Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster-Chapter 31 Endings And Beginnings (1)

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This is but another indicator that this might be an undiscovered continent like the Eastern continent. Probably.

It was a shame that he couldn't understand this language, if he did he could probably learn much about what this town once was and what happened to its former citizens.

Aldrich believed that the former citizens of this town were somehow transformed into husks. Otherwise how could they now occupy these buildings and houses?

But if that was really the case how were they locked in? Who locked them in? It's as if whoever did that knew that the people would turn beforehand.

Or perhaps the husks invaded this town causing the people to flee. A much brighter alternative.

If he could learn this language he might learn the whereabouts of the so-called divine city much faster and safer than now. After all, he was basically searching for a needle in a haystack.

Aldrich looked around the room and noticed there were curtains over the beds. Why did they hang curtains over beds? He didn't know.

They were also made as if to separate the three beds. Even stranger, who installed those restraints in beds?

'Wait a moment, could it be that this is not a bedroom and instead some kind of torture chamber? Or an experimentation den of some mad physician?'

The room now made more sense to Aldrich.

One of the curtains was draped over a wall. Aldrich curiously pulled it a side and that revealed a door behind it. The door had a broken handle and with a push it opened wide.

Aldrich peered inside and despite the completely different style, he recognized it for what it was. This room looked like a study room.

Before Aldrich could enter, however, he felt a sudden tug. Aldrich knew this is the sign that he will soon wake up.

Aldrich walked back through the hallway. There was a hallway, if you turned right you will get to the common room, if you turned left you get to the kitchen but if you go further ahead you will find another door to the right. Aldrich didn't have the time to explore the entire house yet.

Aldrich returned to the common room and threw himself over the couch.

Name: Aldrich

Age: 15.5

Strength: 2+

Agility: 1+

Endurance: 1+ 𝑓𝐫𝑒e𝒘𝚎𝘣𝚗𝘰𝘷𝐞𝑙.co𝑚

Vitality: 2+

Intelligence: 1+

Spirit (black): 2+

Essence: 17

Abilities: eyes of insight Lv.1

Condition: blood of ######

Aldrich looked in glee at the number of orbs he had, the most he had ever collected. Now he felt a little sorry for leaving the two roaches and fleeing. Maybe there was enough time to get them but in hindsight everything changed.

Aldrich made his decision, he upgraded both spirit and strength to three, leaving behind only one orb in his possession. Aldrich felt an electric shock all over his body and closed his eyes.

Aldrich opened his eyes back in his room in the inn. He got out of the bed and looked at the night, and then at the fireplace not much had changed. Time passes slower in the nightmare realm.

He looked at his body, it felt different very different, powerful. Aldrich felt power surge through him, through his blood, muscles and bones.

More importantly he looked at his reflection and saw a shining crest on his forehead. He remembered the day of the ruins incident back when he was only thirteen years old, Adera also had a similar looking crest.

Name: Aldrich

Age: 15.5

Strength: 3

Agility: 1

Endurance: 1

Vitality: 2

Intelligence: 1

Spirit (black): 3

Essence: 1


Abilities: eyes of insight Lv.1

Condition: blood of ######

He noticed there was an unexpected change in his attributes. A new attribute appeared, Ether. Aldrich tried to look at the explanation but only got question marks.

Wait, just now when he observed the explanation of the attributes he saw that intelligence correlates to knowledge and perception.

Could that mean that if he increased it that his learning ability will become better or that he will become smarter?

The problem was that each upgrade costs greater amounts of essence orbs, at least for the time being he had no choice but to focus on some attributes more than others.

He couldn't have everything, if he had to work all day to pay off his mother's debt then he couldn't have time to play with the other kids his age. He simply had to make a decision like he did back then and stick to it. It was very easy to say but hard to do in practice.

After all, the ability to increase his learning skills was very tempting. In fact all attributes could only benefit him but he had limited orbs to go by. Plus he was pressed for time even more.

Aldrich felt tired and decided to go back to sleep. After all going into the nightmare realm is not equivalent to sleep.


