Sending the Groom to Jail on My Ex-Girlfriend’s Wedding-Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Zhou Qiang also saw this scene.

His expression immediately turned ugly. He turned his head and looked at Su Xuan.

He glanced at Su Xuan, and they gradually made their way toward the group of three.

The three individuals also sensed Su Xuan and Zhou Qiang approaching.

Among the crowd, the three were scattered. If it weren’t for Su Xuan’s ability to see the sin values above their heads and his recent observation revealing their coordinated movements, they probably wouldn’t have noticed that this was actually a group committing crimes together.

Seeing Su Xuan heading their way, the three perpetrators grew anxious. They didn’t regroup but instead dispersed.

“F * ck, he’s trying to run!”

Zhou Qiang hadn’t noticed the other two thieves, only one of them.

Seeing the attempt to flee, Zhou Qiang hurried forward a couple of steps to catch up.

“What audacity, trying to escape right in front of us. They must have nerves of steel.”

“Su Xuan, hurry up, let’s flank them!”

Zhou Qiang was about to chase after them.

Following right behind, Su Xuan took a couple of steps and succinctly stated, “They’re working as a group. You catch one, I’ll catch the other!”

They both knew that apprehending all three simultaneously was impossible.

He and Zhou Qiang were only two people.

However, as long as one of them was captured, the remaining one would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

“Wait! How do you know they’re working as a group?”

“You’ve got keener eyes than me!”

“Fine, let’s go by our own abilities then. Today, I’m definitely going to catch a thief to show you!”

Su Xuan and Zhou Qiang had a good relationship. In fact, after seeing Su Xuan apprehend a human trafficker earlier that day, Zhou Qiang had been feeling like he was here to freeload on Su Xuan all the time.

Now, he finally had a chance to make a performance.

And he was going to give it his all.


“This guy…”

Seeing Zhou Qiang’s actions, Su Xuan shook his head and dashed toward the other thief.

The thief, upon spotting the police, also became nervous. Discovering that a cop was chasing him, he was startled on the spot. His steps, which were initially brisk, hastened suddenly. Eventually, he started running.

The moment Su Xuan saw him run, he knew the thief must have realized that he was being pursued.

He immediately shouted, “Stop! Don’t run! Police!”

People nearby turned their heads at the sound of Su Xuan’s voice, and the crowd inevitably began to disperse.

“What’s going on?”

“Why are there police?”

“It seems like he’s chasing someone…”

“Who is it? There are so many people, can’t even see who he’s chasing…”

As people talked, they couldn’t help but search for familiar faces in the crowd. As a result, the crowd became even more chaotic.

The thief had easily blended into the crowd, becoming untraceable even for Su Xuan and Zhou Qiang.

Not only on Su Xuan’s side but also with the one Zhou Qiang was chasing, it was the same.

In frustration, Zhou Qiang shouted in anger, “Stop!”


Hearing this, the thieves sneered in disdain, utterly unimpressed.


The police were pursuing them. Not running would be foolish!

The thieves just glanced at Zhou Qiang and sped up, not slowing down.

At the beach, the crowd was bustling.

If Su Xuan hadn’t been intensely focused on the sin value above the thief’s head, he probably would have lost track of him as the thief disappeared into the crowd.

Luckily, the vivid red sin value stood out amidst the sea of green, ensuring Su Xuan could follow it easily.

The thief dashed ahead, occasionally looking back. When he noticed that Su Xuan was persistently tailing him, panic gripped his heart.

“Officer, what are you doing? Why are you chasing me?”

The thief’s mind was in turmoil.

On one hand, he believed he had been well-hidden; these policemen couldn’t possibly know he was a thief. But on the other hand, seeing Su Xuan constantly trailing him made him certain that his cover was blown.

After hesitating for a while, he accelerated his pace.

“Why am I chasing you? Don’t you have a clue?”

“Stop now, and you still have a chance!”

“Otherwise, I’ll get serious.”

Su Xuan spoke.

The thief weaved through the crowd, turning left and right, hoping to shake off the pursuing police.

He regarded Su Xuan’s words with scorn. After all, he was a thief—what chance did he have?

If caught, the only option would be jail…

He absolutely couldn’t get caught!

“Stop, don’t run!”

As the police got closer, the thief grew increasingly frantic, sweat beading on his forehead. He could even sense the police officer’s steps drawing nearer from behind.

Finally, he had no choice but to squeeze into the crowd.

Su Xuan’s lips twitched, and he slowed his pace, steadily closing in on the conspicuous red sin value not far away.

The thief thought to himself, “I’m running so fast, there are so many people here. That cop shouldn’t be able to keep up, and it’s not easy for him to spot me in the crowd.”

Tired, he decided slowing down a bit shouldn’t give him away.

He turned his head slowly, hoping to catch sight of where Su Xuan was…


Suddenly, a black shadow appeared before his eyes.

It turned out that Su Xuan had taken out his Iron Hammer!

He hurled it straight at the thief…

The thief happened to turn his head at that moment, and the hammer struck him square on the forehead. He collapsed to the ground, his legs giving way.

“What the hell, you’re playing dirty!”

This abrupt commotion caused the previously densely packed crowd to clear a path.

After all, it was an incident involving physical harm!

Seeing a hammer of that size, they imagined the consequences if it hit someone…


People quickly turned their heads and some even pulled out their phones to take a look. But upon seeing what had transpired, they realized something was off.

Wait, wasn’t the person attacking some kind of law enforcement?

The shock that it was a police officer involved in the altercation spread through the onlookers…

Whispers and pointing followed…

“What’s going on?”

“Why is the police officer resorting to violence!”

“Haven’t you heard? The police officer was shouting ‘thief’ just now… Maybe you should check if anything of yours is missing!”

The crowd buzzed with discussions.

The dazed thief paid little attention to the spectators’ gazes, struggling to get up and make a run for it…

However, before he could take two steps, he was struck down by the hammer again…


The thief screamed again. This blow knocked him down completely, leaving him sprawled on the ground, unable to rise…

“Why run!”

“Come with me to the station!”

Su Xuan approached, handcuffing the thief’s hands and feeling speechless.

This guy had some nerve. Even after getting hit by the hammer, he still dared to run…

Impressive, he truly lived up to his reputation as a seasoned thief. His audacity was undeniable!

“Let’s go, get up.” Su Xuan thought as he lifted the thief to his feet. The thief, swaying unsteadily, followed him with cuffed hands.

Su Xuan intended to find Zhou Qiang next, confident that he had apprehended his target as well…

“Police officer, you’re awesome and cool. How should I address you?”

At that moment, amidst the crowd, a young girl with bright eyes looked at him curiously.