Rise of the Nightmare Crestmaster-Chapter 64 Instructor Gazeff

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Aldrich could see that although Ayemon was smiling like usual but he was completely serious, he will be killed if he slacked off.

Aldrich focused like his life was one the line because it was and punched at Ayemon. The punch was caught in Ayemon's palm and the wind whistled around them for a moment. Ayemon didn't retreat a half a step.

Aldrich didn't hold back in the slightest, actually he wanted to use this opportunity to see the difference between him and a Crestmaster. But Ayemon didn't look to be struggling in the least.

"Eh, that was pretty good." Ayemon looked at his palm and nodded.

"You were born with supernatural strength, it seems. Not a bad talent, first grade Pyromancers, Clerics and Glyphmancers will only be a little stronger physically." 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦

"Well I've always been stronger than most. I guess."

"Now don't be too happy I said physically, I see that it wasn't mere coincidence that you of all people were able to escape from the Wakefield massacre."

After a while a servant came to call them back for lunch. When they got in the dining room the found a huge plate of roasted Umvorax ribs and rice.

Caldera had also joined them for the meal and it was absolutely fantastic. The meat of the Umvorax had something special about it, Aldrich didn't know if he imagined it or not but he felt that he was less exhausted somehow.

The rice was mixed with garlic, tomatoes and onions, the ribs were glazed with honey and the meat fell right off the bines. The succulent flavor was brought out by the herbs and spices. To top it off now he knew why the Umvorax was so heavy despite it small size, the reason was definitely the compact muscles, fat and huge bones.

After lunch Caldera took out a very small black bag tied carefully with a white thread giving it an elegant look. Aldrich took the small bag and tried to see what's inside without opening the tie.

"That's the stone fruit, that's how you'll bribe that annoying drunk."

"It must be something special huh."

"Somewhat. Now listen and follow the strategy I will give you now to the letter."

"Go ahead."

"Go to the Black Vault bar on 18th Gana street and you will find an old-looking guy depending on how heavily he's been drinking lately he might look like a seventy year old or a malnourished thirty year old. That bar doesn't have many customers you'll know him when you see him."

"Then tell him that you heard that he's the best out there and that you want him to train you. He'll outright ignore you or refuse you, then tell him I recommend you, he'll refuse again. He might get a little rough after hearing my name. Anyway after that you take out the stone fruit but don't open the bag."

"Why don't I just take it out from the beginning and save myself some time?"

"Don't be a smartass. Timing and order are very crucial in life, take this as a lesson. Didnt you say you were good at haggling?"

"Fine. By the way how rough are we talking when you mean rough?"

"Aren't you endowed with supernatural strength? Don't worry about it. One more thing, don't believe any of the slander that guy says about me. That guy is really petty."

"He's like that huh."

Aldrich picked up the small black bag and made his way to a private carriage while humming the tune of the Emperor's Companions. A very popular song if not the most popular song in the empire.

Aldrich got off at 2nd pioneer street, where a mixed market is held. Aldrich had to buy some necessities before he got home, thanks to the good location he could just walk the distance back to the apartment.

Aldrich brought potatoes, tomatoes, onions, green and red pepper, garlic. He got orange, apples, rice and cabbage. He brought enough coal to last him a week. Lastly he got a jar of cleaning agent, used to wash the toilet.

Aldrich walked the rest of the way back to his apartment and put everything in order before getting another barrel of water and heating up the water basin. Then he poured the water into the tub and mixed it with cold water till it was perfectly warm.

Aldrich washed himself and used both soaps, body and hair soaps. A few minutes later the grim and the rest of the exhaustion from the hunting was washed off.

Aldrich wore his clothes and noticed that these trousers and the white shirt and black vest were his last clean set. He must clean them soon.

Aldrich combed his hair and cleaned his shoes until they glistened. Then he sat by the window and watched the sun completely set. Even as the sun set the lights of the moss lamps lining the streets banished the darkness of the night.

Aldrich walked out and locked the door behind him, the people of Voryhrm knew no rest as they trotted on the streets in the night no different than the day.

