Supreme Monarch-Chapter 186 C186. Spatial Domination

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With an annoyed sigh, Tyler quickly pulled back the remaining of his left arm and swung his sword with force while simultaneously activating a skill.

?Rapid Birst?

With a powerful swing, a burst of immerse magic energy that overwhelmed space itself shot forth and tore through Mammon's last desperate attack like it was nothing. The burst of mana continued onwards as it completely obliterated part of the right part of Mammon's body.

While Tyler had lost part of his left hand, Mammon had lost his entire right arm and part of his chest. The only thing still keeping him alive was his demonification.

"No. No, no no no no... This can't be. I'm the strongest, the strongest. To rule should be my birthright. He promised, he show me the future. How can this, how can this be? You're not real, this is a bad dream, a nightmare. No, Die goddamit, DIE!"

As he rambled on and on with a strangely tear-filled eyes, he gathered more energy in his left hand and although he had completely run out of mana. He had subconsciously drawn power from his very soul. In essence, he was using his life force energy.

Tyler casually swung his blade again using rapid burst and the energy was blown away along with the left side of Mammon. Tyler's injury had also not bled due to the negative corruption affecting his blood. The pain was nullified but he knew the root of the problem was still there.

However, now was not the time to worry about that as he moved forward, toward the now armless demon before him.

"No, stay away! Stop! please. I give up, I surrender! I'll be your slave anything, just spare me."

Tyler ignored the pleading demon as he stopped just a few feet away from him and his cold eyes flashed red as a thrill of fear shot through Mammon's mind and his expression went pale.

"Quite the disgraceful sight from a so-called primordial. You should accept your death with dignity. Don't worry I won't permit you to be reincarnated or revived."

Although his words sounded as though he was reassuring Mammon of something positive, that had not been the case at all. Upon that realization, the life visibly drained from Hemei's eyes. He didn't want to die because he didn't want to feel any more pain but he had always had it in the back of his mind that even if he died here today, he would be reincarnated as he had the actual skill, ?Reincarnation?

What a disaster this had turned out to be. He was deceived by that fellow and even Citrus must've been lying to him as well. He had thought he was pretty intelligent but perhaps he was wrong and it was just that person feeding his ego as it seemed he had been manipulated at every step of the way.

His life had been full of coincidences upon coincidences that he had thought he was favored by this world and destined to rule. But if everything led him here, doesn't that mean it was all a lie. Just when he was about to say something to appease this demon, perhaps even exchange his life for information he had gathered on that fellow and the great five, the man had raised his sword high and before he could even formulate a word, his vision was split in two as they fell in opposite direction and his thoughts had immediately stopped as the behemoth of Greed had died.

[Notice: Part of the soul of the reincarnated, Hemei Sakaguchi has been consumed.

Skill: Spatial Manipulation has revolved to Spatial Domination.]

[Subsidiary Skills has also been revised and upgraded:

Spatial Teleportation - Monarch can teleport, or transfer matter (beings/objects, including themselves) or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them.

Frozen Space - Pause or freeze a section in space without stopping time. Everything living in that space will also be frozen and cannot be affected by any physical or magical force.

Infinite Storage Space - Grants Monarch access to an infinite dimension where any number of things came to be stored and accessed with relative ease. Cannot store living matter unless a special carrier is constructed around them.

Spatial Vortex - Monarch can create a spatial distortion in the form of a vortex, crushing or slicing the opponent

? Spatial Perception - Monarch is able to perceive the spatial distances: the dimensions (length, width, and height), distances between objects, shapes, and sizes of things, etc. You can also discern how far away something is and the exact measurements of the proportions of an object.

Spatial Awareness - Monarch possesses an instinctual extrasensory ability that will prevent him from materializing all or part of his body within a solid object.

Spatial Flight - Control your location in space, and can use this to levitate or fly by preventing your location from altering as it would do if one succumbed to gravity and fell. You can also control the direction and speed of your flight by changing the location.

Warp Creation - Monarch can create warps in space-time, including black holes, distortions, portals, wormholes, rifts, etc.]

Upon killing Mammon, Tyler's mind was bombarded with an unnerving amount of information. One of which was a surprise and that was the fact that this so-called behemoth of Greed was actually a Japanese reincarnate.

Frankly speaking, he hadn't even considered that someone could be reincarnated from his world as anything other than human. After all, he was first human himself. However, it was too late to cry about spilled milk as the man before he was dead and part of his soul had already been consumed, preventing any chance of reincarnation or resurrection.

Tyler sighed as he watched the pile of flesh on the ground bleeding out. At the very least it looks like he had obtained the power to fly and no longer had to bother learning that spell.

