Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse-Chapter 101: Challenge

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Chapter 101: Challenge

Master Shol had already flashed back to his seat, hiding his excitement and nervousness as well as he could, and Edgar hurried to pick up Brock and fly back to his seat. The moment he landed, he began conversing with their allies in hushed tones.

Dorman and Alexander Petrovic landed next to Jack. He gave Dorman a smile and a nod, which the young man returned.

Fourth and third place receive a Trial Planet Token, the head judge declared, fishing out two golden coins from her robes. They were the size of Jacks palm and looked old and faded; exact replicas of the one he had. Congratulations!

Dorman and Alexander Petrovic received their coins, thanked her, then jumped back to their seats. Only Jack was left in the arena now, facing the head judge directly. He glanced at the stands and saw many people whispering darkly, including the scions, the Ice Peak, his own allies

Everyone important was mobilizing. He had no idea what the Animal Kingdom would try to do, but it was coming.

Hurry up he urged her mentally.

Fortunately, the head judge showed no intention to delay things.

The first place winner receives several rewards, she announced. The first is a Trial Planet Token. She handed him another coin, which he quickly slid into his front right pocket. He now had two of thosethe other was safely kept in a secret pocket on the inside of his pants. After the fruit and the Rainbow Dao Pill had been used up, it was his only important possession.

The second reward is an Immortality Serum, the head judge announced, revealing a teardrop-shaped bottle filled with sparking green liquid. The bottle itself was only the size of two fingers, and it could barely hold a few drops. Everyone still gasped. The Immortality Serum can rejuvenate the body, granting an extra hundred years of longevity. Moreover, it greatly enhances the Physical attributes of whomever drinks it, and the process is quick and painless. novelbuddy .com

While the audience gasped in admiration, Jack accepted the bottle, popped off the intricate cork, and gulped the liquid down. No sense in waiting.

He felt its effects instantly. It was like hed had the best nights sleep of his life ten times in a row. He had never felt fresher.

Immortality Serum bonus acquired! Physical +50

Plus what!?

Jack almost shouted before his body convulsed. He dropped to a knee, unable to control himself. His muscles were twisting and expanding, threatening to rip out of his skin. His heart pumped blood with such force it made him dizzy, and his body was filled with such vitality that he felt like running a marathon every day for the rest of his life. His reflexes and dexterity spiked so hard that it took him a few moments to regain control of his body, and even then, his movements were jagged and clumsy.

He groaned. This was so strange, but at least he would get used to it in a few minutes, unlike the changes brought by Skills.

Still, fifty Physical Wow. Thats liketons. Wow.

When he came to, the judge was glaring at him in annoyance, while some people in the audience were laughing. Let them, Jack thought with a smile. I am in danger. Why would I delay?

He had considered saving it for the professor, actually, after hearing about the hundred years of longevity, but surviving the first year was more important.

The third reward, the head judge said, raising her voice over the crowds, is a Dao Soul.

She pulled an item out of her robes. It was a purple gem that could easily fit in Jacks hand. It seemed normal at first glance. At the second, it was anything but. Two thick lines swam inside it like eels, one black and the other white, cutting circles around each other. It reminded him of the yin-yang sign.

The Dao Soul is a mystical item said to split ones soul into two, the head judge explained, raising the gem high. It can help a cultivator practice their Dao against themselves, rising their cultivation speed tremendously.

Many people gasped again. She handed it to Jack, who looked at it oddly.

And how does one use this, oh great judge? he asked.

Ingesting it takes time, she answered with a tight smile.

Jack nodded, then stuck it inside his secret pocket, which he no longer cared about keeping secret. It was on the inside of his left thigh, a place that would both protect his major artery and shield the item from would-be thieves.

Finally, there is a D-Grade automaton, she exclaimed, turning behind her. Two djinns carried a robot into the stage through the back entrance. It was humanoid, with bulky limbs and squarish proportions. It was entirely made of a shiny gray metal Jack didnt recognize, but even he could sense that it was extremely hard. Enough that he could sense it.

Even as he was, he doubted he could dent that metal. It was only a feeling, but he trusted it.

