SSS SKILL: DUPLICATE-Chapter 231 Anger

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Chapter 231 Anger

An armored pickup truck was rushing. It went directly to the ambush site. A death guild member wanted to clear the way and destroy the remaining wall with magic, but he was stopped.

"Don't destroy the scene. It will affect the investigation," said a man named Elwis.

The driver, named Jacob, chuckled. "Investigation? Is that still needed?"

"Don't you notice something wrong? It's too quiet. The fight should have ended. Either the Poison Guild's enemy retreated or the worst had happened."

"How is that possible?! According to them, the fight was not that long. Poison Guild is not that weak. Almost all their high-level members went here. The enemy should have retreated!"

"We will know about that."

A burly undead rose under the car and lifted it, then the pickup truck was thrown over the wall.

"Can't you be gentle?!" shouted Jacob.

"There is no time for that."

The truck landed, then kept moving forward. They reached near the place where the dimensional lock was previously activated. They ran on foot, then met the scouts sent by Jaxen.

"Where is Poison Lord?"

The scouts looked flustered."W-We haven't found him. The communication returned, but we could not contact him."

Elwis and Jacob looked at each other. They felt shocked that the worst could have really happened.

"How is that possible?" Blurted Jacob.

"What did you find in your investigation?!" Urgently asked by Elwis.

"The other scouts went to different parts of the forest. There were fighting that happened in different areas. There are broken trees, but we did not find any dead bodies aside from the ambush site where the tanks and cars were destroyed. There are traces that the ground was fixed by earth magic. Whoever is responsible for the attack, they want to conceal something. Most elements that we found in the air are earth and fire. There are small traces of lightning attacks in the area, but the presence of lightning element is not as much as the other elements."

"Damn it!" Cursed Elwis, then he took out his phone and called. "Sir, the fight is over, but they could not get in touch with Poison Lord."

Rancel's eyes turned sharper as he walked to a rooftop. "Tell the Poison Guild members to guard the area. Don't let anyone destroy the scene. If I want to save my head, then we must at least identify who is behind it."

He ended the call and entered a helicopter. "Full speed to Palawan Island!"

Meanwhile, in the sea, there were ships and flying helicopters moving toward Palawan Island. There was also a huge plane that was already near the island. Viel and high-level members of the association were with him inside the plane.

"Sir, just a few more minutes to the target!"

There was panic among Poison Guild members when they could not connect to Poison Lord and high-level members.

"What did Rancel say?!" shouted Jaxen.

"H-He is on the way here."

Jaxen was gritting his teeth while thinking,"Who could possibly do it? Damn it! Without Poison Lord's protection and connection, what the hell will happen to us?! Will Death Guild still protect Poison Guild under their wing? Probably not. They only value Poison Lord, or else they already accepted many guilds around the world. They should only be accepting guilds that have the power of an heir."

Then he looked at the man responsible for the communication. "Tell the scouts to search very well! Poison Lord should not die easily!"

"Yes, sir!"

Then another man had a look of shock when he heard a report. "Sir, there is a plane moving toward here!"

"Is it Rancel?! How could he be so fast?!"

"We are not sure. We are still trying to communicate."

"Open the monitor!"

The cargo deck of the plane suddenly opened, then five hyperbeings flew. They moved and floated above the stronghold.


Jaxen and the others were petrified as they stared at the huge projection behind Viel.

Viel had a smile on his face. "I'm concerned that your stronghold doesn't have enough force to protect the island from the threat of restricted zones, so I will take temporary command."

When daylight arrived, the whole island was shocked by what happened. The reporters from other countries who covered the tournament and were not able to go home yet were like sharks that smelled breaking news. They flocked to the site of the battle and interviewed the authorities.

Viel and Rancel were looking at the broken wood with burnt marks that were unearthed from the ground.

"It's a mark of lightning magic. Only this site has buried woods. The scouts of Poison Guild and your men should have made an investigation. Like they said, most elements that we found are fire and earth. The traces of attacks from fire and earth magic are everywhere, but whoever made the attacks tried to hide the traces of lightning attacks," said Viel.

Rancel had a look of anger on his face, then he stared at Viel. "If your country played a role in this, then everyone in your country will know the power of a world-top guild."

Viel's eyes turned sharper as he also stared at Rancel. "Jaxen should have already told you that I was on our headquarters when the incident happened. We were also trying to use the satellite to know what happened here, but something was blocking our control. If you want the evidence, then we will show it to you, and we will cooperate in the investigation. If you insist on blaming the incident on us, then we'll see if a world-

top guild is powerful enough to take me down with the power of the country behind my back."

The news was reported, and the whole world was shocked.

Within a car that was moving toward the airport, Yuto was chuckling as he watched the news. "It's interesting. The world will be lively."

The girl who had a ninja outfit was sitting on Yuto's side. Her name was Yukino. "You could have gotten involved in that vortex if I did not stop you. The guild will also be dragged. Master predicted that you would make trouble, so she ordered me to take you back to the country.

Although she is an 8th circle herself, she does not want to get involved in a fight with an 8th circle unnecessarily. She expected that someone might fall, but it was unexpected that it's Poison Lord. That man who rules the strongest underground force in the world will definitely move. Whoever is behind it must be ready to face the anger of a man whose power is as strong as a nuclear weapon."

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