Springtime Farming: A Happy Wife At Home-Chapter 726 - : Pretending

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Updated from 𝙛𝙧𝓮𝓮𝙬𝓮𝒃𝒏𝓸𝒗𝓮𝙡.𝓬𝓸𝓶

Chapter 726: Pretending

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

One of them was the Zhao Family, who had wronged the Shao Family before.

The Shao Family found it odd that the Zhao Family would come to their door bearing gifts. Did they really believe that a few presents could erase their past transgressions?

Zhao Guangyin, the housekeeper, as well as two servants from the Zhao Family arrived with elaborately wrapped gifts.

The first section of the Shao Family became furious upon hearing of the guests’ arrival.

Nis. Fang shouted loudly, “How dare you come to the door? Get out of my place! ”

Shao Sanlang punched directly at Zhao Guangyin’s face. “You are staining our floor! Get lost, now!”

Zhao Guangyin was totally confused, asking sternly in a mess. “When did we offend you? You are over the top, how can you punch us for no reason?!”

“So what? We did not punch you at your door because we don’t have time. If you dare come to us, we will punch you every time you do.” Shao Yunduan sneered coldly, “Are you putting on a dumb show, Young Master Zhao? Well played!’

Zhao Guangyin was even more confused than angry.

He knew that something must have happened. “l really don’t have a clue…” fr(e)enovelkiss

“Then you can ask when you are at home.” Shao Yunduan interrupted him.

“Leave now, or we will continue to punch you!’

Faced with the intimidating demeanor of the Shao Family, Zhao Guangyin left in a hurry without saying a word.

On his way back, he couldn’t help but ask his housekeeper, “Did Second Young

Master Zhao do something to offend the Shao Family again?”

The housekeeper remained silent, trembling with fear from the encounter at the Shao Family’s doorstep. Zhao Guangyin couldn’t help but wonder if the housekeeper was aware of something that he wasn’t.

The housekeeper suggested, “Perhaps you should ask the Second Young Master himself, he might know what is going on.”

The Zhao Family had one head housekeeper and two deputy housekeepers.

This particular deputy housekeeper served Zhao Guangyin exclusively and was promoted by him. He was treated differently from the other two housekeepers and was somewhat alienated from them.

He only focused on carrying out tasks assigned to him by the First Young Master, and disregarded anything else that happened in the family.

So he was not in a position to comment on Old Master and Second Young Master’s behavior.

Zhao Guangyin got angry. “Spill it now! ”

The housekeeper sighed emotionally and spilled the story, in a staggering way.

What happened at the Yang Village was a huge thing, and it was solved directly on the spot. Yang Xiaoni was fast so she did not even run into Zhao Guanghua. Also, Shao Yunduan was Provincial Champion, and when he decided to take Yang Xiaon!s sidei, no one dared to spread the rumor about Yang Xiaoni at all.

Or things would have gone worse. 𝙛𝓻𝙚𝙚𝔀𝙚𝓫𝓷𝙤𝒗𝙚𝙡.𝒄𝙤𝒎

This kind of thing would always turn ridiculous and fall beyond the truth, when it was spread around. Women always became the victim of the topic.

Zhao Guangyin really had no idea about this.

He was busy with business and fields and hosues. He had no time to care about family affairs. Also, the Second Young Master was very wild and no one dared to spill the secret to anybody else, or tell him about this humiliation.

Zhao Guangyin’s heart sank, as he said, shivering. “How could this have happened? Was he mental? How dare he… do this! He already has three maids serving him, isn’t it enough? He even dared to steal a married woman! Why didn’t you tell me about this before?”

Zhao Guangyin felt so annoyed as his face turned red. He was getting very anxious at the moment..

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