The Ancients World-Chapter 41: Finding The Hermit Flint I

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Chapter 41: Finding The Hermit Flint I

{Sorry that I didn't upload yesterday. I decided to edit some chapters and find an important name I only mentioned once. Finding the name took longer than I would like to admit, but I found it. We are getting closer and closer to the 50 chapter mark and I can say that I never expected this kind of support for a story that is my own idea. I want to say thank you to all the people who have been reading my work since Descendant of Elder Blood.}

{These are people I want to say thanks to and acknowledge for their support.

Lucilius_M_Star_AJ, Neith, Achile, G0DSH4ND, Atlas_cf43, Ezuku, SolarXWings(Thanks for spotting math and skill description errors!), Denzel_theking, Ethan132, Michael_Crew, Golden1K, KingSloth, Agent_00, AhmedElkodary. I see your guys comments on my fanfiction and this story all the time, I know the first three I mentioned came to this story after I promoted it and I want to say thanks too you guys. I also want to thank the ones who don't comment every chapter but are fans of mine anyway. I wish you would comment so I could remember you guys to.}

{These are the top ten who have used there power stones to help my story and make sure others see it too. ariqri, Ghost Zero, fanmy1, Cdnv, G0DSH4ND, world_tree, DarknessKnight, Kal_El7, CookieMunch420, AhmedElkodary. Thanks for giving your power stones to this story when there are so many others that probably deserve it more. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the chapter!!!}

Overlooking the city of Zeder from here is truly amazing, beautiful Victorian Era buildings and soon lights are being ignited in the city with the setting sun for the night. I shouldn't waste anytime and make my way to the city to find a place for me to stay. An inn will be easily affordable and I don't have to worry about that, I'm sure by now that whatever the church was planning at The Shrine of Monrell has been completely disrupted by Monrell transporting me here. I really dodged a bullet there, I can deduce that Monrell must be like me and not want anyone around all the time. That's what the church would do if they found me. Speaking of Monrell, he said that he could have given me a legendary class. I cant help my curious thoughts about what is could have been.

Pesticide, the original person who completed the trial, never received a legendary class. Although he did have to try over and over again to complete the trial. His reward was probably only an S rank. I did way better thanks to the notes that he left in the forums. If I ever do meet Pesticide then I should give him something as thanks. I don't know all the effects my presence has caused, all I really know are the things that have been announced through the world announcements. I am deviating from the original timeline by leaps and bounds and who knows the kind of things that this could cause.

I walk down the hill and make my way inside the city of Zeder. The security isn't so high here because we are far from the border. I didn't have to answer any questions about why I was here and how long I would be staying. As I am walking down the main path through the commercial district my thoughts drift to the lore and history of The Hermit Flint. Most of his lore is not known, the only knowledge that is vastly known is that he is powerful and very secretive. He prefers to be alone and nobody knows why, his true strength is a mystery to most. It was theorized that he is around the same power as a Grandmaster Magician, however there is no evidence to back that claim up.

I make it to the first inn I see and it looks to be very popular with plenty of noise and people having a good time. I will have to take some time to experience the little things about Ancients World. All the human senses are perfectly emulated in Ancients World, when you eat food and drink water you actually experience it like in the real world. I walk up to the barkeep and I cant help have a smile at the joyous and positive energy in this place. "I'd like to rent a room for the night." I lay down the proper amount of gold and the barkeep lays down the glass he was cleaning. He picks up a key and heads out from behind the bar.

I follow him and he takes me to a room that has a regular queen sized bed and a window that views the city a little higher than the rest of the buildings. "Need anything else? We also do room service." I nod my head no with a smile. He understands and leaves, the room is perfectly silent despite all the noise from downstairs. Most of the inns in Ancients World use sound nullifying magic in there guests rooms so they aren't disturbed. Too bad we don't have this function in the real world. Imagine how many people would be happier if there loud neighbors or siblings didn't bother them. I lay on the bed and the world is finally dark.

I have some time before I get off, maybe I should check the auction house. I won't buy anything from it, but it would be nice to see what the items other players are finding. I open my interface and open the auction tab with my mind. The front page is showing a bid on a very rare grade knights shield. The bid is pretty high considering the bleeding curve in player levels and gear. If you have money to burn then why not I guess. I go to the artifacts page and see some pretty cool things. The artifacts page sells scrolls, ancient tablets, and books containing lore and sometimes even skills. I cant lie, I am a lore junky when it comes to game. I love to know the history of the games world I am playing in.

