Rise of the Horde-Chapter 92

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Chapter 92: Chapter 9

While the prince was celebrating the victory that he contributed nothing to inside his tent, his soldiers and commanders were busy cleaning the battlefield, hoping they could rescue more of their wounded allies. The healers are barely enough to treat the many wounded that they have. There are soldiers screaming and groaning in pain. Some had chunks of flesh missing in their bodies, some had limbs long gone, and some had deep wounds that bled uncontrollably.

Commander Ishaq can’t help but pity the wounded soldiers who are trying to endure the pain and gritting their teeth while trying to last as long as they can till the healers move towards them and treat their wounds. It was all hell in the treatment area; the sunset was like a trigger that let hell broke loose. Blood dripped to the sands as they changed its color from deep brown to crimson red before turning dark.

“This... This is hell, Commander Ishaq. It’s hell in the land of the living. We and the soldiers are suffering here, but the prince is happily celebrating and having a good time with that woman. Look around you, Ishaq, take a good look at the faces of these men. Their faces contorted in pain while they try to endure the pain and force themselves to last longer.” An older man with a thick mustache and beard said. He had an enormous frame that is packed with muscles. An iron armor with some silver ornaments adorned his body, which was covered in darkened blood. A long diagonal scar was on his face, starting from his right eyebrow, which just missed his nose a little and extends until his left cheek. His face became more intimidating as he frowned at what he was seeing.

“The faces of those who have died while waiting to be treated, the look of pain in their faces which looked like it was frozen in time. Look at them carefully! This isn’t what that brat promised us. This isn’t how we should be treated. We shed blood and sweat in the battlefield and what do we get in return, nothing but the scanty amount of water and barely enough food to quench our thirst and hold our hunger at bay.” the old man with a scarred face spoke with a deep voice like he was someone that just crawled out of the abyss. His tone was laced with anger as he balled his hands into a fist as he stared at the soldiers who were suffering.

“If I wasn’t worried that more of them will die if that useless brat leads them into battle himself. I would have been long gone and returned to the capital.” He continued.

“I understand your anger, Commander Kontar. I know very well that the prince is in no way a good leader and he is not fit to lead us and this army, but what can we do but obey. He is a brat alright, a hot-blooded useless brat, but he is still the prince and we must obey and follow his commands and do what he tasks us to do. I have the same reason as you that’s why I am still here enduring with you all. I am worried that this army will have long been defeated if we aren’t here to command it in the prince’s place.” Commander Ishaq comforted his fellow commander.

“Ptui!!! That good for nothing brat!” an old raspy voice sounded behind them. The oldest commander of the kingdom, who served as the king’s personal guard before he was sent here to accompany and ensure the safety of the prince, kicked the sands below his feet in annoyance.


“What’s wrong, Commander Nassor?” Commander Ishaq questioned as he and Commander Kontar turned towards him. “I bet he is enjoying his time again with that b*tch! Just like the many times before. After every battle that we win with our lives on the line, he would celebrate it with that b*tch of his. Not even once did he show himself to know the condition of his soldiers, ptui! I hope the Ereian Royal Army enjoy their time listening to his celebration. Those disrespectful bastards and that assh*le of a commander of theirs, ha! I hope they enjoy their time. Better if those bastards who wore shining equipments do each other while they are at it. Hahaha! That would be a sight to behold.” Commander Kontar chuckled as he imagined the Ereian Royal Army doing each other from behind while they listen to the celebration of the prince and his beloved b*tch.

Commander Nassor chuckled in amusement and agreed with what his fellow commander said. His frown turned into a smile as he imagined those disrespectful bastards doing each other from behind. “What got you so agitated?” Commander Ishaq questioned as he wondered what pissed off the old commander so bad that is taking his anger on the sands.

“Those disrespectful bastards denied me entry as soon as I got near that brat’s tent. They told me that the prince is having a rest after a tiring battle and he is exhausted. Like hell! He did nothing except shout ‘Attack!’ and just watched from the rear. How can that useless bastard be even exhausted? He didn’t do anything at all except ride his horse, wore his overly luxurious armor and watch as we shed sweat and blood on the battlefield. Sh*t! I would have those disrespectful bastards punished if they were still under me...” Commander Nassor continued to spout curses at the Ereian Royal Army and the prince.

“Tone it down. The prince might have spies near us and who knows if that hot-blooded brat will hear about your curses at him. You don’t want to be punished and your family, too. That brat is a very petty person and will seek vengeance for the slightest grievances. Like hell! He even utterly destroyed one of the oldest noble families just because they wouldn’t let their little princess suffer under him. Even if I was Lord Darhkariss, I wouldn’t let my precious daughter be at the hands of that useless brat. He had nothing to boast off except for being the prince of the kingdom,that sh*t of a prince...” Commander Kontar can’t help it but also spout curses.

“That’s enough! Both of you! The prince is still the prince, whether or not we like him. Control yourselves and don’t forget the oaths that you took before becoming commanders of the kingdom.” Commander Ishaq finally had enough of the two’s ramblings and curses. He shook his head in helplessness as the prince was truly becoming worse and worst as time passes by. He wasn’t what he was today before. The prince was once a very good person, a good friend, a good commander and a good prince, but after the event involving the Darhkariss family, he became what he is now today.

‘My Queen, if you just haven’t left this world too early, your son wouldn’t be like this. He needed you to teach him, but alas, you’re gone but I will still keep my promise to you. I will support and protect him until my last breathe.’ Commander Ishaq raised his head and stared at the sky which was slowly turning dark as the sun had hidden beyond the horizon giving way to the numerous gems of the night that twinkled from time to time and to the moon that brought with it light and drove away the total darkness of the night.

Commander Kontar and Commander Nassor turned their heads towards Commander Ishaq. They both couldn’t really understand their fellow commander. It was he who suffered the most among all the commanders of the kingdom in the hands of that brat, but still he defends and follows him. It was a puzzle to them about what might be going on inside Commander Ishaq’s head. Why is he so loyal to the prince despite all the hardships and abuse that he suffered at the hands of the prince?

The two commanders look at each other and confusion was again on their faces like the many times that happened before. Both of them have been trying to figure out the reason why Commander Ishaq was so devoted to the prince for a really long time, but till now they still didn’t get a single clue on what it might be.

“Just ignore the prince. Drink! Drink to your heart’s content for tomorrow we will never know if today is our last.” An ever bigger man butted in as he raised a jar of ale into his mouth and chugged down its contents like it was just plain water. “Ah! That’s refreshing.” he said as he wiped away his lips with his right hand then stared at his fellow commanders with a confused look, “What!?”

“You know, you’re one hell of work, Commander Karim. You drink and eat like there is no tomorrow and look at what happened to you. You became an enormous ball of flesh. It’s no wonder that those monsters always flock towards you, you look very tasty in their eyes and have a lot of fat and flesh to be bitten.” Commander Nassor chuckled as he stared at their fat fellow commander, who was chugging down the contents of the jar again.

“Hey! Hey! Leave my fat body out of this. I ain’t doing anything wrong. I fight where I am told to and when there is no fight, I feast that’s what I do. Continue with you guys are discussing and don’t mind me. I’ll just be having my feast here.” Commander Karim said as he took another jar of ale and chugged it down again after finishing his first jar.

“Of course we will mind you. You have been depleting our supply of ale frequently. You better leave some for us and the soldiers before I puncture a hole in your stomach to get some ale.” Commander Kontar threatened as he gripped the hilt of his sword. His threat seemed to have worked as the huge Commander Karim went away, but before he left the tent where the ale were stored at, he took two more jars of ale with him as he skipped away happily.