Rise of the Horde-Chapter 103

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Chapter 103: Chapter 10

Atop the dune, the Sandstorm Cavalry formed their ranks in preparation of one powerful charge. Those who still have their steeds with them formed the first wave of attack, while those on foot followed closely behind them.

“Glory to Ereia!”

“For Ereia!”


The riders shouted as they charge down the dune towards the rear of the monsters who were being kept at bay by the Ereian Army, Ereian Royal Army and the soldiers of the nobles. “I’ll go ahead, commander!” Captain Ashgar shouted towards Commander Ishaq.

The commander of the Sandstorm Cavalry glanced towards their Guidon Bearer, who disappeared in a blink of an eye. Captain Ashgar charged down the dune with such speed that a small sandstorm was created behind him. The banner of the Sandstorm Cavalry fiercely fluttered with the wind.

Ferocious wind surrounded Captain Ashgar as he charged forward. He was unleashing all his fury upon the monsters and tearing them apart into pieces.


“There he goes!”

“The Captain is still as fierce as ever.”


The Sandstorm Cavalry followed up behind Captain Ashgar who already joined the fray of the main battle and slaughtering monsters left and right. He weaved around the battlefield like a phantom, as he disappears and reappears in different places in the blink of an eye while leaving behind a trail of mangled corpses.

The monsters were mercilessly cut down by the man swinging around a guidon with such force that dust and sand were sent into the air along with his victims. “Keep it tight! Trample them!” Commander Ishaq bellowed as he and the rest of the Sandstorm Cavalry who were atop their horses galloped at full speed while keeping their formation as tight as possible, with riders touching knees on both sides as they rode down the dune.

The sound of the cavalry crushing the rear of the army of monsters echoed as the impact of the charge sent the little corrupted creatures flying. The cavalrymen slashed left and right with reckless abandon, as they were in a hurry to end the battle as soon as possible. They still have plenty of enemies to chase and keep the Town of Gilban safe from their destruction.


“Your Highness, I have a message for you from Commander Ishaq.” The rider who was tasked to report jumped down from his steed and went down on one knee as he shouted. He was a few paces away from the prince as the Royal Cavalry blocked him. He smelled an unpleasant scent emanating from the camels and he can’t help but scrunched his face in discomfort.

“Let him through!” Prince Gyassi shouted as the Royal Cavalry parted in the center to let the messenger through. The rider tasked by Commander Ishaq walked with haste towards the prince. He went down on one knee again when he was only a few feet away from the prince. “I hope the news you have is important!” Prince Gyassi frowned as he was about to retire to his tent already as he no longer like staying under the heat of the sun.

“Your Highness, a part of the monsters’ army slipped away with the cover of the dune. They are on their way towards the Town of Gilban.” the rider reported and still continued on kneeling on one knee.

Prince Gyassi glanced towards the direction of the Town of Gilban and his frown turned deeper. “Get the Royal Cavalry to return to battle and end this quickly. We need to move quickly and organize a defensive position at the Town of Gilban.” the prince turned towards the commander of the Royal Cavalry who saluted him and ordered his troops to ride away.

“Get back to the frontline.” Prince Gyassi ordered the messenger before guiding his horse to turn away and headed towards his tent. The messenger rose to his feet and jumped back on his horse and joined the Royal Cavalry.


“Give them nothing but death! Not even an inch! Push forward! Forward!” Commander Barika shouted as he decapitated a corrupted orc with whom he was engaging with. The corrupted orc continued to strike at him with its hands and probably broke its hands in the process which Commander Barika easily deflected with his shield.

“You hear the commander!”

“Give them nothing but death!”



The Ereian Royal Army shouted as they fiercely pushed away the monsters that were trying to get through their ranks, to no avail. Wave after wave they cut down the mindless monsters, who only attack and attack with no thoughts of defending themselves. The solid overlapping shields prevented the monsters from breaking through as swords and spears gifted them with nothing but death.

The Royal Cavalry swung left and hammered the right flank of the monsters. The monsters were being assaulted in three directions and they are almost surrounded.

At the right flank of the Ereian battle-line where Viscount Redore and Baron Kasto were at. The progress of the battle was tilting to the favor of the Ereians, as the monsters were confused and divided in their attacks. They were winning and overpowering the monsters.

“Push through! Cut them down!”

“Lord Kasto! Encircle them on the far right!” Viscount Redore shouted his commands with all his might to make sure that he would be heard, even with all the chaos and noise that was going on. He caught sight of the tall hollowed dust that was headed for the right flank of the enemy army, which would mean it was a cavalry on the move. And with the Sandstorm Cavalry riding downwards from the dune striking the rear of their foes, it would mean that the Royal Cavalry were attacking the right flank of the monsters. If they push forward and push back the monsters on their side into the center, the army of monsters would then be fully encircled with no place if retreat and be attacked in all directions.

“Soldiers to me! Let’s go!” Baron Kasto rallied the soldiers around him and swung to the far right as they attempted to push the monsters towards the center of the battlefield. “Keep it up! Keep them occupied!” Viscount Redore shouted again as Lord Kasto and the soldiers that followed him headed for the far right. Please visit f𝓇ℯℯ𝚠e𝒃𝘯𝒐νel. co𝐦


Prince Gyassi raised the flaps of his tent where all the luxury that was available was at. He headed for the shelf where his collection of alcoholic drinks were at. Grabbing one of his many favorites, which was a bottle that came from the traders originating from the far east who comes to trade with them twice a year.

Those traders came from a prosperous empire to the very far east and they bring with them goods that can’t be found anywhere else. Those goods were very sought after by the nobles and his father, the King of Ereia, hoarded most of them.

“Oh! Your Highness, will you accompany me again.” the fair lady on the bed sat up and stared at the prince with a seductive smile while blinking her eyes coyly. She removed the fine silk gown that did no good at hiding her tempting figure. The fine gown easily slid down her smooth skin, revealing her fair white supple breasts.

Prince Gyassi smiled as he turned towards her little seductress, who was eagerly waiting for his touches. He strolled towards her while removing the cork of the bottle in his hand with his teeth. He raised his head up and gulped a mouthful of the strong yet also sweet drink.

Prince Gyassi stroke the cheeks of the fair lady with the back of his left hand. The very smooth feeling on his skin made him want to pounce on her right away. He fought off the temptation and calmed his excited meat rod, that was starting to awaken from its slumber, which was anticipating to enter that heavenly cave once again.

“Not now, my enchantress... I still have many things to do... You’ll have me all you want and we can have fun all we want after everything is finished. I’ll make you experience a life of luxury never before.” the prince came close to the face of the lady in front of him and whispered unto her ears while also nibbling on her earlobes as he pulled back before going in again.

“Mhmm...” a soft moan escaped her lips as the prince nibbled on her earlobes and his lips slowly made their way on her neck, covering it in kisses as he go down. Prince Gyassi distanced himself from her and raised his head up to gulp down another mouthful of his drink.

The lady clung onto the prince and planted her red lips unto his and sucked in the prince’s lips in an attempt to awaken the sleeping dragon that was in between the legs of His Highness, which she saw that was slowly being aroused from its slumber. She was about to strip off his armor when his hands grabbed hers and prevented her from doing so.

“Not right now. I still need to fight for the two of us.” Prince Gyassi stood up and walked away from the fair lady while raising his head up and gulping down all the remaining contents of the bottle. He headed towards one of chests that was on his tent with the use of the key that was on his neck.

Opening the chest, a bright red light glowed from within the chest and there lies the Sword of the Sands. The artifact that was once wielded into battle by the founding King of Ereia.