Rise of the Horde-Chapter 124

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Chapter 124: Chapter 12

Gur’kan looked towards the battle band members that were with him. He smiled, then the battle band members that were attached to their commander knowingly smiled back. They raised their battle horns, line up together, inhaled deeply, then blew their instruments. They emitted a very loud sound from the battle horns. The battle band members who were attached to the warbands joined in as they, too, blew their battle horns hard.

Since Gur’kan knew that the Skalsser Tribe is in turmoil among themselves, he had to announce their presence through the battle band. The sound of the battle horns was their call for challenge.

Inside the Skalsser Tribe, upon hearing the noisy sound of the battle horns from outside their tribe. The Skalsser orcs froze for a few moments as they stared at each other’s eyes. Friends or foes no longer mattered, as they had the same thing running in their mind, ‘Tribal Battle’, which they must answer as a tribe.

All the Skalsser orcs lowered their weapons. Their internal conflict would be on hold for the moment as they have enemies from the outside, but Xok’nath had other ideas. “See! Yukah is colluding with the invaders! He has betrayed the tribe! They have come for us! Subdue that traitor!” he loudly bellowed as he stared at Yukah.

The warriors who were confused about what to do with situation gripped their weapons tighter as the fray might resume at any moment and they don’t want to go down without a fight.

Yukah gritted his teeth in anger at Xok’nath’s thinking. They are being attacked by outsiders, but he still can’t let go of his ambitions to be the sole and undisputed leader of the tribe. Yukah was torn between continuing to fight Xok’nath despite their entire tribe might fall because of it or he would surrender to have Xok’nath unite the tribe for a stand. Please visit 𝑓𝗿𝐞e𝑤𝚎𝗯n𝗼ν𝙚l. 𝑐𝒐𝓶

He stared at the skies. “Teacher, what should I do?” he muttered, but no one replied to his question. Gripping the handle of his weapon tighter, he raised it above his head, but then lost the will to do so. The safety of the tribe is much more important than him. He threw his weapon away and surrendered.


“Catch him! Quick!” Xok’nath happily shouted as his greatest rival for the leadership finally surrendered. The warriors around Yukah surrounded him with their weapons all pointed at him. “Now end him! Do it quickly!” Xok’nath continued to order and Yukah closed his eyes. His death, no matter how bitter and unfair it was, he had accepted it. The tribe is much more important than him.

The Skalsser orcs didn’t move an inch towards Yukah. No one moved. They all just stared at each other, waiting for someone to step up. Tye thrill of battle that they had running in their veins died off as they remembered it now. Yukah was their champion, the best warrior of their tribe who had more battle trophies than any of them around the tribe, well among the still living that is.

“Argh!” Xok’nath exclaimed in frustration as he moved forward towards Yukah. His gripped on his weapon became more relaxed as his opponent no longer had a weapon in his hand. He felt confident in his victory now. Raising his axe high above his head, he brought it down with a might swing upon Yukah.

Xok’nath was aiming for Yukah’s neck, but when his target opened his eyes and stared at him defiantly. Fear gripped his heart as his grip on his weapon loosened. The strength in his arms waned away and his confidence in himself dwindled down. His strike landed on Yukah’s chest and threw him back. Blood was spilled and Yukah laid them motionless.

The blood that dripped from his weapon, Xok’nath inspected it. He still can’t believe it. He had finally succeeded. Glancing around, he could see that all his tribesmen were staring at him and waiting for his orders. They still have enemies to deal with.

Raising his weapon in the air and with the boost of confidence he received from finally being the sole ruler of the tribe. “Xok’nath Stonetooth is your chieftain! Now I call all of you! Answer my call! Skalsser to BATTLE!” he bellowed and sprinted towards the entrance of the tribe with his tribesmen chasing behind him.

Almost the entire tribe followed after Xok’nath, but those who weren’t willing to follow his leadership remained in the tribe. They chose to split away and leave the tribe. They stared at Yukah’s motionless body and approached it. They carried the brave warrior on their shoulders and brought it away. The body of their chosen leader must not fall into the hands of Xok’nath, for it might be defiled and mutilated by him, knowing his nature.

