The Cannon Fodder Turns His Sister Into A Soaring Phoenix-Chapter 328 - Brother, Feng Yu Die Is A Girl Too!

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In the early morning, the shops on both sides of Jade Jewels Street quickly took down their door shutters and opened to welcome customers. Cultivators accompanying girls to buy things could be seen everywhere.

Wearing a black robe, Ye Anping was walking on one side of the street, looking around at the shops.

Before entering this street, he smelled an extremely strong lipstick scent.

Now that he took a look, it was really as he thought. The entire street was filled with stores selling cosmetics, jewelry, and clothes for cultivators.

Although he really wanted to buy some of these things and give them to his sister, he didn't know much about them. He knew that if he went in to buy them, he would probably be slaughtered like a pig, so he gave up and thought about bringing his sister over and letting her choose by herself.

However, Ye Anping wasn't paying attention to someone.

Walking beside him, Feng Yu Die was holding a roasted chicken and gnawing on it. After entering this street, her eyes sparkled as she looked back and forth between the shops, with "I like it!", "I want it!", and "Buy it!" written all over her face.

When Master Taixu took her to visit the city when she was a child, she told her, "These ordinary things are of no importance. What's more, you are a naturally beautiful girl. If you paint yourself with these ordinary things, it will cover up your personal immortal appearance."

Feng Yu Die of course understood this reasoning, but she also really, really liked this stuff.

In the past, when she followed Master Taixu, they were very poor and couldn't afford much. But in recent years, she made a lot of spirit stones after starting to follow Ye Anping.

And when you have money, you want to spend it!

This was human nature.

Feng Yu Die pursed her lips, glanced sideways at Ye Anping, and pondered for a while before simply reaching out and pulling his sleeve, half pulling and half tugging him toward a cosmetics store nearby. "Master Ye, come over here with me!"


Dragged by her, Ye Anping walked to the store with the 'Immortal Rouge Shop' plaque. He looked up at the shop name, then turned to look at Feng Yu Die with doubt in his eyes.


"Let's just stroll around for a while! We're already here, and there's no rush after all."

Feng Yu Die said this while tugging his sleeve and pulling him forcefully into the store.

Probably because it was still early, there weren't many customers in the Immortal Rouge Shop, and a female cultivator wearing light makeup was dozing off at the counter.

Seeing two customers coming in, the female cultivator sized them up and asked with a welcoming smile, "Hmm? You two don't seem to be from around here. Is it your first time to buy powder from here?"

Seeing the look in her eyes, Ye Anping had complicated feelings in his heart.

Just by this sentence, he could tell the landlady probably took them as suckers, and they were definitely about to be slaughtered like livestock.


Ye Anping sighed softly as he glanced at Feng Yu Die who was pulling his sleeves. Of course, he reckoned that this rascal probably knew about cosmetics as much as he did, and he only knew that it was just something to put on the face.

So, he warned her. "Sister Feng, don't buy something you know nothing about."


Feng Yu Die looked back with puzzled eyes but then pursed her lips, smiled, and proudly pulled him to the counter. "Lady Boss, I want to see a sunflower rouge. Can you show me some..."

"Girl, wait a moment, I'll go get it."

The landlady looked at Feng Yu Die's face, went to one side of the shelves, fetched four or five rouge boxes, and put them on the counter. "Girl, I see you are born with good looks. Thick rouge may not be suitable, but these colors are lighter. You want to try?"

Feng Yu Die smiled and picked up a box. She opened it, sniffed it, and rubbed it between her fingers. "Did you add sappan wood? Is this wormwood from the north?"

When the landlady saw Feng Yu Die acting like this, she raised her eyebrows. "Girl, you are a connoisseur. You can tell just by touching it."


Seeing that Feng Yu Die was not some ignoramus, the lady boss was torn between the regret of not being able to rip them off and the joy of meeting a 'bosom friend'.

The two started chatting over the boxes of rouge on the counter.

Waiting on the side, Ye Anping had a rare look of surprise on his face. Listening to the two talking in terms that he didn't understand at all, his eyes went back and forth between Feng Yu Die, who was carefully selecting powder shades, and the half-roasted chicken she placed on the counter.

After a while, he finally remembered something that was mentioned in the game's script.

Ever since Feng Yu Die got together with Xiao Yunluo, she used Xiao Yunluo's precious perfumes, makeup, and lipstick every day...

Well, after all, she was a girl too.

Her silver hair cascaded on her back, her watery eyes focused on the landlady who was talking to her, her cherry lips moved cheerfully, her white jade fingers gently smeared in the rouge box, and then dabbed on her lips for a shallow taste...


Ye Anping suddenly raised his hand and slapped himself on the forehead, then lowered his head, took a deep breath, and began to reflect on his actions.

