Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend-Chapter 399 - Desperate to Get Pregnant_l

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Chapter 399: Chapter 399 Desperate to Get Pregnant_l

Translator: 549690339

“All ready?”

“Almost done!”

An Nuonuo, pulling a suitcase, trotted out of the bedroom.

Standing at the doorway, Jiang Xu said, “You don’t need to bring back so much stuff, do you?”

“It’s all New Year gifts for the elders at home.”

The New Year was only a few days away.

They were planning to drive back today.

This year was different from the previous ones.

They would spend New Year’s Eve in Jiang City.

After that, they’d head to Jiang Xu’s hometown.

There are some relatives in his hometown, and Jiang Xu’s grandmother is still alive.

But it’s odd; his grandmother never showed him much affection since he was young.

On the contrary, his elder uncle’s family’s children are extremely favored, the kind that’s spoiled rotten.

However, Jiang Xu’s elder uncle’s family is not very filial to the grandmother, seldom giving money or gifts during festivals.

In contrast, Jiang Xu’s father often gives money and gifts.

The elderly lady would then pass on what Jiang Shan gave, whether money or goods, to the elder uncle’s family.

Sometimes, it’s just that strange.

You can be utterly filial, but still not receive a bit of affection.

Conversely, unfilial children can reap various benefits without lifting a finger.

To be frank, Jiang Xu didn’t want to go back to his hometown; returning would only add to his frustration.

Moreover, his hometown now knows that their family has come into wealth. They have made various excessive demands multiple times.

Such as giving them several billion.

Buying them villas and luxury cars in first and second-tier cities fully in cash.

And securing them high-paying, cushy jobs.

Initially, when Jiang Xu heard this, he almost couldn’t resist calling back to curse them out.

How could they be so shameless to even utter such demands?

The only normal one in his elder uncle’s family is his cousin Jiang Xiaoxiao.

Jiang Xu was utterly reluctant to go back.

But Jiang Shan told him, relatives are relatives, blood is thicker than water.

During the New Year, it’s proper to visit anyway.

After all, they didn’t go back last year.

In the end, Jiang Xu gave up struggling.

If he had to go back, so be it.

Once everything was packed, they set off.

Even though the New Year was upon them.

They still needed the usual security measures in place.

Some bodyguards were also dispatched in advance to Jiang Xu’s hometown.

They were to check the residence, and scope out the surrounding environment and routes.

In the back of the car.

In a luxury car like this, the front is separated from the back, so no sound from the back reaches the driver’s cab.

Even the movements, if subtle enough, could be unknown to the driver.

An Nuonuo rested her head on Jiang Xu’s shoulder.

Touching her flat stomach, she said with some distress, “Brother Xu, it’s so strange, how come there’s been no movement for such a long time?

Nuonuo had been quite diligent lately.

She even went as far as to do handstands for twenty minutes after each attempt to ensure full ‘flavor’.

However, despite self-testing and even visiting the hospital many times, there was no response.

She dragged Jiang Xu into another medical examination, with no issues found.

Jiang Xu laughed and said, “Haste makes waste, there’s no need to be too obsessed.

When the time is right, heaven will naturally grant us a child.

“Alright then,” An Nuonuo said, pouting her lips and falling asleep in Jiang Xu s arms.

Jiang Xu then sent a text message to Jiang Xiaoyan.

He invited her to come over for dinner at their house on New Year’s Eve.

Jiang Xiaoyan now had little to rely on.

Her mother had remarried, and almost all other relatives coveted her wealth; none truly cared for her.

Jiang Xu treated Jiang Xiaoyan as he would his own sister.

He couldn’t bear to let her spend the New Year alone at home, watching other families celebrate together.

Upon receiving the message from Jiang Xu, Jiang Xiaoyan felt a momentary thrill in her heart.

But she immediately shook her head.

He muttered to himself, “Idiot, having me there just to watch your happy family, am I?”

“I’m forever an outsider.”

Then he replied, “I’ve booked my flights for the New Year, I’ll be going abroad to have fun.”

Jiang Xu replied quickly, “Screw going abroad, that’s settled then, you don’t come, I’ll kill you.”

Seeing the message, Jiang Xiaoyan chuckled.

Her fingers flew across the keyboard, “Got it, love you, MUAH-”

Jiang Xu: “Get lost, you calf.”

Halfway through the ride, Ally called.

“Boss, Zhang Xiaofeng has changed his strategy…”

Jiang Xu listened quietly.

After listening, he nodded silently.

Zhang Xiaofeng was a formidable opponent.

Knowing he couldn’t beat Jiang Xu in the novel sector, he simply gave up.

Now he concentrated his firepower on aiming at TV dramas.

The effects were even more pronounced.

Jiang Xu said, “Just keep the pace as it is now, I’m not afraid of losses.” In terms of TV dramas, it’s a loss of twenty to thirty million a day now.

But Jiang Xu made it back from his other businesses.

Just let it burn.

Not long after ending the call with Ally, Lin Nan called.

He brought some good news.

Nuomimi Novel’s IPO had passed.

The official listing date was set for February 22.

The offering price was 5 yuan per share.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

However, Jiang Xu guessed that on the day of the listing, Zhang Xiaofeng certainly wouldn’t sit idly by.

One hundred percent, there would be all kinds of negative news as soon as it got listed.

Jiang Xu was mentally prepared for a continuous drop limit.

He also had a response plan.

By the time he got back to Jiang City, it was already one in the afternoon. Jiang Shan and Chen Yue had ended their trip a week earlier and had returned. The familiar scenes, the usual sights.

As soon as An Nuonuo stepped out of the car, Chen Yue and Jiang Shan surrounded her, fussing over her with all their warmth.

As for Jiang Xu?

Sorry, not familiar.

Jiang Xu was already used to it.

He silently arranged for the bodyguards to take their posts and then dragged the luggage into the house.

He brewed himself a cup of tea and continued writing.

“God of the Son-in-law” now had over six hundred thousand words in reserve. After the New Year, having a reserve of a million wasn’t a problem.

Time quickly approached the twenty-ninth day of the lunar year.

Tomorrow would be New Year’s Eve.

This was the third Spring Festival that Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo would spend together.

Jiang Xiaoyan had already arrived.

She was very good at pretending in front of the elders.

Almost all the elders liked the sweet, cute, and sensible image she projected. Chen Yue couldn’t help but feel moved.

If this were ancient times, when a man could have multiple wives and concubines, she would definitely have her son take her as well.

These days, Jiang Xu basically didn’t go out and just sat in his room writing.

At home, he didn’t live with An Nuonuo.

Although some things were obvious to everyone, With elders around, they had to avoid any semblance of impropriety.

Jiang Xiaoyan was probably the happiest one. She couldn’t stand to see Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo being affectionate.

Even to prevent Jiang Xu from launching a surprise attack in the middle of the night, she took the initiative to suggest sleeping with An Nuonuo.

She even sneakily told Jiang Xu, “Don’t come over at night because she prefers to sleep without clothes..”