Superstar From Age 0-Chapter 476:

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Chapter 476:

Last night.

While Lee Min-jun took Ryan and Jonathan to the hotel, seo-jun told Ahn Da Ho about Ryan and Jonathan's attendance at the entrance ceremony. Ahn Da Ho contacted Korea National University of Arts early the next morning.

He needed Korea National University of Arts's active cooperation in case there was a commotion when Ryan's identity was revealed.

Korea National University of Arts gladly accepted the two directors’ attendance.

Updat𝓮d from freewēbnoveℓ.com.

“I didn't expect Lee Seo-jun's effect to start from the entrance ceremony.”

The staff who came to work early in the morning for the entrance ceremony exclaimed.

They thought that Korea National University of Arts's name value and popularity abroad would increase with Lee Seo-jun's admission, but they never dreamed that a Hollywood director would appear at the entrance ceremony.

The staff moved quickly while admiring.

This all happened in less than two hours, so they were busy.

They checked the order of the entrance ceremony, decorated the stage, and added Ryan's name to the introduction of the guests.

“What about Director Jonathan Will?”

“He declined.”

Jonathan Will, who was Ryan's nephew and the original author of Seo-jun's practical exam, felt burdened by the attention.

The staff nodded.

“Director Ryan's name alone is enough.”

“But it's almost time for the entrance ceremony. When will they come…”


“…They’re here.”

The commotion reached the office.


“Wow! Seo-jun is here too!”

They were surprised to see Ryan, a foreigner, and then they were shocked to find Seo-jun next to him.

Seo-jun's ability calmed them down a bit, but there was still some noise, and the news and photos spread quickly through people's words and phones.

Seo-jun, ryan, and Jonathan were soon surrounded by people at a certain distance. Seo-jun looked at them with a smile and glanced at his side.

His parents, who looked like ordinary people, were standing in between the crowd with their phone cameras, saying “We are other freshmen's parents.”

They seemed to enjoy this situation.

‘…Did I inherit my acting skills from them?’

Seo-jun smiled slightly at his parents’ calm appearance.

“/I'm a fan! Director!/”

“/Can I ask you what your next work is!?/”


“He's really in our school!”

“/Director Jonathan! Your first commercial film is…!/”

They were as passionate as reporters. But they didn't come too close.

Among them, hwang Ji-yoon, who had met him earlier, and the acting students who had run out after hearing from Hwang Do-yoon that “Ryan and Jonathan were in the audience.” also looked at the three men with sparkling eyes.

“Excuse me for a moment!”

“Please make way!”

Before they could say anything, Ahn Da Ho and the bodyguards, along with Korea National University of Arts's staff, came running.

They surrounded Seo-jun and Ryan and Jonathan without any gaps and moved to the office that had been prepared in advance.

It happened in the blink of an eye.

“/You did well. Thank you./”

“/No problem. Da Ho hyung. You came so fast./”

Ahn Da Ho handed water bottles to the three men. As they sighed and drank water, seo-jun's phone rang.

Mom: Mom and dad will go ahead.

[Okay. Got it!

Mom: Our Seo-jun is the representative of the freshmen!

Seo-jun, who was going to be on stage as the representative of the freshmen for the oath, was scheduled to go on stage, while Ryan and Jonathan were going to sit in the guest seats to avoid confusion.

Seo Eun-hye and Lee Min-jun had seats reserved for them in the special seats for parents of freshmen who would be on stage today (academic excellence award, scholarship, president's award, etc.).

“/There's an article./”

Ahn Da Ho's words caught the attention of Seo-jun and the two directors.

[Director Ryan, Director Jonathan,and Lee Seo-jun attend entrance ceremony!]

[Hollywood director attends Korea National University of Arts entrance ceremony!]

Similar headlines appeared on articles and SNS posts with eyewitness accounts and photos. Seeing that, messages from friends also poured in.

Jonathan looked at his phone and shivered.

“/…Rachel and Evan sent me messages too?/”

“/…Me too./”

…How did it get to America so fast?

