Supreme Monarch-Chapter 204 C204. Mission Preparations

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The Farbelt pass was located at the extreme end of the Sentro region and was at the border of the Mounta region and the forbidden Darknar region. The place was a dangerous location that didn't directly come under the jurisdiction of Winged city or any of the surrounding City's as it would be easy prey for invasion from outside forces.

Indeed, something similar had happened in the past and a large city had fallen into ruins because of it. The fact that the land hadn't been claimed by the attacking family was a miracle but the Pass hadn't been developed since then and was now a monster den ruled by the King of the Pass, a ColdFire Drake.

Even so, outside forces aside. The Farbelt Pass had become a fairly high resource area that had been fought over by the surrounding cities for centuries although non of their battles were actually serious. In the end, claiming the pass had not been a priority for them and thus it remained the same.

However, everything changed when an unexplored mine was discovered there. The fairly high resource area that was left to the wild for everyone to claim had suddenly become a very valuable piece of land and thus, Hunters and Merchants were being recruited for the clearing out of the monster nest and protection of the miners.

"—here, look at this."

Lyka opened up a map and circled a certain location.

"The exact location is unclear, but it ought to be around this area so it's quite deep inside the Farbelt Pass. If care is not taken, we might end up trespassing in the ColdFire Drake territory and that would be bad."

Her delicate finger slid over the map's surface and then tapped twice.

"Silverwing city is also closer to the pass than us so the constraints on the time given to our preparations. It would seem the place is valuable enough to warrant the attention of the Lords of both cities and the city is in a rush to claim it."

"Umm.... doesn't something feels off about that though."

"What do you mean?"

"I get that it's an unexplored mine and all, but it's only a gold mine. Is it really valuable enough to warrant hiring so many Hunters? Even going as far as to pay up a whopping 1000DC upfront and even promising a balance of 2000 DC. Something doesn't add up."

Berot scratch his head as he spoke. Unable to figure out why the reward for this mission was so high.

"Indeed you're right. We thought the same as well when we first receive the briefing. The monsters that are attracted to a weak metal like gold are usually weak as well so hiring so many Hunters didn't make any sense."

Abel nodded his head as he agreed with Berot while Lyka continued his words.

"Yeah, that's why I decided to look more into it to find out more about the mine. It was well hidden but I was able to find out that the ones who first discover the mine was the same group of Hunters that had recently gone missing."

"Wait what! You don't mean..."

"Probably... Although I've heard that the last time they were seen entering the city was with a new VIP merchant."

"A VIP merchant. Whose that?"

"No idea. Excerpt the merchant guild leader, I'm not sure anyone had seen his face even with spells and skills. Perhaps Ruby has better Info on them though."

"No had seen his face? Why, was he wearing some kind of concealing mask?"

"Who knows. I never saw him myself but I hear he always had a hood on and was accompanied by a beastgirl. That's not even the interesting part."

"..." 𝙛r𝚎𝐞𝑤𝚎𝗯𝗻𝗼𝐯e𝚕.𝒄𝐨𝓂

,m "Get this. Not only were they able to easily join the Magic institute. But I hear they had a sparring section with the vice guild leader there and the girl won."

"You're kidding! Where are they now?"

"That's as much of a mystery as their real identities. Last they were seen leaving the city to who knows where."

"So they didn't go missing as well. If they waited for someone as troublesome as the merchant fellow to leave before they strike. Do you think—?"

"It's not confirmed yet, but there's a chance the nobles are responsible for their disappearance but the increase in security seems to disprove that idea."

"You're right. If the nobles were responsible they would not make a big deal over the disappearance of some mid-level Hunters."

Agreeing with her, Berot reached out an arm to grab Eliss drink as he hadn't been served any but his hand was swiftly swatted away like a bug.

"That's right but there's still a chance they're only doing this to throw the Hunter guild off while still gaining our help. Also, there's talk that the mine is a double mine with a hidden treasure."

"I see... if that's the case then it makes a lot of sense why they're hiring so many Hunters. If the attached mine contains more valuable metals then the strength of the monsters would be too unpredictable and there might even be a boss-level monster in there."

"Yes... we thought so too. That's why we decided to accept the mission. So what do you think O perverted leader of ours?"

"That question again even though I no longer have a choice in the matter. I'll rather hear why you guys accepted this job in the first place, besides the money of course."

"Seems interesting. Even if it just turns out to be a weak gold mine. The journey there is dangerous on its own, and I hear undead creatures have been straying out of the Darknar forest each day. Powerful monsters have also left the forest and there's a high chance of encountering them along the way."

"Indeed... I accepted for the same reason. Encountering a powerful monster from the forbidden region is really interesting. My blood is boiling for a proper challenge."

Abel agreed with Eliss reasoning as they both radiated with eagerness but Lyka didn't seem to share their enthusiasm.