This robot was forged by the famous Horrificus Egen as a bodyguard for one of his disciples, the head judge explained. When that disciple passed away, the Animal Kingdom bought the robot, and now, it will be used to protect one of this generations shining stars. The Animal Kingdom takes care of its geniuses.

Even she didnt believe her words, but she said them nonetheless.

The weird thing about the robot was that it seemed deactivated. The two djinns had carried it over like an unconscious human, one holding it from the armpits and the other from the legs, both clearly straining from the effort despite their E-Grade bodies. They arrived next to Jack and the head judge, then struggled to lift the robot upright.

Robot Bodyguard (D-Grade)

A robot designed to guard and fight for its user. This particular specimen has been tempered with the Dao of Fire and forged by a master blacksmith, achieving extreme hardiness. It can fight even an early D-Grade cultivator to a standstill. What is lacks in mobility, it makes up with sapience-level intelligence.

Manufactured by Horrificus Egen.

We also offer three personality capsules to choose from, the head judge said, fishing three small gems out of her robe. They were only the size of Jacks thumbnail; one was white, the other black, and the third blue. The first is

Excuse me, honored judge, Jack suddenly cut her off. He hadnt known that robot personalities came in capsules. Now that he did, he suddenly had an ideaperhaps he could fix his only regret from this tournament. If I may ask, do all robot personalities come in capsules?

Where else? she replied, looking at him like he was an idiot. Jack didnt mind.

In that case, I have a small request. I am sure that you wouldnt mind, since the Animal Kingdom takes such good care of its geniuses. Her face stayed perfectly still. During the tournament, I came to like the training robot in my house. Would it be possible to use that personality capsule, and you can keep these three in return?

The head judge looked at him like hed said something stupid. You came to like a robot? she asked.

It is pleasant. We became good friends, he replied, nonplussed.

She hesitated for a moment. After glancing towards the planetary overseer, who hadnt even looked at them once while the rewards were handed out, she said, We can arrange for that. However, be warned that an already calibrated capsule will need a short period of adjustment in a new body. The bodyguard wont be usable for approximately one hour.

Jack frowned. Thats a bummer. He had been planning to have the bodyguard protect him while he made a run for the teleporter, just in case the Animal Kingdom tried anything, but he was confident he could make it, anyway. Especially after that monstrous +50.

He liked Sparman. After training together for weeks, he just couldnt bear to leave the poor robot behind.

Even if it was annoying at times.

Thats fine, he said. Please make the swap.

The head judge looked at him like he was stupidagainbut nodded. Then, she made him wait.

A few moments later, a djinn raced into the arena, then walked the last few steps slowly. He carried a slimy green capsule in his hand, a little gem that Jack knew was the color of sarcasm.

The head judge grabbed the gem, thanked the runner, and inserted it into a small opening in the back of the robots skull. A metal plate rose from below immediately after, covering the opening and making it indistinguishable from the rest of its metal skin.

Slowly, the robot opened its eyes. The two djinn handlers let it go. The robot wobbled.

Ohhh, it said in a metallic voice before collapsing to the floor like a sack of potatoes. Its legs and arms jutted around, but it was unable to stand. The audience burst out laughing. The head judges face was a frozen mask of irritation. She clearly hadnt intended for the award ceremony to be funny.

The robot flailed helplessly for a moment before, as it rotated in place, it caught sight of Jack. Oh, Master! it exclaimed. I sense bodyguard functions in my wiring. Very well. I suppose that serving you for the rest of my life is a fitting punishment for my poor performance earlier. It is my fault for reminding you that you had to hit the targets, not miss them.

The audience remained silent, and even the head judge seemed visibly confused.

Its okay, everyone, hes just kidding, Jack said, raising a hand. This guy has a special sense of humor.

Handlers, please move the robot outside the arena, the head judge said, finally unable to take this any longer. The two djinns grabbed it by the arms and legs again, and heaving, picked it up.

One moment, please, Jack said. He approached the robot and quickly whispered a few commands in its ears: To guard the Bare Fist Brotherhood with all its strength.

Sparman nodded. For once, its voice didnt sound mocking. Rest assured, Master. I will follow your order to my last breathmetaphorically speaking, since I do not breathe.

I believe in you, Sparman. Good luck.

Jack then rose, muttered a quick apology to the two handlerswho had held the robot high while Jack whispered at itthen turned back to the head judge.