Aldrich got on a private carriage as he didn't want to waste time on waiting. The carriage dropped him at 18th Gana street right besides the Black Vault bar. 𝒇𝒓eewe𝒃𝑛𝒐𝘃𝒆𝚕.co𝘮

Aldrich looked around and was surprised that the bar looked quite deserted and old, even the entire street looked like that too. The moss lamps were spars and dim some of them had broken poles and nobody bothered to fix them.

The streets were mostly empty of any traffic the few people that walked the street were wearing heavy cloaks and each one had a dangerous look about them.

Aldrich thought that since the instructor was so good that even Ayemon gave him praise he would be drinking fine alcohol in high class establishments not in this dilapidated looking bar, it looked like it was on the verge of shutting down.

Moreover the street felt unsafe like he was suddenly going to be jumped by some of thugs roaming the street. The discreet stares he felt around him almost confirmed his suspicion.

Aldrich tried to tell the carriage driver to wait for him but the carriage had driven off before he knew it. Coward. Aldrich walked up the wooden and squeaky steps of the staircase that lead up to the bar door.

The inside of the bar was in a similar condition to the outside, old, moldy and dirty. The hardwood floor creaked with every step he made as he maneuvered through the disparate tables to get to the bar.

The lighting of the Black Vault was a mix of bad moss lamps and candle stands giving the place a mysterious and vague atmosphere. The few patrons were engaged in half loud conversations over some food and drinks. From time to time he could hear the sound of clinking cups and cheers.

The customers didn't pay Aldrich much heed when he entered most only spared him a quick glance. Aldrich in turn looked closely at each table trying to tell which one might be the instructor.

Aldrich's eyes fell on a man who didn't sit at any one table but directly at one of the bar seats. He was alone and his head was on the bar-stand as if he passed out like that. Aldrich approached the man and took a seat right besides him.

The man had a mug of some kind of ale, as far as Aldrich could tell by the smell, right to the side. It looks like the man passed out when he was halfway through his drink. Aldrich coughed a little as he hid the black bag containing the stone fruit underneath the seat.

The man was unresponsive. The sun had just set, how can you be that drunk? Aldrich complained in his mind and coughed louder and used his elbow to poke at the man.

"Can I help you?" A sudden question interrupted Aldrich's actions. He looked up and saw one of the bartenders, a short haired half-elven woman.

"Eh, not really, I'm only here to talk to this man."

"This is bar. You want to stay? You order a drink."

Aldrich narrowed his eyes, "some common beer sounds about right."

"Coming right up. That'll be a copper." The woman took out a tankard and a mug from under the stand.

"Do you know how much did this guy have to drink before I came?"

"This guy? Gazeff, he's a regular of sorts in our bar. Well he drank a mug and a half of cheap ale."

"What, only that much? Isn't he supposed to be a drunk?"

"Well you could say that but what sort of drunkard can't hold his drink? He just drinks that much and then he passes out for an hour or so after he comes to, he orders the same again. If you're trying to kill yourself there are easier ways you know? But its good for business so what do I care."

"Having fun talking horseshit behind my back?"

Before Aldrich could respond to the bartender the unconscious man stirred besides him and he talked in a raspy but clear voice. Aldrich couldn't see his face because of the messy long hair he had going everywhere.

"Is it behind your back? Sit down your drunk. I'm talking shit right in front of you."

"Piss off, bitch. I'm in a terrible mood today."

The man and the bartender bantered a bit.

"Hey you," the man pointed at Aldrich without raising his head, "you have something to say to me?"

"Ah, actually I—"

"A drink. This is bar, when you want to talk to someone in a bar you must first buy them a drink. That's just basic manners."

"Fine," Aldrich agreed, "give me another beer—"

"Actually, some dwarven stout would be nice."

"That will be four copper coins." The bartender chimed in.

Aldrich had to put some serious effort to keep his smile by reminding himself that he was going to make a good first impression.

"Good. One mug of dwarven stout for my new friend here..."