Rise of the Undead Legion-Chapter 514 - Heavenly

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Chapter 514 - Heavenly

(This part was not intended to be written but due to some of the readers' comments I had to add it to the story to clarify things.)

"We're here," Dave said. They were inside the cave of the kin warrior that Dagla had locked down so no other could enter after them. It was dark as the abyss, but for the undead, they could see well in it.

"Who might this be? His majesty's son? The way the Undead God spoke about him, he could be nothing but royalty."

"Royalty, I suppose, his son, I highly doubt. The Undead King only had one child, Eleanor, and Death had been possessing her body for ages until I set her free. So we're gonna be seeing something new."

(End of the Specially added part)

"I suppose. My cleaver is ready. His Majesty said that this guy's a monster of a man, bring him back, Lord, I'm gonna get clobbering."

"Hold your horses, we don't know if he is hostile or not yet. Just play it cool."

Dave walked up to the tomb in the wall and pushed at the stone cover of the sarcophagus. The stone made cover dropped to the ground and broke from under its ow weight. Singund got closer to where Dave was and looked at the person lying in the tomb.

"Doesn't look much, too rotten to be of use. A bit more and his bones would turn to dust."

"Yeah, he's been here for a long while." Dave checked the corpse. It was that of a man judging from the armor he wore. A warrior, he was missing his weapon, it was rare to burry a warrior without their weapons. Looking at the neck section, his vertebras were separated. Executed probably.

"A criminal?"

"Highly doubt it, I think it's a powerful figure, got executed, rebellion? I wouldn't know for sure. Let's get him up and talking."

Dave pressed his hand on the corpse.

"Rise Undead!" he uttered and from his hand, a searing powerful gust of energy blasted its way and into the corpse's nostrils, eyes and ears, it began coursing through its boy, rattling the rusted scales of his armor, and made the body shake and shudder.

The corpse began regaining parts of its former skin, rejuvenated but not to that of a healthy person, but the skin tightness and brittleness of a Draugr

The neck part shuddered, then locked and linked itself to the torso, giving Dave a breath of relief, this was not a Dullahan, those are hard to deal with.

The corpse began shaking until it snapped its hand to grab at Dave's. The orc next to him howled and struck down with his cleaver at the corpse's head. But the dead man, or half-dead and now reviving, grabbed Singund's cleaver with one hand, fully negating his powerful blow, then threw him against the wall, stunned shocked, and stuck to the wall.

The corpse's eyes finally opened. Revealing a blue sheen of undeath, that looked at Dave's own eyes in question.

"What's your name?"

The corpse looked around, tilted its head, and said, "I did have a name…I was supposed to be dead? Why am I here?"

"I brought you back, you're gonna be helping us."

"My allegiance is to the king. You're no king to me," the corpse said and swung Dave to the wall.

It was so easy for the corpse to do it that it made Dave grunt. His strength was preposterous. Even Dave couldn't match that power unless he used heroic strength at least three times.

"This guy's trouble, lord," Singund said as he was jerking his arms from the wall, breaking pieces of it in the process.

"Yeah, people tend to be very grumpy when woken from sleep. This guy is no exception."

The corpse broke the tomb he was in and stood facing the two undead.

"Who are you?" said the corpse.

"Singund, Orc Chieftain, Undead, Doom Knight for his Majesty the Undead King of Arotsa. The city of the Dead."

"Kis'Shtiengbrah, Undead Prince, Battle Lich, Abyssal Knight for his majesty the Undead King of Arotsa, City of the Dead. Also, king of the east."

"East? What king, I know no kings of the east but his lord Qin Wuxian."

"Qin Wuxian has died. More than a century ago."

"The Qin dynasty?"

"I ended it."

The Undead's eyes turned bright red as he charged at Dave. Dave dodged to the side. And drew Durandal to battle.

"I don't wish to battle a man unarmed. Singund, give him your weapon."

"Ugh," Singund threw his cleaver at the corpse's legs, but the latter kicked it back at the orc, it was too dangerously close to his ear when it went past and stuck to the wall.

"This guy isn't worth the honor or patience of the Undead."

"You treat favors poorly," Dave said.

"I wish not to battle with a borrowed weapon, GIVE ME MINE!" The undead said as he pointed at Dave.

Dave frowned, "Listen here, chump, this isn't your weapon." Dave said, there was no way he would give him Durandal, not after all the trouble he went through to get it. And this was not Deadra, the real owner of Durandal.

"I speak not of the sword, it is mighty indeed, but I wielded a glaive, I could feel it, it's hidden on your person, she is screaming in protest against all the days it had spent without seeing light break, or war come. You are destroying its soul! Release it!"

