Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse-Chapter 108: Night-time Mugging

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Chapter 108: Night-time Mugging

The feshkur brandished his dagger, seeming eager to use it. Did you hear me, brightskin? he asked. Credit card. Now.

Jack blinked. Half an hour into the galaxy and Im getting robbed He frowned. No, wait. Three hours, if we count the time I was unconscious.

The feshkur took his silence as resistance. A hand rose to slap Jack. Jack leaned back, letting it sail before his face. The feshkur frowned. You dont want to do this, he warned, suddenly looking grim. His dagger tip rose as his grip tightened. Jack got the distinct feeling that this man would use the dagger if he had to.

Level 61 he considered. Eleven over me. But I drank the immortality serum, which gave me fifty stat points, the equivalent of ten Levels. And I have +25% efficacy to all my stats from my titles, which this grunt probably doesnt. Plus, a perfect Dao Seed.

Jack looked around. Everyone was dodging his gaze, assuming he was pleading for assistance. But he wasnt. He was looking for the muggers allies, of which he saw none. There was just this one desperate guy in a back alley.

And Jack was the champion of his entire planet. He was the Fiend of the Iron Fist. A hint of rage entered his psyche. He was exhausted, starving, and dehydrated, and he wanted to stay low-key, but he would be damned if he let himself be robbed by someone weaker.

Brock stepped back, sensing what was going to happen.

Fine. I can Before the feshkur could finish his words, a hard fist smashed into his face. He couldnt react in time. His bony nose broke under Jacks iron knuckles, and his entire body was flung backward into a wall. The dagger dropped to the ground, useless, as the would-be robber slumped against the wall, looking at Jack in terror.

Sorry! he cried out. I made a mistake! I made a mistake!

Jack didnt reply. He only looked at his fist. A Level 61 opponent had fallen just like that? The feshkur hadnt even had the chance to show off his Dao, whatever it was.

How strong am I? Jack wondered. The Dao Seed at the center of his soul seethed.

Plenty, it whispered back. Jack raised his gaze to look at the quivering feshkur. He used to be aggressive and arrogant; now, he could only lie there, weak and terrified. Worthless. Suddenly, a thirst for blood rose inside Jack, an urge to crush this bug and assert his dominance.

He quenched that urge as it appeared. He was neither a beast nor a fiend. He was simply Jack.

But though he quenched his thirst for blood, a hint of it showed in his aura, making the robber shiver harder. Jack squatted beside him, keeping an eye out for surprise attacks.

How about this? he said sternly. I have some questions. If you answer them, we can pretend this never happened.

Yes, sir. The alien nodded intensely. The surrounding crowd had already dispersed, leaving them completely alone in this side street.

Good. Whats the fastest way to get to the Belarian Outpost?

Teleportation, sir, the robber replied. From here, you can reach the Outpost in six leaps.


Teleportation leaps, the robber replied, braving an odd look at Jack.

Jack nodded slowly. He had imagined this. Teleporters didnt have infinite range; depending on how far away the Belarian Outpost was, he might need to teleport several times to reach it.

He then took a moment to consider how much information he was willing to give this guy. Finally, he asked, Can I perform these leaps in quick succession? The robber looked at him in confusion. Jacks eyes narrowed. This is the first time outside my planet. I dont know how things work. Look at me like that again, and Ill break your chin.

Yes, sir, the robber replied. Some light entered his eyesJack didnt like that. To use a teleporter, you must register yourself to the presiding guard and pay a fee. It is easy here, but there is usually a line for larger teleporters, and not even peak E-Grades are allowed to cut in line.

Jack suspected that anyone could cut in line with a large enough bribe. How much is the fee? he asked. A moment of thought later, he added, And where is here?

Pearl Bay, the feshkur explained. A thousand thoughts passed behind his eyes as he tried to piece together the information Jack revealed. The fee is ten thousand credits, flat.

Jack grimaced. He reached inside the secret pocket behind his left thigh, not caring whether this guy saw him or not, and retrieved his credit card, habitually turning it so the robber couldnt see the amount. The number 3096 shone softly on its surface.

Not even enough for one teleportation Fuck.

How easy would it be to hijack the teleportation and keep leaping all the way to the Belarian Outpost?

He was just shooting blindly now, but there was a chance. Once inside the teleporter, maybe he could just teleport again before the guards stopped him. The robber dashed his hopes.

You would have to neutralize the high E-Grade guards, sir. They have a device to interrupt outgoing teleportation, and more than enough time to use it.

I see.

Teleporting to the Outpost seemed more and more impossible. At least, hed found this perfectly willing local to answer all his questions.

He remembered the starships hovering overhead. Is that why they use these ships? he asked. To avoid paying for teleportation?

Yes, sir.

And how long would it take to reach the Belarian Outpost by starship?

Three months, sir, the robber replied immediately. Clearly, this was a number he knew by heart. Jack frowned.

What about space-warping starships?

That number was for space-warping starships, sir.

Jacks frown deepened. Is there no faster way?

This time, the robber hesitated. Eventually, he said, That is the best I know of, sir.

Jack cursed inwardly. He had one year to reach the C-Grade and defeat the planetary overseer. That was already near-impossible, but now he had to spend three months just traveling!?

Is there a faster way to reach the Trial Planet besides the Belarian Outpost? he finally asked.

The robbers eyes widened imperceptibly. There is one, he replied. The Animal Kingdom has a border station a month away from hereon space-warping starships. Their teleporter should be fully upgraded, letting you reach Trial Planet.

