The Conquerors Path-Chapter 488 -What Are The Girls Up To?(11)

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Chapter 488 488-What Are The Girls Up To?(11)

Nathalia's POV:

"Sigh... it's almost over."

Nathalia spoke as she looked at her masterpiece, sweat falling down her beautiful grey skin. Her matching green and blue hair was tied into a ponytail, while all three of her eyes were focused on the item she had created.

Her two black eyes twinkled with satisfaction and pride, while her third eye in the center, completely crimson with a black pupil, shined with an ominous glow as it slowly closed on its own, too tired to even open up after the current invention that Nathalia had gone through.

Right now, Nathalia was in her personal creation room in the academy, having completed a masterpiece. Heck, she could say this was the best work she had ever created. Nathalia had poured her whole heart into creating the item, her stunning petite naked body glistening with sweat, certain special symbols flowing down her body as she stood straight, displaying all her glory.

Her small breasts stood proud with sweat falling down her nipples, adding a certain allure to her look, to the bottom her lower lips were closed with little green and blue pubic hair giving her bottom a much more appealing look, her slightly sharpened ears from her demon lineage, inherited from her mother twitched slightly at the pride and happiness passing through her.

"I'm sure this would definitely get me his attention."

All this time, Nathalia has spent her time creating the best item she could for Austin, one that would blow his mind. She poured all her concentration and feeling into creating this masterpiece, all her feelings that kept bottling up ever since she met him.

Nathalia's life isn't as perfect as one can imagine. Sure, she broke the entire law of the world, reaching her level of crafting without even reaching the adequate level of power. She is also the most doted princess of the Drawen City, commanding both respects from the strongest and the best backing one can possibly imagine.

Wealth, beauty, background, monstrous talent, everything seemed to be lined up for Nathalia, yet she never felt blessed. Her talent had only been a curse to her, and she loathed it to the deepest of her heart. Yet she had strived to get to the top of it since she had given her promise to her mother, her very mother who no longer walks with her.

She could still remember that disastrous day, the day the greed of the outside world moved to take her away from me, those groups of men buying her monstrous talent and child body of 8. Her mother, who lived with complete hate from the dwarven tribe for being a demon, saved Nathalia's life by giving her life in return.

Ever since then, Nathalia hates her talent and gained an extreme level of aversion and repulsion towards men. The only reason she strived to reach where she is is because of her mother's dying words.

"Live, my darling. Live to your heart's content. Never hate your talent. Show those who look down upon you how blessed you are from them."

The death of her mother filled her father with deep guilt, causing him to take extreme actions against those who were creating problems for her existence. The death of her mother produced the backbone her father needed, completely putting out any sort of dislike towards her using ruthlessness and death.

This quieted down those dwarves who sought vengeance, and Nathalia, using her overwhelming talent, excelled better than even the ancient dwarves of the Dwarven City. She made them all shut up with her sheer display of talent. Even today, all those who spoke ill of her now wagged their tail towards her, hoping to get some sort of teaching from her.

Yet she paid no heed. After reaching where she did at her mind-boggling age, she lost all sort of drive she had. Back then, it was the deep revenge and anger that drove her. The revenge was fulfilled when the responsible people were punished, and her anger was quenched when she became better than her oppressors.

Nathalia, from then on, grew up with a closed heart. Even with her father and brothers trying their best, she only opened up to them a bit. After all, in the end, they were men, and to her scarred mind, all men were evil, only hoping to get her to fulfill all their desires. The reason her family even sent her here was to see if Nathalia could make any friends.

And she did. She made three good friends who happened to break the second layer of her heart, becoming much closer to her than her family. Soon, she started to enjoy a bit of her life, playing around, leaving behind the last of the words her mother had spoken to her. But all that changed when she met her brother's friend.

Back then, she was as nervous as she could be. She had avoided all male contact as best as possible, and the only reason she stood there to receive Austin was due to her friendship with Elda. Thank all the gods that she did it because she finally understood the last of her mother's words later on after meeting Austin.

The moment Nathalia met Austin, it was like thunderstruck her heart. Her blood heated up faster than she could imagine. Her heart seemingly malfunctioned as it got erratic, and her body even grew limp. The moment Austin entered the room, it was as if everything else faded away. It was only Austin that existed in the world for her then.

She didn't understand what it specifically was. She could just tell that her bloodline roared, and something in her soul screamed out that the one in front of her is the one she is destined for. Her paranoia and fear all melted away like snow on a sunny day. Her mind went from intelligence to dumb as she looked at the pure personification of something within her.

She tried to fight the feeling, yet she couldn't. All she could do was fall into the dream the incubus in front of her drew for her. From the first meeting on, everything changed. As time passed, her heart desired him, her bloodline roared to get close to him, to never leave his side. And no matter how much Nathalia tried, she couldn't break that feeling away. It only grew stronger as time went by.

Hence, Nathalia slowly started to seek what this new feeling meant. Why did her body behave as it did now? This caused her to spend more time with Austin, trying to stay close to him as much as possible. And everything changed the day he patted her head. A familiar feeling filled her heart that day, reminding her of the loving ones Nathalia's mother gave her every day before her death.