For a moment, he felt that Feng Yu Die was really beautiful...

But when he realized it, he suddenly felt as if he had been bent, and his feelings were confusing.

Then again, Feng Yu Die in the game did seem to have a "natural charm" setting. Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to pick up so many girls, but...

"Young Master Ye?"


Feng Yu Die and the landlady were both startled by Ye Anping's sudden slap, and they looked at him in shock.

Ye Anping came back to his senses, looked up, and glanced at Feng Yu Die again, thinking that this was probably caused by the destiny binding and that the Heavenly Dao was subconsciously changing his opinion of Feng Yu Die.

However, Si Xuanji said that he was someone who acted regardless of the will of heaven.

Messing with Heavenly Dao...

Ye Anping looked toward the half roasted chicken on the counter, reached out, ripped off the chicken leg, and thrust it like a sword toward Feng Yu Die's mouth.




Feng Yu Die looked dumbfounded at the chicken leg that Ye Anping had stuffed into her mouth, and she stood frozen for a long time.

On the other hand, looking at Feng Yu Die with a chicken leg stuffed in her mouth, Ye Anping just let out a sigh of relief. This was the normal Feng Yu Die, the one who ate roasted chicken.

"It's gonna get cold. Eat it while it's hot."

Feng Yu Die blinked, and sucked the meat into her mouth before pulling out the chicken bone with a "pop". As she chewed with bulging cheeks, she said, "I was trying the rouge..."

"Well, you can eat the rest later."

Although slightly confused, Feng Yu Die didn't say anything. She swallowed the chicken, took out a handkerchief, and wiped her mouth. Then, she dabbed the pink powder on her face and asked the landlady to get a bronze mirror.

The already beautiful face reflected in the bronze mirror became even more bright and tender with the pink powder on.

She turned her face left and right, pursed her lips, and smiled, then turned to look at Ye Anping again. "Do I look good?"

Ye Anping looked away and nodded perfunctorily. "...It's okay."

"If you say it's okay, then it means it looks good. If you think it looks good, then Sister Pei must also think it looks good, hehe..."

Muttering to herself, Feng Yu Die closed the rouge box, squinted at the landlady, and asked, "How much?"

"Two hundred spirit stones. My profit is 10%, how's that?"

Feng Yu Die felt it was about right and nodded. "I'll take it then. Please wrap it up for me."

After saying this, Feng Yu Die turned and grinned at Ye Anping. "Hee hee..."


Ye Anping was taken aback. "What do you want?"

Feng Yu Die smiled and reached out. "Buy it for me."

Ye Anping glanced at the box of rouge. "Two hundred... don't you have any money?"

"Buying it myself is not as appealing as receiving someone's gift." Feng Yu Die blinked, elbowed Ye Anping, and added, "Look, we've known each other for so long, but you haven't given me anything, hehehe~~"

Ye Anping rolled his eyes and turned to go out. "Buy it yourself."

Seeing this, Feng Yu Die disgruntledly pouted, pondered for a while, then smiled and followed him. "Young Master Ye, if you don't buy it for me..."

"What?" ƒгeeweɓn૦

This chapter is updat𝓮d by freē

"I'll tell Sister Pei you asked Sister Xiao to dance for you."


Ye Anping faltered, squinted at Feng Yu Die's smiling face, and then looked back at the landlady who had a look of, What kind of person is this? Not willing to give up even two hundred spirit stones... and simply turned around and headed back. He took out two hundred spirit stones from his storage bag and put them on the table.

Anyway, when dividing the spoils, he would deduct two hundred spirit stones from her share; let's say it's a down payment.

Seeing that he had given the money, Feng Yu Die was very happy and hurried over. "Thank you, Master Ye, hee hee---"

Ye Anping sneered and walked out of the store.


"Hey-- don't walk so fast. Wait for me..."

Feng Yu Die hurriedly asked the landlady to wrap the rouge, then grabbed the roasted chicken without legs on the counter, and chased after him.

After that, she followed behind Ye Anping, scanning the shops on both sides left and right, wanting to enter each one. Unfortunately, Ye Anping did not cooperate with her, did not stop walking, and did not allow her to pull his sleeve.

As a result, Feng Yu Die had no choice but to give up shopping.

"What are you doing? We're not in a hurry. It's not a bad idea to go shopping with me... I should have gone shopping with Sister Pei."

Ye Anping glanced at her, sighing. "Are you really interested in these girly things?"


Feng Yu Die raised her eyebrows. "Let me remind you... I'm also a girl."

"If you are a girl, then why do you like girls?"

"There's no contradiction." Feng Yu Die pouted. "Won't you like girls anymore if you wear a skirt?"


