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Sussy Baka in MHA-Chapter 42: Interlude 3
Chapter 42: Interlude 3
|A week later, Ground Beta...|
Only a week remained before the sports festival officially began.
As such, the entire U.A. was preparing the best they could for the upcoming event, from students of all classes to even the teachers and the staff of the school.
Class 1-B, of course, was not an exception to this grand event.
At the moment, all class 1-B students were scattered across Ground Beta—the special training ground of the U.A. that resembled an abandoned city, and where students could use their Quirks freely without worrying about injuring others or destroying public property—, training the best they could before the grand event.
As consideration for the students, the U.A. staff allowed them to use the hours of Hero Training classes that All Might had been teaching so far, so the students could use the training ground to practice and prepare for the sports festival instead.
Of course, the same went for class 1-A, but since they had classes at different hours, there weren't any problems regarding the usage of the zone.
Back to class 1-B, as of now, every single one of the students spread across the training ground was busy improving themselves by using different approaches to their unique Quirks.
Some trained their Quirk's capacities like their reach, strength, precision, or versatility, while others simply did their best to improve their level of decision-making during stressful situations, knowing full well that they would be nervous when the sports festival arrived.
Being Heroes in training, they still had a lot to improve on.
Many of them had also watched the sports festival before, so they had an idea of what some of the events that they would have to go through could be like, which gave them ideas of what aspects of their quirks or themselves they could improve during the time they had left.
Of course, not all of them were being so thoughtful with their training at the moment... Among them, one in particular was carrying out a rather... Blunt kind of training.
"Haha, yeah!"
Tetsutetsu, who didn't really know all that much about analyzing his weaknesses and strengths, simply chose the most straightforward method that had always worked for him.
Punching buildings while turning his body into steel with his Quirk.
It certainly wasn't one of the most effective methods, but it had gotten him to where he was now, so he wasn't going to be one to change it now... Nor that he could, as even if he had wanted to take on a more efficient path, he had no idea of how to do it.
So, with no other choice available, he got to punch every building in sight.
"Take that!"
"And that!"
"And another one of those!"
"Huff... It's not enough, I need to put more strength into it..."
As he watched the building he had just punched relentlessly crumble down after striking its supports, Tetsutetsu stared at his fists and frowned. Not satisfied with his speed in taking down the edifications.
He could harden his body, and by extension, strengthen his attacks on the process. However, he could still feel that there was an untapped potential behind his punches that he had yet to reach.
Was it the way he threw the punches? Or was it simply that his steel was still not sturdy enough to give him that extra level of strength?
Tetsutetsu clicked his tongue and scratched exasperatedly his hair. "Argh, why is it so complicated?!"
Unfortunately for him, he was forced to put a stop to his tantrum, when, from the remains of the building he had just thrown down, the sound of rubble moving reached his ears, and snapped him out of his daze.
His surprise turned even greater, however, when a voice suddenly came from under the debris as several pieces of concrete began moving.
"Man... What did this building do to you?"
Then, he saw it. A certain red-headed figure pushed the big pieces of concrete aside and emerged from under the wreckage, shooting Tetsutetsu an annoyed look.
It was none other than Suzaku, who was now completely covered in dust after being buried under an entire building.
Tetsutetsu's eyes widened as he recognized his figure. "Eh, Suzaku?! What the hell were you doing there?!"
"I was taking a nap..." Suzaku said as he patted his clothes and got out of the collapsed building while letting out small coughs every now and then, approaching Tetsutetsu as he did so. "...Though, it appears that I made a mistake when choosing my resting spot"
"You were taking a nap?!" Tetsutetsu looked at Suzaku baffled. "Now? In the middle of the hour the teachers gave us for training?!"
"Why?! The sports festival is just around the corner, we must prepare the best we can while we still have time!"
Suzaku shook his head with a grieving face as he shrugged his shoulders. "I'd like to, but since I'm already perfect, there's nothing for me to train on
Hearing Suzaku's answer, Tetsutetsu sweatdropped as he felt his eyebrow twitch.
"Hmph" When he saw his reaction, Suzaku snorted in amusement before he continued explaining. "...Though, on a more serious note, there's simply nothing I can train here. Most of my training equipment is at home, or on the dojo where I go every once in a while, so..."
