Super Gene Optimization Fluid-Chapter 1347 - The Dragon-binding Rope!

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Chapter 1347: The Dragon-binding Rope!

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

A thunderous explosion!

Xia Fei stood motionless in the middle of the universe, his broken wings prominently unfurled and bursting with Fiendish energy!

Upon closer inspection, it appeared that Xia Fei was holding something in his right hand. Like a dragon, it coiled around Xia Fei and nuzzled Xia Fei’s hair with its body.

“Success! Xia Fei succeeded!” Chu Jingfeng cried out, rushing forward.

“Don’t get close to him!” Yangguang bellowed. He turned back into his original form, using his enormous wings to protect everyone.


Fiendish energy exploded, radiating from Xia Fei and causing the entire planet to quake!

Fortunately, Yangguang had acted in time to protect Chu Jingfeng and the others, or else they definitely would have been wounded by the shockwave.

Once the storm had passed, Yangguang drew back his wings and turned back into a human. A corner of the Yggdragon palace had collapsed, and the planet was sporting a new unfathomably deep valley, as if someone had chopped into it.

Everyone stared at Xia Fei in shock.

The dragon-like thing in his right hand had now broken into five parts: green, red, blue, yellow, and black. They were the five colors of the Five Elemental Immemorial Mystical Armaments!

“Oh, so this is the actual true form of the fused five Elemental Mystical Armaments!” Chu Jingfeng murmured in surprise.

Xia Fei turned his head and smiled at the group. Everyone suddenly realized that Xia Fei had an indescribable feeling about him, as if the momentous change to the Immemorial Mystical Armaments had also made him stronger and more confident!

Everyone returned to Yangguang’s palace. Yangguang cared little that a corner of his palace had been destroyed. On the contrary, he was excited after Xia Fei had subdued the five Elemental Mystical Armaments.

Xia Fei sat there, holding what seemed to be a five-colored rope, closely inspecting his new weapon.

Compared to its past form, Peacock Blue was smaller but more tenacious. Xia Fei could feel its powerful life force extending along his right arm.

“Now that I think about it, do you know what the ultimate use of this Immemorial Mystical Armament is?” Chu Jingfeng asked.

After some thought, Xia Fei replied, “I think I know a little, but I don’t dare to be sure.”

Yangguang asked curiously, “What exactly can it do? It doesn’t seem as impressive as Peacock Blue. After all, Peacock Blue was enormous, but now it’s like a little snake!”

Xia Fei sternly said, “King Yangguang, I have an experiment that can prove the purpose of Peacock Blue, but I need your help.”

Yangguang laughed. “The Fiends have been friends with the Yggdragons for generations. There’s no need to be so polite. Just tell me what you need to do!”

Xia Fei said, “I want to use the Immemorial Mystical Armament to tie you up.”

Yangguang grimaced. Xia Fei wanted to tie him up? But he was King of the Yggdragons! He would be humiliated if this matter got out. But what Xia Fei said next had Yangguang feeling very interested.

“I feel like Peacock Blue’s energy system has changed, and it’s become more targeted. I remember that the energy produced from Dragon Qi is stronger than that of spirit energy, and it seems like Peacock Blue is meant for suppressing Dragon Qi,” Xia Fei remarked calmly. 𝙛𝙧𝙚𝒆𝘸𝚎𝙗𝒏oν𝙚𝘭.𝐜𝒐m

Yangguang was startled at first, and then he laughed. “Suppress my Dragon Qi!? What sort of joke is that!? Come, come, come, I’ll let you experience the power of the Yggdragon Race today!”

Yangguang stood up straight and waited for Xia Fei to attack him with Peacock Blue.

Xia Fei bowed to Yangguang and said, “Then I’ll be impolite.”

“As you please! I don’t believe that the mighty Yggdragon King can’t deal with that little weed of yours,” Yangguang replied nonchalantly.

With a woosh, the Five Elemental version of Peacock Blue flew through the air. As it approached Yangguang, it suddenly broke apart, unleashing a powerful energy that transformed into five ropes of different colors.

The five ropes tied Yangguang up like magic!

“Hmph! This is nothing!” Yangguang snorted and exerted force across his entire body to break free of Peacock Blue’s ropes. But even though he tried several times, he failed!

“Huh? What’s going on?” Yangguang muttered in shock.

Peacock Blue had become like an elastic rope, exerting force whenever Yangguang exerted force! From start to finish, it kept the Yggdragon King bound.

“Impossible! I can’t possibly fail!” Yangguang shouted, rather annoyed.

Although Yangguang was always saying that the Yggdragons had nothing to do with the dragons, in the end, Yangguang was still a dragon. He had a different mode of thinking and a different kind of lifestyle. Yangguang was more like a human, and just like a human, he had taken a wife and fathered a child, creating a family.

But dragons were dragons! Deep down, Yangguang was prouder than any other sapient lifeform! He was extremely frustrated by the fact that he couldn’t break free of Xia Fei’s Peacock Blue!

Chu Jingfeng and Xu Luanbu were flabbergasted! This was an unbelievable sight! Xia Fei’s five little weeds had bound up the Yggdragon King!

Only Hanxiao was smiling. The compassionate mother always seemed to be smiling.

Yangguang went crazy! With a roar, he revealed his true form!

“Break for me!” Yangguang cried out in his dragon form, his roar simply terrifying! The whole Holy Dragon Mountain shuddered!

Yes, Peacock Blue really was just a weed, but it was the most tenacious weed in the universe!

