Supreme Monarch-Chapter 151 C151. The Ride Back

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Back in the magic institute.

The Guild Leader's Office—

Syphilia sat on the leather sofa by the corner of her office with a strange expression on her face as she stared dumbly at the crystal mirror that floated before her. Her attention had been on the image desplayed on that mirror which did not reflect her face nor the wall behind her, but the interiors of a massive hall that was also located in this building.

Yes, she was indeed watching the duel that was taking place in the training hall the moment the demonstration of the two newcomers had ended. The entire purpose of the duel was to taunt and draw out the real strength and abilities of the one known as Lix.

Although she had no real issues against him, she hated the fact that he was able to resist her charms including her abilities and needed to know why. Call it a desperate bid of curiosity if you will but not knowing— especially when the person was in your guild— would be torture for her.

However — That damable idiot that was supposed to be her vice guild leader, had messed it up at the very first stage. Why would he let himself get provoked into accepting the duel with the girl she had no interest in. Well, that had been her original thoughts.

And yet—

The girl she had originally thought to be nothing more than a simple slightly talented beastkin had turned out to be the star of the show. It turns out the one hiding their true strength was her after all. Perhaps that was why he had refused to fight Kal.

While Kal's use of his berserk skill had been uncalled for and unprofessional, she had to admit that it was worth it for the fact that he had been able to draw out her full strength at the very last moment. The strength the girl had displayed with her last attack was no doubt at the peak of Tier 5. Such strength was already at the level of a behemoth and even some demon lords. Such a thought sent shivers down her back.

With that in mind, the chances that she had been the one protecting him from her abilities back then was very high. In the end, she was surely the more interesting of the bunch, a young beastgirl with the strength of a behemoth. So why in the world were they moving around like she was just his partner.

Thinking about it for only a moment, the answer was simple. She was a beastkin, a demihuman, a race that was considered to be even below that of lesser demons, so she would surely be looked down upon if she came alone. The fact that she had not hidden her appearance so the man could be the focus of others intrigue was brilliant.

She was surely quite the formidable opponent, a brilliant strategist indeed. Still, what was her aim in coming here. Judging by her fight she didn't seem to have any tier 4 spells and above so perhaps she came to learn. It was indeed very hard for commoners, much less demihumans to learn magic.

Not only were the material and knowledge very expensive, money alone could not buy them. It would only be natural if she had done all this to get accepted into the magic institute for that reason.

Syphilia sighed tiredly as she dispelled the crystal mirror the moment the group had left the hall with the staff. There was nothing she could do about this as they had brought her the recommendation letter from Rio and she was not permitted to refuse them.

"What a pain, the only thing I can do now is report this to Aur isn't it."

She gulped down the glass of wine on the table before her as she laid lazily on the couch. "Why me... I really hate that guy, why do I have to deal with him because of her. Hmmm... wait, I can just pick up a quest to make myself busy and send Kal to him instead right. Yeah, I'll definitely do that. That should be his punishment for losing so badly."

Saying that, a satisfied smile graced upon her beautiful face as she closed her eyes and took a nap.



—Back in the lobby of the magic institute.

Everyone present in the lobby watched in silence as they saw the proud and arrogant Van summon a Tier 4 fire elemental and then suddenly collarpse on the ground with his two lackeys. Most of them had no idea what had happened and could only stare in confusion and disbelief. f𝙧ee𝘄𝐞𝚋𝐧૦ѵeƖ.c𝘰𝓶

Although there were a few mages and Hunters with sharp senses that had clearly sense the dominating force that had completely suppress a Tier 4 summoner to the point that he had passed out. Questioning and curious gazes bathe the pair of newcomers, most of which were studying them inch by inch, something that hadn't happened the first time they had entered this place.

Tyler sighed, his original goal had not been to attract attention but it seem that trouble just won't stop finding him. Still, this was within his expectations. He was the type that was never fully confident in his plans so he would alway make several layers of back up plans for his Inevitable failure. Such a bad habit was not something a Supposed Demon Lord should have but whatever, he wasn't a demon lord to begin with so he couldn't care less as long as he achieved his goal.

With the way things are now, he would have to adjust his plans only a little which was a good thing. Ignoring the pairs of eyes on him and the staffs rushing to check up on the three idiots. Tyler turned back around and left the building with Nadine in tow.

Walking out of the institute after wasting way more time than expected, they boarded a private carriage back to west boroughs central plaza. The ride would take almost an hour so Tyler had some time to himself.

"How are you feeling?" He asked the only other person in the carriage with him and she excitedly responded.

"Great, I feel better than I have ever felt before."


