Taking advantage of the beauty being poor, fooling her into being my girlfriend-Chapter 460 - Women like proactive men_l

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Chapter 460: Chapter 460 Women like proactive men_l

Translator: 549690339

The three Little Hammers were vigilant, but only to a certain degree.

Under the cajoling and deceit of Wu Zhikun, they quickly let their guard down completely and let them in.

As for what medical examination report.

As long as you spend money, you can always get it done.

Soon, the lights in the room dimmed.

That meant there was more room to operate.

Even, Wu Zhikun, in order to later report to Jiang Xu and get more rewards,

turned into a juicer outright.

Boy, it was really like drums and gongs blaring and firecrackers cracking, a ‘sea of people’…

On the other side, after Jiang Xu finished his shower, he started discussing some things with An Nuonuo.

There’s a saying that goes, when your boyfriend is backing you up, never step back, otherwise, you’ll only sink deeper.

Jiang Xu also realized a truth from this, that women like men who are proactive.

When two people are together, love is mutual.

It’s like you lying down while she sits up.

You feed, and she eats.

You work hard with your head down, and she reciprocates with a spring of gratitude.

If you can stand up for her, she will undoubtedly sit up and wave the flag for


The next day, Jiang Xu got up bright and refreshed.

The team competition was to end even faster.

It was estimated to be completed by the morning.

After washing up and having breakfast, they headed to the competition venue.

It was still the same naive bodyguard from last night, who found the right moment and came over.

He whispered at breakneck speed, “Boss, it’s done, those five women guaranteed that the three of them will be plagued with various diseases for the rest of their lives.”

“Hmm, nicely done,” Jiang Xu commended, “Settle the payment with them and also send someone to spread the word at Little Hammer’s place later, saying they’ve contracted multiple X diseases.”

“Got it,” came the reply.

They arrived at the competition site.

Due to the trouble caused by those Little Hammers yesterday, security today

had been taken up a notch.

The audience was completely separated and could not get close.

The rules of the team match were a bit different from yesterday’s.

The opponents were still decided by drawing lots.

But the content of the competition changed to creating a piece of software as a team and then giving it to the opponents to decrypt.

The side that decrypts more within the stipulated time will advance. In the first round of competition, Jiang Xu’s team drew the representatives from Ghost Country as their opponents.

Instantly, fierce flames surged in the eyes of all three team members.

Their bloodlines awakened, their combat power soared, kill, kill, kill!

The competitors from Ghost Country couldn’t help but shiver and felt an intense fear in their hearts.

In all sorts of competitions.

Table tennis, volleyball, basketball, and so on.

Whether it’s an international match or a local one.

People from Dragon Country have one obsession, or rather, a bottom line.

Lose to anyone, but never to people from Ghost Country.

After taking their seats, Jiang Xu took charge, “Let’s create a small game.

I’ll handle the base, Lu Chao will work on the framework, Nuonuo will be in charge of the art.

The theme of the game, kill ghosts!”

Jiang Xu uttered the last two words with a strong intent to kill.

Lu Chao and An Nuonuo nodded earnestly and immediately got to work.

As for their opponents, they were intimidated by the aura exuding from Jiang

Xu and his team, the kind of-‘I must crush you’ attitude, and started to panic inside.

The competition time was eighty minutes.

The allotted time for creating the software was forty minutes.

When the time was up, whether you were done or not, you had to stop.

At the end of the forty minutes, both teams would switch places.

The three players from Ghost Country, upon seeing the software created by

Jiang Xu’s team, felt an unnamed anger rising in their hearts.

It was utterly infuriating!

Jiang Xu couldn’t help but laugh when he saw the software made by his opponents.

It was a very complex optimization software.

But this type of software was exactly what Jiang Xu and An Nuonuo were most familiar with.

Get to work!

The speed of decryption was truly leading the pack.

And their opponents, when faced with the ‘Slay Ghost’ game, simply did not know where to start.

Eighty minutes passed by quickly.

All the contestants stopped.

The judges began to tally the scores for each team.

Then, based on the percentage of progress each team made in decryption, corresponding scores were given.

For example, 10 percent would earn 1 point, and 100 percent would earn 10 points.

Jiang Xu’s team received 8 points!

Jiang Xu had thought this score was quite high but was surprised to find that Brother Bao’s team actually got a perfect score.

“How is this possible?” Jiang Xu felt skeptical.

After all, he had beaten Brother Bao yesterday, and his abilities were bound to be affected.

Yet they were so strong today?

Lu Chao said he would find out what happened.

He returned shortly, with not too pleasant of an expression.

“Their opponent was from Little India, who intentionally threw the match.”

Jiang Xu understood.

They were engaging in shenanigans.

Or perhaps Little India was intimidated by Mei Country’s power, or there was some unknown behind-the-scenes deal going on.

Seeing his two teammates a bit worried, Jiang Xu comforted them, “Don’t worry, we will definitely win.”

Brother Bao, not far away, threw a gaze over.

He made an internationally friendly hand gesture towards him, full of provocation.

Jiang Xu smiled.

Do you think you can win the championship just like that?

You’re underestimating me.

As a reincarnated person, the advantage is on my side, okay? After a short break, the second round of the competition began. This time, Jiang Xu’s team was matched against Bear Country.

Not daring to take it lightly, the three of them divided the work and cooperated again.

This time they were creating a novel software. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

This was what Jiang Xu was most familiar with.

Although it seemed simple, there were actually many traps that could be added.

And Brother Bao’s team, this time their opponent was from Eagle Country.

Three of them were girls.

The contestants from Eagle Country gave Brother Bao a covert look. Brother Bao got the message and nodded almost imperceptibly. The competition began!

The venue of the competition seemed calm and serene.

But in reality, all around the world, many places were opening up betting pools.

Many people were betting on who would win the final championship.

Fu Yanjie also found a reliable bookmaker.

But upon seeing Jiang Xu’s team with the lowest odds, he felt very annoyed. Biting the bullet and with determination, he bet a whole billion.

Not for anything else, but to support and encourage Jiang Xu. Even if this billion went down the drain, it was worth it.

Back in the home country, many netizens engaged in wild spending once again. Nuomimi Novel’s stocks went limit up as soon as trading opened.

But some so-called experts came out and said,

Such a situation was dangerous.

If Jiang Xu were to lose the competition, he would face severe backlash. He could even be thrown into an abyss, never to recover again.

After all, everyone knows that netizens can love you one day, but they can also hate you to the bone the next.

Jiang Xu and his team were unaware of the rapidly changing situation outside, fully engaged in the second round of the competition.

Forty minutes flew by.

Jiang Xu’s team and the team from Bear Country switched places.

They began the decryption.

But Jiang Xu quickly noticed something was amiss.

He couldn’t help but raise his head to look at the three contestants from Bear Country.