Superstar From Age 0-Chapter 526:

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Chapter 526:

Translator: MarcTempest

Editor: AgRoseCrystal

Chapter 526

Seo-jun quickly looked around.

The numbers above the other performers’ heads were still there.

He was relieved. He sighed inwardly and recalled the notification.

[One of the Connectors has voluntarily disconnected from the (Line) Orchestra Conductor’s connection!]

What on earth had happened?

Did the Spirit Tree do something again, or was this also an effect of the opening of the Supreme Library’s door?

‘But I’m bothered by that ‘voluntarily’ part…’

But Seo-jun’s thoughts didn’t last long. Jason Moore’s performance was continuing.

The melody that flowed from the Stradivarius was more beautiful than the effect of the ability that had multiplied his musical skills by several times. He unconsciously stopped thinking and focused on that melody.

Jason’s violin sound filled the practice room.

The performers kept their mouths shut and listened to his performance quietly, without even a breath.

There were times when they learned a lot just by listening.

The long or short performance ended.

Jason Moore put down the Stradivarius with a refreshing expression as if he had solved something neatly and breathed lightly.

Seo-jun, Derek Rutz, and the performers who were listening in awe clapped reflexively.

“Jason. What happened? What was that just now…?”

Jason Moore smiled and answered Seo-jun’s question.

“Oh, it was a slump.”

“…A slump?”

Seo-jun widened his eyes.

The other performers had similar expressions. To them and to the audience, Jason Moore’s performance had been excellent until now.

It was hard to think of it as a slump.

“It was a bit of a strange slump. My skills improved noticeably, but I felt a bit frustrated and lacking every time I played.”

Jason Moore looked at his hands and clenched and unclenched them.

It was a strange feeling.

He felt the orchestra’s melody as if it was engraved in his body, and he thought of the violin performance that matched it.

When he played the violin to match it, a perfect song came out. Even he himself was surprised.

“I didn’t like it.”

He was annoyed by the frustration.

It felt like his hands and feet were tied.

‘It was my performance, but it didn’t feel like mine.’

And it wasn’t that his skills had gotten worse, but better, so it was more confusing.

“So I practiced a bit.”

He said it lightly, but in fact, he had been very worried and practiced hard.

In his accommodation, he kept listening to his old performances and thought about the differences from his current ones.

In the practice room, he tried his best to get out of that feeling.

To be honest, Jason Moore knew a simple way to overcome this frustrating situation.

It was solo. Playing his own performance without caring about the orchestra’s performance.

‘But that’s avoiding it.’

It would no longer be a collaboration with the orchestra.

He had done that when he was a student, playing in the orchestra with Dmitry.

When he was young, he couldn’t stand the frustration and ignored the orchestra’s performance and prioritized his own, but he had grown up a lot since then.

Besides, this strange slump had taught him a lot.

He could feel the orchestra’s performance, which he had only thought of as a backing accompaniment, as if it was one with him, and he could think about the meaning of ensemble again.

So Jason Moore practiced.

“Now that I feel good, I want to keep the feeling of this ensemble as much as possible.”

He thought and thought again to find the empty and additional parts of this perfect-looking ensemble and put his own feeling into it.

It was harder than he thought, but Jason Moore worked hard and his efforts paid off a little while ago.

“I’ve been through a slump a few times, and it’s better to solve it quickly. Well, this one seems different from the usual slump.”

It was worth the trouble.

He felt like he had escaped from the chains that had bound him, and his sounds stretched out. He felt so good that he couldn’t help but smile.

Dmitry Vasilyev smiled slightly at Jason Moore’s refreshing expression.

“Well. I thought you were playing quietly for your standards.”

He wondered if he had grown old and quiet, but it wasn’t the case after hearing his performance just now.

“You used to be the first violinist, but you ignored the conductor and played with your own feeling, so you only lasted six months, and you got scolded by Professor Benjamin. Now you’re thinking about the orchestra… You’ve grown up a lot. Jason.”

“When are you talking about?”

The performers exclaimed at the sight of Jason and Dmitry bickering.

“Geniuses are different even when they’re in a slump.”

