Rise of the Devourer-Chapter 28: The City of Winds

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Chapter 28: The City of Winds

Noah watched the city of Windrest from atop the walls. The walls themselves were wide enough to form a two lane street, going all around the city. Noah could see many people flying up and down on the walls through locations setup around the perimeter of the city with elevators and wind tunnels that blew gusts of air upwards to provide lifts to those flying around on wings.

There were also stairs, reached down to the different layers of the vertical city with many bridges spanning out pathways across the area, almost like a forest of stone and wood.

“This is so unreal, just the way this city is built and everything about it,” Noah murmured.

“Is it? It feels like home to me. Nyxis isn’t quite like this, but we don’t have much land horizontally, the entire kingdom spans from top to bottom within the abyss, and so the way Windrest is build always made me a little nostalgic,” Aurelia said, looking out at the city.

Reaching out to his Quest log, Noah looked at the quest rewards he’d gotten.

Quest: The City of Winds

Objective: Reach Windrest with your adventuring companion safely, complete.

Reward: Experience points obtained.

Quest: Escort Mission

Objective: Survive the Watcher’s Night and escort the family of three to Windrest safely through the serpent’s grove, complete.

Reward: [Tome of Dimensional Pocket (Legendary)] obtained.

Noah looked at the tome sitting in his inventory, whistling quietly. Dimensional Pocket sounded a lot like inventory, but given the Legendary grade of the item, Noah suspected it was bound to be something good. He quietly let the tome rest in his inventory. He’d absorb it when they were somewhere private and he could have the time to go through his abilities.

“Busy?” Aurelia asked, as she watched him swiping at the status screen in front of him. “You should pick up mental commands for your Astral script. That tip tap of whatever form your scrip takes is a very quick give-away of an inexperienced newbie.”

“I can do mental commands, but I’m trying not to strain my soul. It’s still a bit sore from my messing around previously,” Noah replied, closing his menu.

“Alright, that’s fine then. Just as long as you know not to do it in the guild when you’re trying to get yourself registered,” Aurelia replied. “Anyway, how do you want to go down,” she asked, looking ahead at the rest of Windrest.

“The free way are the stairs, we just walk down the walls till we reach either of the many platforms we want to go to. The second option is taking the Elevators down, the third option,” Aurelia said, glancing sideways, as a smile came upon her face. “Is flying.”

Noah followed her gaze and saw a man jump off the walls, before unfurling giant wings attached to metallic limbs that connected to his shoulders, as he took off. Many other winged people flew, jumping from building to building with platforms build and wind channels to let them reach a higher level to glide from.

“I think you know the answer just as well as I do,” Noah replied, matching Aurelia’s smile.

With a nod, Aurelia took the lead, as the two walked across the circumference of the walls.

“I also have a few other things that I need to pick up from the market here before we head into the city. We’ll go the guild first, which you can see near the centre, the tall building with the swirling stairs just next to the castle. After that we’ll find an inn for the night,” Aurelia said.

“There’s a market on the walls?” Noah asked in in wonder.

“Yup, with how frequently people move through the walls, there’s a pretty substantial market established here,” Aurelia replied.

Noah nodded, before he looked off the in the distance, noting the adventurer’s guild. His gaze travelled from the building, to the castle placed on an elevator central hill, rising above the rest of the city and catching the eye with its polished white marble like construction. A giant plaza was build in front of it on the ground, with multiple bridges and pathways leading out to various buildings and structures.

He followed Aurelia as they made their way down the very top of the walls. Corridors and passageways of bricks were established from the stairways leading down forming multiple concentric circles all around within the internal structures of Windrest. A varied variety of people and adventures walked around Noah, most humans, but he saw some odd sights as well.

“I never asked you what kind of people live in Erandir did I? I can see it’s not just humans,” Noah said.

“It would take a really long time to list all of them. For this part of the content, most areas are humans. You’ll also find some Gaelick tribes to the east around here and around Aquaris. There’s the Merfolk, and the are the Celestians, which there are an oddly high number of in Hertilia. It all depends. But for Windrest, the primary population besides humans are Drailiths. Lizard like people with draconic wings. The Wyvern riders are primarily Drailiths here.”

