Supreme Monarch-Chapter 94 C94. Risky Business

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The undead creature squirmed a bit and stood up from the long metal table before walking over to Tyler with nimble footsteps and an uncommon grace for an Undead. She then knelt before him and Tyler finally took in her appearance.

She looked similar to her previous self with greenish-black hair that was tied in a tight single bun. Her now glowing green eyes that would pierce straight through the soul. However, she had also lost her demonic features.

There were no longer any goat-like horns protruding from the side of her head or a long and thin green tail from her lower waist. Her skin tone was now deathly pale and dark cracks that looked similar to the one on Tyler's palm appeared sparingly and almost fashionably on her skin.

As he watched the female undead knee before him, Tyler's mind was suddenly flooded with the information about this creature as well as a descriptive list of all her skills.


Shadow Rogue Peak Tier 4 Undead. 𝑓𝗿𝐞𝘦𝘄e𝘣n𝘰𝘷eƖ.c𝘰𝗺

An unnamed but powerful immortal undead rogue that was created in the depths of negative energy, grasping the secrets of the shadows.

Skills: Shadow hide; Invisibility; Shadow Movement; Assassinate; Darkvision; Greater Stealth; Magic Sense; Mark Soul; Darkness Aura; Shadow Assault.


It took Tyler a while to fully comprehend what was going on here. The beautiful and seductive undead rogue looked so human or demon like it was staggering. If it wasn't for the pale tone of a corpse that remained on her or the sight cracks on her face that resembled the one on his hand.

Tyler wouldn't have believed she was a. undead. Not to mention the tone at which she had spoken to him. It sounded nothing like the ghastly voice of the undead Lich he had locked up in the south wing. Her voice had a pleasant tone to it but it still felt cold and distant.

Tyler saw a slight shadowy aura around this rogue as she awaited her orders. His mind finally went through all the skills she had and he sighed. He silently cast placate on himself to calm his nerves as he saw Albert rush over to him.

"My Lord, are you okay?"

Albert stopped a few meters away from the undead as he stared warily at what had escaped that cacoon made entirely off negative energy. She didn't look anything like what he had expected and he had even brought out his weapon just in case it went berserk but that hadn't happened.

Tyler slightly raised his arm to assure Albert that everything was fine as he also gave a slight nod. He then returned his attention to the tier 4 creature in front of him. This experiment had definitely borne fruit as Tier 4 was the strongest undead he had ever created, although he had technically only created 3 undead.


Tyler commanded and the undead rogue complied. She had no expression on her face only the cold stare of an actual corpse. As she rose to her feet Tyler inspected her skills and characteristics. There was a weird description of her species, he wasn't sure what the word unnamed meant exactly.

Was it part of some sort of backstory or did it just mean this individual undead didn't have a name and could be named. He didn't know if naming the rogue would have any effects on her strength but it was worth a try.

Thinking about a decent name for a beautiful female undead rogue he unsurprisingly came up blank. That wasn't the type of thing he would have stored up in his head. He soon gave up on being creative and just settled with the first name that came to his mind.


The moment he said the name the look in the undead face shifted a little. While she had an expressionless face, her eyes now had a glint of individuality. Tyler still wasn't sure what was the point of the name. Perhaps high-level undead could develop new skills and abilities and would require the name for easier identification or perhaps it was something else.

"Zelda, stand by."

Zelda promptly nodded and before Tyler could even blink, she had disappeared. He wasn't sure where she was exactly but he could still feel her presence in the room. Although if he wanted to find her he could, he opted not to as she had just followed his orders.

,m Tyler sighed out of sheer mental exhaustion. He was glad he had managed to create a similar undead creature to the shadow Assassin. One that was even far superior and intelligent. He thought about what to do next, it would be nice to create more of these shadow rogues but after what had happened during the process, he felt a little hesitant.

The surge of negative energy and the dense cacoon had threatened to corrupt his soul. Although he still had a few sets of those scrolls he had used earlier, relying on them was a little too risky. However, just having one shadow Rogue wouldn't achieve his goal.

'I guess one more wouldn't hurt.' The second corpse was already out so Tyler felt like he should take a slight risk once more as a pair of shadow Rogues would help him immensely.

Walking over to the second body on the metal long table, he saw Albert take steps back from the corner of his eyes already predicting what he was about to do. This body looked to be one of an ogress, it had long curly red hair, the same colored eyes, and her features could be considered pretty but her appearance had a wild side to it.