However, something still bugged him. What in the world was that voice that kept speaking to him. Was it a system? It didn't seem likely as he had no system interface and had tried talking to the voice but it didn't respond. If it was indeed a system then it was quite his luck that he obtained such an arrogant system that only speaks to him at its leisure.

Ignoring that though after only pondering about it for a moment, he used his new skills to teleport all the injured to him and cast mass heals on them. His arm was still half gone but he didn't mind it. Among the more than 40 fighters here, in the end, he had only been able to save about a dozen. f𝔯ℯe𝓌ℯ𝐛𝒏𝐨ѵel.c𝚘𝐦

He couldn't help but feel a tad useless as someone got up and headed towards him. He was wearing a black combat suit and a silver mask as he bowed before Tyler and spoke.

"Welcome back Lord Ty. I apologize for letting things escalate so far."

Tyler calmed himself down then proceeded to glance at the one speaking to him then asking.

"Who're you?"


Zomatsu's mind went blank as he didn't know how he should respond to that. It was true that he may not have made much of an impression the first time they met but he felt a crushing weight of defeat just from those words.

"Oh sorry, bad joke, I do recall you. Z right?"

Zomatsu didn't know if he should feel relieved or disappointed as he couldn't tell if Lord Ty had really been joking or if he had really forgotten about him for a moment there. Luckily for him, someone else had interrupted them as the Dark Garuda dragged the unconscious female general of greed by the hair over to them. Her scalp was already bleeding but it didn't seem to spare it even a second thought.

[So, what should I do with this one. Can I eat it?]

The dark creature's ethereal voice reverberated in Zomatsu's ears as well, as it asked that disturbing question in a casual tone.

"Sure, do whatever you want."

Tyler said tiredly as he began to cast light heal on the injured one by one, making sure they were out of danger before moving on to the next when Zomatsu had abruptly interrupted him.

"If I may lord, I think it might be better to at least leave one person alive so we could gain some information on several matters. This might not be the last time this will happen so the information we get might help us be better prepared. Mammon had also mentioned something about someone inciting him to do this and while that may be lies from a desolate demon, it wouldn't hurt us to look into this."

The dark Garuda was just about to rip the lady's heart out when Tyler had stopped it with a thought, it grumbled bitterly but didn't dare disobey.

[Damn, I should've acted faster.]

Tyler ignored the Garuda's words and just focused on his healing as he nodded and asked Zomatsu the confirm the identities of the death. He didn't know everyone from the settlement but could already see a few that he had met before like, Jarret, Talen, Kela, and even Hart the first amongst the red ogres to speak to him on their own and without being nervous.

He was glad most of the women and children were safe as he could sense them in the castle along with Erin but it seems like Albert was in a critical state after exhausting his mana and stamina completely.

while he had understood what Z was trying to say and had gone along with it. He didn't particularly care about that right now as he maintained his focus in just trying to keep as many people as he could alive.

Seeing his current expression, the Dark Garuda looked at him with interest, not understanding why someone like him cared about such weaklings but he didn't hesitate to take advantage of the situation as he made Tyler an offer.

[Hey kid. Do you want me to resurrect them for you?]

Hearing that, Tyler's interest was piqued as he stopped what he was doing and turned to face the Dark creature.

"You're able to resurrect the dead?"

[I'm a celestial, don't insult me. Such a thing is child's place before my mighty presence.]

"Huh, I guess you're more useful than I thought."

[Speaking that way to a Celestial, such insolence. Still, I'll overlook it this time as you'll have to grant me a request as well.]

Tyler narrowed his eyes at the Dark creature and it chucked.

[You should know, such a thing is not in the contract and you cannot force me to do it. So what do you say?]

"Very well, what do you want."

[Simple, the remnant soul of that reincarnate, as well as the souls of everyone else that you don't want to be resurrected. Don't worry, this will also prevent their reincarnation. Of course, this will also be the last act of our contract.]

Tyler considered it for only a moment before nodding his head in agreement. He had no use for the souls of these people and although their bodies were useful, he still wouldn't have hesitated for a moment if the Garuda had wanted those as well.

With his arms still corrupted, he wasn't sure he should be creating any more undead, to begin with.

[Kukuku... We've agreed then. Know that one cannot go back on a deal with a celestial.]

With a wave of his claws and a flap of his black wings, it cast a super high-tiered spell without a chant.

"Garuda's Favour: Soul Callback."

A species-based spell that instantly returned all the scattered souls of the dead to their bodies before healing them enough so they would not die again but not a complete heal either. However, this spell also had a limitation as it could not bring back the souls of the ones whose bodies had turned to ash.

Without a body, a source of their origin. There was no were for the soul to return to and the spell could not create a new body for them. Although there were ways to bind the souls to other things like a Homunculus or a lifeless Golem. However, since neither of those was present here, those that had been reduced to ash could not be revived but more than 20 persons had been resurrected in the next instance.