It was as if she was back at the place she thought was the safest place in all the realms for her. And that day, she finally understood the last suppressed words of her mother.

"Live, my darling. Live to your heart's content. Never hate your talent. Show those who look down upon you how blessed you are from them and find someone like your mother did. A man that will make you feel as if you are at the safest place possible, one that keeps you safe and loves you."

From that day on, Nathalia no longer tried to suppress her feelings. It also increased the amount of time she spent with Austin, always being close to him. Soon, it wasn't just his pat, his whole presence gave her the safest feeling ever. This, along with the bloodline effect that Nathalia was unaware of, totally captured the heart of the innocent man-hating dwarf.

And to commemorate her desire, she built the item in front of her. This one, by far, is the best thing she ever invented. And Nathalia knew in her heart that this would remain the best thing she ever invented.

'Hehehe... I can't wait to give this to him.'

Nathalia thought as her eyes glowed with dark desire. In the dwarf culture, the prospect of a woman applying her everything to create an item, everything ranging from her heart, feelings, desire, her naked body, and her blood, to give it to a man signified the final decision in their partnership. And if the male were to accept it, they defined their engagement.

The shy Nathalia, who had zero ideas about love, never even thought of the idea of rejection. In her mind, already a happy family has formed.

'I wonder how many children we will have?'

Nathalia thought with a blush, still hugging the item she created for Austin.


Luna's POV:

'Just a little more.'

The beautiful wolf thought as it lay on the ground. The once small, cute wolf, just the size to fit Austin's hands, had now grown to the size of the largest mountain. As she lay on the ground, her black fur dark as the night glinted beautifully. Her red eyes of danger gleamed like daggers as thoughts of reuniting with her master and love filled her mind.

By now, Fenrir, now named Luna, had regained all her memories. And the thing she wanted to do now was to run back to Austin and be in his embrace, which she missed dearly.

'So this is what you meant by living life with feelings...'

Luna thought as her mind flashed back to the past, into the Era of war, chaos, famine, and death. The Era where you might not even know if you would live to see the next day. And within all this, Luna was born as an experiment, created by the God of Mischief of the heavenly realm. He just wanted to see how much chaos and uniqueness Luna could grow to be.

It was a time when Gods and all such Godly beings freely walked the land, causing pain and despair for their amusement. And here Luna was born into the tribe of Wolves, different from the rest. She looked and thought differently, but what truly made her different were her powers: one to swallow everything and the other to end everything.

Embodying two dangerous concepts, even at birth, Luna knew what she was and lived a life to survive, knowing that she would be slaughtered the moment the world came to know what she is. Her life was under the control of the God of Mischief, and she enjoyed the torturous life that Luna lived.

Just remembering those moments brought out the unwanted hate and anger inside of Luna, cursing her surroundings. Luna lived a life of hate, trying her best to survive. She could never trust anyone, and internally, she had a broken meter for feelings, a defect in her creation from the God of Mischief.

This caused Luna or Fenrir to grow into an almost emotionless machine. Her emotions are only hunger, anger, and an unending desire to end everything. Hence, she lived as such, wielding such feelings within her, even surviving the onslaught of the Gods when the God of Mischief had leaked Luna's true power.

Even then, Luna grew under that slaughter, becoming a true 'End' as time passed by. In the end, Luna played a part in the War of End that took place, nearly destroying the world. She even ended up finally taking her revenge as she swallowed up the God of Mischief, her creator, as Luna broke through the final confines of power, reaching 'that' realm.

Yet, in the end, her success meant nothing, as only death and slaughter filled Luna's path. In all her slaughter-filled life, she only had one wish within her: the wish of forming a family.

It was the one thing that stayed constant in all her life. She had seen love break through the greatest of fears. She had seen a father protecting her daughter, a mother giving her life for her son, and a husband dying for his wife. Most of the time, it was the same, a sacrifice for a family. And Luna wanted to know what it meant.

She wished dearly for it, yet she knew she could never have it. She wasn't capable of having it. And hence, after experiencing the power of 'that' realm, Luna sought another way to bring a true End to everything. It was then she was stopped by 'it'. 'It' being the 'one', the true 'one' above both creation and destruction. 'It' gave her a chance, 'it' gave her the opportunity to have a family.

"Don't bring End now, for you are far above it. I will give you a second life, and he will give you the family you desire."

Fenrir then wasn't given an option, and the next moment she regained her memory, she already found a family. But it was different, yet better than she had hoped. She hid her newfound memory and acted the same, living a life of utter happiness, until she found out her family wanted to start another family.

It was then that another desire bloomed within Luna's mind: the desire to start a true family, where she is the mother and Austin is the father. She could even imagine all the cute little wolves running around as the two of them took care of them. And for that, she needed her strength and a female body.

Luna knew that she would never get Austin to look at her the way she wanted until she regained a human body. She could take its form but she never did it in the past, finding it a waste. But now she needs it much more than anything. Along with her powers, she would protect her family with her own hands.

'Enjoy your time with him until it lasts...'

These were Luna's last thoughts before she headed into another hibernation to gain power. It would take some more time to regain her powers at her peak. And once she does, there would be nothing stopping her from getting the family she wants.

She might not get his firsts, but his lasts will definitely be hers...

𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑢𝑝𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