Dave took a step back, "Damn, you're Ouki?"

"How do you know my name?"

Dave drew the jade engraved glaive and threw it at the man.

The latter grabbed it with one hand, and in a single motion, twirled it above and behind him, then with a loud thud, the glaive was tucked under his shoulder pointing down, while his other hand was facing palm forward at Dave.

"MUCH BETTER, Now prepare for battle!"

"You know, I'm technically your king, right?"

"You're no king to me! You slew the Qin dynasty. You spoke so yourself."

Ouki charged Dave and struck at him with blinding speed.

Dave ducked, barely enough to not get the upper part of his head sliced open. He charged the knight with a shoulder bash and sent him sprawling on the ground.

The knight stood up, grinned, and howled. Enough that might began materializing around him in the shape of dark smoke. More his skin regenerated, more of his hair returned to embed itself upon his head. His rusty armor began taking better sheen.

"He's growing stronger."

"I can see that," Dave grumbled, he was going to have to level up the field a bit. This guy was really strong even before this. And now, it's going to become far more difficult to tame him if he keeps getting stronger.

Dave was about to use [World Boss] the only way for him to contend with the newly revived wraith in power.

"For Qin!" The undead charged Dave, but those words ticked him.

Dave received Ouki's glaive through the chest and didn't recoil from it.


With one hand Dave grabbed at Ouki's arm that was holding his glaive. With his other hand, he raised Durandal high up.


And struck down with the sword's sharp edge, the strength behind that blow was unbelievable. He had used Strength Doubler from his pendant, three times Herculean Strength, and Zealot.

The blow came like the weight of the moon, crashing down on the still unweakened undead.

The sword sliced through the man's right shoulder and dug itself halfway through his body before Dave forcefully smashed the tip of the sword into the ground pinning the man to his back.

Dave faced the Undead eye to eye and said, "There is none but the legion to pay allegiance to. If you do not comply, then you don't deserve the curse of Undeath. And I have a way for you to leave this world, never to see its daylight ever again, never to see your grandchildren which are in my care, never to know what happened to your beloved kingdom."

As Dave was saying these words, Tiny emerged from his bag, he slowly crept up until he was above Dave's head and just stood there.

For Undead, no matter where or how it was only a Grave Lord that Would cause them much worry.

For the Undead Feared not, but only feared the Grave Lord.

For the Undead Hungered not, but only the Grave Lord hungers.

Ouki felt fright, not being fully integrated into the legion, a rogue undead, he didn't feel safe to be in the presence of something that feasted on the undead.

He shuddered and shook, it was not the fear of death, but oblivion, to forever be forgotten unable to know what happened to his family or his king.

"You said you know where my offspring is?"

"I do, I kept them safe, they are under my custody."

"You mean your prisoners!"

Dave snorted, "Whatever you wanna call them if you want I can take you to them."

The general hesitated, he looked up at Dave and said, "Help me up."

"You're too damn arrogant for a dead man."

"I'm arrogant because I earned my arrogance, my achievements tell of me. What did you do in your life? You're nothing but a prince. Yes, powerful but I doubt you had half of my achievements by my age. Get off me!"

"Is this guy for real? Lord, can you let me give him a good beating?"

"No need, just let him say what he wants," Dave said and stood up pulling the glaive off his chest and drew Durandal, with a bit of excessive force. He wasn't annoyed, he just didn't like the bugger so much.

Ouki stood up, looked around, and said, "There is a gate here. Let us go to Qin, I want to see what happened to it and if you truly tell honestly. I highly doubt the great kingdom of Qin would lose to one such as you."

"We'll get to Qin, but first Urburg. Didn't you say you wanted to see your family?"

"What Urburg? I know not of such a kingdom."

"It's a town, in the wilds."

The man snapped his neck back to Dave, "You took my family hostage and kept them in the Wilds! You wish your head to roll slave!"

A vein was about to pop in Dave's temple. Not to mention the overly enthusiastic Orc who was about to jump at the general, but thanks to Dave's hand that grabbed onto the orc's armor from the neck side to stop him, the situation didn't escalate any further.


"Hey, stop copying Nick's curses, anyway, you'll see for yourself. Follow me." Dave said.

"If a single hair on their heads is harmed, I'll break your legs and arms and throw you for the dogs!" the general said and stood in front of the gate.

"Give us the passkey to this kingdom of yours."

Dave's eyes rolled but he didn't speak, he used the teleportation Gate and appeared in Urburg.