baron Coreton need to do.

"The king promises the title of 'Viscount' and an additional territory, Westley Town and its surrounding area for you. Of course, with the condition that you did a good job. Easy, right?"

"It is easy milord. I shall do as the king's ordered"
