The Chaos Dragon Prince-Chapter 51 - Awakening The Core

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Cain and Kali felt like their breaths were taken away.

Even as they came from the illustrious God Galaxies, their current scenery still blew them away. In fact, the sibling duo felt like any God Galaxy cultivator would be impressed by this boundless space.

Every inch of this space was blue with vague spots of twinkling light blue lights that looked to be some sort of miniature star.

While gazing around, Cain and Kali were impressed by the scenery and the magical feel running through the space.

Just from taking a breath, Cain and Kali felt their lungs filled with a familiar type of energy.

Cain and Kali didn't need to be geniuses to know what this energy was.

Their hands gripped with fervent anticipation.

This was Spirit Energy of the purest quality!

Just basking in this energy felt marginally better than cultivating Nascent Qi.

Spirit Energy, in comparison, was far more refreshing. It was like all of their pores was getting continually cleansed, purifying them to a perfect degree.

"Truly, this all wonderful and all but…."

After breaking from her slights stupor, Kali began specifically searching for something. Her eyes tossed all over the boundless blue space as she continued to say, "Just what are we supposed to do? I'm hoping there aren't some strict instructions we missed."

"Hmmm….maybe we-" Suddenly, Cain couldn't finish his thoughts.

At that moment, he and Kali snapped their attention to the right of them. Their Spirit Senses went incredibly frantic from an overabundance of raw energy!

And even before looking over, a mysterious voice slinked into their ears.

"This….this….no lower realm cultivation should have this kind of aura. Such purity and divine and something far more primal. You two, just what are you doing in a lower realm planet?" ƒ𝑟𝐞𝗲𝘄𝙚𝚋𝑛o𝙫𝒆𝒍.𝒄𝘰𝓂

As the voice stopped speaking, Cain and Kali locked eyes on the man.


They both didn't respond to his question at first. Instead, their attention was taken by the peculiar appearance of the man.

He actually didn't look entirely visible at all, appearing more like a phantom image. His face looked damaged, filled with battle scars, showcasing to anyone the countless years of trials he once experienced.

His clothes consisted of a plain blue robe that had permanent holes riddled along it.

When Cain and Kali tried looking further down, things turned even weirder.

The man didn't even have legs!

The bottom half of his body reminded Cain of something. 'The way it's only a curve, this just has to be a true ghost!'

At this revelation, Cain's mind shook. He was in complete awe. To think he could actually see a real-life ghost so soon! Truly this man fit all of the bills.

His entire body was translucent; a mysterious layer of energy covered him, and at the bottom half of his body ended in a ghost tail.

As Cain and Kali revel in the man's literal ghostly appearance, silence fell upon the boundless blue space.

The ghost man seemed to have all the patience in the world. In fact, his eyes faintly shimmered while inspecting every inch of Cain and Kali's body.

And the more he did so, the more his shock, intrigue, and anticipation grew. Out of all lucky chances in the world, the ghost man felt like he hit the jackpot.

"Ah-ahem! This is certainly surprising!"

Kali was the one to snap out of her stupor just a few seconds later. She quickly tried to cover her embarrassment from her intense gaze by promptly shifting the subject.

Without giving the ghost man or even Cain the chance to react, Kali swiftly continued on to say, "Never thought we quickly meet some kind of after spirit on a mortal planet. In any case, just what exactly do you mean we shouldn't be here? From the way you're talking, it's like you know about the realms above here."

As her mind became focused, Kali found this situation too odd. From what she was taught, Lower Realm cultivators would at most have a vague, superficial understanding of God Galaxies.

Below God Galaxies are the Divine Plane which connects the Lower and Higher realms. If any Lower Realm cultivator wanted the slightest information on God Galaxies, they needed to go through the Divine Plane.

And to even gain such information, typically, the Lower realm cultivator would be at the top of their whole planet.

Organizations, Kingdoms, or Sects that haves cultivators at the very top of the Mortal step of cultivation are the only ones aware of such news.

So how could a spirit stuck in a relatively weak area of the planet ever be aware they've come from a superior status?

Even before the ghost man talked, Kali's suspicions ran high.

Cain didn't speak up, showcasing his own silent agreement over this question. He, too, felt suspicions but was determined enough to have his mind open for a reasonable explanation.

It wouldn't do good to mess up their chance to become World Spirit Master in the end.

"I see. I understand both of your concerns. And to your questions, yes, I was someone from the God Galaxies. And the reason I can sense you two are as well is because of my Innate World Spirit Senses. I may only be a Ghostly soul now, but I did retain a few of my previous abilities." The ghost slowly explained.

This explanation only led to more questions in Cain's mind, so he asked, "Most obviously, something drastic happened to you to end up on a lowly mortal planet. But that doesn't exactly explain how you can sense we're from the higher realm?"

In response to the questioning, the ghost stayed calm. Then, he slowly raised his hand and began amassing mysterious energy there.

