The Black Necromancer-Chapter 258 The Underwater Hegemon

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Leon had finally received a portion of the answers to the questions that had plagued him for a very long time. However, he was left with many more questions as a result.

"Who or what is the Paragon of Undeath?"

This question was the one at the forefront of his mind through the next day after he spoke with Michael. His thoughts were so preoccupied with this matter that he had to put aside his training for the entire day.

When Leon had finally regained his composure and was about to retreat back into his training room, news from the frontlines reached his attention.

"More allied troops have arrived!"

Rakon brought this news as soon as he could, although it was a bit redundant, as Leon had already found out through his summons the moment the transportation gate had appeared.

The space around Leon bent, and his form flickered as he rushed toward one of the battle lines that had been built some distance away. This was where the base of operations, where their defensive battle would be planned, was located. It was a very important site, and had an abundance of soldiers from both the Gublin Empire, and Leon's army, protecting the area.

Leon quickly used a small scale teleportation formation to teleport over to the forward base. He appeared within a teleport hall where many more formations leading to various strategic areas of the Desolate Land and the shore along the Desolate Land's borders were located.

"Your Excellency, this way." There was an attendant waiting for Leon the moment he arrived. The C rank man led Leon down the corridors of the fortified fortress that had been built through magic, and soon, the arrived in a large and sparsely decorated room. It turned out that the large room was actually a war room where meetings would be held periodically concerning the overall trend of the war against the Demons.

Already, every important person that was qualified to be there was standing around the massive table that depicted a map of the Central Continent in great detail.

"Leon, glad you could join us. I know you were busy." Leonidas, who was experienced with such things, spoke up. While he had not fought in many wars, he was a well known veteran who earned a powerful and imposing name for himself through the war with the Demons that was dubbed the Great Shift.

Just like how Dion had the Sea Dragon title, Dion's title was 'World Eater'. Very few people had survived seeing his unleashed form, and those that did were always traumatized with what they saw. Only one Mid A rank mage had been able to describe what he had seen.

He said, "I saw an endless darkness. The depths of the abyss reached up to grab me..." The man had turned into a lifeless corpse after speaking those words!

"Thank you." Leon nodded as he took a position to the side of Leonidas. As one of the principal persons involved in the defense, and considering the fact that his forces made up the first line of defense, he held a lot of sway at the moment. pand(a-n0vel.c)om

Leon passed his gaze over the people that stood around the table, taking in their appearances. The two newest arrivals were Damian and Patrick, and after a quick introduction, they all knew each other. f𝑟𝑒ewe𝚋𝚗૦𝐯e𝘭.c𝗼𝓂

"So far, the only ones involved in the defense efforts as the Gublin Empire, Dura Kingdom, Armstrong Family, and your own forces, Leon." Leonidas began the meeting by listing out the active participants in the defensive efforts. "I have personally reached out to another ally of the Gublin Empire that excels at marine combat and sea battles. I have received a positive response, but it will take time for them to reach us."

"Who is this ally?" Leon asked curiously.

"The underwater kingdom of Oceabal." Leonidas replied.

"Oceabal." Leon held his chin in thought as he went over the kingdoms he had come across in his studies. "I do not know what kingdom this is."

"That is understandable. Their relations with mainland is rather sparse, and they do not have many things tying them down to the Central Continent. Oceabal mostly has dealings with the Purple Peninsula." Leonidas nodded his head.

The Purple Peninsula was a single entity that handled its own affairs. Once upon a time, the Purple Peninsula had been jointly controlled and governed by multiple powers of the Central Continent. It had been a major trading hub, but there had been an incident where an underground power rose up and wrenched power from the former controllers of the peninsula.

It had been a hectic time, but Leonidas was glad that it had happened long before his time. The whole incident had calmed down, and the world had accepted the independence of the Purple Peninsula, and its right to be a world power. The underground power was immensely strong, and had enough strength to cause heavy losses to any major power from the Central Continent. It was just not worthwhile to try to wrench back power.

In truth, as the Emperor of the Gublin Empire, Leonidas possessed a lot more information about what had happened back then. The truth was that the underground power had actually sought help from multiple parties which were at odds with the powers that controlled the Purple Peninsula back then.

p-A- n-d-A-n-0-v-e-1、(c)om The Gublin Empire was one of the backers of that underground organization, and had lent its aid in usurping power from its former masters. Oceabal had also been one of the helpers back then, and through that, they had gotten in touch with each other and maintained their friendly relations ever since.

Of course, there was a lot of suspicions concerning the credibility of the whole situation, but without any real proof, the losers could only point fingers at the end of the day without doing anything about it.

Now, a hegemon that had been in power, growing without hindrances, had been called upon to aid in the war against the Demons.

Things were about to get heated!

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