"Yes sir, my body is lighter and faster than ever. It's like I just achieved a breakthrough and my physique has improved, however, it's not hard at all for me to control it like it normally would. My body control is even better than when I mastered my Tier 3 body."

"A breakthrough?"

Tyler's expression went blank. What in the world was she talking about. He had only asked her how she felt because of the side effects she had experienced earlier and to find out how she got his skills and how many of his skills she was able to use but now she was saying words that he could not comprehend.

Of course, Tyler had never experienced a breakthrough before so he wouldn't understand what she meant. As one trained and grew stronger, they would Inevitably be met with a bottleneck that they would need to work several times harder to break no matter how high their magic potential was.

Tiers were generally split into levels namely, basic, intermediate, advance and peak level. These levels were generally harder to get through the higher you went however, when one got to the peak stage, they would hit a bottle neck and would not be able to advance easily without making a massive breakthrough. Of course this only applied to situation where one had not yet reached the limits of their potential as that was the final bottleneck that could never be broken.

Or so he thought—

However, for Nadine who was a the peak of Toer 3 to say she had archived such a thing, it meant she had broken past her limit and was no longer at the tier 3 standards.

However, that should be impossible right? According to her file her magic potential was also Tier 3 and reaching the peak stage should've meant she had achieved her potential which was an incredibly impressive feat no matter who it was, not to mention she was only 17. And yet, what was she implying? A magic potential was not something that could be improved with any sorts of hard work or talent.

The potential you were born with would stay the same for the rest of your life and even potential break couldn't change that. Right?

"Hey Nadine."

"Yes my lord,"

"Do you mind if I use appraisal on you?"

"Of course not."


While the appraisal Magic he knew should be too low to be able to appraise a person, Tyler no longer thought such as thing mattered anymore and although he did his best to not damage his mana body, he still let his mana run wild while activating the spell.



Name: Nadine Farhart

Race: Beastman (Dog)

Class: Magic Fighter

Tier: Basic Level - Fourth Tier

Magic Type: Lightning, Wind, Darkness

Innate Ability: None.

Racial Skills: DarkVision, Superior Agility, Keen Senses, Full Transformation, Temper, Cutesy.

Skills: Demon's Might, Charge, Melee Combat (Intermediate), Versitle Strike, Battle Flow Analist.

Resistances: Lightning Resistance, Wind Resistance (Mid), Darkness Resistance (Low), Physical Resistance (Low), Magic Resistance (Mid).


'Huh? It actually says Tier 4, she's currently at the basic level of the fourth tier, right? I'm not being pranked right. Did she just increase her rank a level because of my ability? Not to mention the fact that she now has demons might even though she's not a demon. What the hell did I do.' 𝙛𝑟𝑒e𝘸𝑒𝗯𝘯𝗼𝘃el.𝒄𝒐m

Tyler's eyes lost their luster as they just stared blankly at Nadine who seemed to be excitedly waiting for him with slightly flushed cheeks.

"Hmm, lord Ty, Am I right? Did I really get stronger?"

Her seemingly innocent words dragged Tyler out of his stupor as he tried to calm down and think properly. Naturally, this was more than a piece of world-shattering news, and anyone who heard it would be in the same state as he was, maybe even worse.

There had always been a single constant in this world and that was the fact that magic potential could not be changed or improved. They were considered the natural heritage of the world as those that were favored by the world were born with high potential and those that were not would draw the short straw.

This was something that the demon continent especially the noble hierarchy was built on and Tyler's ability could easily destroy the fragile state of such a system. His ability literally utters the world development itself and would most definitely make him an even bigger target than he already was. It was something that was capable of plunging the world into another Great War. Of course, that was only assuming he was able to protect himself from the rest of the world.

Right now, the nobles could not move on the castle mostly due to their lack of information and wariness against each other but if they were to find out about his ability. Not even the library would be able to save him. Tyler sighed inwardly, thinking about something he didn't fully understand was a waste of time and he could not afford to waste time anymore.

"Yes indeed, congratulations, you're now a Tier 4 magic fighter."

"Wow really... Yesssss!"

It was quite a shock for Tyler but Nadine, it was something else. Seeing her lose her cool in an adorable scream for joy would've normally made Tyler smile but now he could only sigh in resignation.

"By the way lord Ty,"


"How did I make a breakthrough, my magic potential was Tier 3 and no matter how hard I tried I could never make it past that. I had felt your presence inside of me and I can now even use a skill I had never learned before. Also, my body control has greatly improved which is not something that should be possible right?"

"How uh... Don't worry about that for now. Also, don't mention this to anyone else, understand?"