The final reward, she said, is entry into the Animal Kingdom faction and apprenticeship by a C-Grade Elder. Unfortunatelyshe paused for dramatic effect due to the nature of your final victory, no elder was willing to accept you as a disciple. As a result, this final reward will have to be rescinded, but a person of your talents will certainly find a worthy destination.

Thats okay. Im sure some wise person will eventually accept me as their disciple, Jack replied, smiling. That was a jab towards the Animal Kingdom, half-implying they werent wise, but the head judge showed no signs of picking it upthough she probably did.

Therefore, the reward ceremony and the tournament are over. Congratulations to everyone who participated, especially the winners, and we wish your planet prosperity for the rest of the Integration Year. May your days in the New World be bright!

The crowd cheered. However, before anyone could relax, a sharp voice broke though.

One moment, please.

Everyone craned their heads to look. Fesh Wui was standing on the railing before his seat, on the highest end of the stands. His arms were crossed, his wings were spread wide, and his eyes were as sharp as his voice.

The four of us have grown on this planet together with brother Rufus, he declared proudly, gesturing at the other three scions. All evidence pointed at him being stronger than Jack Rust. However, when an accident happened and brother Rufus was unable to attend, Jack Rust did not resign. He grasped this dishonorable victory that belonged to our brother.

Whispers once again spread through the crowd. The smartest ones were already streaming outside the arena, and many others noticed them and followed suit. Before long, the arena was emptying quickly.

Only a few people stayed in their seats: The Flame River, Edgar, Brock, Dorman Whistles, the Sage, Li Xiang, Brother Tao, the scions, the Ice Peak, as well as around thirty other people scattered throughout the audience. Some of those were in groups, while others were alone, and all of them glared at Jack.

As a result, Fesh Wui raised his voice, we wish to take revenge for our brother and challenge Jack Rust. Esteemed planetary overseerhe turned to the lioness, bowing deeply we know that the rules forbid violence until tomorrow, but would it be possible to let us defend our honor against this vile thief?

The immortals had also stayed in place, of course, as had Vocrich and the planetary overseer. She rose, adopting a face of righteousness. Honor is a cultivators most important possession, she declared in a voice that left no doubt. Jack resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Master Shol sighed in his seat.

Indeed, Jack Rust not resigning was a cowardice action, she continued. Your words are proper, Fesh Wui. Very well. By my orderher voice suddenly boomed out extremely loudly, spreading over the entirety of Integration City the rule forbidding violence is lifted immediately. Additionally, the planet-wide transmission will remain active, so that the world can see honor trample villainy.

We thank you for granting our request, esteemed overseer. All four scions fell on their knees. The planetary overseer nodded. Then, a white cloud appeared under her feet as if oozing out of the arena below, carrying her, Vocrich, and the immortals high in the sky. The head judge had already flown out of the arena, and all other djinn officials were retreating, too.

Every other alien had already left.

Jack bumped his fists together, unleashing a metallic sound that echoed in the now-empty arena. He was done waiting. Their theatrics had taken long enough, but now, they could advance to the main course.

It didnt matter what tricks the Animal Kingdom used. Even if Rufus Emberheart arrived in time, nothing would change. With his new stats, Jack didnt believe he would lose to anyone.

And, since they served him this opportunity on a silver platter, he might as well clean house before teleporting away.

He inspected his status screen one last time, eager to see all the changes.

Name: Jack Rust

Species: Human, Earth-387

Faction: Bare Fist Brotherhood (E)

Grade: E

Class: Fiend of the Iron Fist (Elite)

Level: 50

Strength: 184

Dexterity: 184

Constitution: 184

Mental: 23

Will: 23 fr(e)

Skills: Fistfighting (III), Drill (III), Parkour (III), Iron Fiend Body (II), Ghost Step (I)

Dao Skills: Meteor Punch (II)

Daos: Perfect Dao Seed of the Fist (early), Dao Root of Indomitable Will

Titles: Planetary Frontrunner (10), Planetary Torchbearer (1)

Very well, he said, turning to glare at all four scions at once. He grinned wildly, and the full force of his perfect Dao Seed rolled out. Come at me, losers.

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