The Conquerors Path-Chapter 503 -Girl Trouble All The Way.

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Chapter 503 503-Girl Trouble All The Way.

Slowly opening the door, I stepped out along with Grace. Her dress was a bit wrinkled, but overall she looked the same, just that she had the extra shine to her while her entire womb is filled with my white seeds, just plugged inside her by her panties.

"You really filled me up....." Grace whispered with a pout as she held her waist. Right now, it's just been an hour since we entered inside her office, but we definitely did a lot of things within that hour.

"Well, you weren't complaining while I kept spanking your ass, Mother ~" My seductive whispers brought a tremble to Grace's body as she lightly patted my shoulder.

"Go on, I am sure you have some things to deal with, we will talk together with the family later. Plus, Aria is dying to meet you." Grace's last words undoubtedly turned a little gentle, one that I am very familiar with. No doubt that the 'little' girl must have thrown a huge tantrum when she didn't find me, but seeing that the Academy is still intact, it would be good to say that Grace handled it well.

"Don't worry, she will come to me," I replied as I placed a small kiss on her cheeks before heading off. Now having tightened things with Grace, all that is left is to conduct the meeting to present a more united front on the war that will be enveloping the world in the future.

With a light body and a happy heart, I walked out of the building and soon used the transport station to get back to my mansion. It didn't take long for me to enter it as I walked by the row of servants, so I reached my room where Clara stood in front of it. Giving her a nod, the two of us entered inside my room.

Just as I did, Clara jumped up to me and she hugged me tight, her lips going towards my neck as she lightly nibbled on them.

"You were with someone before you came here..." Clara said as she let go of my neck, seemingly having had enough sniffing me up.

"I was with my mother."

"Oh?...did you enjoy it?"

Clara asked as we moved towards the bed.


I replied as I lay in the bed with my head on Clara's lap, her hand slowly patting my hair as she looked down at me with her loving eyes.

"So how did it go with Marlene?"

"It went well, no doubt that right now she would have had a meeting with Catherine."

As I replied, I closed my eyes, silently enjoying the slow taps on my head, while I spoke out the desires in my heart. And just as I did, I felt a small weight on my chest. Opening my eyes, I could see little Aria laying on my chest, the sides of her eyes a little wet. Thankfully, since she took on her current small look, she definitely matches a kid.

"Sniff...daddy left me alone....does daddy ha-hate me?" Aria asked as her tears started to spread. Seeing this, I felt a small prickle in my chest. The older, mature Aria having this expression makes it funny, but seeing this from the crying Aria just breaks your heart. Wearing a wry smile, I slowly started to pat Aria's head. This had its effect as the tears automatically stopped.

"Daddy had something important to do; that's why he had to leave. So never assume that Daddy hates you; Daddy loves you with all his heart. Plus, didn't you have fun with your mommy?"

Hearing my words, I could see Aria's eyes light up as she vigorously nodded her head. This brought me a chuckle as I slowly led Aria's head to my chest, making her lay on me. I started to pat her head again, slowly singing a lullaby.

"Now, why don't daddy's princess take a sleep on his chest...."

As I said this, I lightly started to swing a tune, one that was enchanting enough to slowly cause Aria's eyes to tremble as they closed. Soon, within seconds, she was in deep sleep as she hugged me tight with a very happy smile. Seeing this, I turned towards Clara who looked at all this in a daze, but she soon shook it off as she asked with a sly smile.

"Who is this?"

"In this case, it's better that you don't know."

Hearing my words, Clara nodded her head, not asking more. But knowing her, I could understand that something deep is surely going through her mind right now. Seeing so, I took up her hand and placed it back on my head as I spoke.

"Tell me what's troubling you."

Hearing so, Clara didn't hesitate to speak as she started to slowly play with my hair again.

"It's just seeing how you dealt with this girl, just showed me how much of a good father you will be."

Hearing this, I raised an eyebrow as I asked.

"Do you want a child?"

To which Clara nodded her head as she spoke.

"I do but not now, I want it when you are done with everything and when I am sure I will be a good mother."

As I heard these words, I let out a light chuckle. I took the hand that was playing with my head and I placed a light kiss on it. With confident eyes, I looked deeply at Clara, her brown eyes focusing on me, her black hair let down, the two horns on her head giving her a cute look, overall making the girl's face above me stunning.

Having got her attention, I spoke with a confident voice.

"I might not know how my situation might end, but I know one thing for sure, that you would be an amazing mother."


My words brought a smile to her as she moved down to kiss me, our lips meeting, one of love, not lust. We stayed in this position for some time till Clara pulled me back. I could see the signs of lust in her, but I shook my head as I pointed at Aria on me. This made her pout, but in the end, she let it go as she got back to soothing me.

"So what and all happened when I was gone?"

I asked.

"A lot, actually...."

Clara replied as she started to speak again.

"Carmel contacted me again, she hopes to get in touch with you."

"Push her back, it will take some time for me to act on that, the more she stews the more tasty it will be for me to collect."

"Olivia contacted me, and says it's urgent."

"Um....if she did that then it must be, I will meet her."

"Nyla called, she wants to check on a favor you owe her."

"That's good, guess she would soon fall into my hands."

"Lanora asked if she could meet you."

"Will keep that in mind."

"The shy little Nathalia contacted me, and says she wants to meet you to give something."

"Huh....guess it's time I deal with that shy minx."

"Both Sana and Rina too want to talk."

"Looks like both feisty sisters want something more."

"Emma came to me, that little girl wants to know how she can get your attention more."

"What did you tell her?"

I asked, to this, a sly smile came to Clara's face as she replied.

"Well, let's say she will be more proactive with you."

"You manipulative minx."

I spoke to which she responded.

"Well, not as good as you."

"That's for sure."

I agreed as we chuckled lightly together after which Clara continued.

"Princess Sabrina contacted the group, she hopes you can free some time for her."

"Well, I will let that one mature a bit more."

"Zora wants to talk."

"Guess it's time I pull at that lever."

"Ella from Carmel's faction contacted me, it seems she wants to talk about your situation with Carmel."

"Guess she is finally done planning."

"Sonia misses you, she wants your warmth."

"I will give her plenty."

'Sigh looks like my schedule is packed....' I had just returned, but it would seem that my line of women's trouble is just getting bigger. Moreover, after this, I have the other women to deal with; there are some messages from Lora, Zelda, Mira, and some more others that I have to deal with.


"You can take your time...." Clara spoke as she saw me sigh. I just smiled wryly at it.

"Guess that's true....." As I said this, Clara took my head from her lap and she soon lay beside me. Since Aria was on my chest, all she could do was take my right hand and hug it tight while she snuggled up to me.

"Just know that I am here for you..." Clara said to which I just smiled. Soon I closed my eyes, trying to get some light sleep.