Supreme Monarch-Chapter 23 C23. Ice Queen

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Erin screamed at the top of her lungs, she hadn't expected someone else's death to affect her so much. It had seemed like as long she she saved Albert then she would be fine, but now, seeing this scene she felt like her heart was about to bust. Various emotions flooded her mind, the pain of losing a friend was beginning to drive her mad.

Jarret and the others who had witness this felt the same emotions as Erin, without thinking they charged at the monster frantically, using every single skill they could muster, launching one attack after another.

The magic beast took the attacks head on shrugging off the attacks like they were nothing, it sent several claw strikes at the four, Talen and Hart ran forward taking the attack with all their might, still, it was foolish of them to think they could handle an attack from a Tier 6 magic beast head on. BOOM! the attack shattered their arms as they were slammed into the ground causing a large crater.

They gasped for air as it felt like all their bones had been crushed, Jarret and kela ran forward and launched a barrage of sword strikes combined with their strongest skills, even though they were exhausted. They didn't care and pushed their bodies to the limit and beyond.

The Tier 6 lesser Basilisks just stood there taking the attack like it was nothing, although because of AquaLight they were able to damage the scales of the monster, they were still only able to make scratches, even with their strongest skills. Most of the remaining fighters were trying their best to keep the remaining magic beasts at bay, at this point there were only about 7 monsters left alive, yet the mood around the battlefield was like death was imminent and they were only delaying the inevitable.

In just the few seconds they arrived, the magic beast had taken more lives than the entire army of 200 Tier 5 beasts had done in hours. It was ridiculously how easy this was for them, at this point many of the fighters had lost their lives leaving only about 30 remaining. Erin looked around and saw this, she knew Albert loves this people but never cared, now however she at least wanted to protect as many as she could, she could feel him, Albert's life force was fading, it seemed like she had failed to protect the man that helped her when she needed it the most.

The only thing she could think of now was to eliminate the remaining 3 magic beasts, as long as she was able to do that even after she dies the remaining fighters would be able to handle the rest. The problem now was the fact that she could only use the water dragon's attack one more time before her life force fades away, even though Callie wouldn't want her to do this and had stopped her before, there was no other options. It looked like she would have to just kill one and hope for the best, thinking too long would only get more people killed, clenching her fist she steeled her heart.


As Albert laid on the floor unmoving he couldn't help but hate himself for being this weak, he could feel everything going on in the battlefield from down here, he knew five insanely power creatures had arrived in the battlefield, creatures he might've struggled with at his peak, not to mention in his current state, he could barely move a finger much less hold his sword.

The three Basilisks around him seemed like they were mocking him, they made strange noises as they circled around him, after killing off his comrades they hadn't attacked him yet, almost as if they were waiting for something.

Albert however had other problems, he felt the life draining from Erin at a rapid rate, his eyes narrowed, he wanted to get up but no matter what he tried he couldn't muster up any strength.

He wanted to help, he needed to save her, he tried his best to muster as much energy as he could. 'GET UP, GET UP, GET UPPP____ DAMNIT! why... not again... why." His thoughts raced, the more he felt the connection with Erin fade away the more frustrated he was, he couldn't even move his fingers right now, for the second time in his life, he was scared and it wasn't of death.

'Somebody.... anybody... please... save her...'

*ROARRR!!! The monsters roared, it seemed like they were finally ready to strike. They must've been done tormenting him as they all pounced on him, wanting to rip him apart.

"Greater Magic Ice Pillar!"

He heard an angelic (maybe demonic) voice from an unknown direction resounding in his ears, he felt like he might've been hallucinating already and couldn't help but hate himself even more. However, a large pillar of ice suddenly rose up from beneath him, his body was elevated by the pillar.

The lesser Basilisks already in motion slammed head first into the pillar, cracks appeared on the pillar but didn't do much damage, meanwhile blood gushed out of the three lesser Basilisks heads as they struggled to get up, Albert couldn't believe what had happened, to the best of his knowledge no one in this settlement wielded this much power.

He tried to raise his head a little, and from his now higher vantage point he saw two figures appear in the distance, a male and a female. Both of them wore plain clothing with the male wearing a plain brown shirt, brown pants and a pair of ordinary boots, the frmale also wore a plain brown shirt and grey pants her shoes seemed like the only decent thing she had on, yet judging by her aura one would be a fool to underestimate her.

He could feel a strange aura within this lady, for some reason he felt like if he angered her it wouldn't take her two long to eliminate him, the only other person he had ever felt this powerless against was Erin. He hadn't imagined that there would be someone else on that level he didn't recognize, after all as a formal demon noble he knew all the high leveled demons even those in the Great Five.

Looking at the guy though, he couldn't sense anything from him, making him feel like he was human, but even humans had a feel about them that shows their strength, this guy on the other hand, felt like he didn't even exist. He felt like an helpless child right now just laying on top the pillar of ice waiting to either be killed by monsters or whatever the duo had planned for him.


