The Ancients World-Chapter 43: Finding The Hermit Flint III

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Chapter 43: Finding The Hermit Flint III

{Mark any error's don't have the energy right now to edit this. Thanks!!}

{Changing skill points to stats points as of this chapter. To the people who say the POV change is confusing it shouldn't be. I literally tell you who is talking before I start to write about there thoughts and scenes. I am not interrupting the flow of the story with (POV of Example). That isn't how I write. Its only been 2 people who complained so far so perhaps you guys should learn to read better. There is no problem with how I change scenes. For example: As Cera makes his way to Glendar there is a meeting between guilds in the country of Salamander. The first recognizable person at this meeting is Wilted Rose. This is how I change scenes without doing a POV announcement. I did this last chapter and this chapter. Along with past ones, so no reason to complain now.}

I get up from the bed that I laid down in when I logged off. My first step should be getting to the city of Glendar. That is one of the only places he is known to be at, when I get there I'll have to do some asking around to find him. I walk out of my bedroom and head downstairs into the main hall of the inn. Going down the stairs I look and see a bunch of passed out drunk people, I don't know how people can sleep with so much snoring coming from so many different people. I reach the bottom of the stairs and I can see that the barkeeper is cleaning up some dishes and glass pitchers. I make it over to him and hand him the key back. "You won't be staying any longer?" I must be one of the few that pay for an actual room and don't free load like the rest of these guys.

I smile and nod my head no. He gives a relaxed sigh and I make my way to the exit. I step out onto the paved road and noticed that the sun is just rising over the hills and walls. Some people are already starting their days and getting to work. I need to get a move on as well, I can make it to Glendar in half the time if I hurry. I walk to the exit of the city and pass shops as well as some poor beggars. As I am about to turn my final corner before the gate to the city I notice some frail kids sitting by some garbage cans.

I could give the 2 of them the last of my gold. I have a little over a hundred, and I won't be needing them since I'll be making more than enough gold. I stop and walk over to them, I kneel down to draw the bigger ones attention. "Do you guys not have a home or something?" The bigger one looks at me in fear. I get it, most who ask that question don't have good intentions. "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you. Here take this and get to a safe place with it." I reach into my inventory and hand 50 some odd coins in a bag to one and the other with the same.

They looked at me with shocked eyes that are to dry to become wet from tears. "Thank you so much mister...." I don't need to hear anymore than that. I get up and as I am walking off I get a system notification. This one disappoints me beyond what I believed I could be in this game. I am disgusted by what I read and I regret being someone from my world.

[Congratulations! You are the first player to give money to the poor beggar's on the street that you don't know!]

[New title added: Caring Person]

[Arch-Angel Michael and The Almighty smile at your actions]

[Penia the goddess of poverty is warmed and touched by your actions]

[+8,000 reputation with the deity's of heaven]

Reading this makes me sick in humanity. I get people think this is a game and they don't care about NPC's, but I should have been the first person to show something akin to generosity to the poor. The saying ignorance is bliss is more than applicable to this. I know what its like to be homeless and in desperate need of money. If anyone shows that they care it can really change someone's life. The state of the poor in our world isn't as bad as it used to be, but that is no excuse for this. To take my mind off of this bad mood I open my stats to do some work.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.19]

[Exp: 16,180/21,000] f𝔯𝒆𝚎𝚠𝑒𝚋𝓃૦νℯƖ.co𝘮

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+3 more]


[Strength - 850]

[Endurance - 800]

[Dexterity - 805]

[Speed - 800]

[Focus - 7300]

[Mana: 73000/73000]

[Health: 6,600/6,600]

[Stat Points: 120]

[Armor rating: 475]



[Inheritor of the sword (Passive) - Son of Heaven (Passive) - Heavens light Lvl.4 325/400 (Active) - Protected by Heaven Lvl.4 225/300 (Active) - Slash Lvl.10 300/1000 (Active) Slayer of Evil (Passive) - Holy Willow Trees savior (Passive) - Parry Lvl.1 80/100 (Active) - Finder of Legends (Passive) - The divine who has legend (Passive) - Destined for Greatness (Passive) - Dungeon Diver - (Passive) Kingslayer - (Active) Raging Machine - (Active)]

I can see that a new title has been added and now I have a total of 4. Now my focus shifts from that and I look at the 120 unused skill points. I invest all 120 into speed to make this trip I am about to take a little faster. It will take a little over a day running at full speeds and resting when I need to. I take a look at the new values and I am now at 0 stat points.