Jack wanted to drive his fist into the wall. He couldnt go there. The place would be teeming with hostile immortals. He also couldnt teleport to the Outpost, and he didnt want to spend three months traveling.

But what choice do I have?

If he stayed here, he could probably find a way to earn the required money in less than three months. But after what hed done, the Animal Kingdom was surely after him. They would track him down within days, at the latest. He had to keep moving.

At least, even if his travels took some time, he could use it to train, meditate, and stabilize his strength. He had just broken through to the E-Grade, after all. Everything was new.

In the training cycle of expansion and stabilization, Trial Planet was sure to give him plenty of expansionmeaning battles and opportunities. If he handled some stabilization beforehand, he could maybe save some time. He would also get to see how the world worked outside his home planet. Plus, who knows? There might be interesting adventures on the way.

Trial Planet was choke-full of danger, and doing well there was extremely important. Perhaps taking some time to prepare himself beforehand was a better idea than rushing in blindly.

Of course, traveling by starship also meant high chances of getting captured by the Animal Kingdom, butit was the best he could do. And it would be fun. Who knows what amazing sights he would see and what adventures he would have on the way. It wouldnt take long, either. Trial Planet was already within sight.

Jacks mind was made, and so he finally let himself relax, forgetting about the titanic weight on his shoulders for a moment.

His eyes swiveled upward, taking in the still forms of the hovering starships. As he looked closer, he noticed that they werent hovering randomly. They were mostly gathered around a metallic building that rose in the near distance.

It was a straight tower with a wide disk as its top. It reached at least three hundred feet into the sky, and it was circled by large, open windows that led to nothing except a steep drop down.

But they werent windows. They were docks. Jack could see some starships hovering right next to the openings, connected to the building with wooden ramps while people moved crates back and forth.

Is that the dock? Jack asked, remembering that this place was named Pearl Bay.

Yes, sir, the robber replied immediately. By now, he had relaxed slightly, but he still seemed on guard. This planets largest starship dock. With a bit of luck, you will find a ship headed to the Outpostit is the trade center of the constellation.

Jack looked at the guy, who suddenly seemed somewhat intelligent. Not only was his stance appropriately respectful and submissive, but he had also adapted to what Jack had revealed. Now, his information was fine-tuned just for Jack.

Jack feared that. If this guy was smart, maybe telling him so much was a mistake. He could have split his questions between strangers.

A mistake Im too late to correct.

Will they take me? he asked.

Most ships carry merchandise, but a few are meant for travelers. They usually ask for five thousand credits a head.

That was ten thousand, if Brock counted as a head. Jack had three. The robber must have noticed his frown, because he added, Sometimes, they give discounts to people who promise to help with security or menial labor. Sir is only a low E-Grade, but with your strength, I am confident you could be of use.

This was good news, but it raised another important question. freeweb

Why are E-Grades so weak? he asked curiously. I thought only one in a hundred people reached the E-Grade, so they ought to be important. But you are just a thug. Are low E-Grades really so useless that they cant even serve as crew on a starship?

If the feshkur was insulted, he didnt show it.

F-Grades cannot do much, sir, he replied. They mostly deal with mundane professions. For space travel, low E-Grades are the weakest around. And as for me He chuckled helplessly. This is Pearl Bay. Its crawling with E-Grades.

Jack nodded. When he had observed the crowd earlier, about one in four people was at the E-Grade, though very few were above Level 75the line between low E-Grade and middle E-Grade.

I see. Thank you, random thug.

No prob

Before the robber could reply, Jacks fist met his skull so hard that it bounced against the concrete below. He lost consciousness immediately. freew(e)bnove(l)

Jack couldnt have this guy spewing his secrets left and right. Better let him sleep for a few hours. By the time he woke up, Jack would hopefully be out of this planet. The concept managed to rise his mood a little. Im a space traveler, he thought. And a fist wizard.

Dragging the unconscious body to a nearby alley and throwing the knife away, Jack made to leave, followed by an excited Brock.

Two more feshkurs rounded the corner. They were Levels 58 and 59 respectively, and they wore blue vests over brown pants. Their eyes did not hold the malevolence of the robber. Instead, they channeled their roughness and intimidating looks into what resembled authority.

Hold still, human, the Level 59 said, looking between the blood-covered Jack and the unconscious body that lay just behind him. What happened here?

Jack frowned in worry. The alien policemen he dreaded had arrived. This man tried to rob me, he explained. I knocked him out in self-defense. I apologize for any disturbance I may have caused.

The policemen looked at him and the body, then exchanged a glance. Did you beat him yourself, human? one asked.

Is that your blood? the other added. They seemed in tune, like long-time partners.

I did beat him, yes. But this blood is from another battlenot in Pearl Bay. He smiled and raised his hands in a peaceful gesture. Beside him, Brock did the same.

The policemen exchanged a glance full of meaning. You can go, the Level 59 said, turning to Jack. But no more trouble. Okay?

Yes, sir, Jack replied. Dipping his head, he hurried to leave before they changed his mind. This could have gone much worse. If they insisted on detaining him, he might have had to fight them.

In fact, he couldnt help but wonder why theyd let him go. Was it his intimidating visage? His apparent strength, since hed easily beaten someone ten levels above him? Or had the Animal Kingdom publicized his appearance, and they recognized him but were afraid to engage?

I need to hurry, Jack told himself. He rushed towards the docks, thinking he saw eyes in every alley and dark corner.

This chapter is updated by freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

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