"Eh? But aren't you a close-combat-oriented fighter?" Tetsutetsu crossed his arms and looked at Suzaku with a raised eyebrow. "You fought both Ibara and Sen with a staff during the first Hero Training class if I remember correctly"
"Well, it's what I specialize at..." Suzaku nodded, although sounding a bit vague as he answered.
"Then how about sparring with someone? That way you can train your combat skills" Tetsutetsu suggested. Thinking about what classmates would like to maybe spar with his red-headed friend.
Maybe Sen would like a rematch with the redhead, or maybe Togaru, with his sharp blades, surely would appreciate a good opponent to practice his abilities in close combat.
However, he never got to mention any name, as upon hearing his suggestion, Suzaku sneered and looked at the sky boringly. "Listen, I don't mean to be rude, but there's not a single person in this place that can give me a good fight when it comes to hand-to-hand combat..." He then pointed at Tetsutetsu with his finger. "...You included"
Then, Suzaku put both of his hands behind his head in a carefree manner. "Sparring with any of you guys would only benefit the other party in terms of training, not me"
However, that didn't seem to have sat well with the silver-haired youth, who upon hearing that, felt a vein pop up on his forehead.
As a close-oriented fighter, Tetsutetsu obviously felt insulted by Suzaku's boisterous claim. He was no amateur when it came to fighting in close quarters, even if he wasn't a master, he still had experience using some fighting styles to boost his performance while using his Quirk.
So hearing Suzaku say that sparring with him wouldn't even count as training struck a nerve in him.
And, being the rather heated-up teenager that he was, he was quick to look to solve the conflict using their fists, instead of words.
"You sure like to put on some airs, huh? If you are so strong as you say, then come prove it!"
Suzaku raised an eyebrow when he saw that reaction. However, after looking to the side and realizing that he had nothing else to do until the end of the class, he shrugged and nodded.
After that, he walked towards the opposite side of Tetsutetsu and put on some distance between them.
"Whenever you are ready..." Suzaku said as he took a flimsy fighting stance and waved his fingers back and forth as if taunting Tetsutetsu to come at him.
"You're on!" And apparently, it worked wonders.
"Raaaaah!" Immediately after, Tetsutetsu activated his Quirk, and roared into the air as he sprinted madly towards Suzaku. His heavy metallic steps resembled the charge of a car against the sus teenager.
And, with the ferocity of a bull, Tetsutetsu was the first to throw an attack as he charged.
"Oryaaaaaa!!" He swung his fist, ready to teach his haughty friend a lesson of humility.
Though, he was not dumb. He had seen how Suzaku moved during their first test, he was like a ninja, swift and precise. As such, he didn't expect Suzaku to simply stand there and take his punch.
From the very moment he swung his fist, he had expected the redhead to dodge and counterattack.
What Suzaku didn't know, was that he would counterattack his counterattack!
Or that was what he thought. However, to Tetsutetsu's surprise, Suzaku didn't dodge. He just stood there, even as his fist was just centimeters about to hit.
—Or that's what it might have looked like at first.
For a moment, Tetsutetsu thought that his punch was about to hit, which erased the possibility of Suzaku dodging from his mind, and instead of preparing for a counter, he pressed on, foolishly believing that he wouldn't miss.
That's where he made a mistake.
A punch he thought was sure to hit, suddenly failed to connect as its objective vanished in the blink of an eye, throwing Tetsutetsu out of balance as the energy behind his punch struck simply the empty air.
The surprise and confusion lasted for a second or so, until Tetsutetsu snapped out of it, and quickly tried to look for Suzaku with his gaze as he tried to regain his balance.
However, before he could even react, something struck his feet.
And, before he could even know what had hit him, his world turned upside down.
By the time he snapped out of his confusion, he found himself lying on the ground, staring at the sky with a blank face, and with Suzaku kneeling next to him while shaking his finger left and right as he smirked.
"Tututut... If you wish to defeat me, train for another one hundred years"
"What happened?" Tetsutetsu asked, still not quite getting how he had ended up upside down if he had been standing completely fine a few seconds later.
"Your stance was too weak, little grasshopper," The young impostor said while imitating an old person.