Noah stared blankly at Aurelia. “Say… so you guys don’t have like… elves… and dwarves and stuff?”

Aurelia raised an eyebrow, looking at him in confusion. “What’s an elves?”

“Right. Elves and stuff are like… the standard fantasy race of people I think of when I think of a fantasy world. So I totally expected there to be some here. They’re good at magic, tend to live in forests or nature and have pointy ears, but otherwise look human. Oh and they also don’t age much. Maybe they have a different name, or maybe they just don’t exist,” Noah said with a shrug.

“I mean… that kind of sounds like Celestians? They live quite long, are the most predominantly magical race on Erandir, but they don’t really have pointy ears. Celestians are amazing at word-chains and celestial magic, which is a rare magic type of the Astral branch. They were the first race to discover the Astral system and the Astral planesas well, which is how it got its name. They gain butterfly like wings upon maturity, and most humans consider Celestians to be extremely beautiful. There was an entire war where Celestians were sold as Slaves in this empire before they were taken down.”

“Fascinating. So kind of life elves but not really. It surprises me then that there aren’t many of them around when they seem so powerful.”

“Who said there aren’t many around?” Aurelia looking at Noah in confusion. “Celestians are the most politically powerful race on Erandir. They forged this continent, and paved the way for others to rise to power. Melior Republic is a human kingdom so you don’t see as many, but that doesn’t mean that we dominate. Humanity has been growing, but humans are still limited to the southern territories for the most part. In the north, you’ll struggle to see nearly as many humans,” Aurelia said.

Their talks continued for a while, before soon they reached the market.

The difference was rather stark to Noah. Lines of hawkers and merchants sat, shouting out to passer-by’s and selling various kinds of items. All sorts of people walked by, the crowd pulsating and move like a living breathing creature in its own right.

Noah used identify as people walked by, watching the various Paths appearing and disappearing from his vision. He was surprised by just how many people were D rank here. Every one in ten person seemed to be.

Aurelia walked up to one merchant, picking up a plain mask with a single red jagged line running down one eye slit. “How much for this?”

“Two F grade. Five if you want an enchantment put on it,” the merchant replied.

Aurelia hummed in thought. “I’ll give you six, so throw in a veil and enchantment of voice alteration.”

The merchant nodded, taking the mask back. Noah used identify on the man.

[Mask Crafter - ?]

He watched the merchant working, a chisel being used to mark in various symbols that lit up upon completion. A moment later, the entire mask shone brightly for a single moment. Noah used identify on the item.

[Enchanted Mask (Common)]

A mask enchanted with a veil and an enchantment of voice alteration.

Aurelia grabbed the mask, giving the mana stones to the merchant, before she put the mask one.

“How do I look?” Aurelia asked, twirling left and right. Her voice was ever so subtly off, slightly distorted and deeper than it was supposed to be.

“Odd,” Noah replied. “Also slightly creepy- Ow!” Noah exclaimed as Aurelia punched his shoulders in reply. “Hey, I was just being honest!”

Auerlia snorted, before she reached into her storage device and pulled out a cloak and wrapped it around her.

“Okay, now you just look like a creepy stalker,” Noah said, watching Aurelia.

“Better that than my former party finding out I’m alive,” Aurelia said.

“I suppose, but I still wouldn’t,” Noah said, and Aurelia ignored him.

“Let’s go, the feather-gliders are just ahead,” she said and Noah followed her.

Just a little ahead, near one of the open sections carved around the passageway within the walls was an extended platform and a bunch of merchants sitting with giant mechanical wings that hung on stands and strings. Noah watched the display in awe, as Aurelia walked to one of them.

“Looking for two feather gliders,” she said.

“It’ll be three F grade mana stones per hour if you rent it, or fifty five F grades per if you want to buy,” the merchant reply.

