The Conquerors Path-Chapter 477 -Repeated Imprinting.

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Chapter 477 477-Repeated Imprinting.

Marlene stood at the edge of a vast expanse, the crystalline waters of her kingdom stretching out before her. This illusion, crafted by unknown forces, promised her everything she had ever desired—the power to rule over the sea with happiness and prosperity. She could feel the weight of the crown on her head, the taste of victory on her lips. But in the depths of her heart, a longing remained unfulfilled.

As she delved deeper into the illusion, Marlene found herself surrounded by opulence and adulation. Her subjects hailed her as the great Empress, their voices echoing in her ears like a symphony. But amidst the grandeur, a sense of emptiness crept into her soul. The illusion played out the path she had believed was her ultimate goal, yet it lacked the one thing that truly mattered—love.

In the illusion, Marlene's gaze drifted towards Austin, who appeared by her side as her trusted advisor. A spark of interest flickered within her, igniting a curiosity she had long suppressed. As they navigated the intricacies of governing the sea, Marlene discovered the depth of Austin's wisdom and the strength of his character. Their interactions were marked by moments of understanding and shared laughter, forming a bond that transcended the boundaries of friendship.

However, as the illusion unfolded, Marlene's heart began to ache with regret. She realized that in her pursuit of power, she had neglected her own desires and ignored the call of her heart. The illusion showcased fleeting moments of stolen glances and tender gestures between her and Austin, each instance leaving her yearning for more. The regret intensified with every passing scene, each a missed opportunity for true love.

One night, in the depths of the illusion's grand palace, Marlene found herself alone with Austin. The air was thick with unspoken words, the tension between them palpable. With a gentle touch, Austin reached out, his hand grazing Marlene's cheek. In that electrifying moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them entwined in a dance of longing.

But as their lips drew closer, Marlene pulled away, her heart conflicted. She knew that her best friend, Catherine, also harbored feelings for Austin. The illusion conjured images of Catherine's anguish, her tear-streaked face etched with pain. Marlene's heart shattered, torn between her growing affection for Austin and her loyalty to Catherine.

In the depths of her despair, Marlene sought solace in a secluded garden, a sanctuary where she could confront her inner turmoil. The illusion continued, presenting her with alternate paths—a life of power and solitude, ruling over a vast but empty kingdom, or a life bound to Catherine, their friendship crumbling beneath the weight of unspoken desires.

The despair clouged over her mind and Marlene soon found the illusion breaking bringing her into another one.


This time Marlene stood at the entrance of the grand Babylon Academy, her heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anticipation. This was the place where her dreams of ruling over the sea with happiness were set to become a reality. As she stepped inside the hallowed halls, the illusion wove itself around her, transporting her to a world where her ambitions were within reach.

Within the illusion, Marlene found herself excelling in her studies, her brilliance shining brightly among her peers. She reveled in her position as the top student, admired and respected by all. But amidst the accolades and achievements, a sense of emptiness lingered within her.

It was during one of her classes that she first encountered Austin, a charismatic and intelligent young man with a spark of mischief in his eyes. They quickly struck up a friendship, their connection deepening with each passing day. The hours they spent together were filled with laughter and shared dreams, the bond between them growing stronger with every conversation.

But as the illusion progressed, doubts began to seep into Marlene's mind. Insecurities and fears whispered in her ear, casting shadows on the blossoming relationship with Austin. She questioned whether she was worthy of his love, whether she could truly be the partner he deserved.

These doubts grew like vines, entangling Marlene's heart and clouding her judgment. As the illusion portrayed the path of her ascent to power, she found herself drifting away from Austin, consumed by the pursuit of her ambitions. The distance between them grew, and their once vibrant love faded into a mere memory.

Marlene's days were filled with triumphs and achievements, her rule over the sea secure and unchallenged. But the emptiness within her only grew, an ache in her soul that could not be soothed by power alone. The illusion served as a cruel reminder of what she had lost—a love that had slipped through her fingers, buried beneath the weight of doubt and insecurity.


Once again, the illusion broke, and Marlene's eyes filled with mixed emotions. In the two scenarios, she came to understand that Austin was the final point of her happiness, which brought questions to her heart. She had now experienced twice the power of happily ruling her Empire, yet even then, she lacked true happiness.