[Slayer (Zern) Lvl.19]

[Exp: 16,180/21,000]

[Title: The Son of Arch-Angel Michael (Hidden),+2 more]


[Strength - 850]

[Endurance - 800]

[Dexterity - 805]

[Speed - 920]

[Focus - 7300]

[Mana: 73000/73000]

[Health: 6,600/6,600]

[Stat Points: 0]

[Armor rating: 475]



[Inheritor of the sword (Passive) - Son of Heaven (Passive) - Heavens light Lvl.4 325/400 (Active) - Protected by Heaven Lvl.4 225/300 (Active) - Slash Lvl.10 300/1000 (Active) Slayer of Evil (Passive) - Holy Willow Trees savior (Passive) - Parry Lvl.1 80/100 (Active) - Finder of Legends (Passive) - The divine who has legend (Passive) - Destined for Greatness (Passive) - Dungeon Diver - (Passive) Kingslayer - (Active) Raging Machine - (Active)]

I am pretty close to leveling up as well. I should use that 2x exp boost I was saving from the beginning of the game. I will be traveling through a dangerous area alone and I'll could make some levels on my way to Glendar. I finally make it to the gate and begin to make my way to Glendar. I start to run fast and maintain a decent speed so I don't burn myself out so fast. As Cera makes his way to Glendar there is a meeting between guilds in the country of Salamander.

The first recognizable person at this meeting is Wilted Rose. I know for sure that we can take down this world boss if the 3 of our guilds work together, but there will be extreme conflict about the rewards. I look over to the entrance of the tent and hear two male voices approach. They enter and I see Dark Blade talking to Munchies. Munchies is a well behaved guild leader compared to the other I met so it might go better than it did in the past. "Now that you guys are here what's the plan?" They sit down at the table I am at.

We have found the area where the world boss has been sighted the most. We have set up camp with all of our forces. Everyone combined there is about 120,000 players here ready for the next time the world boss shows up. "We have scouts out surveying the area already, we have set up trap here, here, and here." He points to different parts of the map and I can see what the general idea is. Now the last question that remains is the distribution of the troops. This task belongs to me and I already have a plan set out.

I just need to know one final detail before all the pieces are put together. "I have the plan for the troops all laid out and ready. I just need to know the general level so I can fill in the spots with the appropriate players." They both give me hesitant looks and I can understand why. However, levels don't stay the same and neither does information. What I learn here won't come back to bite them. "Come on guys, none of us can do anything with that information." Munchies sighs and I can see that he has relented. Dark Blade is still hesitant though.

He finally relents and gives me the information I need. "My swordsman and knights are around level 21 and 22. My mages and rangers are around 20. That's all the information I am willing to share." I begin to fill in the blank spots on the map and they can see the plan I have. It is similar to the plan I used to get rid of the Deadzone guild. There are difference here and there, but nothing to big. I remember that day. We lost a lot of players, but we succeeded.

I look over waiting for Munchies information to finish the map out. "My mages and rangers are the same as Dark Blades. My knights and swordsman are all between 23 and 24." I use that information and finish the battle plan. They look over it and have happy faces with the plan. "I'll go get my troops in position and wait for any updates on sightings." Munchies is the first to leave and that only leaves me and Dark Blade.

He rubs his head and leans back in his chair. He isn't the type to look like this. His mindset could be compromised and risk this entire battle. "We need your head in the game if we are to win this. Other guild alliances are set up other places. We only got the best spot since we got here first." Dark Blade looks at me in mind frustration. I touched a nerve and now he seems to be even more in edge. Instead of dragging this on I make my way out of my tent and go speak to my commanders. We also play a role in this battle just like everyone else, and I'll be damned if I am the reason it fails.