Even under Yangguang’s powerful pressure, Peacock Blue continued to bind him stubbornly, refusing to give up! It was like a crazed dog who had bitten down on the enemy and would do so until it was dead! f𝓇𝘦𝒆𝘄𝑒𝗯𝑛𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄𝘰𝓶

The Five Immemorial Mystical Armaments had the power of thirty Mystical Armaments, and this Peacock Blue was no longer the Peacock Blue of the past! In an unreasonable fashion, it bound up Yangguang tightly!


Yangguang was furious, letting out a heaven-shaking bellow! He charged out of the palace and opened its wings!

“Return!” Xia Fei silently ordered, and as Yangguang was doing his utmost to open his wings, Peacock Blue forced them back closed!

Yangguang wanted to fly, but as he couldn’t open his wings, his body plunged.

Xia Fei quickly called back Peacock Blue, and Yangguang finally unfurled his massive wings and soared into the sky. After making a circle, he returned to the palace, glaring in shock at the five-colored weed on Xia Fei’s right arm.

“It’s just bizarre! How could a piece of grass be so tough!?”

Everyone laughed. It was rare to see Yangguang so annoyed, as this old dragon had always paid a lot of attention to his demeanor.

Hanxiao came over with a chuckle, poking her husband in the stomach. “Look at you, saying such things in your old age.”

Yangguang was speechless. He turned back into a human and stomped back to his seat.

“I was able to see very clearly from the sidelines that this Peacock Blue truly is very bizarre. It has the ability to neutralize Dragon Qi. The more you struggle, the stronger it becomes,” Hanxiao explained to Yangguang.

Yangguang had actually noticed that Peacock Blue was targeting him, but his strong sense of pride left him unwilling to admit it.

“I now understand why the Fiend Race valued the Five Elemental Mystical Armaments so much. It turns out that they can combine into a dragon-binding rope!” Chu Jingfeng announced.

Dragon-binding… Rope!?

Xia Fei was very excited by the Five Elemental Peacock Blue, but before he had a chance to understand more of its secrets, he received an emergency order from the 29th Place.

“It’s a mass assembly order,” Xia Fei said after looking at the Bixia Orb. “The mass assembly order is the highest level of order from the transuniversal broadcast. It seems that the 29th Place is in trouble and needs all of its members to gather.”

Chu Jingfeng thought about that and said, “Then you should hurry back. King Yangguang and I are here to protect the Garden of Gods, so you don’t need to worry.”

Xia Fei nodded.

Yangguang asked, “What about Gale?”

Xia Fei replied, “Let him go! I’ll tell him myself.”

Xia Fei flitted over to the room where Gale was located. Gale bowed to Xia Fei and said, “Congratulations on successfully fusing the Five Elemental Mystical Armaments.”

Xia Fei smiled. “This is also thanks to you four Soul Familiars. You can go.”

Gale was startled, asking, “You’re just letting me go?”

Xia Fei replied, “What do you want me to do? I hope that you remember what you once said yourself. You guys are the Soul Familiars of the Sky Devils, and the Sky Devils are the friends of the Fiend Race. If nothing unexpected happens, I don’t want to be enemies with you, but this definitely doesn’t mean that I’m afraid of you guys!”

Perhaps because he had been getting involved in Fiend Race matters more and more, Xia Fei was beginning to accept his Fiend blood. In any case, it was nothing to be ashamed about. It would just cause him some more trouble.

Gale stood up to leave. At this moment, Xia Fei suddenly said, “If the Jade Dragon Frost does bear fruit, and if there are enough, I will give you some.”

Gale stopped and turned to Xia Fei, curiously asked, “What changed your mind?”

Xia Fei explained, “Because you guys are very loyal. Although you’re not loyal to the Fiends, in the end, you are still loyal to your masters, the Sky Devils, wanting to follow them to the ends of the universe, and I’ve always appreciated loyal people.”

Gale was startled, and then he bowed to Xia Fei. “Thank you. My words have some influence among the four of us, so when I get back, I will do my best to convince them. In the end, we are only unwilling to be controlled by the Fiends, but we have no desire to make an enemy of them. There are no disadvantages so long as we can coexist peacefully.”

Xia Fei didn’t reply, only nodding.

The air trembled as Xia Fei’s warship landed at the 29th Place. The moment he disembarked, he smelled a grim odor in the air!

All members of the 29th Place had arrived! They included both people that Xia Fei had met and hadn’t met. They were all dressed in full combat gear and boarding one of the most advanced ships in the Annihilation Universe.

In the distance, Shane called out Xia Fei and waved at him to come over.

Xia Fei quickly went up to Shane and whispered, “What happened? Why is everyone so nervous?”

Shane shook his head. “I’m still not sure, but the chief’s eyes have turned purple. Something huge must have happened! We’ve only waited until now to leave because we were waiting for you. Otherwise, the force would have already headed out.”

Xia Fei was surprised. He commented, “There are a lot of people here today, many of whom I’ve never met.”

Shane said grimly, “Let alone you, even I haven’t met some of them before! The chief seems to have summoned them at the last moment.”

Shane gave Xia Fei a big thumbs-up, indicating that these people who had joined at the last minute were all experts among experts!

They had been waiting for him to head out? Xia Fei guessed that this secret operation of the 29th Place was connected to the Fiend Race.

At that moment, Xiu Zetian finally strode out. The man’s eyes really were purple! His face was twisted with savagery!