"...!" In a hurry, Tetsutetsu sprang from the ground and distanced himself from Suzaku with a single jump, visibly confused by how everything had turned out.
However, he didn't get the chance to resolve his confusion, since before he could even process the fact that the fight was still on, Suzaku appeared in front of him wide smile on his face.
"My turn"
The next second, a punch was thrown in Tetsutetsu's direction.
"Oh no, you don't...!"
The metallic teenager was quick to react to it, and in just an instant he crossed his arms and prepared to block the fist with confidence.
However, to his surprise, Suzaku's fist suddenly slowed down severely, almost as if it were in slow motion.
The change in speed startled Tetsutetsu, who couldn't understand why Suzaku would do something like that.
However, he didn't even have the time to ponder about it, as out of nowhere the punch changed directions and aimed at his head instead, snapping Tetsutetsu out of his daze, and making him hurriedly lift his block to protect his face.
Unfortunately, instantly after his change in guard, something heavy struck his solar plexus, making Tetsutetsu widen his eyes as his face contorted in pain.
"Oof!" Air then escaped from his mouth, and his guard got lowered unintentionally when his hands instinctively tried to grab the pained zone.
That, however, proved to be the last mistake that cemented Tetsutetsu's defeat.
Before he could know what had hit him, Suzaku delivered one last blow to Tetsutetsu using a powerful spinning kick, hitting him straight on the temple, and sending Tetsutetsu straight onto the ground as his head vibrated due to the strong hit.
As he fell dryly to the ground, his head still ringed like a bell, most likely due to being in his metallic state.
Because of that, Tetsutetsu instinctively deactivated his Quirk, and as soon as he turned back to normal, the ringing diminished, allowing Tetsutetsu to finally recover a little bit.
"What...?" He asked in confusion, shaking his head as he tried to take away the remaining dizziness, before looking next to him, and seeing Suzaku standing there caressing his chin like some wise master.
"I made a mistake in my assessment, if you wish to defeat me, train for another two hundred years..."
This time, Tetsutetsu didn't stand up anymore.
Once he finally recovered fully, Tetsutetsu looked baffled at Suzaku. "Damn"
"What, you give up?" The redhead asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I think I understand why you said that sparring with us wouldn't help you" Tetsutetsu suddenly said as he caressed the side of his face where he had been hit. "You are amazing"
Tetsutetsu half expected Suzaku to brag again. However, unexpectedly his friend simply looked at him strangely for a moment, before he scratched his cheek with a small smile. "Well, thanks"
Tetsutetsu then stood up, glaring at Suzaku as a smile appeared on his face.
"How did you get so good at fighting man?! I took a few kickboxing classes before, but I still couldn't get to hit you once!"
Suzaku simply smiled as he looked to the side with a faint annoyed look in his eyes. "I just got the movements hammered into my head until I learned them, quite literally"
"Don't mind it" Suzaku shook his head, before crossing his arms and looking at Tetsutetsu with a calm look. "You weren't half bad, but you're just a bit too obvious with your intentions when attacking"
"Huh?" Tetsutetsu tilted his head, confused.
"I mean like this"
From one moment to the other, Suzaku swung his fist at Tetsutetsu, making a wide arc similar to a hook. However, although with a bit of difficulty, the metallic teenager was capable of blocking it.
"This is how you swing, while it's good for building up momentum and weight behind the strike, there are better ways to do it," Suzaku said as he went back to his normal posture.
Then, he took a step backward.
"It should be better if you do it this way," The redhead said as he retracted his fist.
In the next instant, he took a step forward and shot his first straight towards Tetsutetsu's face. The attack resembled a jab, but it was a bit wider and looked like it carried more strength behind it.
Tetsutetsu watched as the attack approached his face, unable to even raise his guard before the fist stopped right in front of his nose.
It had been incredibly fast, and yet, judging from the breeze that it blew on his face, it looked like it carried the same weight and strength of a normal punch... No, maybe even more.
Suzaku then took a step back and rested his hands on his waist. "You saw it?"
Tetsutetsu nodded, and after a bit, he tried copying the movement.
It didn't end up looking exactly like Suzaku's. However, Tetsutetsu still felt the difference.
