Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation-Chapter 297: 289: Golden Elixir Array Skills

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Chapter 297: 289: Golden Elixir Array Skills

Translator: 549690339

What a pity.

No matter what he was thinking in his heart.

When He Song chased him, passing by an unremarkable mountain valley.

The corner of He Song’s eyes flashed with glimpses of the various things inside the mountain valley.

As soon as the corner of He Song’s eyes saw the various things in the mountain valley, he confirmed his speculations.

His gaze on Lin Dong was already full of indifference.

Just one glance.


Not even one glance.

Just a sweep of the corner of his eye, and He Song had already detected the anomaly in the nearby mountain valley.

Having already memorized both Array Tao Introduction and Array Tao Primary Introduction, he had some knowledge of various arrays.

For example, Trap Arrays.

For example, Kill Arrays.

For example, Illusion Arrays.

For example, Defense Arrays.

All such things were within He Song’s knowledge.

His familiarity with these arrays was already quite high.

Although he couldn’t tell at a glance which array was set up in the mountain valley, it was not a problem for him to know that there was an array in place.

Once he knew that there was an array covering the area, He Song naturally had a foundation in his heart.

It seemed.

Lin Cong’s detection of something wrong in this place was not unfounded.

His previous visits yielded no results, probably because his cultivation was too low and he was not an Array Path Master.

Moreover, according to Lin Cong’s description, he had not encountered any attacks during his inspection of this place.

After several decades, the array still maintained its operation.

This showed that the array’s foundation was profound.

However, it was unknown whether there were cultivators living within the array.

If there were.

Why didn’t the person take action when Lin Cong visited the place several times before?

If there weren’t.

The fact that the array in the mountain valley continued to operate for several decades showed that the owner of the array was of significant value.

Moreover, it was possible that the owner of the array had already passed away inside and hid all his possessions behind the array.

With confidence in his heart, He Song did not rush to investigate the mountain valley but continued to chase and kill Lin Dong.

Lin Dong still didn’t know at this point.

In He Song’s eyes, he was already as good as dead.

At this moment, Lin Dong, upon detecting He Song’s “cat playing with a mouse” mentality, began to continuously observe his surroundings, trying to find an opportunity to escape He Song’s clutches.

However, due to He Song’s much higher cultivation, the current chasing scene was just a facade deliberately created by him.

The purpose was just to get close to the mountain valley without arousing suspicion from others.

He Song was just passing by, even if there were people in the mountain valley, it probably wouldn’t cause any trouble.

In this situation, Lin Dong’s attempts to find an opportunity to escape from He Songs clutches were doomed to fail.

Because He Song’s speed could catch up with him at any moment and kill him in one strike.

It was only because he had to put on a full show that He Song hadn’t taken action against him yet.

Therefore, after Lin Dong’s several attempts to escape failed.

The two chased for hundreds of miles before He Song finally managed to “narrowly” kill the fleeing Lin Dong with a single strike, only after making sure that even the divine sense of a Golden Elixir Master couldn’t cover such a distance.

Until his death.

Lin Dong still didn’t understand.

What was the purpose of the person who suddenly appeared and then chased him all the way?

He would never know that his fate was already sealed when he exposed his identity as an Evil Cultivator. He Song burned Lin Dong’s corpse, Collected his ashes in a storage bag,

Took all the valuable things on his body,

And also collected his several storage bags.

After that, He Song’s figure also headed towards the distance.

Having confirmed the existence of an array in the mountain valley, He Song recalled the scenes of Lin Cong going to the valley and searching around it several times.

After discovering something wrong in the mountain valley, Lin Cong returned to this place and conducted an investigation once he had reached Qi Refining great perfection.

But with Lin Cong’s cultivation and knowledge.

Although he had been investigating in the mountain valley for a long time, he could never find a way in.

He couldn’t even be sure if there were any opportunities in the valley.

This was not because Lin Cong was stupid.

But because his level was too low.

He was not like He Song, who had reached the mid-stage Foundation Establishment.

At the same time, he was proficient in Array Tao, and could detect the existence of an array with just a glance.


Lin Cong was unable to determine whether there were any opportunities in the mountain valley after a thorough investigation.

But He Song, with just a glance from the corner of his eye, discovered the existence of an array in the mountain valley.

Although at this moment, He Song still could not determine the existence of the array in the mountain valley.

However, since it has already been confirmed that there is Array Skills in that valley.

Then He Song naturally no longer needs to guess whether there is any opportunity in the valley or not.

There must be opportunity.

But whether it is with or without a master, that is a question.

He Song can now only confirm that there is Array Skills in the valley.

He cannot determine whether there are any inhabitants in the valley.