'Isn't ruling happily at the end the best I can get?'

She questioned herself, her mind swirling with indecision. Even if she ruled over everything, why wouldn't she be happy without Austin? While she seemed to have a sort of crush on him, it doesn't mean she can't be happy without anyone else. Though not as excellent as Austin, there still exist several seamen of excellent quality whom she thinks would be a good match for her.

'So why is it that he is there in those illusions?'

As she was thinking, a new illusion started to take place, but this time things were different.


This new illusion transported Marlene to a picturesque seaside village, where the sun kissed the golden sand and the scent of salt hung in the air. The sound of seagulls filled her ears as she walked along the cobblestone streets, a feeling of familiarity tugging at her heart.

As Marlene strolled through the village, she noticed a quaint little café nestled in a corner. The inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sweet pastries wafted through the air, drawing her closer. Curiosity piqued, she entered the café and was immediately greeted by the friendly smile of the barista, a warm and inviting presence.

Marlene found herself a cozy spot near the window, the sunlight streaming in and casting a warm glow upon her face. As she sipped her coffee, her gaze wandered to a figure seated at a nearby table. It was Austin, his eyes twinkling with a familiar mischief.

He looked up, his gaze meeting Marlene's, and a playful grin danced upon his lips. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as the illusion enveloped them in a bubble of warmth and tenderness.

As Marlene and Austin engaged in light-hearted banter and shared stories of their adventures, a newfound sense of joy filled her heart. The connection they shared was undeniable, a magnetic pull that drew them closer with every passing moment.

But as the illusion progressed, Marlene's heart ached with the realization that this happiness was fleeting, existing only within the confines of the illusion. The café began to fade, the colors growing dim, and Marlene was left with a bittersweet taste upon her lips.

As she stepped out of the illusion, the weight of her regrets and desires settled upon her once more. The illusions had shown her glimpses of what could have been, but they also highlighted the void that existed within her. No amount of power or success could fill the longing in her heart. True happiness eluded her, and the realization hit her with a profound sense of loss.

Marlene understood now that ruling over the sea, while a great responsibility, would not bring her the fulfillment she sought. The illusions had illuminated the depths of her longing for Austin, the one person who could ignite the flames of excitement and passion within her.


Once again, she broke out of the illusion, her mind completely in shambles. Before she could process it, she was thrown into another illusion, this time without the presence of Austin. Things proceeded onwards as she won the championship, making herself the queen of Babylon. She earned respect, love, and adoration from all.

She finally stood at the peak, making her wish and soon found herself moving through years of her life. She graduated with the best marks in history, her wish granting her supreme control over her Empire. The creatures of the sea came to respect and love her as she ruled over the sea with an iron fist.

Her powers reached the limit of the world, and she entered into a fixed marriage that granted her more stability to her Empire. Her spouse seemed perfect to her in every way. They got married, and she ruled over the sea with perfection, etching her name into the annals of history. Finally, she died surrounded by her loving family.


Once again, Marlene woke up from her dream, her eyes filled with untold emotions. This time, she had gained everything, yet deep within her heart, she felt like something was missing. She wasn't even given time to sink into her new reality before being taken into another illusion.


This time when she opened her eyes, she was in the embrace of Austin. Her powers weakened, and her eyes flashed as she came to understand that she was back in the same place where she and Catherine had ended up, the place where they were played around by the Evil Dragon until they were rescued.

But this time, there was a difference. Catherine wasn't present at all.


Just as her thoughts were getting focused, a new scene began to play. She and Austin went through the same things that Catherine had experienced. Her heightened emotions due to the curse deeply etched every happiness and despair into her heart. From their loving family to losing them, to finally winning them all back.

She went through it all, and the final part ended with both Austin and Marlene falling deeply in love with each other. They escaped the realm, got married, and were accepted by the sea. Hand in hand, they ruled over everything with happiness while facing trials along the way, facing each one together.


Once again, the illusion was broken, and Marlene found herself in a void. Her mind was reeling from the current illusion, this time given time to process what she had gone through. Her mind soon twisted under the illusions, with the imprint that Austin is the only one for her settling in her mind.