Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 1327 - Grand Silken White Rain Lotus

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Chapter 1327: Grand Silken White Rain Lotus

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Purple Soul Brahma?! How could the Evaluation Battlefield have such a thing?!” Wang Dingtian gasped in shock.

Xia Fei asked with a furrowed brow, “Could this be a type of soulgem?”

Wang Dingtian had made a complete recovery by this point, so he stood up and let out a long sigh, “It has been years… It was during the era when the Annihilation Universe was in its golden age, where there were plenty of incredible soul skills, and many warriors that were powerful beyond measure.

“That crystal in your hand, each of them represents the life of a warrior!”

Xia Fei was startled. Suddenly, he felt that these purple crystals were a bit hot to the touch. Each of them represented the life of a warrior? What did that mean?

“Turning lives into crystals? This must be a matter-type soul art,” Xia Fei muttered to himself.

Wang Dingtian smiled and turned to face Xia Fei. “There’s no such art with the Law of Matter. Purple Soul Brahma absorbs the soul of a person, and condenses them into a body of energy. Because this is a condensed form of a living soul, that is why I said they are very similar to the Blueblood’s cerulean soulgem.”

“Condensed soul? Is there such an ability out there?” Xia Fei asked, shocked.

Wang Dingtian thought nothing of it. “It was very common in the past. Back then, there were plenty of experts about, and there were the more powerful Law powers of Time and Life that you’ve not ever seen before. Warriors that possessed those two Law Powers are what you’d call heaven-defying. Of course, it was also rare to find people like you that could cultivate the Law of Speed and the Law of Space to your degree.”

Xia Fei lit a cigarette and said softly, “I haven’t seen the Law of Time, but I’ve seen the Law of Life. Honestly, I don’t think the Law of Life is anything amazing. Many don’t even learn it, and the version I’ve seen isn’t used for combat, but to increase the user’s lifespan.”

Wang Dingtian pointed at Xia Fei and laughed, “You’re a sly one. You clearly know that my clan has an advanced version of the Law of Life, so you specifically mentioned this to me!”

Xia Fei did not give an answer. Indeed, he was interested in learning about the Sky Devil’s version of the Law of Life that Wang Dingtian’s clan possessed, which was why he had intentionally picked the topic.

Wang Dingtian continued, “It is very easy to neglect the issue of what version of Law it was, since they are all considered to be life energy. They are not as strong as soul energy, but the difference here is like university and high school; everything in high school will look easy after entering university.

“But anyone having such a mentality would be sorely mistaken. You’re the perfect example of this. You’ve already mastered soul and spirit energy, but do you dare say the Law of Speed is useless?”

Xia Fei was taken aback, but answered firmly, “Of course not! Without speed supporting me, there would be no way for me to bring my spirit energy to bear, no matter how much I became. Honestly, I’ve learned plenty of things in my life so far, and speed has been what has been propelling me forward this whole time. Without it, I’m afraid I might not have lasted until today.”

Wang Dingtian smiled, “You’re correct. Speed is what you relied on the most, and it is akin to a tree. The Law of Speed is the roots, while your spirit energy is the leaves. Only a tree with strong and deep roots would be able to grow up strong, with widespread branches and leaves.

“The Law of Speed you learned is very good; it has strong elasticity, and is an advanced legacy version. As for the Laws of Time and Life, there are no places it exists outside of the Annihilation Universe, because even the partial and inferior versions of the Law have been collected by the Annihilation Universe.”

Xia Fei mused, “No wonder the Law of Life and Law of Time disappeared from the Law Realm at the same time. It turns out it was those people from the Annihilation Universe pulling the strings…”

Xia Fei knew this very well. The Law Realm had possessed the Law of Time and Law of Life a long time ago, but it had inexplicably disappeared after. Had Xia Fei not met the old monster Oro, he might not even be aware of either Law’s existence.

Wang Dingtian thought nothing of it. “It’s not so much them pulling the strings. The Annihilation Universe already dominated the many universes, and they did everything in broad daylight. It was not like anyone would be able to stop them or anything.”