Aurelia snorted. “I’m not a tourist. Thirty F grades stones per feather-glider with this quality.”

“He definitely is,” the man said glancing at Noah. “Regardless, I can’t do below forty lady, there’s been a shortage of crafters and the prices have gone up. If you want, go ask around anywhere. The whole Abyssal incursion has been driving prices up like mad,” the merchant said.

“Thirty-five,” Aurelia replied, and the merchant grimaced.

“Thirty eight, that’s the best I can do. Take it or leave it.”

Aurelia thought over it for a moment, before nodding. The merchant held out a bracelet and Aurelia tapped hers against his before picking up two of the wings from the display rack.

“What was it about an Abyssal what?” Noah asked the merchant.

“There’s been a lot of movement from the Abyssal cultists. Especially in this region. Hellion’s church has been up in arms about it. Lots of deaths. They say an Abyssal door opened to the north as well in some village. Entire thing massacred with no one left in sight.”

Noah glanced at Aurelia, who looked back at him from behind her mask. “We’ll find out at the guild,” she said, extending one of the wings to Noah.

“I assume it’s your first time flying?” the merchant asked Noah.

“Yeah,” Noah replied.

“Alright, let me teach you how to use them properly so you don’t fall accidentally,” the merchant said.

“Does that happen often?” Noah asked, starting to feel a little concerned.

“It’s been three months since the last time, only broke a few bones, there’s a safety mechanism built in to slow you down in case you’re an idiot and start falling,” the merchant said, taking the wings, before he began to tie them up on Noah’s back. “It’s simple, the wings work on their own, but they’re connected to your mana. So you’re their supply and source. Moderate your mana flow to control the wind you’re channelling in them and they’ll do the rest on their own. If you ever think you’re low on mana, find a surface to land on and rest. To turn, lean your body in the direction you want to move in and the wind will follow,” the merchant said, clicking a belt over Noah’s shoulder, and then another, before slapping him on the back. “Off you go now.”

Noah glanced back at the man, before turning towards Aurelia. Her own wings were smaller, and much more graceful looking, with the metal edges curving gently around her body in an almost angelic appearance.

His own wings in contrast were larger, and felt more brutish, with clearly showing metallic hinges connected to the limbs connecting the wings to his back.

Together, the two of them walked to the edge, and Noah watched different people jump off the platforms and move through the city on their wings with casual ease. A minutes later, it was their turn to step off. Looking down, Noah watched the long distance he’d fall if the wings didn’t work. He gulped, feeling a sudden paralysis take him.

“I’ll go ahead, follow me when you feel like you can,” Aurelia said with a smile.

Noah nodded, watching her step to the edge. A moment later, the wings on her back unfurled, as a gust of air rapidly blew around her. Leaning forward, she fell down the edge and vanished.

Rushing to the edge, Noah went to see if something went wrong, when with a sudden burst he saw Aurelia rise up into the sky, her wings spread wide behind her back. Her screams of excitement echoed through the air as she danced like a bird, gliding across the skies.

Finding the fear start to fade, Noah nodded, closing his eyes, before he channelled his own mana. He felt the jerk of his wings expanding behind his back, before the wind pulsed around him. Feeling the sensation of the wings subtly adjusting their movements in response to his body, Noah bounced in place, realising how light he felt. Then, glancing down, he closed his eyes and took a long deep breath before stepping off.

The ground fell from beneath him as the wings unfurled and his mana pulsed. Wind rustled in his ears as Noah kept his eyes closed, but the sensation of falling did not come. A moment later, he opened his eyes, and found himself hovering awkwardly mid-air near the walls, gliding around. Feeling a little embarrassed as the people at the watched him, some chuckling in amusement, Noah directed the wind, letting the feather-gliders move him as he pulsed his mana.

He screamed as a gust of wind launched him forward rapidly but in moments, the screams turned to excited laughs as wind followed his command, and the wings moved on their own at his will, propelling him forward.

He quickly began to swim through the air, gliding like a bird as the currents of wind took him across the city.