“Second Warband! You know where to go!” Gur’kan shouted as he spotted a lone Rhakaddon rider in the distance, who was waving at them. They finally found a suitable ground for them to engage in battle.

“Second Warband! To me?” Arkagarr called his warriors and led them away towards the lone Rhakaddon rider, who was waiting for them in the distance.

The Second Warband went away and headed towards the battlefield that they have chosen and the only ones that remained were the warriors belonging to the Fifth and Seventh Warbands who prepared their javelins.

Right at the entrance of the Skalsser Tribe, the warriors under the leadership of Xok’nath assembled themselves for a head-on clash. Xok’nath, being wary of the hidden enemies that could shoot him down from a distance with iron bolts, hid behind his warriors.

“Warriors of Yohan! Prepare for battle!” Gur’kan bellowed as his warriors had smiles plastered on their faces. No real battle will happen here, as this is not where they will engage them.

“Death to the invaders!”

“Take their heads!’


Xok’nath rapidly shouted as he pointed his weapon at the neatly arranged foes that they have. Their enemies were in some sort of a square like formations, but he paid no heed to it as he was confident in his tribe’s power. They have been fighting and fighting, and their skills for battle were honed through those many battles that they have survived.

The Skalsser orcs charged together and shouted their battle-cries as they sprinted forward like a tide, coming out from the entrance of their tribe. Xok’nath run with his men but still made sure that he was surrounded by them. He was still wary of the enemies that attempted to bring him down twice while remaining hidden.

“Prepare javelins!” Gur’kan bellowed as his warriors readied one of their five javelins that they have with them. They were equipped with more javelins than normal just for the occasion. Raising their throwing arm up and preparing to shower the fools who don’t know what was in for them.

Xok’nath slowed down in his charge as he noticed their foes readying to throw their spears at them. He doesn’t want to be pierced by one of those.

“Shower them with your gifts!”

Javelins soared through the air in a small arc. The first volley took down a few Skalsser orcs as they were spread out while charging forward. Following the first volley, the second came, which fell more of their foes than the first.


“Follow me!”

Gur’kan bellowed as he withdrew away and the battle band sounded the retreat. The Fifth and Seventh Warbands quickly followed after their commander and neatly marched away at a quick pace, like they were sprinting. “After them! They are retreating!” Xok’nath excitedly shouted as he saw their foes pulling back away from the tribe.

The chase didn’t last long. “Halt! Ready javelins!” Gur’kan turned around and bellowed as the battle band relayed his command. The warriors of Yohan turned around at almost the same time. They pulled out their javelins which were attached to their shields and in a fluid motion raised their throwing arms to shower their foes with another rain of javelins.

The shower of javelins came again and hit many of their marks. Xok’nath knitted his brows together as he watched those hit by the javelins, screaming in agony as they tried to remove the javelins that went through their bodies.

The unique thick barbed design of the spearhead made it really excruciating to be pulled out when it already pierced through someone as it tear away more flesh tissues as it is being pulled out. A thick, big and long spearhead with a very thin base attached to its shaft, it was strangely designed but really effective in reducing the number of enemy combatants.

The sound of retreat came again and the Yohan warriors sprinted away, not engaging their enemies in melee combat. The Skalsser orcs shouted in frustration behind them as they gave chase.


“Come back here!”

“Fight like real warriors!”

“You are no orcs!”

The Fifth and Seventh Warbands didn’t respond to the oral abuse that they were being subjected to. Their demon of a chieftain had already subjected them to such things and he can hurl out better and more hurtful insults than what they are hearing now. They continued on their retreat and followed after their commander, who was smiling mischievously and giggling in happiness.

The sun has already peeked out behind the mountains and brought the much needed light and warmth. One army was in tight and organized groups as they ran away and behind them was a scattered army who was shouting angrily at them.

Gur’kan saw the flags that were on both sides of the open plain, fluttering with the wind. There patiently waiting is the Second Warband.