The Chaos Dragon Prince-Chapter 41 - Ruthlessness

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For only a very brief split moment, the Liang Tribe members witnessed probably the most beautiful-looking youths they had ever seen before.

They both absolutely looked like they didn't belong in a savage area like the Tribal Domain.

When in stark contrast to the youth's oppressive auras, this beauty made for a frightening combination!


The Leader of the Liang Tribe member attempted to plead. But his words fell on death's ears. fr𝚎e𝙬𝚎𝚋𝚗૦ν𝚎𝒍.c૦m

In the instance the Leader spoke, Kali sprang forth with immense speed! She was a nearly untraceable blue blur in the wind, soaring directly to the three Liang Tribe members.

Her target was set directly in on the remaining first-level Nascent Formation member.

As she burst forward, a vicious light spewed from Kali's eyes as her grin turned increasingly cruel. Unlike Cain's indifference, the act of killing actually stimulated the excitement within Kali's body.

She felt as if this was something she was born to do. To fight without any care in the world!

At Kali's crazed speed, she only needed a mere second to reach just twenty meters away from the last first-level Nascent Formation member.

Without giving any chance for them to think, Kali's powerfully dense Nascent Aura crushed on to the Liang Tribe member, causing him to completely freeze.

If left unhindered, Kali would undoubtedly murder the Liang Tribe member like a pathetic bug.

"You dare!!"

And it was at this moment, the Leader and the third level Liang Tribe member reacted. Their speeds was instantaneous, slashing down their silvery swords straight towards Kali's waist.

The two men nearly became blurs in the wind as they circulated as much Nascent Qi they could muster within that split moment.

However, just as the two men started their attacks, a terrifying pressure locked on them.

A burst of cold sweat dripped down their backs. Their nerves tensed, roaring out to them that they would tremendously suffer if they ignored this attack.

With no other options, the two men abandoned attacking Kali. Instead, they snapped their attention to the source of the powerful auras.

Upon seeing what was coming, their pupils heavily dilated. The wind seemed to nosily hollow as blindingly bright Lightning cover fists soar straight at their faces!

The two Liang Tribe men could only hastily defend, slashing their swords straight at the Lightning fists.


The ground slightly trembles, visible shockwaves ripple throughout the air, causing a chaotic mess of their nearby trees and bushes.

The two Liang Tribe men were forced twenty heavy steps back.

While Cain only took five steps back before smoothly centering himself.

In a frontal collision of higher-level Nascent Formations masters, Cain came out on top! And he was only using his body to combat Mortal ranked weapons!

"Wh-what the hell-"

The two Liang Tribe men started to shout in a mix of fear and rage but stopped when finally noticing Cain's attire. Their eyes widened to saucer sizes, feeling like this was an utter nightmare.

"The Kong Clan attire?! You-this can't be! Just how?!" The Liang Tribe members was in pure disbelief.

After all, with their intel, there's never been any outrageously strong Nascent Formations members from the Kong Clan.

And if there was, that problem would've been swiftly dealt with! Their tribe is truly unwaveringly ruthless, wanting to immediately root out issues that can disrupt their entire plans.

So why….or rather, where the hell did this monster house of a Nascent Formation Master came from?!

Before the Liang Tribe members could even attempt to make heads or tails of this situation, a sickening thump loudly blared into the area.

The Liang Tribe members felt their veins run cold. In just mere seconds after clashing, the last of their squadron died.

And neither of them had time to process even that. Not when two cold voices that can freeze over the pits of hell drilled into their ears.


At this simple yet terrifying declaration, Cain and Kali charged straight at the Leader and the third-level Nascent Formation member.

"Shit!" The third-level member didn't hesitate. He revolved his Nascent Qi to his limit and flashed backward, hoping to create a small window of breathing room.

However, as he jumped back, a figure was in hot pursuit of him!

The man's eyes dangerously narrowed. Then, with no other option, he gritted his teeth, preparing full-on engage with the rapidly approaching Kali.

Although that terrifying grin splitting across Kali's face gave the man an incredibly foreboding feeling.

At the same time, Cain was still in hot pursuit of the Liang Tribe squadron leader.

Stimulating the Lightning spark within his Qi Seed, Cain's fist was once again covered in howling Lightning, soaring straight towards the Leader.

"Ahh!! Fuck of!"

The Leader suppressed every ounce of fear and crazily rushed forward to meet Cain head-on. He circulated his Nascent Qi to his absolute limit, pouring all of his strength into his sword.

A harsh silver light coiled around the sword, and the air began to sizzle from the tremendous release of energy.

"Go Die!" With a vicious look, the Leader swung his full power sword at full force!

Facing the full power attack, Cain calmed himself. He felt a bit of pressure but nothing too damning. At this point, he could very well unleash his Draconic Lightning aura to gain an absolute edge.