Aldrich woke up relatively easily. He still wasn't used to sleep without nightmares. Well that wasn't technically true but still.

If he could do with the nightmares early then he would have a normal night of rest which still counted as a win in his book. Aldrich put on his trousers while doing so he still admired the soft fabrics.

He opened the curtains then the shutters, the light of the rising sun lit the room in splendor. Aldrich let himself bask in the light for a moment and breathed deep. The cold and refreshing morning air banished any drowsiness left in him.

There was a soft knock on the door.

"Sir, would you like some hot water?"

"Sure," he said as he opened the door, and the same two girls that came in yesterday came in again.

The girls dropped the hot water bucket on the floor, the water almost spilled all over.


Aldrich didn't know what happened till one of the girls pointed at his forehead.

"Oh, yeah. This." He touched his forehead and tried to make it disappear but failed. Aldrich already knew from Krynt that initiates couldn't control their crest.

Sometimes it would disappear and at other it would appear, randomly. Until he became a full fledged Crestmaster he couldn't do anything about it.

The girls recovered from their shock and prepare his bath with the same speed and efficiency as last time. While he soaked in the hot water and scrubbing himself he wondered if this is what it felt like to be rich.

Aldrich still hadn't forgotten his original dream. He was still going to do it. It's just that he had to do a few more things on the way.

Aldrich finished his bath and wore his clothes, he combed his hair and prepared his only belongings; a leather bag and a sword. Then he opened the door and headed downstairs.

Aldrich decided to wait for the Crestmasters in the reception. He didn't have to wait long as the group descended downstairs.

"Mornin' you're up early," greeted Orven.

"Did you forget? He said he was a farmer." Reminded Norge. 𝘧𝗿ee𝚠𝙚𝙗𝑛o𝚟𝐞l.𝐜૦𝗺

"All city people should learn a thing or two from us country folk." Boasted Caldera.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go get some breakfast." Invited Ayemon.

"Oh, what? Your crest appeared, that's great that makes things much easier for us." Ayemon remarked nonchalantly.

The rest of the group also made similar offhanded remarks.

'Damn, they weren't impressed even a little'

Somewhere Aldrich hopped that they would show a bit more of a reaction. He was a little dejected.

'So Caldera was also from the country side?'

Aldrich followed the rowdy bunch and headed to the tavern, the tavern was much livelier at this time. It was basically filled with all kinds of people including some halfling and dwarves.

Aldrich wanted to observe the dwarves keenly but only gave them a brief look. They talles than halflings and broader than humans, they looked very strong and heavy too.

The only remaining races that he had heard about but hadn't seen in the empire were the elves, the vendari and the orvikar.

Aldrich noticed that some people payed special attention to him and his group when they saw his crest. But none made any remarks.

He also saw that a short wooden stage was in the center of the tavern, some tables have been moved to the side to make room for it. On the stage a band of three women and two men stood playing various musical instruments.

Now that he took a closer look, one of the women didn't play any musical instrument but sang a song, the march of Hileard hall. A very traditional and famous song.

A waitress came to their table. She was not the same waitress as yesterday, there were many waitresses busying around.

"Good morning, may god bless your souls sirs and madam. Today we have a special breakfast; grilled sausage and vegetables, very fresh. You may like to try it out."

Just hearing the description already watered his mouth.

"I'll take two grilled sausages with two eggs on the side, please."

Aldrich had always wanted to try such a lavish meal but in the past he always had to watch his spending. Not today. The others made their orders and the waitress left.

"Oh, I almost forgot we're going for morning prayers before we take our leave."

"Do we have time for that?" Aldrich questioned.

"Absolutely. It's just a quick prayer and then we'll leave. They have a decent temple close by."

"Oh... great."

Aldrich had to force a smile. Before the massacre he used to make a habit of attending morning prayers. Father Gombst used to give him two loaves of bread for free.

Ever since that day he didn't have a moment for himself and now he wasn't sure if he should really enter a temple. He knew father Gombst won't be there.