Seo-jun and Jonathan replied to Evan Block and Rachel Hill, who had learned about it at a similar speed as Koreans, while realizing that they could speak Korean.

In the meantime, Ahn Da Ho came back with a paper bag.

“/Seo-jun. Let's change clothes. It's time./”

“/Oh, okay./”

Seo-jun nodded at Ahn Da Ho's words.

He wore comfortable clothes to make it easier to look around Korea National University of Arts, but he thought a more calm suit would suit him better when he took the oath, so he prepared clothes.

“/Director Ryan and Director Jonathan can follow our staff and go ahead. Please let me know if you need anything./”

Tap tap tap, the staff who had been watching Ahn Da Ho, the pro manager, admired and silently applauded.


At 10 o’clock sharp.

The entrance ceremony of Korea National University of Arts began.

Perhaps because of Ryan and Jonathan, who were sitting in the guest seats, the entrance ceremony seemed more heated than usual.

The MC opened his mouth while thinking that.

[We will now begin the entrance ceremony of Korea National University of Arts.]

Maybe because there were many seats, the guest seats in the front were not very visible.

The freshmen and parents who stretched their necks and looked soon focused on the stage.

The opening speech was followed by an introduction of the guests.

[Director Ryan Will is here.]

Clap clap clap!

As Ryan stood up and greeted, a loud applause sounded.

Especially, the acting and film students gave enthusiastic applause.

Seo-jun, who was behind the stage, and Jonathan, who was sitting next to Ryan, also clapped with a smile.

After that, the national anthem, admission permit declaration, and so on followed.

[The next order is the oath of the representative of the freshmen.]

Most of them had an idea of who it was.

He had done well on the college entrance exam and there was an article about it, and his practical exam must have been perfect.

[The representative of the freshmen, Lee Seo-jun from acting department.]

Clap clap clap!!

With a loud applause, seo-jun in a neat suit walked out from the side of the stage.


I couldn't help but admire.

Seo-jun on stage not only met the expectations of the freshmen and parents, but also made them gasp with his aura.

Even without any devices, he seemed to have turned on a spotlight, dominating the stage with just his appearance.

It looked like he was in a different world where Seo-jun stood.

“/This is when you really feel like a star./”

“/I know, right?/”

Clap clap!!

Jonathan whispered while clapping, and Ryan also smiled and clapped.

The actor's everyday life, which he had seen since he was young, impressed Ryan.


Seo-jun, who stood in front of the microphone, opened the oath and opened his mouth. His voice was soft but strong as it flowed from the speaker.

His pronunciation was so good that every word was clear even without subtitles.

“I solemnly swear.”

The oath was as short as light.

Seo-jun closed the oath and bowed slightly, then walked back to the side of the stage.

The applause of regret filled the auditorium as Seo-jun walked away.

[Next, we will award the certificates.]

But soon Seo-jun came out again as an excellent student and received an award, soothing people's regret.

After that, the president's speech and congratulatory performances followed.

“Violin, it looks pretty hard, doesn't it?”

Lee Min-jun nodded at Seo Eun-hye's words.

After the first modern dance performance and the second ballet performance, the third performance was a piano trio composed of piano, violin, and cello on stage.

Among them, the female student who played the violin looked younger and smaller than the other two students.

“She must have entered early with early admission.”

“Oh. That's right.”

Early admission, which the couple had thought about several times for Seo-jun's future.

To be precise, they had considered everything related to education for Seo-jun's future, such as skipping grades, early graduation, studying abroad, GED, etc.

It was a concern since Seo-jun was very young.

The couple read countless stories of success and failure.

They also asked for advice from Seo-jun's actor acquaintances.

They worried a lot because people had different personalities and they didn't know what the outcome would be.

“Well, in the end he did what he wanted to do.”

Seo Eun-hye, who was filming the entrance ceremony with a camera, said with a smile.

This was already college after elementary school, middle school, and high school.

