The Black Necromancer-Chapter 56 Green Gate

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By the time the carriage came to a stop before a popular inn and tavern, Leon had much more knowledge about not only the upcoming Divinity's Bout, but also a bit more of the world at large. He had spun the tale of being a country bumpkin who did not know much, and had only managed to survive thanks to his own efforts.

"This is the Green Gate, one of the many inns that are accommodating the participants of Divinity's Bout." Curtis says as he alights from the carriage, the others a step behind him. Leon looks up at the large, several stories tall building and hums.

"I will take the carriage 'round back to the stable and meet you inside." Benny tells Curtis before whipping the reigns and directing the horses to the side.

The group enters the inn through the front double doors, and a bustling environment spreads out before their eyes.

Several minutes earlier...

"Thanks for the ride, I owe you!"

"Aha, no worries, it was my pleasure carrying a lovely young lady like you."

"Haha, thanks!"

Elena waved at the departing merchant from the front of a large inn. When the merchant's wagon was out of sight, she finally faced forward, taking in the inn. The name, Green Gate, was spelled out very clearly on the front of the inn, hanging from a plaque just above the wide double doors.

Taking a deep breath and releasing it a moment later, she took her first step toward a greater destiny. The destiny that Baba Yaga had seen for her.


The doors of the inn creaked open and many pairs of eyes looked over, taking in the young red haired girl that maintained a confident gait as she swaggered over to the counter where a young man handled the accommodation of another person. When the buff man moved away from the counter, the lean, young man turned over to Elena with a neutral expression.

"Hello, how can I help you?" He sighed.

"I'm here to book a room." She replied confidently.

"Passing by, or sticking around for a nice show when the Bout starts up?" The man asked as he brought out a bundle of keys. "Hmm, what class are you booking?" He asked again, referring to the level of accommodation she wanted to book.

"Oh, I'm not going to spectate. I want to join in on the fighting!" Elena grinned widely as she replied.

"Hmm?" The young man raised his eyebrow and gave Elena a proper look from head to toe. "I know I don't have any right to judge, but Divinity's Bout is not a game for kids. People die in the fights." He said with concerned tone. He took another look at Elena, and his eyes flashed with a light that Elena did not notice.

"I know that people die, but I'm not going to sit by and do nothing. I just want to see how far I can go." Elena pushed back, expressing her firm stance.

"Okay then. Whatever you say." The man shrugged. "By the way, what class are you booking?" He reverted to his old question.

"Oh, right, third class." Elena blushed and chuckled shyly, realizing that she had strayed in conversation.

Just then, a deep voice came from behind her.

"Why don't I pay first class for both of us, pretty girl?"

Elena spun around in shock and pressed her back against the counter as she stared at the dark haired man that towered over her. He had a full beard and a long scar running over his left eye. His eyes were dark and gave Elena a menacing feeling.

"Robert, please step away from the counter." The young man behind the counter narrowed his eyes and spoke to the man.

"Oh, be quiet, you spoilsport. I'm not talking to you." The bearded man, Robert snorted and he grabbed Elena's wrist.

"Hands off, pervert!" Elena's face contorted and she tried to pull away from the man, but he held on tight, not letting her take a step away. Instead, he pulled her forward and moved his grip to her forearm.

"Little bunnies like you should stay in their mother's burrow." He smiled, revealing a set of golden teeth that glinted in the light streaming in from the open windows. f𝔯ee𝘸𝘦𝚋𝒏oѵ𝐞l.c𝒐𝓂

Behind the counter, the young man raised his arm, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He poised his index and middle fingers and was about to strike when a deep voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a hot knife through butter. Like him, many others who were about to intervene stopped, turning to face the doors that led into the inn.

The bearded man rolled his eyes in irritation and turned to face the door with a scowl.

"Beat it, idiot!" He yelled at the dark skinned man that still had his right hand holding open one of the doors. The tension quickly built back up as the dark haired man held his glare, and reached boiling point. ƒ𝘳ee𝔀e𝚋n૦𝐯el.c𝗼𝓂

Leon had only just stepped into the inn when his eyes narrowed down on a familiar figure that was being manhandled at the counter. There was no way in this life, or his past life that he could ever mistaken that figure. It was Elena, the red haired girl that he had met a week earlier.

While he had some reservations concerning her about her sudden disappearance, he could not help but feel both irritated and disgusted at how perverted the bearded man was acting. What made it even worse was that it concerned someone who resembled his love interest from his past life! Leon almost wanted to spit on the floor right there!

Seeing as the two were still in the middle of a staring contest, the young man behind the counter finally spoke up.

"If you two want to fight, then do it at the back. Don't ruin my inn." He glared, his tone brooking no arguments.

A crooked smirk grew over Robert's face and he wiggled his eyebrows at Elena.

"How about it? If I win, you stay out of my business. If you win, then I won't bother this little lassy again."