The Academy’s Weapon Replicator-Chapter 216 (2) - The Academys Weapon Replicator

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It was Frondier and Malia who were talking, but Selena's face next to them was getting redder and redder.

“But to protect our son, you need more than ordinary skills.”

“……I'm keenly aware of that.”

Selena bowed her head deeply. Frondier was someone who didn't value his own life.

But since absorbing the Mana of Helheim, Frondier had become almost invincible in close combat.

Of course, when he met a strong person like Ellen, he tended to be at a disadvantage, but most people couldn't even get close to Frondier in the first place, so.

…Wait, I'm. It seems like I'm becoming less and less necessary for Frondier…….

“It's okay.”

Surprisingly, it was Enfer who defended Selena at that moment.

“I checked briefly last time. She has that much skill.”

Enfer remembered the first time he saw Selena.

At first, he also thought Frondier was just using the excuse of wanting a woman by his side to talk about bodyguards, but Selena immediately reacted to the murderous intent he shot out and entered a combat stance.

The distance she instantly created, the speed at which she switched to a combat stance, and her posture. It was a conclusion he reached after evaluating everything.

“Oh my. You're giving out compliments. Is she really that skilled?”

“She's qualified as a bodyguard. That's all I said.”

Enfer spoke as if correcting her, but just those words showed how much recognition he had given. Knowing this, Selena bowed her head deeply.

“Th, thank you.”


Enfer accepted her thanks without saying anything.

Just then, a small cough was heard.


Azier spoke up.

At his voice, Frondier, Enfer, and Malia were surprised and focused their attention on him.

Because they felt a hint of hesitation in Azier's voice.

Azier was hesitating! A sight that could only be seen a few times a year.

“What is it?”

“I want to tell you the reason why I created this gathering.”

As Azier said, it was he who first mentioned this gathering. It was also he who suggested having a meal inside the mansion.

Of course, the reason was to celebrate Frondier's first experience as a Pro, but for Azier personally, that was just a superficial reason.


“Our operation was a collaboration between the Imperial Palace, the Pros, and Constel. Constel included Frondier and a few teachers, and there were also knights from the Imperial Palace.”

“I know.”

“And Her Majesty the Empress also participated. At her own active request.”

“I know that too.”

What Azier was saying was already known information.

That's why they all couldn't understand why Azier was bringing up these things. Frondier was the same.

“Her Majesty the Empress strongly emphasized that Frondier's contribution was very significant to the successful completion of this joint operation.”

“……Strongly emphasized? To whom?”

Malia asked. Azier didn't show it, but a sigh naturally mixed into his voice.

“His Majesty the Emperor.”


“So, he's sending letters to commend the key personnel of this operation. It hasn't arrived yet, but probably to Frondier as well.”

In other words, Frondier would be heading to the Imperial Palace to meet the Emperor. Of course, there was no way he could refuse.

At Azier's words, silence fell over the dinner table.

The quiet meal until just now was just because everyone wasn't talking, but this time, there were really no words coming out. Even Enfer's expression hardened. freewebnø

“This is my personal opinion, but I believe the Empress's participation in this operation was also to create an excuse for Frondier to meet His Majesty.”

“Her Majesty, Frondier?”

“Yes. I don't know the reason, but Her Majesty has a close relationship with Frondier and was showing it off.”

Of course, Azier didn't say that Frondier called the Empress ‘Philly’ or something like that.

He didn't want to kill his younger brother.

‘……But is this really something to be this serious about?’

Frondier narrowed his eyes as he observed the atmosphere around him. Of course, meeting the Emperor was burdensome, but from the family's point of view, it would be an unparalleled honor. Moreover, with the Empress's active recommendation, even more so.

"Frondier. Do you remember what I told you last time?"

That's when Malia asked Frondier.

Frondier was inwardly tense. This was undoubtedly a question for Frondier before the possession. Information that the current Frondier didn't know at all.

"The day you were born, when I held you and faced His Majesty in the name of our family."

If it was a prestigious family like Roach, there were often exchanges with the emperor. Enfer was not fond of it, but he couldn't refuse all the summons from the imperial palace.

"Then, His Majesty pointed at you and called you 'the devil's child'."


"Don't you remember me telling you this? So, your father was very angry at that time. He said, 'Are you cursing my wife and child?' Since then, whenever your father, who already disliked the imperial palace, heard something like 'Zodiac', he would frown fiercely."

"It's only natural. The guy who says such things is the emperor. Unless Bartello kneels before me, my mind will not change."

Enfer mentioned the emperor's name.

Selena was surprised and opened her mouth at his remark, but it was not a big deal for Enfer, who had a close relationship with him before Bartello ascended the throne due to the war with the monsters.

There was a more important issue for Frondier.

'The devil's child......?'

Would the emperor usually say such a thing when he first sees a baby? Especially a baby from a prestigious family. Although Frondier, before he was possessed, was evaluated as incompetent and lazy, it wasn't from his infancy, was it?

"Frondier. If you happen to go to the palace."

Azier spoke.

"Stay as far away from the emperor as possible. Don't make eye contact with him, just live as if you don't exist. For some reason, His Majesty dislikes you very much."

"......Brother. The empress recommended me, can I just let it pass?"

At the question of Frondier, the sigh that Azier had been holding back finally slipped out.

"That's the problem."

Frondier felt like sighing in unison.

Before the possession, Frondier believed he had shaken off everything from the past.

But it seemed that Frondier was still burdened with the ‘price of laziness.’