“I know, right.”

Seo-jun stared blankly at Jason Moore.

No way, [(Line) Orchestra Conductor’s connection] was treated as a slump. If the Spirit Tree knew, it would cry…

‘No, it would probably make a fuss about the appearance of an amazing violinist…’

Anyway, he was a low-level Connector who voluntarily disconnected from the ability.

Seo-jun had never thought that was possible.

‘Jason is really amazing.’

He admired Jason Moore’s sensitivity to catch the alien feeling that others would have missed, his persistence to solve it without being satisfied with his improved skills, and his genius to find the points to learn from in that slump (?) and finally get everything in his hands.

His hands felt itchy.

He put aside his worries about the ability for a moment and Seo-jun said with sparkling eyes.

“Can we play one more time? I want to hear it properly!”

The other performers also brightened their eyes at Seo-jun’s words.

That was it.

The performance that had just ended was not a solo by Jason Moore, but a collaboration with the orchestra.

He had stopped playing in the middle, unable to finish the piece or hear it properly.

“Well, it was the last rehearsal today, but it ended too abruptly. Are you all okay?”

Derek Rutz, who spoke with an excited face, asked the others, who nodded in agreement. Then, Choi Yoo-seong raised his hand.

“Can I record it?”

At his question, the other performers looked at Derek Rutz and Jason Moore. Jason Moore nodded. Since they had no recording equipment, the performers had to use their phones.

The interrupted rehearsal resumed.

Jason Moore rested his chin on his Stradivarius. Seo-jun and Dmitry also held their violins and bows.

The cellists, double bassists, flutists, bassoonists, pianists, and other performers also tried to calm their pounding hearts with anticipation and looked at the conductor, Derek Rutz, who stood in the center.

The conductor, who was also nervous, took a small breath and swung his baton vigorously in the air.

[(Line) The connection of the orchestra conductor is activated.]

No more numbers appeared above Jason Moore’s head.


That evening.

Seo-jun and the kids were chatting in the living room of their accommodation. Charlie and Grace, who had left their own place and stayed here, were also with them.

The topic of their conversation was Jason Moore’s concert tomorrow.

“Professor Albert can come too.”

“Oh, really? Here’s the invitation. I’m glad it’s right next to me.”

Seo-jun handed the invitation he was holding to Ji-woo. He also gave Charlie and Charlie’s father’s invitations, and Grace and Grace’s sister Laura’s invitations.

“Do you usually get so many invitations?”

“Charlie and his dad are a thank-you for finding us a place to stay. Grace’s seat was originally mine. The other two were given by the members.”

Seo-jun explained to the puzzled Grace.

“I saw the article and it said the concert was great! I’m so excited!”

“Me too. Everyone was praising it.”

“I’m worried that everyone will be disappointed if they go with too much expectation… Will it be okay?”

Seo-jun smiled brightly at the worried faces of his friends.

“You can expect it. You’ll still be amazed.”


The friends’ eyes sparkled at Seo-jun’s confidence, who was one of the orchestra members.


Saturday morning.

Rehearsal time before the concert.

Thanks to Jason Moore’s performance yesterday, the orchestra members’ concentration was at its peak. And that was visible as numbers above their heads.

The musical bond that was rising steadily.

They finally started to make one or two 100s.

‘It’s the first time I see it with such a calm mind…’

It was a bit awkward because it had always risen dramatically on stage, but it was also amazing because he had never seen it closely.

The conductor swung his baton.

Jason Moore played the violin.

The orchestra played their instruments.

The most beautiful melody ever filled the rehearsal room.

The intense, gentle, and sweet sounds that penetrated the ears made the performers’ hearts flutter. But they were not so excited that it would interfere with their performance.

It was a performance they had experienced once yesterday, and they had listened to the recorded version all night.

‘Even Jason Moore, a genius, works so hard…’

They couldn’t afford to slack off with their ordinary talents.

They couldn’t change anything today, the day of the concert, but they could at least get used to the changed piece.

Jason Moore’s performance was heard.

It was still a great solo.