Xia Fei thought about that and said, “How did our conversation get derailed into Law Powers? You haven’t told me about those purple crystals yet.”

Wang Dingtian tapped his head absentmindedly and laughed, “Seeing that Purple Soul Brahma has dredged up plenty of memories, so I could not resist and elaborated a little. It’s all so that you have an understanding of how the Universe was like in the past. The Purple Soul Brahma were the souls that the experts of the Brahma race stole, condensed into a sort of life energy.

“There’s this legend in the Annihilation Universe that life energy is able to help Peak Annihilator-tier experts make a breakthrough. That is why everyone was so desperately snatching up the Purple Soul Brahma; it is all in order to become a god-like existence. Every single one of those purple crystals is priceless!”

Xia Fei asked curiously, “So what you mean to say is that Level Nine Annihilators could become even stronger after using the Purple Soul Brahma? They could transcend to an even higher domain?!”

Wang Dingtian waved his hand dismissively. “It’s just an urban legend. But I do know that there’s no way the Purple Soul Brahma could help Peak Annihilators advance. Instead, it’s very helpful to lower-level warriors, given that the crystals are not just mental energy, but also a condensed form of a warrior’s life. It is different from the usual soul energy, or the even higher-grade spirit energy.

“If the Brahma race had not disappeared a long time ago, their technique that could draw someone’s life and condense it into energy would not have been lost to the ages. That is why these Purple Soul Brahma’s are so expensive. There are plenty of Peak Annihilators around, and many are willing to purchase them at exorbitant prices. Even if you can’t sell them, it’d be great even if you were to just try it.”

With that said, Wang Dingtian paused and asked Xia Fei, “Your Law of Speed has reached Level Eight?”

“That’s right,” Xia Fei confirmed.

“Then the Purple Soul Brahma could help you breakthrough to the peak. It’s worthwhile to try,” Wang Dingtian told him confidently.

Xia Fei was extremely shocked. The Law of Speed was the most difficult Law Power in all the universes he knew of. Xia Fei had even managed to cultivate the Law of Primal Chaos to its max level, yet the Law of Speed was still one Level shy. That was enough to show just how difficult this heaven-defying Law Power was.

If this strange purple crystal could help Xia Fei breakthrough to the peak Law of Speed, then it would definitely be a great thing!

A speed of 60 million meters per second! 𝗳r𝗲𝙚w𝐞𝚋𝘯𝚘ѵ𝗲l.𝑐om

It would be the closest thing to reaching light speed in the universe! With his Fiendwings unfurled, he could shuttle through galaxies and the nine heavens!

Just having this thought made Xia Fei feel an unbridled sense of excitement!

While the Immemorial Mystical Armaments were great, they were something that he could not see or touch, given how he had no idea when he would complete the process of the five elemental Immemorial Mystical Armaments being combined as one.

But his Law of Speed was attainable!

Seeing his Grand Ancestor Xia Gucheng, he knew it was possible. Xia Gucheng only had five Soul Marks, many levels under Xia Fei, but if they were to really fight, Xia Fei might not win. This was because Xia Gucheng’s speed was an entire Level greater than his!

Furthermore, as long as he managed to max out his speed, Xia Fei could immediately learn the Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley body reinforcement art of the Unrestricteds! That would push his speed even further, going beyond the sixty million meters mark!

Since ancient times, aside from the Broken Wing Sky Devil Paletooth, no one had ever reached a speed beyond sixty million meters per second. Xia Fei would be the fastest person alive if he could master Chilled Ligament Ghost Valley!

Even if Xia Fei had Nine Soul Marks, becoming a Peak Annihilator Spiritualist, he would merely be on the same level as some of the top powerhouses, hardly any stronger than the others. But an increase in his speed would allow Xia Fei to stand a head above the rest! He would become the most powerful speedster!

There were plenty of upsides to this, countless even. As long as Xia Fei could reach the peak of his Law of Speed, it would not be impossible for him to challenge the Peak Annihilator experts despite still being a Level One Annihilator!

That was Speed! The most powerful and the most complex Law Power!

Xia Fei’s face slowly flushed red, appearing extremely excited.

