The Ancients World-Chapter 50: A way to get ahead

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Chapter 50: A way to get ahead

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and feel completely drained from pulling an all nighter. I want to sleep in and just forget about today, but there are plenty of bosses and dungeons in Vedersfall and they aren't going to get discovered by themselves. I get out of bed and go clean myself up, I have no idea what happened in the fight against Arch Grove. I'll go downstairs and check the news, its important to stay up to date about things happening all across Ancients World. I make my way downstairs and cant help not liking the longer walk now. We have a much bigger and better house, but I'll miss things about the small one we had. I eventually find my way to the living room that's next to the kitchen and sit down.

I pick up the remote and turn the T.V. on. Its a different reporter this time, an older gentleman. Most likely in his early 50s. I listen to the news about what has happened since I've been off. "Many things have happened in Ancients World in the last day. The one event that has grabbed everyone's attention is the defeat of the first roaming world boss. After several hours and many failed attempts led to something that has never happened before, all the guilds involved joined into a joint effort and took the boss on." So they did beat it, took longer than last time and a lot more very good players lost their levels. I wonder what the compromise was, surely they are finding a way to divide up the rewards.

I hear some walking and talking behind me, I turn my head and see mom and dad going into the kitchen. I watch as mom struggles to find the new spot the coffee is in. Dad notices me watching and smiles with happiness. "I guess you are still getting up early. Might you know where the coffee is?" I don't drink coffee on the regular like my parents. I might treat myself to an ice coffee in the hot summer, but that's the only time I really drink it. I get up from the couch to help them look for it.

I walk into the kitchen and start to open cupboards and draws. Dad and I are checking the higher places and mom is checking the lower places since we don't like bending like that. I eventually come across it and place it on the counter. "Thanks for helping sweetie, mind if we join you on the couch?" I don't know why they are asking to join me, its their house. I nod my head yes and they follow close behind me, I look back at the T.V. and they are doing a different take on another continent.

Its pretty rare for reports of a different continent to come in, and its common knowledge that its only one server players play on. The entire player base shares one world, I live in the Americas. So I spawned on a different continent than the British. "In the country of Switzerland a new guild hall has been built and this is the first guild hall ever constructed by normal means." How about that, looks like some unranked guild built a guildhall before the ranked ones did. I wouldn't doubt they sell the information on how they got to the point they were allowed to build one. Right now its still a mystery.

My parents are also watching the report with me as well. However, I feel like they want to ask something. "I can feel that something is bothering you guys, I might be able to help if you tell me what it is." They both look at each other with apprehension. I know it isn't money or job problems so I don't know why they are so worried. Mom looks like she wants say something, but every time she gets the will to say anything she loses it faster than she gained it.

I mute the T.V. so there are no distractions. My dad puts his cup of coffee on the table and takes a breath to calm his nerves. "We want to know if you think us buying gaming pods and playing Ancients World is a good idea. Your mother and I have seen how much fun it is for you and now that are lives are free we want to pick up a hobby." I never expected something like this, I don't know if I should be happy or scared. They know nothing about Ancients World and have no experience in DDVR, they could have a hard time adjusting to something so foreign.

They can both see the thinking look on my face and are growing more and more apprehensive at this idea. I don't want to discourage them, but I also don't want to babysit them in game. "Do you guys know anything about DDVR? You do realize I won't be able to hold your hands in game. I have things to do and I cant spend weeks with you trying getting stronger." I know they are my parents, but there is nothing more annoying then having to teach someone how to play a game when they can learn on their own.

They look at each other and then back to me, and then they nod their heads no. Figures they wouldn't. "We aren't asking you to take care of us, we just want to go on an adventure together. I cant remember the last time your mother and I spent time together like we used to." So they don't want me to take care of them, they want me to give approval to their idea. They will learn that Ancients World is a drug and they will get hooked just like everyone else. I really do hope they go through with this idea, lord knows they deserve some fun. 𝙛𝚛𝙚ewe𝗯𝓃𝗼ѵ𝚎Ɩ.𝒄o𝐦

I open my phone and go to a bookmarked page full of great gaming pods, I show it to them and the prices make their eyes dark. They were expensive, but now they are pennies for us. "This is the gear that you want. You can order online and have it delivered the next day if you want." They didn't seem to hear me because they are still focused on the price. I payed for one and its not like they are the same price as a car.

Dad leans back in his spot and just stares up at the ceiling. Mom is the one to speak this time around. "On second thought I think we'll wait. They have to have a coupon day or something." I'm kind of embarrassed that she just said that. These will only get more and more expensive as time goes on. I won't pressure them into it. Its their decision to make, I do hope they give it a shot though.

I head upstairs now that I have woken up and have up to date information. I get in my gaming pod and load into Ancients World. I wake up in the same spot as I logged off and can see the city of Glendar in the distance. I want to see if I got any mail from Amelia before I make plans to hit some hidden dungeons. I spend the next few hours running back to Glendar and finally make it to the church. I input my information and notice I have gotten 1 new mail, I take it out of the box and notice neat and fancy hand writing. Amelia has some good handwriting, I wish I wrote this well in real life. 𝑓𝙧𝘦𝘦we𝘣𝙣𝘰𝘃𝗲

"I'm so happy to hear from you, I have heard the news from the churches announcements about you and I cant help but worry. Please be careful out there son, I would lose the will to live if I lost you again. I have good news though, the gold you gave me really helped and now the kids and I live in a much better place and neighborhood. I hope to hear from you again soon. ~Love Always, Mom."

I smile as I read these words, I can feel the happiness and worry in her words. She may not be my real mom, but I still care about her like a son would. Now that I have handled this its time to head to the cartography shop and get a map. I have some hidden dungeons to locate. Hopefully the information on the forum posts are correct. I am about to take on a story quest, its on the same level as a legendary quest and this will impact Ancients World in more than one way. Hopefully by the time I'm done I can start heading to my capital city to take on my tier 1 quest. Players are learning better ways to level up, and the vast majority of players are already level 20. The best players are pushing 29 or 30 by now.

When I'm done with this story quest I'll probably be in the mid 40s. I would get close to 100 if I wasn't dealing with half exp. The player who did this story quest was level 25 when he started and was level 106 when he finished. His gamer tag was WhoDiscoveredMilk, gamers names sure are random. That's also the reason why we love them, I know what to do thanks to his post. I have plenty more forums that I have memorized, but I don't think I'll have to use all of them. When I make it to levels in the mid 40's other players will more than likely be hitting 40. Now its time to get started.