Superstar From Age 0-Chapter 411:

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Chapter 411:

The next morning.

Ahn Da Ho, who came to pick up Seo-jun, widened his eyes at Seo-jun's story.

“You saw it in a dream?”

“Yes. It was all from a dream.”

It was actually his past life, not a dream, but it wasn't entirely wrong to say it was a dream.

It was a place he could only see after falling asleep.

Ahn Da Ho, who had been agonizing over it all night, smiled bitterly and said.

“You had such vivid and diverse dreams.”

But when he thought about it, it wasn't something that never happened.

There were writers who wrote novels based on their dreams, and the word ‘deja vu’ was created and used by many people, which showed that it was possible.

“I'm glad you found out where you saw it.”

“Me too. I think I can write with ease now.”

Seo-jun smiled brightly and Ahn Da Ho also relaxed and smiled.

“Then you just have to write the dialogue and the script?”

“No. Now I'm going to collect the keywords that are interesting or connected from the ones that came to my mind and make them into one plot. Once I have the plot, I have to set up the characters and add the dialogue.”

Seo-jun answered like a writer.

“I think it will be a bit similar to adaptation then.”

He thought he knew how to write well since he had done it once in middle school.

He wouldn't make the same mistake of writing dense scripts with the premise that all the characters were played by the actor ‘Lee Seo-jun’.

‘No. I won't do that.’

Seo-jun nodded inwardly.

“I also have to check what devices are on the stage and think of suitable lighting effects. When I saw it briefly last time, it seemed better than Yeoul Arts Center's facilities, so I think I need to look into it more closely.”

“We’ll look into that for you.”

“Then I'm grateful. Hmm. Then I think it will be roughly done.”

“By when?”

At Ahn Da Ho's question, seo-jun crossed his arms and tilted his head.

“I’ll be able to focus on the script after the music video shooting is over… Maybe by the end of August?”

“That's good. We can start recruiting right after school starts.”

“Yes. It will be similar to when I was in middle school.”

Considering the quality of the play [Mirror], it was a reasonable schedule.

‘It's also similar that there's an entrance exam in between.’

Of course, there was a big difference between high school and college.

‘It will be better this time since we’re all high school students now!’

Whether it was music or art.

Seo-jun smiled brightly as he had a rough schedule.



The sound of shoes rubbing against the floor was heard between the music.

At the back of the formation, seo-jun followed Baek Yi-hyun.

Baek Yi-hyun's dance was a bit weak, but he had more smoothness than that.

That's why his dance line was airy.

On the contrary, Kim Si-hoon, the main dancer, had overflowing power.

He also had more flexibility than others.

He tried to suppress his enthusiasm and match with other members when they danced the same moves, but he couldn't hide even the smallest details.

That made a big difference and drew attention to Kim Si-hoon even when they danced together.

‘That's why he's in front.’

He deserved to be called the main dancer when dance became the center.

Seo-jun and Blue Moon were currently learning the revised choreography.

There were some added moves and some removed ones, so it was a bit confusing to connect them, but they were able to learn them fairly easily.

Of course, that meant remembering the order and type of moves, not matching every detail from head to toe. It would take quite some time to do that.

“One more time!”

At Kim Si-hoon's words, the formation was formed again.

Was this an actor's acting practice or an idol's dance practice?

He was climbing up one step at a time as an idol while trying to shoot a music video.

Seo-jun made a strange expression as he took his place.

But he didn't forget his main job as an actor.

‘This time, Eun-sung.’

Seo-jun's sparkling eyes moved to Jung Eun-sung, who moved to the center from the formation.

Jung Eun-sung moved slightly faster than other members and then slowed down when he realized it.

Seo-jun did exactly as he did.

While Seo-jun and Blue Moon were sweating and practicing, blue Moon's manager came into the practice room.

He was surprised every time he came here, but there was an actor among them, which still felt a bit unfamiliar.

He danced too well with Blue Moon.

“Oh, hyung!”

“What's up?”

Kim Si-hoon turned around and saw the manager reflected in the mirror.

Seo-jun and the members also stopped dancing and took a break.

The manager smiled and waved the paper he was holding.

“The lyrics are out.”


A few days ago, the lyrics submitted by Blue Moon came back after being revised by an expert.

It seemed that they got a good evaluation from Team 1 as he showed it to the members.

The manager handed out one sheet of paper to each of them.

Seo-jun, who became the sixth member, also received one.

He looked like he was about to count the words, but Blue Moon just slowly read the lyrics drawn under the sheet music from the beginning.

He had listened to the finished song so many times that he hummed along with the rhythm, as if he was already singing it.

Seo-jun also read the lyrics.

He was not a singer, but he was not completely unrelated to the lyrics.

‘After all, the music video would be somewhat related to the lyrics.’

The lyrics were probably like lines for an actor, so he had to read them.

“Wow. This is really good.”

“This is what happens when a professional touches it. Such a good lyrics.”

The main vocal Choi Jae-won and the lead vocal Baek Yi-hyun exclaimed.

Kim Si-hoon, Park Ee-deun, and Jung Eun-sung were comparing the submitted lyrics and the received lyrics.

The lyrics they had written diligently were slightly modified to fit the song and the melody.

They all looked moved.

“I'm glad that our lyrics are in it more than I thought!”

“This part is exactly the same!”

“It's amazing.”