Wang Dingtian was observing Xia Fei’s reaction the entire time. “Now you know, that the Purple Soul Brahma would be considered a treasure by anyone, but you, you’d view it as a peerless treasure,” Wang Dingtian mused. “Because of your unique identity, I am quite curious to see you shatter the peak of the Law of Speed.”

Xia Fei forced himself to calm down and asked, “What about my identity?”

“Nothing,” Wang Dingtian looked like the old fox that he was and intentionally waxed profoundly, “At the end of the day, you’re not aligned with those old fogeys of the Annihilation Universe, so there’s no drawback for me if you become stronger.”

After Wang Dingtian had crossed swords with the Four Great Soul Familiars, Xia Fei had a simple conversation with Paletooth’s soul familiar. Given this old fox’s identity and how he recognized the Immemorial Mystical Armaments, he should now be aware of the fact that Xia Fei was a descendent of the Fiends.

“With your foundation, you’ll need ten pieces of Purple Soul Brahma in order to make your breakthrough and attain the max level Law of Speed,” Wang Dingtian commented casually.

Xia Fei showed no reaction. He had managed to excavate twenty-four pieces from the desert, which meant he would have leftovers even after promoting twice, so he had enough on hand!

Reaching a hand out, Wang Dingtian said, “Well, after telling you so much, what I’ve shared should be of help to you. Why don’t you give me two pieces of Purple Soul Brahma from your leftovers? It just so happens that I have a grandson who could use it.”

Wang Dingtian looked toward Xia Fei to gauge his reaction to his statement, only for the young man to shrug, “I didn’t force you to say anything, and you told me everything of your own volition. If you really want these purple crystals, give me something of value in exchange for them.”

Wang Dingtian shook his head and sighed, “I knew you were someone who would be unwilling to take a loss. Choose one object from these here then; but I want three Purple Soul Brahmas for it.”

Saying that, Wang Dingtian flicked his wrist, and a grand assortment of items appeared on the ground in an instant. There were so many, they numbered well into the thousands.

Xia Fei sighed. Wang Dingtian was indeed a wily old fox. Xia Fei had barely arrived at Annihilation for a handful of days, and had almost no knowledge of many things about it. Letting Xia Fei pick out a single item from this huge pile might seem fair on the outside, when really it would be banking on his greatest weakness: a lack of knowledge!

Xia Fei thought to himself that he could just reject the exchange if he struggled with it. After all, there was no harm in keeping the Purple Soul Brahma anyway, given how highly sought after they were.

Sweeping his gaze over the pile of items, Xia Fei looked over them as he observed Wang Dingtian’s reaction.

The moment Xia Fei’s eyes moved over a botanical preservation canister, Xia Fei noticed Wang Dingtian’s breathing suddenly stop for the briefest moment before returning to normal.

Approaching it, Xia Fei nonchalantly picked up the canister and said, “Forget it. Seeing as this is a fated meeting with the esteemed elder, I’ll just take a loss here and exchange the crystals for this thing here.”

“Are you sure?!” Wang Dingtian croaked awkwardly, his voice several octaves higher than usual.

“Yeah,” Xia Fei sighed, as he handfed three fist-sized Purple Soul Brahmas to him.

Wang Dingtian clenched his fist, and in doing so stashed away everything strewn on the ground, turning to leave.

He only took several steps before he came to a stop and asked in annoyance, “How could you tell that it was valuable?”

Xia Fei chuckled lightly, “I don’t have to know if something is valuable. All I had to do was observe your reaction and know what I should do.”

“D*mn.” Wang Dingtian’s expression darkened, unable to hold himself from uttering a curse.

Xia Fei’s observational skills were top notch, and the moment Wang Dingtian’s breathing faltered, Xia Fei understood that he cared deeply about what was inside the canister. Something that could make someone like Wang Dingtian feel like that had to be something worthwhile!

Wang Dingtian shook his head and sighed, “How unlucky of me. Had I known, I wouldn’t have sought to exchange these crystals with you. I would be better off just going out there to snatch a few myself. What you have in your hand is the Grand Silken White Rain Lotus, a remnant from God’s Eden. You better cherish it well.”