Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend-Chapter 386 - Further Down the Path of BT_1

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Chapter 386: Chapter 386 Further Down the Path of BT_1

Translator: 549690339

How excessive was the demand Jiang Xu made?

Simply put, it was very excessive.

If it were any other time, An Nuonuo definitely wouldn’t have agreed.

But now, she knew she was in the wrong and wanted to make amends by all means.

After a moment of hesitation, she agreed.

Of course, it wasn’t about finding alternative paths, but… hehehe… “riding the face” output…

This was considered a complete reconciliation.

After the two reconciled, they had endless things to say to each other.

They continued ‘chatting’ until three or four in the morning.

Only when they were both physically and mentally exhausted did they embrace and fall into a deep sleep.

In the morning, Jiang Xu was woken up by a phone call.

Glancing at the time, it was just past eight, and it was from Zhou Qingyue.

He was a bit annoyed but still answered the call.

Upon answering, Zhou Qingyue’s pretentious voice rang out, “I didn’t disturb your rest, did I, gaigai-”

Jiang Xu: “Get lost, don’t pull that crap with me, get to the point.”

“So obnoxious, you have no sense of romance,” Zhou Qingyue huffed softly, “Tonight at nine o’clock, they’ve asked to meet with me. Do you want to come over? I’m afraid I might not be able to handle it alone.”

Jiang Xu was instantly energized: “Good, send me the address.”

He too wanted to see which big shot was behind this, pulling such a big move.

To meet, have a chat.

If they could come to an agreement, to not offend each other and each develop on their own, that would be the best.

Jiang Xu didn’t like the relentless competition anyway.

The market is so huge, wouldn’t it be better for everyone to make money?

An Nuonuo was also woken up by the noise.

She overheard the conversation.

She quietly got up and started dressing Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu pinched her nose: “After the bodyguard arrives, you go back to Magic City first.

Don’t run around. Stay at home, or go to the company, but remember to report your whereabouts to me every two hours.”

“Okay, I got it. Be careful on the road.”


By one-thirty in the afternoon, Jiang Xu had arrived in Harbin again.

As soon as he exited the airport, he saw Zhou Qingyue.

Although she was wrapped up tightly, still wearing a mask and sunglasses.

Seeing Jiang Xu coming alone made Zhou Qingyue’s mood soar.

Without An Nuonuo around, she could let loose and have a field day.

She jogged up to him, her voice melodious and charming: “You’re here. Are you hungry? Let’s go eat something first.

You’re so handsome today, practically radiating charisma. You’re about to melt me.”

Jiang Xu:

Zhou remained consistent, still as annoying as ever.

Zhou Qingyue then took out her phone and showed Jiang Xu a photo.

“What’s this supposed to mean?” Jiang Xu was puzzled.

It was a landscape photo.

A rising sun, shining on the ground.

There was a layer of white on the ground, probably frost.

Zhou Qingyue blinked: “Sunrise frost.”

Jiang Xu: “Go get treated if you’re sick.”

Zhou Qingyue made a whining noise from her mouth.

Driving for a while is fun, driving all the time is always fun.

The two went to eat first, and then they booked two rooms across from the hotel where they were meeting that evening.

Bodyguards and such had also been arranged in advance.

Jiang Xu also gave Zhou Qingyue a small alarm and a bug.

Press the alarm, and Jiang Xu would receive an alert on his phone.

Zhou Qingyue said: “Isn’t it a waste of money to book two rooms? We could just squeeze into one.”

Jiang Xu thought, the problem is squeezing in could go too far.

He didn’t bother with her.

Back in his room, Jiang Xu started to chat with An Nuonuo.

After this breakup scare, the relationship between them had reached a new level.

Just being apart for a short while had already made them miss each other terribly.

They sent each other photos.

In the next room, Zhou Qingyue began changing her clothes.

She changed into a set of clothes that somewhat resembled a swimsuit.

The style was as bold as it gets.

The total amount of fabric on her body probably wouldn’t be enough to make a pair of socks.

She stood in front of the floor-length mirror, carefully examining herself, and smiled with satisfaction.

Little guy, won’t this make your head spin?

She put on a long coat that reached her ankles.

Then she knocked on Jiang Xu’s room door.

But she didn’t get any response.

After chatting with An Nuonuo for a while, he put his phone on silent mode and lay down on the bed to rest. 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

There might be a conflict later in the evening.

Jiang Xu had to make sure he was fully energized.

Outside, Zhou Qingyue knocked on the door for a long time without receiving any feedback.

She also called Jiang Xu, but no one answered.

It infuriated her.

Her seduction attempt had failed once again.

Jiang Xu didn’t wake up until after five in the afternoon.

After getting ready, he called out Zhou Qingyue.

“What’s with that expression?” Jiang Xu asked, puzzled at the resentful look on Zhou Qingyue’s face.

Zhou Qingyue mumbled, “It’s nothing.”

Jiang Xu: “If it’s nothing, then let’s go.”

With that, he walked outside.

“Damn it!” Zhou Qingyue, once again aggrieved, stomped her foot hard: “A girl’s ‘nothing’ means there’s definitely something!”

Of course, Jiang Xu knew.

But Zhou Qingyue wasn’t his girlfriend.

What’s it to me?

This time Zhou Qingyue was going to meet the other party alone.

Jiang Xu had booked the room next to where the meeting would take place.

To show sincerity, Zhou Qingyue arrived at the room an hour early to wait.

Meanwhile, Jiang Xu went to the front desk.

He took out a USB drive and said to the receptionist, “Please insert this into your computer for me.”

“Sir, what is this…”

The receptionist instantly became wary.

Without another word, Jiang Xu took out a hundred thousand yuan and placed it in front of her: “You only have one chance.”

The receptionist’s pupils dilated.

After hesitating for just a second or two, she took the money.

She could always resign immediately if necessary.

In Harbin, a receptionist like this wouldn’t make more than three thousand a month.

Only after Jiang Xu saw the receptionist insert the USB drive into the computer did he leave, returning to his room.

The USB drive was obtained from Jiang Xiaoyan.

It was loaded with a virus.

The moment it was plugged into a computer, it would immediately infiltrate the entire hotel’s internal network system.

In a few hours, all the surveillance in the hotel would be completely destroyed, never to be recovered.

That’s why Jiang Xu was now so bold as to bribe the receptionist in front of the surveillance cameras without a second thought.

By nine o’clock, Zhou Qingyue was so hungry her stomach was growling, but the person still hadn’t shown up.

She felt quite nervous inside.

Perhaps the other party had sensed something and decided not to come.

She didn’t dare call the intermediary.

Several times she thought about texting Jiang Xu, but in the end, she held back.

She was so hungry, she finally took out a bottle of yogurt from her bag and drank it.

She might be drinking a lot of alcohol later.

Drinking some yogurt could protect her stomach.

Not until nine forty-five did the other party finally show up late.

There were about a dozen people.

Men and women both.

Zhou Qingyue also hastily got up to greet them.

But when Zhou Qingyue saw who the person she was supposed to meet was, she almost lost her composure on the spot.

It was him!!