The five members of Blue Moon were excited by the finished song and lyrics.

“Guys, why don't we practice once before the vocal teacher comes?”

“That sounds good. I think we can do it since we listened to the song a lot.”

Baek Yi-hyun agreed with Park Ee-deun's suggestion.

Seo-jun also looked at Blue Moon, who seemed curious about what kind of song would come out, and searched for his part in the sheet music.

Choi Jae-won looked ready to sing as soon as the song was played.

“Before that.”

Blue Moon's manager opened his mouth with a smile.

“You guys have a recording next week.”


“Ye-jun said to practice hard.”



The papers that Blue Moon was holding fell to the floor at the same time.

They froze in that position, holding their breaths.

Seo-jun and Blue Moon's manager shook their shoulders and laughed at Blue Moon's appearance.


A few days later.

The day of Blue Moon's single album recording.

“I guess I'm alone today.”

Seo-jun, who sometimes wrote and edited his script at home, got off the elevator with his laptop in his bag.

Then he got into a familiar car parked at the entrance of the apartment.

“Hi! Seo-jun!”

And there was Blue Moon.

“…Why are you guys here with them?”

He was startled and opened his eyes wide.

He turned his head and looked at the driver's seat.

Ahn Da Ho waved his hand with a mischievous face.

Seo-jun tilted his head.

“I’ll start first.”


What's going on?

He blinked a few times at Blue Moon's sudden appearance, and he arrived in front of a familiar building.

Then he was led by Blue Moon into the building, into a familiar office.

‘It seemed like this happened a few days ago.’

“But why am I here?”

Jung Eun-sung answered Seo-jun's question.

“Because you’re our member.”

Seo-jun burst into laughter at that obvious answer.

The members who followed Seo-jun and Jung Eun-sung also giggled along.

Then they confessed their true feelings.

“I'm so nervous. Being with our senior.”

“Just stay with us for a little bit.”

“Just an hour, no, even thirty minutes.”

Blue Moon members clung to Seo-jun like warriors, trembling as if Hwang Ye-jun's office was a terrifying dragon's dungeon.

“I have to work on my script too.”

“The second team leader said it's a good way to change your mood and write in a different place!”

Seo-jun scratched his cheek at Baek Yi-hyun's words and nodded.

Da Ho hyung seemed to have a hand in this plan too.

‘I have my laptop in my bag.’

It wasn't a completely unfamiliar place, but Hwang Ye-jun's personal office where he could write, eat, and sleep comfortably.

Seo-jun often came here to hang out too.

“Okay. But I’ll go first if it's late.”

“That's fine! Thank you!”


“Seo-jun is awesome!”

“Why are you guys standing in front of the door?”

Blue Moon, who were excited as if they were going to paint graffiti, became quiet at Hwang Ye-jun's voice.

Then they put their hands together neatly and bowed politely with a ‘Hello, senior.’

Seo-jun couldn't help but laugh at their sight.


Seo-jun and Blue Moon followed Hwang Ye-jun into his office.

They had recorded songs produced by Hwang Ye-jun in this office, but most of them were Brown Black members’ songs, so there were things that Brown Black members had left behind.

The reason why there were posters and photos of Seo-jun's works, cheering sticks and snowballs, and even Jin Natra's figures was because of that.

Blue Moon admired the nicely decorated goods, while Hwang Ye-jun proudly showed off his son's achievements. Seo-jun felt a bit embarrassed and looked out the window.

After a round of silent bragging, blue Moon's recording began in earnest.

Choi Jae-won was the first to enter the recording booth.

He looked a bit nervous, and Hwang Ye-jun smiled and said.

He had never worked with rookies like this before, and it was refreshing.

“Jae-won, sing comfortably! We can do it several times until we get a good song.”


Choi Jae-won took a deep breath and met the eyes of Seo-jun and the other members outside. Then he nodded at Hwang Ye-jun.

“I’ll start.”

He opened his mouth slowly along with Hwang Ye-jun's signal and the flowing melody.

Hwang Ye-jun listened carefully with his headphones.

The other members outside were also nervous as Choi Jae-won.

Seo-jun scratched his cheek at their frozen faces and brought them some lukewarm water from the water purifier in the corner of the recording studio.

‘It's better to drink water when you sing.’

And Seo-jun, who didn't sing, drank orange juice from the refrigerator.

“Just relax. Ye-jun hyung said he would record several times.”

“But what if we can't sing well?”


Seo-jun, who had brought some rice crackers from somewhere and placed them on the table, tilted his head.

“He said he would record several times, right?”

Blue Moon looked anxious at Seo-jun's words.

“So what if we can't sing well even after several recordings?”

Park Ee-deun said, and Seo-jun blinked his eyes.

“That means he’ll record until we sing well, right?”


“Maybe we’ll have to come back again if we can't finish recording today. The Brown Black hyungs do that too.”

Seo-jun recalled how Brown Black practically lived in the recording studio whenever they recorded an album. It was their effort to increase the quality of the album.

“I'm sure your schedule doesn't have a fixed date for recording, right?”

It was the same for Brown Black.

At Seo-jun's words, blue Moon's mouths dropped open.

“But Ye-jun hyung is good at adjusting his condition, so it’ll be hard but your throats will be fine. The Brown Black hyungs have experienced it themselves.”

It was not a very comforting consolation.