Liz and Tyler came rushing in when they saw the monsters were about to kill someone else, to be honest Tyler was a bit hesitant to rush into an unknown and dangerous situation like this but Liz just kept running, they had entered through the collapsed wall by the side of the town so they hadn't noticed that many monsters.

Tyler had been able to see the Town from several miles away, he saw the guards try desperately to put the fire out around the largest building in the Town. He saw them fend of the monsters for a while before something happened and they just froze allowing the Monsters to kill them, he had thought they wouldn't have been able to make it in time to help the last survival before the monster killed him but strangely enough, they just circled around his body giving them enough time to help.

The main reason he wasn't scared was because he knew the strength of the lady in front of him, he had seen the effects personally, he knew she would be able to handle most monsters and even magic beasts. Even if things went sideways, with his current speed and stamina, he was sure he could get away, as long as he didn't use any spells that would drain him of all his energy. He also felt like he could get a decent sword from one of the dead soldiers, although he knew this was a terrible thought, he didn't really have a choice.

The lesser Basilisks recovered quickly from the concussion they received, they stood right back up and glared at the two new enemies, one of them charged forward at the two with his mouth wide open, ready to bite off the heads of these offenders. Liz looked at the beast and raised an arm, she was in no mood to mess around, this was the only place in miles where they could find someone to heal Rain, and yet these disgusting creatures were burning the place to the ground, what's worst if the healers in this place had died already, she couldn't forgive them.

"Twin Magic Ice Lance!"

Two Lance made of ice formed from thin air as they hovered above her bringing down the temperature around her, she pointed a finger forward and they shot out, they tore through the air like lightning, the lesser Basilisk running towards her tried to dodge, but the Lances were just too fast and pierced though it's head and chest leaving only large holes in its place.

The two remaining Basilisks hesitated a little but that was not a concern for Liz as she cast another spell. "Broaden magic Ice spikes!" the ground under the two monsters froze in an instant as large spikes made of ice shot out from beneath, only one of the monsters was fast enough, the other was skewered by the many ice Spike and the increased range.

The other opened it's mouth and shot out dark green flames at the woman. Liz flicked her wrist and an ice wall raised up from the ground blocking the attack completely, Tyler watching the entire show was increasingly impressed, he knew she was strong but didn't know she was such a graceful fighter, her timing was exceptional and all the spells she used came with an intent.

The Basilisk was shocked by the ease at which she had blocked it's attack, it knew it stood no chance and it's best option now was to retreat back to the Tier 6 magic beasts, it turned around having decided to run, but surprisingly she was standing in front of it the moment it turned around, raising and arm she uttered a word.


An invisible force shattered the monsters bones and sent it flying back several feet, she had taken down three high leveled monsters within the span of a few seconds. Tyler was short on words, he didn't want to look too stupid so he pretended like he expected such an outcome and walked over to the man on the ice pillar.

Seeing this Liz returned the Ice pillar back down and made it disappear, Tyler walked up to the aged man and helped him up, he sat him down and rested his back on a wall, the man was looking at him strangely as if expecting him to do something strange. 'Dude stop looking at me like that, I don't swing that way.' he smiled gently and asked "Are you okay?"

Albert was wary about the strangers that had appeared, seeing the strength of the lady he didn't want to say anything that would give them a reason to hurt the kids but after hearing the man's question though he felt like this might not be a bad thing. He could still feel Erin's life force rapidly draining and if these people could be of any help to her, then there was nothing he wouldn't offer them.

"Please, my wife... she is... she's fighting at the front gate, am afraid she won't be able to last long, please... if you can help... if you can save her... i don't have much... so... please... if you can save her... I'll offer my life... I'll give you everything... even my soul"

Tyler was dumfounded, what the actual fuck is this, what exactly about him made him think he could save anybody, why the fuck didn't he ask Liz. Crazy thoughts flooded his head but still, looking at the man's determined, yet tear filled eyes he couldn't bring himself to refuse, besides, the sudden red glow of his pupils made him a little tense.

Sigh "Alright sure, I'll give it a shot" that was all he could promise, an attempt, with Liz here as long as the monsters were the same as the previous ones he was sure she would be able to handle it.

Albert felt a little relieved by the strange man's words, he wasn't sure how strong he was but he felt like if he was able to hide his power so well in front of him, he must be something special.

Tyler stood up and as he was about to leave he sensed something, looking around he saw a long, thin blade, it looked a little like the Japanese katana but different, looking at Albert he asked, "can I borrow that?"

"Huh... yes of course!" he responded quickly and Tyler gave him a gentle smile, he picked up the blade and felt the weight, he hadn't used a sword like this before but it felt so natural. 𝑓𝑟eℯ𝒘𝗲𝑏n𝑜𝚟𝙚𝒍.𝒄o𝐦

'if only I could keep it.'