Superstar From Age 0-Chapter 489:

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Chapter 489:


“Yeah. It's Ee-deun.”

Seo-jun nodded his head and replied to Lee Min-jun's question.

[What's up?

-Park Ee-deun: You're still awake????

[It's only 10, what?

He wasn't a good kid who went to bed at 9, and it was a bit early for him to sleep even though the moon was up.

Besides, 10 p.m. was the time when each broadcasting station aired dramas.

He wouldn't miss the Friday drama with the highest ratings, unless he was busy.

-Park Ee-deun: Can I call you?

[Yeah yeah yeah

Seo-jun, who was about to watch the drama with his mom and dad in the living room, got up from the sofa after seeing Park Ee-deun's message.

“I'm going to call Ee-deun and come back.”


He couldn't just watch the drama when his friend asked for help.

He thought he would have to watch the beginning part later, and headed to his room.

Just then, his phone rang.

Seo-jun, who sat on a chair, answered the phone.


Before he could say anything, he heard Park Ee-deun's sobbing voice.

He dropped his phone away for a moment at the loud voice, then put it back to his ear.

“What's wrong? Didn't you say you were filming a variety show today?”

“I'm filming right now…”

“Right now?”

‘Is that it?’

Like at the ski resort last time, he's calling someone he knows?

But is phone calling related to the [Chickens in the Forest] corner?

‘No. Are the kids asleep?’

Seo-jun looked at the moon outside the window.

He had younger siblings with a big age gap, so he knew well about the kids’ sleeping time.

Maybe they were playing a small game among the cast members if the kids were asleep.

‘Pick up the phone quickly? Quiz? Say a designated word?’

He thought of some games that came to mind when he made a phone call, and suddenly remembered that Park Ee-deun had sent him a message first on Banana Talk.

He also remembered Park Ee-deun's voice that sounded more drained than usual.

“What's wrong?”

“…The kids won't eat.”


Park Ee-deun told Seo-jun about the [Chickens in the Forest] kids in a low voice.

“On the first day of filming, I thought they were just unfamiliar and awkward and didn't like the taste. So we tried hard to play with them and make them comfortable.”

Park Ee-deun's voice sank deeply.

“The seniors also brought their own secret recipes and I studied cooking hard too. But they still didn't eat. Today Yerin only ate fruits. She needs to eat well…”

It was a voice that expressed disappointment in himself rather than blaming the kids.

At that, seo-jun thought of Ji Yoon's mom. The way she worried about her baby who wouldn't eat.

…He felt a mother's heart from an idol.

Park Ee-deun wasn't like this, but he seemed to have grown up quite a bit after being with young kids.

“So I thought you could help me out, seo-jun.”

What naturally came to mind at Park Ee-deun's words was mukbang.

The video that was still essential for baby parents.

“Of course it's okay. No problem.”

He had plenty of time since tomorrow was Saturday, and it was the first time he had received such a request.

It was something new.

“Call me when you have time. I’ll be ready.”

“Thank you! Really! Hahaha! Seniors! Seo-jun agreed!!”


He heard cheers from the other side of the phone.


[Title: I don't know where he went, but I know where I am…???]

Why is actor Lee Seo-jun's (baby) eating show only until 20 months????

I've been watching actor Lee Seo-jun's (baby) eating show more than ten times a day since my daughter started eating solid food. My friends from the nursery and the staff there, and everyone around me said that this was the best thing to do when the baby didn't eat. They recommended it.

I really watched it before I had a baby.

‘No way?? Is that really helpful for the baby to eat???? How bad are the parents that they rely on eating shows?’

(That's your future??stupid??)

I was skeptical even after I had a baby. Does this really work?

A week after my daughter turned 20 months old.

I realized.

This eating show is really essential…!

You don't know when you have it, but you feel it when you don't. The empty spot of the eating show??

There's nothing I can do when the baby doesn't eat??

She doesn't eat what she used to eat, and she doesn't eat what she didn't eat. She cries because she's hungry, but she doesn't eat. It breaks my heart to see her??I fight with her to make her eat one more bite? I get stressed out?? I give up?? But I can't not feed her, so I pick up the spoon again?? And fight again?

It's really a vicious cycle??

I envy those who eat well. Really… I didn't know eating well was such an important thing.

I'm worried about her health and her height not growing??

How can it be so effective until 20 months and then stop working as soon as it passes???

I wish they extended the period a little bit???

-Yeah, right. Until 20 months, you watch it and think ‘Is this really that good?’ But after 20 months, you feel it deeply.

-My sister was 18 months old when she was on the eating show, and my mom said she cried a lot then. She really didn't eat.

-What's the principle of the eating show?

=Maybe it just coincidentally matches the babies’ preferences? Like songs that babies like or songs that make cats fall asleep.

=Coincidence??? I wish someone researched it and extended the age limit??

-Ah… My son who doesn't eat well. We went to the hospital today? He's 30 months old. It's been 10 months since he left the eating show. That was really heaven. Now I'm just waiting for him to turn 36 months old.

=36 months?

=Look at this article (link)

=Thank you!!

[Title: How to feed a baby who doesn't eat well.]

Until 20 months: Show them actor Lee Seo-jun's baby eating show.

From 20 months to 3 years old: The dark age ??

After 3 years old: Show them [Children's Play Spring] and then ask them to do a good deed (eating). Give them a magic ball. Wish (gift) required.

+) It doesn't have to be 3 years old, as long as they can understand the content of [Children's Play Spring]! (It can be faster or slower.)

+) You can watch the baby eating show as many times as you want, but you have to use Cheongryongnim wisely. It's a method that they use in nurseries or kindergartens, so kids get bored faster than you think ?