But Cain first wanted to test his very limits just in his base form. f𝙧ee𝘄𝐞𝚋𝐧૦ѵeƖ.c𝘰𝓶

His bloodline was boiling in fervent excitement; he wanted to, no, he needs to experience intense clashes like this!

Without any fear, Cain happily met the full power strike, crashing his fist right onto the harsh silver light sword.


Nascent Qi combusted all around, razing the ground to hell.

This time, Cain and the Leader were knocked an equal amount of steps back.

There was only a slight bruise on Cain's knuckle while the Leader felt his chest painfully tighten after that collision.

A small drip of blood leaked from his mouth, and his sword-wielding hand painfully shook.

Only two exchanges passed, and yet Cain came out on top each time!

At this point, the Leader was fully enranged. His eyes became scarlet as he then traced his spatial ring.

"Enough! Now, you will die!"

A bright flash lit up the man's head as he brought another silver sword. Immediately when he dual-wielded the swords, the Leader's aura frantically increased, rising like an erupting volcano.

"Flowing Sword!" Harsh silver lights coiled around the Leader's swords as he revolved his Martial Skill!

His power never stopped climbing, reaching the point where it slightly surpasses Cain's base aura.

Against this type of power, Cain finally turned solemn.

A Martial Skill power isn't anything to be looked down upon. Once fully learning it, the power a cultivator can release is quite frightening.

'Maybe if I was really experienced in fights, I could still use my base form. But, no way in hell I'm risking that.' Cain made a split-second decision. As exciting it was to test his limit, it was time to finally end this fight.

And at this time, the Leader vanished from his spot. He reappeared fifteen meters to Cain's right side with his newfound speed, unleashing numerous Sword Lights!

The Leader moved his dual swords at rapid speeds, spewing out powerful rays of Sword Lights that covered all around Cain.

In just seconds, Cain had zero way to escape this entrapment. The only option would be to brute force it.

As he thought of this, the Leader viciously smiled. Not even his body can forcefully resist incomparably sharp Sword Lights!

Despite the Leader's train thinking being reasonably sound, the next moment utterly destroyed his logic.


Thunderous booms exploded into the air, streaks of blue Lightning crazily danced out in the area.

Right before the Sword Lights pierced into him, Cain fully unleashed his Draconic Lightning Aura!

Draconic Lightning energy crackled upon the ground and shrouded Cain's entire body, transforming his appearance to something of a Lightning Spirit.


The Leader felt tremendously pressured under Cain's sudden eruption of power. His full power aura was utterly suppressed, feeling like he was getting swallowed by a powerful stormy vortex.

Fear burst within his mind as he felt the genuine terror of death from Cain!

In a last-ditch, desperate attempt, the Leader swung both of his swords down, causing all of the Sword Lights to pierced right towards Cain!

However, despite the Sword Lights moving extremely fast, Cain was faster.

Cain had zero intentions of trying to tank this attack.

Locking his senses on to the Leader, Cain stomped his foot, blasting forward like a missile all in just a split second!

With complete ease, Cain escaped the Sword Light entrapment just at the last possible second. And as an explosion ranged out from behind him, Cain reached the Leader in an instant.

Not giving the bewildered Leader any chance to react, Cain thrust his Draconic Lightning fist out, smashing it right onto the Leader's chest!


The Leader shrieked like an animal being slaughter as his body was sent flying. Blood spewed from his mouth like a stream, spraying everywhere into the wind.

Not only was Cain's physical strength immense, efficiently caving in his chest, breaking his ribs, and puncturing his lungs. But also, a violent stream of Draconic Lightning energy wreaked utter havoc in his body.

In just a second, his blood, organs, flesh, and bones were getting painfully fried to a crisp.

Furthermore, the Leader couldn't even move or attempt to gather his Nascent Qi to counter this. Cain's Draconic Lightning energy completely paralyzed him!

In that instance, Cain didn't let the opportunity go to waste. He relentlessly rushed forward, reaching the air airborne Leader, and violently swung his fist down!


Cain's fist landed square on the Leader's chest again, crashing him into the ground.

Just from the impact alone, a six feet crater split open beneath the Leader. Nearly all of the Leader's bones cracked to pieces, and botches of blood puked out of his mouth.

At this moment, the Leader couldn't even shout in pain anymore. After the second attack, the Draconic Lightning energy increased, frying his vocal cords to crisps.

The last thing the Leader would ever see is Cain raising his shoe above his head.

"It's been fun." Cain cruelly spoke while a savage glint twinkled within his eyes.

Then, with a sickening crunch, Cain stomped his foot right onto the Leader's head!

Blood gushed out of his seven orifices, his skull cracked open, and his brain turned into a gooey mush.. Just like that, a higher-level Nascent Formation Master died like a dog beneath Cain's feet.

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