"I only accepted it for the money. My little brother just got accepted into the Zorak Magic Academy so I'll have to take care of his tuition for the year soon."

"Really! Wow... he must be crazy talented, they only accept like one or two students a year from the common folks. Even I didn't get accepted when I was his age."

Berot praised in surprise as he heard Lyka's reason for accepting the job.

"I know. He has a higher potential than me and is very gifted even though he has no innate ability. I just want him to get all the help he requires for his future just like what my elder brother would've wanted."

"You really are a dotting little sister ain't you."

"What! No, I'm not."

"Oh how cute! you're embarrassed."

"Please stop this Eliss, we're in public."

Lyka was an orphan who had lived with only her two brothers almost her entire life. Her older brother had been the one taking care of them since she was little. He had been a member of the magic guild and a high-level magic researcher even though his magic potential was mid-level at best.

However, his hard work and intelligence had granted him the ability to move up in the rankings and the means to take care of his siblings as well as affording expensive magic books and items for them to improve. Unfortunately, he had died a few years back in a joint mission with the Merchant Guild, leaving her to take care of her little brother by herself.

The fact that all three siblings could use magic to this extent was impressive on its own but now her brother was apparently talented enough to be accepted in the magic academy. Berot couldn't help but be impressed.

He was a reincarnate but had failed to enter the magic institute because of his supposed lack of talent and a proper innate ability. His magic potential was pretty high but it was nowhere near the peak of this world.

Part of the reason why this was the case was his lack of an opportunity as a kid. He hadn't figured out that he could increase his magic potential by training his mana pool as a kid until it was too late and thus only needed up with a Tier 5 potential.

Still, that was enough to grant him the means to escape his fate as a lesser demon and he soon became known as the strongest mage in the Sentro region. Perhaps him not joining the magic academy was a good thing after all but he couldn't help but have a tinge of regret at a lost opportunity.

"Alright, enough fooling around. Since we've decided to partake in this mission. We'll have to make sure we're well prepared for whatever may be tossed our way."

"Indeed, the disappearance of those five Hunters means this mission may not be as straightforward as we want it to be. It's best we approach it with extreme caution."

Lyka said seriously as she stared at the group. She then turned to Eliss before continuing.

"More importantly Eliss. You can't go around picking fights with whoever pisses you off when we meet up with the other Hunters partaking in this. There's a chance one of them might be working for a third party so let's all be careful around them.

"Hey! Why'd you single me out like that!"

"No reason."


"—Anyway, we only have a few hours left to prepare so let's end our meeting here. I'll try to get some information on the Hunters that has accepted the job so far and Eliss will accompany me. You two should get our Hunting gear for the mission.

Hunting gears included things like ropes, oil, potions, and magic items. They were required to be stocked up on daily and for a long-term mission like this, they needed more than they would normally use.

"Now then, let's move. Although… Lyka."

Lyka tilted her head, as though to ask "Hm?" Berot spoke the question that was on his mind.

"Say, will the payment from this job be enough for your brother's fees?"

"—It'll be fine. If I add this to the ones I've been saving, I should have more than enough for the first year."

"I see... well that's okay then. If you need help with anything don't hesitate to ask."

"Why would I need help from a pervert like you."

"oh come on not this again. Anyway, before you guys leave, here. I got this from the capital as souvenirs for you guys."

He handed the girls a pair of silver pendants. They had a gem the size of a small coin in them that seemed to be showing within. This was a miniature globe made with magic and then shrunked to that size.

While they were not that expensive, they were not cheap either. He was lucky they had only started sales on them today as they were originally native to the capital so the girls hadn't seen it yet.

Eliss accepted the gift excitedly while Lyka looked at it with indifference.

"Did you seriously waste your money on such trinkets."

"Hahaha... I figured you're react like that but don't worry they were on sale and quite cheap. I got for the four of us so just accept it and think of it as our good luck charm."

His prepared explanation had totally worked as Lyka looked convinced by his bullshit and smiled as she accepted the gift. 𝙛𝚛𝙚ewe𝗯𝓃𝗼ѵ𝚎Ɩ.𝒄o𝐦

Chuckling softly, she then dragged Eliss with her as they left the inn. They had only been gone for a few minutes when Abel suddenly asked.

"So where's mine."

"Sorry man I'm giving it to Freylny, she's still mad."

"I'm telling Lyka about this."

"You wouldn't dare."

"You sure."

"Damn it... Alright fine. I'll treat you to drinks for week how bout that."

"Two weeks."

"You're worse than the devil."

"Fufufu... You pretty boys have it tough don't you... hahahahaha.."

After several more minutes of Abel drinking on Berot. They both finally got up to left the inn.

They headed for their usual customer to restock on supplies for their mission as well as gather some more information about the new VIP merchant whose name was apparently just Lix to see if he could help track down the missing Hunters.

By the time they were done with all their task, the night was already upon them and thus their preparations for tomorrow were completed.