Ye Anping wanted to say something, but in the end, simply gave up theorizing with her about sexual orientation. Noticing that Xiao Tian was not there, and seeing that no one was around, he asked directly, "Forget it. Where is Xiao Tian? Why doesn't she come out?"

"She got tired after the fight with that demonic cultivator a few days ago." Feng Yu Die shrugged. "That golden dragon is summoned by her spiritual energy. Every time I call it out, she has to sleep for a long time..."

Probably hearing her name, when Feng Yu Die said this, a golden light suddenly popped out from between her eyebrows.

Xiao Tian rubbed her eyes and stretched sleepily. "Anping, did you call me?"

"Are you still sleepy? If you are, just go back to sleep for a while. It's nothing urgent."


Xiao Tian shook her head, then looked around. Seeing Ye Anping and Feng Yu Die walking on a street with cosmetic shops, and Yu Die holding a powder box in her hand, she instantly woke up. "Eh? Yu Die, is this rouge from Anping?"

"Yes, why?"

"Oh~~" Xiao Tian's eyes lit up and sat down on Ye Anping's shoulder, poking his face with her small hand. "Anping, have you finally seen the light? You're giving cosmetics to Yu Die... Isn't that the same as courting her?"

Hearing this, Feng Yu Die froze, looked at the rouge in her hand, and only then did she react and hurriedly interrupt her. "What courting?"

"Hehehe..." Xiao Tian covered her mouth and snickered, then simply avoided the topic as she became serious. "Anping, that demonic cultivator, did you see her? With that black python, and the artifact spirit."


Ye Anping nodded, then looked at Feng Yu Die. "That person's name is Gu Mingxin, the personal disciple of the Heavenly Demonic Sect's Patriarch. She has an evil nature, her yin and yang are opposite to yours, and your respective trigrams are incompatible. She has a Heavenly Demonic Scroll that mirrors your Heavenly Dao Scroll, and we'll definitely meet again, so you'll have to always be prepared."

"Yin and yang are opposite..."

"Well, if there is yin, there will be yang, like sweet and bitter, flying birds and swimming fish, sun and moon, night and day... You carry the Mandate of Heaven, and she is the one who opposes Heaven. The result is that one of you must die in the future."

Feng Yu Die nodded as she listened and took a bite of chicken. "No wonder I felt something strange when I first saw her. Is she like a fated enemy?"

"Something like that." Ye Anping nodded, then asked, "How sure are you that you can kill her now?"

"Well..." Feng Yu Die tilted her head to think before answering bluntly, "One hundred percent!"


"One hundred percent? Your cultivation level is lower than hers right now, and you haven't mastered the Black Moon Routine yet. What gives you confidence?"

Feng Yu Die blinked and grinned at Ye Anping. "You, of course, Young Master Ye!"


Xiao Tian was very happy hearing this, and felt as if her Yu Die had finally found the way, although she knew it was not the case.

"Anping, she's right. That is one person, but Yu Die and you are two people."

"What if you meet her when I'm away?"

Feng Yu Die thought for a while and said, "That's probably something you're anticipating as well. You will definitely help me when the time comes. You are so calculating."

Hearing this, Ye Anping didn't know what to say. In the game, at this time, his grave was already covered with grass, but now, he not only attracted Gu Mingxin's attention but also got entangled with the Heavenly Dao Scroll.

Because of this variable of his own, Gu Mingxin would most likely not continue the plot action in the game step by step, and would definitely target him.

The most critical issue was that Feng Yu Die was already halfway through the Core Formation stage during the Imperial Sect incident, but perhaps because he took away some of her luck, she was still stuck at the beginning of the late stage of the Foundation Building.

"Sister Feng."


"I may not be able to calculate everything accurately. You also need to use your own brain to deal with her."

There was a trace of worry on his face, and Feng Yu Die realized that the demonic cultivator was probably someone even Ye Anping found difficult to deal with.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then looked at the roasted chicken in her hand. She simply pulled off the chicken wings and put it into Ye Anping's mouth. "Let me treat you to roasted chicken. After eating it, all your worries will go away."


Ye Anping, with the chicken wings in his mouth, glared at her, his eyes twitching.

This girl almost knocked out his front tooth...


"Is it good?"

Ye Anping sighed, chewed the chicken wings, and shook his head. "It's okay...but don't treat me to the roast chicken I bought for you."

"Hey~ don't worry about it. It's delicious, isn't it? You can buy me another one later. I haven't had enough."

"Let's go to the Justice Division Office first. Miss Su has been hung out to dry in the dungeon for more than half a month. She needs to be released. We are going to act on a play for that."

"A play? What kind of play?"

"Prison break."