Although it wore leather armor with metal linings, all of these bodies had already been stripped off their equipment so Tyler could only guess that she was either an assassin type or a ranger due to her outfit. He extended his arm above the corpse and just like before, he cast his spell again. Having already gone through this once, he prepared the scrolls beforehand so when the cacoon was formed he immediately activated it.

The same process repeated itself and before long, the dense negative energy subsided and the previously dead body squirmed around a bit before it stood up. She had the same deathly pale skin tone as the last and had lost her horns combined with anything that made her look like an ogress while still retaining her facial appearance.

Clad in a similar raven black rogues outfit, she held a one-handed red crossbow that gave of a bone-chilling aura. She walked over to Tyler and took a knee repeating the same words as the first.

"I await your orders, master."

Shadow Rogue Peak Tier 4 Undead.

Similar information about the undead creature before him flooded his mind. Again he needed to give this undead a name. He had expected this one to have some differences in skills but everything was identical.

'I supposed there may be slight differences as time goes on. Then again I'm talking about an immortal undead here, there's probably no chance of growth unless I force it.'

"I guess I'll call this one Kali, seems legit."

As the name left his mind the information he had about the undead changed slightly and the shadow rogue acknowledges its new name. Tyler gave the same order to Kali as he had given to Zelda and she similarly disappeared into the shadows. Tyler figured they were using the skill Shadow hide and were hidden within the shadows in the room.

He only had one more set of scrolls left so he brought out another corpse. This was also the corpse of an ogress with very short black hair, blue eyes, and a calmer appearance in comparison to how Kali had been before she became a shadow rogue.

Tyler cast the spell again and following a similar process the dead body moved after losing her ogre features and knelt before him awaiting a name. Tyler didn't think much about it and just gave it the name Flare because he was bored.

Flare spotted a similar raven black rogues outfit as the last two but wielded a white one-handed crossbow that also gave off a bone-chilling aura. The variety of their weapons gave Tyler the confidence that they would all developed or specialize in slightly different paths than each other.

Tyler gave Flare the same order like the last two and she immediately activated the shadow hide skill and disappeared before his eyes.

With that done, Tyler had no more intentions of creating any more undead. The reason was simple, he had run out of the scrolls that would keep him from being corrupted. Unless he can upgrade his Create undead spell to Tier 3 there would be no point in creating any more undead.

It was still disappointing that this was as far as he could go. If he tried to increase his forces like this he would be here for years and still be lacking enough manpower to protect the castle if ever there was a day where the barrier wouldn't be there to protect them.

Tyler ordered the two Black Knight in the room to go patrol the walls at the southern end of the castle as there weren't enough gray trolls to properly go round the castle. He then walks out of the room accompanied by Albert and maybe their shadow rogues. He really couldn't be sure but he vaguely senses their presence constantly around him.

Tyler's next destination was to meet the two unique trolls he had defeated. He had already used Appraisal on them and had gotten the basic information about their species but he still had a lot he wasn't aware of. For instance, he would like to know the process of their evolution and if he could replicate it on other species with magic.

Perhaps such a spell was too advance for him at the moment but at the very least he needed to know where he stood and in which direction to direct his future research. Apparently there were magic research institutes in almost every major city on this continent and Tyler was interested in visiting one of those.

Tyler headed back to the south wing and Albert lead him into one of the insanely large fighting halls he had sparred with Rain in which was strange as he wasn't sure while Albert had kept the trolls here. As the large double doors opened, however, a strong wind suddenly gusted out of the hall, informing Tyler of what was going on.

Apparently, the red troll or Berserker Troll had either challenged Azar, or maybe it was the other way around. The point being, they were now intensely going at it inside the massive hall with the Battle troll quietly watching from the side and several ogres and beastmen standing at the other side, cheering loudly for their former chief.

Tyler stood rooted on the spot as he stared at the hall with an almost dumbfounded expression on his face. The scene within looked like the ogres had organized a mini fight club under his nose and a vein suddenly budged on his forehead.

To be honest he wasn't mad at the ogres for doing this under his nose. They had probably just wanted to settle the score with the trolls once and for all, however. The rage within him burnt simply because they looked like they were having fun while he was busy risking his life and worrying about how to keep the castle and everyone within it safe.

The moment his rage rose to a certain point, everyone happily cheering in the room including the pair that fought wildly, froze. Cold sweat poured out of their bodies like running water as they all turned around like rusted puppets, Their eyes widened in fright and apprehension at the stifling aura that had suddenly dominated the room.

"And this is?"


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