Rise of the Horde-Chapter 122

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Chapter 122: Chapter 12

A few hours after Ikrah was gone, Gur’kan went towards where the battle band that was attached to the warbands that he was leading. Raising the flaps of the tent, he stared at the neatly placed battle horns in their rightful places. The war drums were all line up according to their size, from the smallest ones to the biggest.

Gur’kan approached the nearest battle band member to him and patted him on the shoulders to wake him up. “Mmmm...” the orc responded, but just turned sideways and looked the other way. Gur’kan knitted his brows together, but let it go. He bended forward and patted the orc on the chest and when it was not working, he gave the orc some gentle slaps on the face. The sleeping orc just slapped his hands away and continued in his slumber.

Annoyed, Gur’kan shoved the sleeping orc away from him with his right foot. The sleeping orc rolled away from Gur’kan’s shove and opened his eyes wide. He was now awake, but still groggy. Raising his head, he glanced around to find the one who woke him up.

In the darkness, his eyes adjusted and there he saw it, the cold piercing, angry gaze of their commander. Quickly, he stood up and saluted towards their commander. He cleared his throat in preparation to announce the presence of their commander inside their tent.

“Aaaaaaaa-...ten-...tion!” the newly awakened orc announced as loud as he could to make sure that his voice will reach even those who were the furthest away from him. Upon hearing the command, by reflex, all the members of the battle band abruptly opened their eyes wide and stood at attention. They have been trained many times to respond to such calls, and it was ingrained in them that whenever they hear this command, no matter what they were doing, they had to stand at attention.

All the orcs, who were still clearly sleepy, used their peripheral visions to find out who officer was with them. There, upon the entrance of their tent, they saw their War Chief, who was looking at them with an unfriendly gaze.

“I’ll collect your punishment later on... Now suit up and sound the sounds of battle to awaken the Horde.” Gur’kan muttered before going out of the tent with an angry snort.


Like a hornet’s nest that was just stirred, the battle band members wore their light armors and grabbed their instruments. They all formed outside their tent and marched as a group towards the center of the camp.

Thundering sound of the war drums echoed which was followed by the distinct tune of the battle horns. The call for battle reverberated throughout the entire camp. Those on the walls looked forward towards the outside of the walls to keep watch while their allies form up.

Just like a beast that was slowly aroused from its slumber, the Yohan First Horde, Ikarush, got out of their comfortable beds. Wore their equipment, which was all lined up beside where they sleep.

The first one to complete their group was the Second Warband and along with them in the forefront was their Guidon Bearer and the one who holds the Banner of Yohan. Following them at almost the same time, the Fifth and Seventh Warbands formed their ranks.

“Second Warband in full force!”

“Fifth Warband ready for battle!” Google search fr𝚎𝘦𝘄𝙚𝗯𝗻𝗼𝐯e𝗹. 𝑐o𝒎

“Seventh Warband all here!”

Reports came one after another as the leaders of the Band Masters announced the status of their warband. In the wide clearing which was called the Formation Ground, Gur’kan stared at his warriors who were all ready for battle.

“Rumbling Clan ready to rumble!”

“Rhakaddon Cavalry is here!”

Dug’mhar loudly shouted as the trembling of the ground became more intense as the Rhakaddon Cavalry formed up their ranks. There might steeds of war shook their heads and noisily snorted after their slumber was disturbed by their riders as they rode them to form up.

“Commander Dug’mhar, select two hundred of your best riders to move out and find an open ground. The rest will remain to protect the camp. We don’t know if there are others eyeing us from the shadows.”

“All warbands with me!”

Gur’kan issued out his commands and turned around, heading towards the gates. Behind him were the warriors that he was leading. This will be the virgin battle of many and he wants to lose as less of warriors as possible.

Darkness was still the one reigning through the world, as the sun was still on its way to peek out of the horizon. The marching sound of the Yohan First Horde, Ikarush, awakened the nearby creatures as they scurried away in fear. Silhouettes of rogue goblins, trolls, a few ogres and some other creatures could be spotted fleeing away.

They might have thought that the massive army of warriors was out to get them. Fearing for their lives, they ran away as fast as their legs could. They have been stalking the newly erected camp, which they thought would be an easy target, but it was a mistake.

The chosen riders of the Rhakaddon Cavalry galloped away with speed in search of a suitable ground for them. All those nocturnal creatures that were merrily going around their normal life through the night were surprised and retreated to whatever shelter they could find to keep themselves away from the enormous creatures that were making the ground shake as they moved.

The warriors of Yohan marched in silence as ordered by their commander. The usual chanting that they do as they march and competition of chants that they are accustomed to was nowhere to be found. Only the sound of their sandals hitting the ground and the few chunks and clinks of their equipment were present.

Behind the trees, on the bushes, parted tall grasses, the small holes and other places that a creature could hide. Eyes were all openly watching the mighty army that was on the move. They were trying to find out where they are headed to. If they are safe or not, they silently watched. The three warbands followed the tracks left behind by the Rhakaddons, which were heading for the Skalsser Tribe.