I know about everything being sold here and all their lore since its so early in the game, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't check here from time to time. They say knowledge is power for a reason, I came back to the past with crazy powerful knowledge and that has translated into this bright future and happy life that I have. To bad I don't have a way to track down Flint, all that I know is what he looks like and he sometimes stays in the city of Glendar. Its about a 3 days trip from here, couple thousand miles and mostly open roads. I am feeling the tiredness and now seems like a good time to get off. I log out of Ancients World and I get out of my pod once it opens.

I look at the clock and its pretty late. Everyone should be in bed by now, but I hear the faint noise of the T.V. downstairs. Nobody is up this late except me and that is on rare occasions as well. I head downstairs to see who it is and once I make it to the living room I can see both my parents snuggled up watching some old movies. "What are you guys doing up?" I ask my question and they both jump from the sudden question coming out of the darkness behind them.

Mom looks back and see's me with a confused look on my face. "Geez sweetie, you almost gave me a heart attack!" My mom tries to be loud and quiet at the same time, kind of funny watching her try to scold me while being quiet. "Come over here and watch some movies with us Cera. I cant remember the last time it was just the 3 of us." Not something I planned, but spending time with my parents is something I haven't done in a long time.

I sit in my favorite chair and start watching the movie. I never did get an answer about why they are still up even though they are usually in bed. "You still haven't answered my question. Why are you guys still up, your usually in bed by now." My parents chuckle in the most relaxed and carefree way I have ever heard. I look away from the movie and look at them. They are just just sitting there while they lean on each other.

Dad is the first one to speak and I'll say this, this is the most comfortable they have ever looked. "Well Cera, I don't need to work anymore and neither does your mom. We don't have money problems and we are free from the shackles of debt. Now that our lives have been emptied of schedules and deadlines we realized that we can do whatever we want now." I never looked at it like that, I always looked at them as my hard working parents who did everything possible for us. Now that they don't need to work so freaking hard to do that important thing they are spending quality time together.

I am more than satisfied with that answer, I continue to watch the funny movies and laugh along with my parents. I am soon fast asleep in my chair and off into dream land. My parents are still up and watching movies and are having a private conversation without me. 𝙛𝐫e𝚎wℯ𝗯𝒏𝗼ѵ𝙚l.𝒄o𝚖

The Adamo couple look at each other and look back to Cera's sleeping face. Violet is the first to speak. "We are so blessed to have this life and family that we have honey. All of our blood, sweat, and tears have raised 1 great kid...." They are still having a problem with Hailey and her rebellion, but they will find an answer for the problems that are being caused by this never ending conflict.

Christian sighs and kisses his wife's forehead. "Don't worry Violet, I don't think Hailey will be in this phase for much longer. Just give her some time." They both continue watching till the end of the movie. After its finally over they get up and notice a little problem, they have to carry the tall and built Cera up to his room.

Violet is the first to rush forward. She tries to lift Cera off the chair by carrying him the same way every parent would when their kid was smaller. "He's gotten... Ugh.... So big, so fast...." She is trying for the life of her to pick up her son, but the reality that he isn't a baby anymore sinks in for the first time. "*Sniffle* Where did all the time go.... Its like I missed his whole life..... *Sniffle*" With Violet on the verge of a motherly breakdown Christian comforts his wife in her suffering.

He rubs the top of her head to try and help relax her. Her face is buried in his lower sternum since she is much shorter. "I'll take him upstairs, I'll be in bed after I get him settled." He lets her go and approaches the sleeping Cera too. He begins to lift him off the couch and has his own version of struggling. "Huff.... Huff... Shit kid... What did your mother feed you... Huff... Huff.... Huff...." The realization that this isn't going to be easy sets in and he cant help the smile growing on his face.

Before he can make it to the stairs Violet calls out to him. "Hold on, I want to get a picture of this!!" She quickly pulls out her phone and snaps one fast. The dismay and backpain is growing on Christian's face, but he is let go by his wife and he takes Cera up and puts him in his bed. While this is all happening in the real world, there is a heated discussion happening in Ancients World.