-The dark age ?

-My son who doesn't eat finally used Cheongryongnim today???? I used Cheongryongnim and the magic ball too much when he didn't eat. Please work tomorrow, cheongryongnim?

=Haha?? I understand. They get bored of wishing hard after watching the play. If you use Cheongryongnim too often, it won't work?

=You have to show them slowly from episode 1 to 8. Cheongryongnim's voice is different in each episode, so they think it's a different Cheongryongnim.


“…He said no.”

The silence fell on the set as Park Ee-deun spoke while looking at his phone.

Last shooting, cheongryongnim who descended on the set worked hard.

The children ate happily with Cheongryongnim's voice coming vividly from the phone.

Park Ee-deun and three other actors, and the production team were almost in tears.

They were moved and said ‘We did it!’ and recorded Cheongryongnim's voice for the next shooting.

And today, the third shooting day.

The four actors and the production team just wanted to cry.

The magic ball, cheongryongnim, and the recorded call with Cheongryongnim didn't work at all for the children they met after a week.

Heo Un-sung looked at the distant mountain behind the house where they were shooting with a detached face and said.

“Well. The parents must have tried everything.”

They probably tried everything they could think of and couldn't think of.

Jung Na-hee shook her head as she looked at the table that had no difference between before and after the meal.

“I didn't expect them to go back to normal in a week.”

Kim Ja-young asked Park Ee-deun.

“Actor Lee Seo-jun can't come today?”

Kang Su-Jung PD and the production team's eyes lit up.

At the last shooting, when they were disappointed, they heard the news of actor Lee Seo-jun's appearance.

Although it was only his voice, and it was Cheongryongnim's voice, it was enough to promote.

Park Ee-deun shrugged his shoulders and looked at the children running around in the field and said.

“It didn't work with the recording… Do you think it will work if Seo-jun says so?”

Everyone nodded their heads without realizing it.

The recording and the call didn't seem to make much difference.

“Then what do we do?”

“They’re having fun without eating anything.”

Kim Ja-young and Heo Un-sung looked at the children with worried expressions.

They needed to consume something that would give them energy.

“Huh? Who's coming today? A guest?”

“No. We don't have a guest…”

As Jung Na-hee spoke, Kang Su-Jung PD shook her head and turned her head to where Jung Na-hee was looking.

The others did the same.

They could see the road from the hilltop house where they were shooting.

A black car was approaching along that road.

It was not a van that was called a celebrity car, but a sedan that was common on the street.

Park Ee-deun widened his eyes and got up from his seat as he watched the approaching car. He became more certain as the car got closer.

“Huh? It's Team 2’s car.”

“Team 2?”

“Our company's Team 2. It's Seo-jun's team, and it's the car that Team 2 usually uses.”

“Then maybe…”

Lee Seo-jun?

The faces of Kang Su-Jung PD and the production team shone.

The actors Heo Un-sung and Jung Na-hee also had bright expressions at the appearance of the superstar.

The ballad singer Kim Ja-young also looked interested.

The children were curious about the new car and gathered around the actors, asking who is it? Who's coming? They were so cute then…

“It can't be. The other teams also borrow it when they need it. Maybe it's an employee…”

The manager of Blue Moon who was among the staff also looked puzzled by the sudden appearance of the company car and was contacting the company.

-Aw, too bad. I was curious because we never worked on the same project.

-Me too. I wanted to talk to you about acting…

The two actors who were playing with the children looked regretful but also affectionate.

They seemed to have gotten used to each other in just three weeks.

A black sedan entered the parking lot.

The manager of Blue Moon walked towards the car.

The passenger door of the tinted car opened and a man got out.


Park Ee-deun made a strange sound from his mouth as he held the youngest one who wanted to be hugged.

The manager of Blue Moon also looked surprised and almost ran to the parking lot.

It was a different reaction from the actors and the production team who were a little disappointed that it was not Lee Seo-jun.

“? Who is that?”

“…It's Team 2’s manager.”

“Team 2’s manager means…”

“He's Seo-jun's manager… Why did he come here?”

He wouldn't move unless it was Seo-jun's work. And why did he get out of the passenger seat…!

“Kang PD!”

Park Ee-deun called Kang Su-Jung PD urgently.

“Yes, yes?!”

“Driver's seat! Film the driver's seat!”

Driver's seat?

The camera director turned the camera to the driver's seat and zoomed in. He also moved his position to make it more visible.

The other cameras that had some leeway also pointed at the parking lot.

The front of the car was captured by the camera.

On the passenger side, the manager of Blue Moon and the man who was said to be Team 2’s manager were talking, so he tilted the angle a little to show only the driver's side.

The driver was still not getting out of the car, so it was hard to tell what he was doing inside.

“Are you stupid!? There are so many good spots where you can see well, why did you park there? You have to park so that only the driver's seat is visible, then it will look cool and show well! Have you ever filmed? Ah… You’ve probably only driven a few times.”

Park Ee-deun's grumbling voice was heard. But his grumbling was full of joy and delight. As if he had met a close friend.

…Could it be?

The most uptodate nove𝙡s are published on frёewebnoѵel.ƈo๓.

One name crossed people's minds.

At that moment, the driver's door opened.

A black haired head popped out at the edge of the car door.

He slowly revealed his face above the car door as if he was getting up from his seat. His neat hair and handsome face were clearly visible even from a distance.

People's mouths opened wide at the familiar face.

It seemed like he had a halo around him.

The man who got out of the car said something and the manager of Blue Moon pointed his finger at the shooting site.

The man in casual clothes turned his head.

He found the people and cameras and smiled brightly.

It was actor Lee Seo-jun.