The Ancients World-Chapter 27: Ruins of the Bandit Lord Husk I

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Chapter 27: Ruins of the Bandit Lord Husk I

We make it back home after spending quality time together and having the family moments we missed out on because we didn't have any money. We are all standing in the living room and talking about the day we had. "I'm going upstairs to hop on Ancients World. I'll see you guys tonight okay." I say my goodbyes and as I am about to hop into my pod I can hear some yelling between my mom and sister, at least they waited till after we all had fun together. I load into the world and awake in the bed I rented after I crossed the border.

I go downstairs and leave, I have rations so I don't need to eat food at the inn today. I make my way outside and there are plenty of people coming and going through the border. I don't remember there being borders when people started leaving their starting cities. Perhaps its because of the up coming war and all the people migrating out of Zenith.

I walk down the road alongside other people and carts. Most are citizens that don't have weapons or armor, the others are guards or mercenaries escorting carts. I don't want to know how many players are migrating right now and the amount of chaos that is creating. The vast majority of players are already past level 10 and trying to make it to bigger and better area's without a map. They are going to lose a lot of levels before they accept that they need a map.

I still have my map and I pull it out to see my next step. There are three options that I have and I know for a fact that 2 of the 3 are dangerous areas with plenty of monsters. One even looks like it cuts through some old ruins. I cant help the itch for the potential of combat and experience going through such a dangerous area. I have already made my decision and I am going the quickest way through some dangerous ruins.

I don't recognize the ruins from the map, but when I get there I may remember something I read in the forums from the future. The size of it on the map is impressive, looks kind of like a fortress or stronghold. I wonder why it isn't occupied by the countries soldiers, Vedersfall is known for its strong military. I see no reason for this place to just sit empty and go to waste.

As Cera continues his journey Gregory Francis the VII is moving with his forces to occupy the south eastern part of Zenith. The war is progressing to the phase where battles will occur, the young kings of White Rock and Borealis are joining forces on the western side of the country. Gregory already has his forces in place and is communicating with the 2 kings through magic projection. "Once you are both in position we can start city hopping. Take a couple of the cities furthest from the capital. Once you have them, occupy the cities with soldiers and start moving towards the capital. Skip a few cities at a time and take one that is closer in. Once you have the city you can cut the supply chain for the ones you passed on the way in. They will surrender once they run out of essentials." This is a tactic that Gregory Francis the II formed from reading journal's that were written way before the rule of the Francis family. Gregory Francis the VII is using this to slowly squeeze the life out of Zenith. As long as there are no massive magic bombs then they have nothing to worry about.

The king of White Rock, Drake Tritan the III is looking at king Franklin Forhall the V of Borealis about this plan. They don't know the ways of war and have mixed feelings about starving citizens when it is a war against a government. "I don't like the fact that we have to make the people of Zenith's country suffer with our conflicts." Drake Tritan is the first to talk and voice his disapproval of the plan of attack.

Franklin Forhall nods along with the words Drake is saying. "I know that this seems cruel, but doing this will allow us to take the cities with minimal casualties and save more people in the end. If either of you have any better ideas I am open to suggestions?" He asked that knowing that these 2 have no answer for the war strategy and have no way to argue against Gregory other than saying it doesn't feel right.

The magic projection turned off and Gregory went and sat on his finely decorated chair. He rubs his head as he read reports about supplies and rations for his forces. After a little while Gregory's best general and friend walks into the tent. "By the look on your face those kids are giving you a hard time..." Aaron Yorm speaks to his friend about these young kings and there struggles with sending people to there deaths.

Gregory chuckles at Aarons observation because he is totally right. He would rather just have their soldiers and take care of the war himself instead of negotiating about peoples lives with them. All wars come at a cost and they need to learn that, and they will find out how hard it really is to be a king. "They have no notion of anything outside there castle walls and lavish courts. They will come out better from this war, and there kingdoms will thrive with wise rulers." Gregory has been a man that isn't afraid to make the hard decisions for his people, that is why he is a respected ruler unlike the younger ones he is working with.

Aaron Yorm sits in a chair looking over the map of Zenith's country. There are a lot of civilian cities between them and Herold. Everyone knows that he is using the people as a shield. "What do you plan on doing once you have the legacy class from killing Herold?" It would be a lie if the kings involved weren't doing this for the sole purpose of defending themselves. The legacy class is extremely tempting to everyone involved. "I wouldn't be surprised if one of those kids tries to play us." Aaron Yorm is a person who always suspects the worst to happen, he makes a great general since he prepares for the bad things he suspects to happen.

Gregory sets down the reports and gets up to talk with his friend. "That is if they can stomach this war to the bitter end. I wouldn't be surprised if they left once the war is almost over, the capital will be the hardest to take. Regards to the legacy class, I am more interested in there royal treasury. I know that the things in there will be worth more together than the single legacy class." Once this war progresses to its final stages there may be disputes on who gets what. They say greed is the reason kings rot and countries die. You can see this in Herold as of right now, he is mad with greed.

As the two continue to talk Violet and Christian are talking in private. "What are we going to do with all this money sweetheart? I already payed off all the debts and the house, we barely spent over 1.3 million taking care of everything..." Christian feels some shame at saying that. He always believed that money should be hard earned and spent wisely. His ideals don't apply to this anymore.

Violet just stares at the big number on the screen. She is having a hard time accepting that her sweet boy did this for them. She would never say it out loud, but Cera is her favorite out of the 3. She always loved his ability to listen and learn from others and always does what he is told. He is what she wants all her children to be, but sadly she cant have that. "I am so proud of him Chris...." She wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, she was thinking about how to reward Cera for this wonderful accomplishment.

Christian just sighs and goes back to looking at properties on his phone while his wife is off in her own world. "What kind of house should we get? Do you want a mansion?" As soon as he said that Violet snorts and turns her head to her husband.

He gives her a confused look and doesn't understand her reaction. "I'll be stuck cleaning the big place you goofball. Pick a smaller place." Chris can understand what his wife means, but he also has an answer to her logic as well.

He wraps his left arm around his wife and gives her a hug with one arm. "You do realize that we can just hire someone to clean the place for us now." Violet gives her husband a look of surprise and slight confusion. She didn't consider that before, having someone else other than herself take care of everything. Take away her responsibilities and she doesn't know who she is.

They soon hear the footsteps of the person who saved everything come downstairs to hang out for the night. They look at each other and share a kiss before joining Cera on the couch to watch T.V.𝘧𝘳𝐞𝚎𝑤ℯ𝘣𝗻𝘰ѵℯl.c𝐨𝚖