Choi Yoo-seong ignored the goosebumps on his arms and focused on his violin playing. It was an honor to be here, and it would be a great help for his future as a violinist.


[All bonds have reached their maximum.]

[(Line) The connection of the orchestra conductor is upgraded.]

[(Line) The connection of the orchestra conductor is upgraded from low-medium to medium.]

[(Line) The connection of the orchestra conductor-medium-]

The musical skills of the beings connected to the conductor vary up to four times depending on their bond.

The bond with the conductor and the bond of the connectors are expressed in numbers.

Maximum connection: 15 (10/15)

He wasn’t surprised because he expected it.

But the improved skills of the members thanks to the upgrade to medium were amazing.

Jason Moore, Derek Rutz, and the performers themselves noticed the subtle changes in the melody. They were surprised for a moment that it changed so much in a day, but they continued to play with smiles on their faces.

‘Kids. You can expect a lot.’

Seo-jun also smiled broadly and continued his violin playing.


-Ji-yoon: We arrived!

-Mina: Are you rehearsing?

<No, no, rehearsal is over and I’m changing clothes.

-Ji-woo: Can’t we meet before the show?

<Yeah. It’s hard with so many people.

-Ji-woo: Let’s meet after the show.


Seo-jun put down his phone and changed into a black suit. He had no reason to bring a suit on his trip, so it was naturally the one that Andaho had sent from Korea.

As Seo-jun was buttoning his shirt, Jason Moore approached him. Jason had already changed his clothes.

“They said the filming is ready. They do live recordings often, so they don’t need to change much.”

“That’s good! I really wanted to show this performance.”

“Me too. I kind of want to keep this performance as a record.”

Jason Moore said with a small smile.

Dmitry and the other performers also wanted to get the recorded version.

They all had high expectations for this concert. It was not a vague expectation, but a natural one that came from their skills.

“Maybe this will be one of the best performances of my life?”


Seo-jun smiled as he put on his black jacket and adjusted his clothes.

“We have to show more amazing performances in the future. We’re going to keep playing the violin, right?”

At Seo-jun’s words, Jason Moore chuckled and ruffled Seo-jun’s hair.

“…We’re still before the setting, so stay still. Jason.”

“I know. That’s why I’m doing it.”

Jason Moore’s hand, which spoke in a playful voice, became stronger, and Seo-jun’s hair became completely messy.


The largest hall of the Paris Music Hall, the first concert hall, was full of seats.

There was not a single empty seat.

The concertmaster and the maestro of the German Bayern Orchestra, who came with him, sat comfortably in their seats.

“Do you think he’ll be as great as the article said?”

“Did you see one or two exaggerated articles? He’ll do well, but they’re probably hyping him up because he’s a hot topic.”

The concertmaster nodded at the maestro’s words. He agreed that the articles were somewhat exaggerated.

“Tsk, it doesn’t help his image, it just increases his enemies.”

Moreover, because of those articles, there were many people who came to the concert today with the intention of judging him, not just ‘let’s see how good he is’.

The mean maestros and orchestra managers, violinists, music industry people, reporters.

They all looked like they came to evaluate, not to enjoy, so if Jason Moore made a mistake, it would be a big deal.


The audience’s noise subsided and the auditorium darkened with the alert.

The curtain on the stage rose. On the stage, there was a grand piano.

A man with a violin walked out from the side of the stage.

It was Jason Moore.

He bowed his head and the applause filled with anticipation poured out.

Behind Jason Moore, the pianist who would play the piano took his seat.

After exchanging glances with each other, Jason Moore rested his chin on his Stradivarius. He plucked the four strings with his left finger and held the long bow with his right hand.

The maestros, music industry people, and reporters who came to evaluate Jason Moore, the violinist, looked at him with sharp eyes, crossed arms, and leaning back on their chairs.


The piano performance began,

And Jason Moore moved his bow as if he had been waiting for it and drew the first note.


It was the first note.

That one note changed the sharp eyes to round ones, the crossed arms to loose ones, and the upper body that was leaning back to forward.

The first concert hall of the Paris Music Hall, which was full of silent astonishment and surprise, only had the sound of the violin and the piano ringing vividly.