"You do that for attacking opponents, and you can use your usual hooks for attacks that look to destroy stuff, or when your opponents can't dodge. Do try to practice it while in movement, though, otherwise, it isn't that useful"
"Woah" Tetsutetsu smirked as he repeated the movement, this time with a bit more fluidity.
He then looked at Suzaku with glistening eyes. "You're awesome man!"
Suzaku smirked in response.
"Yeah, I'm known for that" He then turned to look to the side, at some of the distant buildings of the training ground. "Anyhow, now that you know that for me a spar with anyone here is not worth much, I'll go look for another napping spot where Vlad-sensei can't find me. Otherwise, I'm sure he will try to force me to train"
Suddenly, a voice came from behind Suzaku. "Oh my, am I that predictable?"
The red-headed youth turned to look behind in a robotic manner
And there he was, his homeroom teacher, Vlad King, looking straight at him with squinted eyes.
"Vlad-sensei! We were just talking about how wonderful of a teacher you are, I was even proposing we nominated you to teacher of the millennium" Suzaku said with a wry smile.
Unfortunately, it didn't seem to have fooled his teacher, as immediately after, he grabbed Suzaku by the collar and began dragging him away.
"Continue as you were Tetsutetsu, I'll take care of this good for nothing," Vlad said without looking back.
Tetsutetsu just stood there looking at the situation innocently, nodding at his teacher's words, before going back to practicing the punch Suzaku had just taught him.
"Hahaha, with this I'll score high on the festival!"
|A few minutes later...|
Suzaku at some point stopped struggling and simply crossed his arms as he let Vlad King drag him through the entire school, wondering where his teacher was taking him.
He thought of asking, but remembering his teacher's annoyed expression, he simply decided to wait to see.
It's not like he was taking him somewhere bad, right?
'Or is he...?' Suzaku looked at his teacher with suspicion from the corner of his eyes.
In the end, however, he simply shook his head as he reprimanded himself for letting his paranoia come out again.
'Come on, how could there be some kind of villain spy in this school? Even All Might is here, there's no way they are so brazen'
"We are here" As Suzaku was lost in thought, his teacher's voice snapped him out of his daze, and made him turn to look where they were.
He raised an eyebrow, however, when he noticed that they were right in front of the 1-A Classroom.
"Are you disposing of me, teacher?"
Vlad King ignored his question.
"You said there was no one worth sparring with here, right?"
Suzaku nodded, not quite getting the connection behind his words and their reason for being there.
"Well, I have just the perfect guy to prove you wrong, Suzuki" His teacher shot him a smirk.
Then, without waiting for Suzaku's answer, he knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
"Come on in" A bored voice came from inside.
This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom.
Vlad King then opened the door and stepped inside while still dragging Suzaku behind him.
Not that the redhead cared, it was pretty comfortable to move around while not using his feet.
His clothes were getting a bit dirty tho.
"What do you want, Kan, don't you see I'm in the middle of a class?" A hobo-looking guy said as he shot the blood hero and the young impostor an annoyed look.
Suzaku's teacher, however, didn't mind the look, and instead simply lifted Suzaku and showed him to the man.
"Aizawa, I require some help with this punk"
Aizawa shot Suzaku a glare, squinting his reddened eyes for a moment, before looking back at Vlad King.
"I believe you said you would take care of him"
'Take care of me?' Suzaku raised an eyebrow at Aizawa's words but didn't say anything ultimately.
Vlad nodded with a serious look. "... And I plan to continue doing so. However, as the best hand-to-hand combat specialist that I know, you might be the only one capable of helping this kid train for the upcoming festival"
When he heard that, Aizawa fell silent.
And, as both teachers stared at each other, Suzaku turned to look to the side, at where all the students of Class 1-A were.
Most were looking at him with a strange gaze, as he was being lifted in the air by his teacher while not opposing any resistance.
There was one blonde brat fuming in anger as he glared at him, but Suzaku simply ignored him.
There was also Midoriya and his friends, all of whom were also looking at him strangely.
Not that he could blame them.
Eventually though, after he got bored of trying to recognize the faces of every teenager there, Suzaku gave the entire class a curt nod and opened his mouth to greet them.
-To be Continued...-
(A/N: What is but an amon, without a gus?)