Swirls of blue light crackled on his palm like lightning, immediately enrapturing Cain and Kali's attention.

For all of a moment, Cain and Kali didn't know what he was trying to accomplish. They even had the slight thought the ghost may try and attack them.

But before that thought could develop, Cain and Kali sensed something incredible upon the ghost's palm!

"This energy!"

Their brows jumped in utter shock as their mouths slightly hung open.

Even though they had zero way to absorb energy in God Galaxies, Cain and Kali could still precisely recall the sensation of pure Divine Energy.

Its energy is completely superior to Lower Realm's space, almost like it was an evolution.

Divine Energy gave Cain and Kali an ethereal feel. It was like getting continually bathed in pure sunshine, cleansing their bodies at every waking second.

Comparing this sensation to the energy within the ghost's palm, Cain and Kali perceived that it was near identical!

However, there was just something about the ghost's energy that felt far more unique.

It even bears some resemblance to the energy flowing in the boundless blue space. And at this thought, Cain and Kali narrowed their eyes.

Cain began to slowly mutter, "This energy….could it is the Spirit energy divine equivalent to Qi divine energies?"

A surprise glint swirled in the ghost's eyes from Cain's answered. Dispersing the energy within his palm, lowering his arm back down, the ghost nodded.

"It indeed is. But not my own energy. Within this space, I have a direct connection to a certain spot in a God Galaxy star Planet. From there, I can link with the other half of my Ghostly soul and use my World Spirit Sense to summon this energy. Of course, no lower realm cultivator can ever sense it. But you two carried the purest of divine energy within your bodies."

Cain and Kali silently took in this information. Unless they unluckily encounter a being similar to the ghost, the sibling duo wouldn't have to worry about someone finding out their Godly origins.

Although Cain and Kali did wonder, could a lower realm cultivator have a tool that allows them to perceive divine energies in a person's body?

That could be potentially troublesome and something neither Cain nor Kali wanted to deal with.

But that was all thoughts for the future.

For now, Cain and Kali focused back on the ghost, and Kali asked, "Well, now that you know we're from God Galaxies, what do intend to do with us? We've heard that you can awaken someone potential to become World Spirit Master if they have the talent for it."

Instead of replying, the ghost's expression turned momentarily confused.

"This….this is peculiar. Even if those you were around with were average cultivators, somebody should've perceived the slight essence of a Spirit Core within you. And any World Spirit Master could've sense you from miles away. Then again…."

The ghost suddenly paused. Numerous thoughts streaked through his mind within a single moment.

And before either Cain or Kali could comment, the ghost lightly sighed and said, "With your mysteriously low cultivation and somehow coming to a lower realm entirely unnoticed, perhaps this is what they called fate? In any case, don't resist the energy that's going to flow through you."

Kali had no expression, shrugging her shoulders over the topic called 'fate.'

While Cain visibly scrunched up his expression. Even if he just wanted to ignore it and make it out to be a coincidence, he honestly couldn't.

After all, his situation on coming to this world, gaining a nearly perfect powerful body and a technique that quite literally rule-breaking, how could this not seem suspicious?

With all he experienced before, Cain wasn't a naive person to think he could freely achieve complete freedom without facing the powers of Godly Beings.

But upon thinking about it for just a moment, Cain's mind suddenly flashed Kali's bright image. On pure instinct, his eyes briefly locked on for a brief moment.

In that instance, his slightly worrying mood cleared away.

That's right, he's not alone at all. As long as he has his dear sister, then any trouble he faces, they could face it together!

He has no reason to worry about any intervention with fate. They'll grow stronger before any actual lasting troubles can occur.

At this time, both Kali and the ghost were entirely unaware of Cain's mind revelation.

With just a thought, Spirit Energy quickly flowed to the ghost's fingertips.

Upon the ghost's fingertips, the Spirit Energy condensed into a rainbow color form, morphing into two small orbs.

The ghost then flicked its fingers, unleashing a rainbow color Spirit Energy beam straight into Cain and Kali's stomach.


The beams issued a slight whistling noise as they flowed straight into the sibling duo's stomach.

It was like the beams were translucent, passing through their clothes and bodily defenses, sinking straight into their internal bodies.

And as an unfathomable sensation coursed through Cain and Kali's being, they both froze. Within their bodies, they could feel a great power quickly stimulating to life.

This power was located right next to the dantian, but it didn't affect that Qi space at all. This awakening power released a continuous stream of incredible energy that their bodies crazily absorbed.

At every inch of their bodies to their organs, bones, bloodstreams, and Qi Veins, the energy absorbed into every part.

Even when this energy touched upon Qi energy, it didn't clash but perfectly blended together.

After only a few seconds of this process, Cain and Kali's expressions burst into glee. They perfectly-recognized what this energy was and what was going on.

Kali had even blurted out in excitement, "This is Spirit Energy! Our Spirit Core is awakening!"