He cannot be sure whether someone will make a move against him from within the Array when he is breaking it.

And this is also the reason why he has to take on the identity of the Bamboo Mountain Immortal Pavilion Steward to “hunt down” the evil cultivator passing through the valley.

If he investigates personally, his target would be too big.

He may cause some trouble as well.

However, passing by would not cause such trouble, and he could also investigate the reality of the place.

That’s how it is now.

The situation has reached a deadlock.

He Song cannot be sure if there are cultivators living in the valley or what kind of Array Skills are in the valley and what functions they have.

Furthermore, he does not know how long the Array Skills can be maintained.

After contemplating, He Song casts the Breath Concealment Skill, completely hiding his own aura.

He then casts the Mountain Escaping Skill, quietly heading towards the valley.

Since his previous pursuit of Lin Dong did not attract any attack when he passed through the valley,

He just needs to be more careful.

Concealing his own aura, and then earth tunneling quietly close, there should be no accidents.

In this way, as long as he keeps a certain distance, he can observe the Array Skills in the valley with his strong vision at the Foundation Establishment Realm.

Presumably, even if he is several miles or even more than a dozen miles away, he should not be discovered by anyone.

Being able to observe the Array Skills in the valley at such a close distance, he should soon be able to recognize what kind of Array Skills it is.

Once he makes a judgment,

He will know what kind of Array Skills it is.

Then naturally, he will have a countermeasure in place.

No matter it is Concealment Array, Defensive Array, or Attack Array.

As long as he can recognize the foundation of this Array, and find its arrangement method from the Array Tao Primary Introduction,

After getting familiar with the arrangement of this Array, wouldn’t it be easy to break it?

There are many Array Skills recorded in the Array Tao Primary Introduction.

He Song has only been studying the ones he finds useful so far.

There are also many other Array Skills that have been put aside by He Song due to their functions, and he has no plans to study them in-depth.

Of course, if he can find the prototype of the Array in the valley in the Array

Tao Primary Introduction, and spend some time to completely study the Array thoroughly ,

By the time He Song becomes proficient in arranging that Array,

Breaking the Array would be a piece of cake for him.

With this idea in mind,

He Song uses the Breath Concealment Skill all the way, completely hiding his own aura.

At the same time, he casts the Mountain Escaping Skill, constantly moving towards the location of the valley.

Sometime after,

He Song stops behind a small mountain more than ten miles away from the valley.

After identifying the location, He Song continues forward, poking out an eye next to a large rock.

As He Song pokes out his eye,

His gaze instantly locks onto the valley more than a dozen miles away at this moment.

With the Foundation Establishment Master’s vision, He Song could see almost the whole of the valley and its surroundings in a blink of an eye.

After observing for a while and confirming that his eye probing the valley at this location did not alert anyone,

He Song’s gaze moves around in the valley, quickly connecting clues and reverse reasoning the type of Array Skills in the valley in his mind.

Soon, a thought flashes in He Song’s mind.

“It looks like a Concealment Array, but it’s somewhat different from the

Concealment Array recorded in the Array Tao Primary Introduction.”

“This Array seems more profound, and the various nodes of the Array appear more mysterious.”

“Even this Concealment Array is almost integrated with the surrounding environment. If I were not proficient in Array Tao, I might not be able to tell the difference.”

“Even Smoke Array, doesn’t have the effect of integrating with the surrounding environment like this one.”

“Moreover, there is a hint of killing intent hidden in this Array.”

“How could there be killing intent in a Concealment Array? Ordinary Foundation Establishment Arrays focus only on one specialty to maintain their strongest effect.”

“This Array seems to be extremely powerful and combines both concealment and killing Arrays, maybe even defense Arrays.”

“With three types of functionalities together, it still has a very strong effect.”

“Could it be… a Golden Elixir Realm Array Skill?”

As his gaze sweeps across various parts of the valley, He Song becomes more shocked the more he sees, feeling that the Array in front of him is extremely mysterious and not like any other Array recorded in the Array Tao Primary Introduction.

As time passes, the Array He Song sees gradually reveals its whole appearance.

After carefully observing, He Song gradually understands the external performance of the Array.

It is not until he confirms that the Array here is extraordinary and definitely not one recorded in the Array Tao Primary Introduction that,

He Song’s face changes slightly, and a bold idea flashes through his mind.

Realizing that he might be spying on the cave mansion of a Golden Elixir Master, He Song immediately withdraws his gaze, sinks into the ground, and quietly leaves this place.

After staying hundreds of miles away from the valley, He Song’s figure emerges from the ground..

This chapter is updat𝙚d by f(r)eew𝒆bn(o)