“It worked out well. He made a lot of friends and gained experience. You can only do things like graduation performances at school.”

He remembered his son's happy face when he was busy preparing for the graduation performance.

“He studies hard too.”

Sometimes she thought he didn't have to study so hard when she saw him studying for exams while filming.

Of course, studying rather than acting.

“Seo-jun is ambitious.”

“That's true.”

The couple smiled and applauded the performers who showed a beautiful performance. ƒгeeweɓn૦


The entrance ceremony was over.

People didn't leave the auditorium easily, so Seo-jun's group left through the back door as much as possible where there were few people.

“/Can we have lunch here?/”

“/I think so. Everyone is crowded in the auditorium. Even if they go out for lunch, they will think we went to a place with a private room./”

Ahn Da Ho answered Jonathan's question.

“/Still, it would be better to go to a place that is a little more secluded than a restaurant with openness. How about it, seo-jun?/”

“/This place should be fine./”

Seo-jun called out the name and address of the store. It was close to the school as if it was dark under the lamp. When he looked it up, it seemed that the interior of the store would not be visible from outside at all.

“/Then let's go./”

Ahn Da Ho and his parents took the lead and Seo-jun and two directors followed them.

This time they didn't forget to wear hats and scarves to cover their faces, but their shapes and colors had changed.

“/I didn't expect you to bring scarves and hats. And coats too./”

“/There were a lot of photos taken./”

Ahn Da Ho smiled and said.

The clothes that Seo-jun and two directors were wearing just before were coats, but now they were wearing padding.

“/They probably won't recognize us right away. And there won't be any trouble since our staff and bodyguards are following us./”

“/You are really Jun's manager./”

Jonathan admired. Ahn Da Ho paused for a moment and smiled.

“/We’re here. Here it is./”

He went into the restaurant first to check if there were any empty seats or problems.

“/You can come in./”

Ahn Da Ho came back with a strange smile on his face, and people tilted their heads.

When they went inside,

“Wow! Director Ryan!”


“Why are you here!?”

Acting students who came to the store to fill their stomachs during a short lunch break while an event of film department was going on in Theater 1 were there.

Hwang Do-yoon, who had given out all the souvenirs, and two executives, cha Yu-na and Kim Min-woo, who had handed over the guide position to the next person, were also there.

About thirteen people got up from their seats where they were eating.

Eight of them were lost in thought, recalling that Ryan and Jonathan were there during the play.

‘Well, it's a store that seniors introduced, so seniors must come here often.’

Seo-jun blinked his eyes and smiled.

“We’re going to have lunch here. Is that okay?”

“Of, of course it's okay!”

“There's a seat over there!”

“This is the recommended menu here. They use fresh ingredients that they get in the morning!”

Seo-jun's group sat down at two tables.

The staff was also surprised and took their orders and headed to the kitchen.

Seo-jun looked around the wall and saw that it was a famous restaurant, as there were celebrities’ signatures all over the wall.

“Go ask them! It's your department!”

“You can't bother them when they're eating!”

“You're only sane at times like this!”

Seo-jun ignored them.

“/Director. This is Do-hoon hyung's signature./”


Seo-jun's words made Ryan and Jonathan look at the signatures with interest. Of course, they had no idea what was written.

“/This is Jin-hee noona's signature. So-yeong noona is here too./”

It was a famous place for acting department.

It was fun to see the traces of his acquaintances in the same school.

He looked at the signatures as if he was looking for hidden pictures.

Seo-jun's eyes sparkled with interest.

He felt like this wasn't the only place where his acquaintances’ traces remained.

“The food is here.”


“We live by speed.”

The staff explained with a smile to the surprised Jonathan.

Maybe because it was a place where many celebrities came, the staff seemed to get used to the two directors’ appearance quickly.

‘The acting students who are shaking over there must have seen a lot of celebrities too…’

It seemed to be the difference between a staff who had nothing to do with acting and students who staked their lives on acting.

Ahn Da Ho smiled softly and checked the outside situation on his phone.