“This is so amazing!” Noah shouted, rushing towards Aurelia on his wings.

Aurelia smiled. “Aren’t they? I loved them as well. But let’s not get too lost, feather gliders are mana intensive, so let’s head towards the guild before we run out,” Aurelia said.

Noah nodded, before smiling. “Last one there treats the winner to dinner!” Noah shouted, before pulsing his mana. Wind burst behind him as he launched ahead, laughter echoing from him. Sights and buildings whir past, other similarly flying people moving around and across him as Noah danced clumsily across the skies.

In a second, he sees Aurelia overtake him with ease, moving with swift grace and Noah grins. “Oh no you don’t!”

Letting his mana fill the feather gliders, Noah shot ahead, using Blink twice to catch up partway of the distance. The wind howled in his ears, drowning almost every sound as he shot ahead of Aurelia, racing at high speeds.

Noah heard a crackle come from behind him. A moment later, the wind fell from beneath him, and he cursed.

Noah twisted and turned, guiding the wind as he tried to find a place to land. Looking back, he saw a small piece of wood lodged in one of the joints of the feather gliders. Falling, Noah used Blink to move closer to the ground as he tried to control his flight. A moment later, he crashed onto a cart beneath him.

“Ouch,” he murmured, slowly pulling himself up, finding his body covered in scraps of leaves and fruit.

“What in Avera’s name are you doing?!” the merchant shouted, as Noah slowly pulled himself up.

Aurelia moved in as well, landing next to Noah. “Sorry, he’s new,” she said, before taking out two mana stones. “Here’s for the trouble,” she said, hanging the crystals to the guy.

“Idiot,” she muttered at Noah, pulling him up by his hands.

“Sorry, got over excited,” Noah murmured, clutching his head. “I’m fine though.”

“Should’ve probably lost another arm. Maybe a leg this time. That would teach you,” Aurelia murmured. “Whatever, we’re at the guild at least.”

Noah shook the remnants of vegetables off his body, brushing his hair. Putting his wings into his inventory, Noah turned towards the guild. A fairly large entrance stood in front of him, with a multi story building connected to multiple incoming bridges carrying traffic.

“Let’s get you registered,” Aurelia said.

Noah nodded, following her. As they were about to enter, Noah heard a shout come from inside, before the gates in front of him burst open in shatters of wood. Instinctively he blinked away, taking out his dagger, before he saw a man collapsed against the wall of the building.

Noah stared at the man, before turning towards the guild itself. A giant herculean man with lizard like scales that shone like obsidian in the sun and more muscles than he’d ever seen on any person stood at the gates. Noah used identify.

[Guild Master - ???]

“Keep your lousy ass out of my guild, you understand?!” the gigantic man shouted, snorting.

A moment later, he saw Aurelia face palm. “Right… I forgot who the guild master was here.”

The giant lizard guy’s eyes fell on him, his eye slits narrowing. “Are you with him?”

Noah shook his head. “No, not at all. I’m here to register as a new adventurer,” Noah replied.

“He’s with me,” Aurelia said, stepping up.

“Ah, a new applicant,” the large man said, and Noah was starting to understand he was a Drailith like Aurelia had said.

“NAE! THERE’S A NEWBIE HERE!” the guild master shouted, loud enough to make Noah’s ears feel like they would pop, before he turned around and headed back in.

Noah looked around, at the collapsed man, the broken gate and the silent ongoing watchers, before a young girl walked up to the door. “Are you the new adventurer?” the girl, Nae he presumed, asked.

“Yes…?” Noah murmured.

“Great! Come in!”

Noah followed inside and then froze as he noted the myriad of people in various degrees of armor lying unconscious everywhere.

“Oh, don’t mind all the unconscious people, today’s spar day so they’ve been training with the guild head. They aren’t dead, just too tired to move,” Nae said in a cheerful voice, as she walked up to the counter.

Noah gulped, following behind her. He was starting to get a bad feeling about all of this now.

This chapter is updat𝓮d by fre(e)webnov(l).com

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