Taming The Villainesses-Chapter 86.2

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(EP-86.2) Club #5

086 – Adventure Club #5

“Eu, eung!”

I grabbed Marmar’s hand and quickly ran down from the 3rd to the 2nd floor, and from the 2nd to the 1st floor, before immediately darting towards the front door.

However, just as I was about to go through the door, Marmar suddenly pulled me tight.

“Comrade, stop for a second! It feels weird!”

“What feels weird?”


Marmar searched the bag she was carrying and held the small sparrow.

“Look carefully.”

Marmar then released the sparrow.

The sparrow flew through the open front door and finally seemed to soar to the sky when…



It was suddenly caught by something protruding from the ceiling that then disappeared, leaving no trace…

This meant one thing. If we went out the front door, we would get caught and disappear like the sparrow.

Ddogak, ddogak-.

Hearing the noise, I turned my head only to see several huge, black spiders in the distance coming towards us from the forest.

They were yellow and black in color, just like swallowtail butterflies. But unlike butterflies, they looked ugly… and scary…!


Marmar’s body’s hairs stood upright, at a loss on what to do.

“Comrade, what should we do? They’re coming! Those spiders…!”

My decision was crucial at this moment.

I thought it was clear at this point that it was dangerous to go out into the forest.

So I took the panicked Marmar and went back up the stairs to the third floor.

We had no choice but to set up a base in one of the rooms and prepare blockages to prevent the spiders from entering.

* * *

The room that Marmar and I used was the last corner room on the third floor with the ladder.

We used the broken furniture and tools to block any possible entrances including the windows.

“Comrade, look at the entrance—!”

“The entrance?”

As Marmar shouted in astonishment, I saw a gigantic leg wriggling to enter.

The terrifying leg, which had sharp, hook-like protrusions!

Goosebumps ran through my skin as I watched the leg desperately trying to break through the barricade we put up.



After the monster’s leg got hit, it retreated and hid.

However, I could clearly hear the creaking noises present in the hallway. The cursed thing was obviously still here!

“What should we do, comrade?”

Marmar seemed unable to bear this predicament.

“We shouldn’t have come here! It was fine when I came alone. But, I guess, two people are not supposed to be here! I’m sorry, I regret bringing us here for nothing…. We might even die….”

It was like what Marmar said.

In fact, it might have been a mistake to visit a ruined building that had been abandoned for a long time.

Opening the door in the basement wasn’t a death flag, but rather, the act of coming here in the first place! Who would’ve thought that there would be a giant spider monster lurking here?

Alas, it was meaningless to regret and reflect on it now. In this life or death situation, I had to keep calm, otherwise, we would become monster food!

“No, I was the one who asked you to come here. Please hang on a little longer. I’ve contacted someone in advance to come and help us!”

Before coming here, I had sent a letter to Kalira and asked for help.

After receiving it, she would come and get us out of this predicament.

If the spiders were too powerful and ferocious to get close to the building itself, she would surely turn to Elga or Mirna for help.

We just had to survive until then!

「You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent 《Calm Thinking》.

All job experience +5」

‘Alright, calm down.’

However, our hastily-made barricade could not withstand the constant invasion and was soon destroyed…

Kwang, kwajik-.

━Dagak, dagak, dagak.


Giant spider monsters slowly emerged into the cramped room. Marmar and I stood with our backs to the wall as I aimed my wand at them.




The air cannon squashed another spider.

A spider as big as a large dog being crushed, with its body parts splattering in all directions, was quite a refreshing sight. My will to fight was slowly increasing.



“How’s that, you daɱned insects!?”

I shouted at the rest after defeating the two spiders in an instant.

I was hoping that shouting loudly at them would scare them away. At the same time, I was also masking the fact that my mana had begun to deplete.

However, spiders were fearless cold-blooded hunters by nature.

At least they kept some distance from me. Still, their eight eyes were attentively keeping a watch at me and Marmar.


Just then, the spiders veered aside.

Then, a grotesque creature slowly appeared in front of us.

It was a monster about one head taller than me.

A spider with a white body and red eyes. No, could you even call that thing a spider? Although it looked like a spider, it had a long tail with a stinger like that of a scorpion on its bum.

Was this guy the boss leading the spider swarm?

Okay, if we could take this guy down, we might be able to get out somehow-.

Hui-ying, jik-.

Just then, something caught my hand.

The white spider had shot a web from its mouth. It grabbed my hand and made me let go of the wand I was holding.

‘A spider that knew about magic!?’

But this was not the time to panic. I immediately opened my mouth and was about to cast magic this way, when something flew out and pricked my neck.

It didn’t take long to realize that it was the sting from the spider’s tail.

‘… Am I going to die like this?’

This was my last thought.

“Are you awake now?”

I slowly opened my eyes in response to the soft voice. Then, I saw red eyes, which were staring at the sight of me lying on the floor.

Red hair tied back and wearing a white gown, it was Kalira.

“Wha-? What? What happened? What about the spiders? Did you drive them all off?”

“Spiders? Oh, so that’s what it is, were you having hallucinations?”

“… Hallucinations?”

Edited by: faker